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<br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />88- 107062 <br /> <br />.O..IIIOWI.. ilIAD 'nI11 '.'0111. IIUNING: <br /> <br />Borro..,. (TrUIIOr!) und'l"Il.nd lh.llhlctocUmtnllhlllh. Borrow.r,lul.boulloeleculej'l Oeed 01 T, not a Ih., thl power 01 nIl provld.d <br />for In 1M o..d 01 Tru'l provldtl.libltanUlllydltf.rlnl rlghll Ind obllglUonlto Ihe Borrower. than" marl".g. In 1hllllvenl 01 8 d.t.ull or breach 01 abllgallon undtr the <br />DMd Dr Trull, Including, bul nct 1l".,lItd 10. Ihe LInd.,', 'Ighlla h,VI UUI R..I ProporlV .old by Ihe Trulllte wllhoul any ludlcla' proceeding or tor.clotullIII. Bartower. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />-"._'~.".'--_._'-"'.".'~)~tJjf' R _ILL <br />lit 'j/ <br /> <br />V C4a,JIJ -Il Borrow.r <br /> <br />PREFACE TO DEED "F TRUST <br /> <br />COMPLETE thl. portion ONLY If thl ,..I proptrty d.lCrlbed conl"ll at INDIVIDUALLY OWNED AGRICULTURAL LAND. <br />n appUc:abll, compl... ONLY ONI! .Ith" A. 8. or C: <br /> <br />Ii A. DISCLAIMER OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOMESTEAD: <br /> <br />The Borrower(s!acknowledge that they are about to execute the following Deed of Trust upon Ihe real eslate described therein, The Borro....lIr(91. and ench 01 them II <br />more than one. do hereby disclaim their right to designate a homestead pursuant thereto. No part 01 the homeslead 01 either 01 the Borrowerls) is presentlv or will In the <br />luture be situated upon said real estate. The Borrower(sl understand that II either establishes a homestead on any pari of seld real estale during the lime the Deed of TrU'3t <br />remains unsatlsfjed and alien upon said real eslete. Ihere shall be no right 10 make a designation of homestead in the evenl of a forec.losure ortrustee'a sale with respect 10 <br />said Deed 01 Trust <br /> <br />o B. WAIVER OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOMESTEAD: <br /> <br />The Borrower(s) acknowledge that they are aboullo execute the lollowmg Deed 01 Trust upon Ihe real estate described Ihereln. The Borrowerls), and each of them If <br />mora than one. do hereby waive their right to designate a homestead pursuant thereto The Borrower(s) understand that they have the right to make a designation of <br />homestead and that byeltecutlng this waiver, they are waiving rights otherwise available lor the purpose 01 alfordlng them the opportunity to retain their homestead in Ihe <br />event ala defaull upon the Deed of Trust <br /> <br />o C. DESIGNATION OF HOMESTEAD: <br /> <br />Pursuant 10 the Farm Homestead Prolecllon Act (Section 76.1901 et seq, Revised Slatutes of Ihe State of Nebraska). the Borrower(s), do hereby deslgnale the real <br />property described In the "Designation 01 Homestead" allached hereto and incorporated herein by Ihis reference. .," --'J _ ___ _ /- <br /> <br />~ ) //4' <br />~~}~~/kt' ;/:j;;Z?;/ <br />/ ~ Borr~wer <br /> <br />{!4, lk, d;;l::i <br /> <br />Borrower <br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, IS made as ollhe 2.3- day 01 by and among the Trustor, Thoma.c: <br />and Joyce R. Wieck, husband and wife, and Charles W, "Wieck, Single, an undivided <br />inter E:.B t e.8~h----as--t.-ellfl't'tt-s-i-n'--eommon --.. -- . whose mellln aodress IS --RR ff 1 BuA. J08, GLa.nd. <br />NF: 6RR01 (herein "BorrowerHI. Ihe Trustee. _.___.Bank...oL...Donipha.D....--____ <br />whose mailing address is _ P.O. Box B, Doniph~~LR~l!!.~~~~... ..._. _______~____ <br />and the Benellclary, Bank of Doniphan..._ __._._. ______ <br />whose malJing address IS P.o. Box B. Dou:;J..p-han. tj.E. .J;).SB32 <br /> <br />T Wip.:r.k <br />one-half <br />Iola.ud, <br /> <br />(herein "Trustee"). <br /> <br />(herein "Lender") <br /> <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIOERA TION. including the Indebledness Identllled heteln and trusl herein created, the receipt 01 which is hereby acknowledged, Borrower <br />hereby irrevocably grants. transfers. conveys and assIgns to Truslee. IN TRUST. WITH POWER OF SALE. for Ihe bene lit and security 01 Lender, under and subjecl to Ihe <br />terms and condHlons hereinafter set forth. Ihe