<br />(i !mln.nl Dom.,n. ltlrllltll 'I "(,"lby Ilb..gneIlJ till (omflo"'''',on Illo'tlllflllo (]Bmdijbllo lIfHJ nl"." 'jlli'm""lb or Irtl,,,1 ltl'''1'0Il1111UI PrlJCllodli I ,n connl!cl,UII ....1Il
<br />condomnllu:IAUI ulh!)' I.....ng ')l,rlO PItlPIHly PI palllhau,al ur IOJ con~C1y,mco.n lUlU 01 COf1d"mnnllO/l lItRelm 1""11 Illl (tfl'IUtHJ nl.l~ oplHln 10 !:ummonCl.1.llpplJlH III Rflll
<br />pfOIUI'CulO In lIs own namp IIny oIcllOn Of rHOeDod,no!!. .na :lna'l alia be untilled 10 maltc any compramlDO Of lolll,mlllnl In cannotlte" wIlh 'uell Inking or dnml101t In !Ill!
<br />C\) ovem1.ny pOUlon ct tho PIOPClIly IS 10 lallan eu aamll(J::Id. Lander 11"1011 navrt fho oPllOn m III laiD ""(J nblloluln I1tllC1ollon 10 npplV nU !IUC!I Procaodll nlter doductlng
<br />
<br />CO ~~~I~h~~I~I~~O;~~~::II.P:,~:~~:~~u~:~~~,'~~~~~;~~~'~~~'::~~I~~e~r:~~O;r~~~~~nu~~~I~~~~I~~~~~I~~~~~':~:~~~~V ~~~ ~O~~~~I~~dU~~~ I~~np~::;/l~~~ ~~I';:r~~~:d~' :~
<br />Q IOdobtodnOIl ..hall nol oxtond or poslpono tha duo 0.1110 01 ony pnvmenll undor tho Noto_ Of curo any tlolnull Hnnnundm or hOlOundof
<br />I:'- 1 ".rtormllnceby L.nd."10 lha a...f1nl of DOrlowor'a 11'1IIuID 10 perlorm nny ollhocovononla hormn or rnllkonny pllymorltlJ roqwrod horeby, or If any ocl IS takon or
<br />o :~~~I :;~c.e::~n:O~o~~,~'::rOa~:I~~I:('~~~~~~~~~~~~~r~n:~;;~~~D:~:I~~:I~~~~~~~r~y~,;;~~t:~,~~ It~~~~~r:~:~~O~~QanD~I~ldw~~~~~I~~i~I~~~~~ ~:: :1~~iI~: :~~~I~~~~~~~
<br />
<br />,.., deema necelSlry 10 prOlocltho 110-....-' '-. "''',...,'1 Borrower shall, Immodlolely upon domand Ihorofor by Londor, pJy 10 Londor nil cosls Dnd oxponlloa IncuftOd Rnd 5uma
<br />axpendedbyLonder in connacllon "" , ,".w t<....:clllObyLofldor ollho lorogolng flghla,logolhor wllh Inlmnsl thoraon nt tho rota ploJvldod In tho NOlO, whIch shall bonddod to
<br />1 the IndebtednOSIl $ocufod hcreby Ler...;.., shall not incur any porsonDI II/Jblllty bocnu5e al.1nylhlng It moy do or omit to do hereunder
<br />
<br />a Eftnl. 01 e.l.uIL Tho !::;IIOWIn{J shall cansUluto an event of dolault under thIS Deed of Trust
<br />
<br />CICI (a) Failure to pay ony Install men I 01 prInCipal orlntarellt orany olhersum Il!'l.:urcd hereby wMndue, or l81tureta pay when duo any alher IndoblednollBal
<br />QC) Borrower 10 Londer,
<br />
<br />(b) A breach of or delaull undor any provIsion contained In the Nolo, Ihls Deed 01 Trust, nny documenl whIch secures the NOle. and ony other
<br />encumbrance upon Ihe Property:
<br />
<br />Ie) A wrll 01 oaOCUllon or allachmonl or Bny simIlar procells shull beenterod 8gBmst Borrowor which shall become a lIen on tho Proporly ar any porlian
<br />Ihereol or inlertlllt therem;
<br />
<br />(d) Thero shall ba filed by or against Borrower an action under ony presenl or luluro ledoral stllte or other slotute, law or regulatIon relahng 10
<br />bankruptcy, insolvency or other relIef for debtors; orthereshall beappainlod any truslee. rocolvoror Ilquldalor 01 Borrowerorof all or onypnrl allheProperty, or
<br />the renls. issues or profits Ihereol, or Borrower shall make any geneml assIgnment lor Ihe bonellt 01 c.redltors
<br />
<br />Ie) Thn salo, Iransler, ossignment, conveyance or Iurther oncumbrance 01 all 01 any parI 01 or ilny mlerest In Ihe Properly, ell her vOlunlarily or
<br />involunt8flly, wIthout the express wrillen consonl of Lendor
<br />
<br />(fl If Borrower IS nol an mdividual. the sale, transler, assignment, conveyance or enC\lmhlanCe ul mum Ihan .___ percell! of (II a corporation) rls
<br />
<br />issued and oUlsta.ndlng slack or (il a partnership) _ percent 01 partnership mteresls
<br />
<br />9 R.mftll..; Acc.l.rallon Upon eelautl,ln Ihe event 01 any Event ot Delault Lender may declare tilt Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and poyable and the
<br />same shall thereupon become due and payable wilhout any presentment, demand, pro lest or no I Ice of any kind Thereafter Lender may
<br />
<br />(a) Demand thai Trusteeexerels9 the POWER OF SALE granled herein, .1nd Truslee shnll theren/tercause Borrower's inlerest in the ProperlytQ bcsold
<br />and the proceeds to be distributed, all In the manner prOVided In Ihe Nebrasko1 Trusl Deeds Acl
<br />
<br />(bl Either in person or by agent, with or WIthout bringing any actIOn or proceeding, Of by a receiver apPQlnted by a court and without regard 10 the
<br />adequacy of its securIty, enleruponand take posseSSIon ollhe Properly. or any pari thereof, In Its own name or In Ihe nameefthe Trustee, and do any acts which
<br />It deems necessary or desirOble to pre!;erve Ihe value. markelablllty or renlablllly at the Propl~rly or part Ihereol or Inlerest Iherem, Increase Ihe income
<br />lherefrom or protect the secunty hereof and, wllh orwllhout lakIng possessIon 01 'he Properly sue lor or olherwIse collect the renls, issues and prolils thereat.
<br />Ihcluding those past due and unpaid, and apply Ihe same. less costS8nd expenses 01 operallon .1nd collection Including attorneys' fees, upon anYlndebtedness
<br />secured hereby. all In such orde; as Lender may determine The entering upon and laking possession 01 the Property, the carrecllon 01 such rents, issues and
<br />profits and lheappllcation thereat'as aforesaId, shalt not cure or waive any delault or nollce 01 delault hereunder or Invalidate any act done In response to such
<br />default or pursuanlto such nolice of default and. notwithstandIng the conllnuance m PO'i59SSl0n 01 lhe Properly or 'he collectIon, receipt and appliealion of
<br />renls, issues or prohts, Trustee or Lender shall be enlitled to exercise every flghl prOVided tor In i!ny ot lhe Loan Instrumenls or by law upon occurence of any
<br />event of default, Includmg the IIghl to exercise the power of sale, and
<br />
<br />Ic) Commenco an actlOn 10 loreclose Ihls Deed of Trust as a mortgoge. appoml1-llecClvcr, 01 speclllcally enforce any 01 the covet' ants hereal;
<br />
<br />No remedy hereth contened upon or reserved to Trusteeor Lender IS Intended to be ellcluslve 01 any other remedy herern or by law provIded or permItted. but each shall be
<br />cumulalive, shall be In addition to every other remedy gIven hereunder or now or herealter elllstmg at law or m eqUlly or by statute. and may be exerCised concurrently,
<br />independently or successively
<br />
<br />10. Tru.t... The Truslee may reSign al any lime Without cause and Lender may al any lIme and WIthout cause appomt a successor or substllule Trustee. Truslee
<br />shall not be liable for any loss or damage unless due to actIOnable negligence or Willful mIsconduct and shall nol be reqUired to take any achon in connechon with the
<br />enforcement 01 \hls Deed Dr Trust unless Indemnllled, In wrltrng, for all costs. compens~tlon or e.penses WhICh may be .1ssoclilted lherewlth In addihon. Trustee may
<br />become a purchaseral any sale otlhe Property (Judlcml 01 under Ihe PQwer of sale granted herem), postpone thesa'e of alt or any portIOn 01 the properly. as prOVIded by law,
<br />or sell the Property as a whole, or '" sepall:lte parcels or 1015
<br />
<br />11. Future Advanc.L Upon request 01 Borrower, Lender may. at lis epllon, make additional and future advances and readvances to Borrower Such advances and
<br />readvances, with inlerest Ihereon. shall be secured by thiS Deed of Trust AI no time shall the prmClpat amounl ollhe Indebtedness secured by Ihls Deed 01 Trusl. nol in.
<br />
<br />eluding sumsad'l/anced 10 protect thesecullty 01 thIS Deed 01 Trust. exceed theollg,"al prrnclpal amounl staled hereln_ or 5 _____ ___ __ _ _~ __, whichever is
<br />greater
<br />
<br />12 MI.cellaneou. P,ovl..lon...
<br />
<br />(al Borrow., Nol R.,....H. ExtenSIon ollhe lime for payment or modlhco1llan 01 amortization ollhe sums secured by Ihls Deed of Trust granled by
<br />Lender to any successor In Interest of Borrower shall no' operole 10 release. In any manner, the hablllly 01 the onglnal Borrower and Borrower's successors In
<br />inlerest Lendershall not be reqUIred to commence proceedings agalOsl such successor or refuse to extend tIme lor paymenl or otherWIse modIfy amortIzatIon
<br />QI the sums secured by Ihis Deed of Trust by reason 01 any demands made by the ollglnal Borrower and Borrower's successors In IOteresl
<br />
<br />lb) lIInder'. Pow.n. WilhoulaffectlOgthe liablhty of any other person lIable tor Ihe payment of anyabhgatlon herein men honed. and wlthoul affecllng
<br />the hen or chargeof thIS Deed of Trust upon any porllon 01 the Property not Ihen or theretofore released assecurily for Ihe lull amount 01 all unpaid obligations.
<br />Lender mlly, from tIme 10 lime and without nollce II} release any person so liable, (If) ex lend the matultty or alter any 01 the lerms of any such obligations,llil)
<br />granl olher Indulgonces,tlv) release or reconvey. or cause to be released or reconveved at anytlmeal Lend[!r'saptlons any parcel, portion ar all 01 the Property.
<br />(vI take or 'elease any other or additional Secutfly for any obligatIon tll~reln mentIoned, or (VI) make compOSlhons or other arrangements With debtors In felallon
<br />thereto
<br />
<br />Ie) Forb..ranee by Lender Nola Waiver, Any forbearance by Lender lh exerCIsIng any fight or remedy hereunder, 01 otherWise allorded by applicable
<br />law. Ihlloll not be 8 waiver alar preclude the exerclseal any such nght or remedy_ The proculement ollhsurancear the poymenl ollalles or 01 her liens 01 charges
<br />by Lender shall not be a. waIver 01 Lender's right to accelerate the matunty of the Ihdebledness secured by thiS Deed of Trust
<br />
<br />(dl Succ...on and ......Ign. Bound; Joint and Several L1.blllly; Capllon.. The covenants and agreements herein contained shall bind, and the fights
<br />hereunder shall inure to, the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, sublect to the prOVISIons of paragraph ale] hOleol All covenants and
<br />agreements 01 Borrower shall be faint and several_ ThecapliQns and headlngf' of Ihe paragraphsol this Deed 01 Trust are for convemence only ond are nollo be
<br />used to Inlerpret or dehne the proviSIOns hereol
<br />
<br />(e) Requ..1 for Notice.. The parties hereby request thai a copy 01 ar.y notice of default hereunder and a copy 01 any notlceal sale hereunder bemalled 10
<br />each parly 10 lhis Deed ofTrustal the address sellort" above in Ihe manner presctlbed by apphcable law Except for any other notIce reqUIred underappHcable
<br />law to be gIven in another manner, any notice provided for In thIS Deed of Trust shall be gIVen by mmhng such notice by certIfIed mall addressed to the olher
<br />parties, al the address sel forth above.
<br />
<br />Any notice provrded for in this Deed of Trusl shall be deemed to have been gIVen 10 Borrawer or Lender when gIven in the manner deSIgnated herem
<br />
<br />(f) In.pecllon. Lender may make or cause 10 be madereasonable entries upon and InspectIons 01 the Property, provided that LendershallglveBarrower
<br />noUca. prior to any such inspection specilying reasonable cause therelor related to Lender's mterest in Ihe Properly
<br />
<br />(9) Recon..yance. Upon payment of all sums secured by thIs Deed ofTrusl. Lender shall request Trusleeta reconvey the P'opertyand shall surrender
<br />this Deed of Trusl snd all noles evidencing indebtedness secured by Ihis Deed 01 Trusllo Trustee Truslee shall reconvey the Properly wlthoul warranty and
<br />without charge 10 lha person ar per:lons legally entitled thereto, Such person or persons shall pay all costs 01 recordatIon, II any
<br />
<br />(h) P.,.on.IProJ>>erl" Sec:urUyAgre.m.nl. Asaddilional secunty for the payment ollhe Note all Ilxtures, equIpment, and ather personal property used
<br />Ihcanneclionwith the realestaleorimprovementslocaledthereon. and not otherWIse declared or deemed to be a pari olthe realestalesecured hereby. sharr be
<br />aubjecttoa security interest in favor of IheLenderundpr the Nebraska Uniform Commercial Code ThiS lhstrum<mtshall be construed as a Security Agreement
<br />under said Coda.. and the Lender shall have alllhe rights and remedies 01 a secured party under said Code In addItion 10 the nghls and remedies created under
<br />and accordt!'d the Lender pursuanl to this Deed of Trust
<br />
<br />(II SenrabUlty. In the event that any prOVISion of this De~ of Trusl conflict WIth applicable law or Ilre declared ,"valid or otherWIse unenlorceable. such
<br />conflict or invalidity shall not sllcct the other prOVISIons of Ihis Deed of Trust or the Nolewhlch can be given effecl wlthoulthe conllictlhg proviSion, and to thiS
<br />end the proviSIOns of the Deed 01 TrU51 and the Nole ore declared to be severable
<br />
<br />Borrower has elieculed thiS Deed of Trust the date wlIlIen above
<br />
<br />), .~
<br />! , J. - /~.. /~, /
<br />J? J~ - ,1~Jl1L --",k.-=/.-" ~~_n
<br />/~~. ;lIckrow~ _-L;.;_. -r-
<br />
<br />'lL~~2~id
<br />"'\ Borrower
<br />