reel properly. descnbed as follows <br /> <br />See Exhibit "A" Hereto attached and incorporated herein by reference. <br /> <br />Togelher wilh all buildings, Improvements, Iixtures, streets. alleys, passageways. easemenls, rights. priVIleges and appurtenances located Ihereon or in.anywise <br />pertaining therelo, and the rents, issues and profits, reversions and remainders thereof: including. bul not hmlled 10, healing and coohng equipment and such personal <br />proper1ythat 10 Iheimprovements ao as toconstitulea lixture; and together with the homestead or marital interests, il any. which interests are hereby released <br />and waived; all 01 which, including replacements and addllions thereto, is hereby declared 10 be a part allhe real estate secured by the lien 01 Ihis Deed olTru!!!t and all of the <br />foregoing being referred 10 herein as the "properlY" <br /> <br />This Deed 01 Trust shall secure (a) the payment of the pnnClpal sum and Inleresl eVIdenced by Borrower"S nole and/or credit agreement dated <br /> <br />Dee 23, 1988 . having a malunty dale 01 Dee 23, 1993 . In the onglnal pnnclpal amount 01 S 65. 000.00 and any and all <br />modifications, I!xtenslonsand renewals Ihereol or Ihereto and any and atlluture advances and readvances hereunder pursuant to one or more promissory notes or credit <br />agrBtlmenls (herein called "Note"); (b) Ihepayment ot olher sumsadvsnced by Lenderlo praleclthesecurlly of the Note; Icllhe performance all covenants and agreement <br />of Borrowersal forth herein: and (dl all indebtedness and obligalions 01 Borrower 10 Lenderwhether dlrecl. indirect, absolule or contingent and whelher arising by note. <br />guaranty. overdrall or otherwise. <br /> <br />Borrower. to protecl the security 01 this Deed 01 Trult, covenants and agrees with Lender as 101low1\ <br /> <br />1. P8ymenlofPrlnclpalandlnte,.,L Borruwer Iihall promptly pay when due the principal 01 and interest on. and any fees or charges prOVIded in, the Noteorln thIS <br />Deed 01 Trust. <br /> <br />2. TI.... Borrowerl.the owner 01 the Property, hili the right and authority to convey Ihe Property, and warrants that the hen created hereby IS a lirst and pnor lien on <br />the Property. excepla. may otherwise be let lorth herein, and the execulion and delivery of thIs Deed 01 Trusl does not violate any contract or other obligation to which <br />Borrower is SUbject <br /> <br />3. Taan, ~ta. To pay when due alllaxes, special assessmenlsand all other charges against the Properly and, upon wnllen demand by Lender, to pay to <br />Lender auch amount a, m-v be suffiCient to enahle 1he Lender to plly SuCh taxes. IISS8ssments or olher charges all they become due <br /> <br />..c. ........... To keep the Property In,uredagaln't damage by fire, hazardalncluded within the term "eatended coverage", and such other hazards as Lender may <br />~ulr.. in amount. and with companies acceplable to lender, and: .llh 10lspayable 10 Ihe lender, In case of loss under such poliCies, the Lender IS aulhonzed 10 adJusl. <br />coUac-land compramlM. all claims thereunde, and shall have Ihe option of applying all or part of the insurance proceeds II) to any indebtedness secured hereby and m such <br />of'tMr as under mav determine, 1111 to the Borrower to be used for the fepalr or restorahon 011he Property or (1111 lor any other purpose or oblectsallslactory 10 Lender <br />_'thout alliKunp 1".I..n Of Ihll ONd 01 Trust tor tile fullamounlsecured hereby belore SUCh paymenl cvsr IDOla place Any applIcatIon 01 proceeds 10 mdcbledne!lS shnll <br />- no' ...tend or postpone the dua date 01 any paymen1s under the Notll, or cure Iny defaulllhllreunder Of hereunder <br /> <br />5 IlI.eIntenence........ and CDmpllance with La.., Borrower shall keep the Properly In good condlhon and '''pall shall promptly 'cpall or ,pplace anv <br />Impl1)YItf'\e'n1wnlCh may be damagltd or d"lroved.ahall not commit or permit an", waste or dlltellorallon ollhe P'opp.rly "hall nol r8maV(I dpmoll5h or suh!ll,lnllllll.., nller <br />anyo' U.I",provement. onlhe ProPtrrly. shall nol commll.lluller or permit any acl to be done In or upon tho Proporly.n ",alaI Ion 01 ftnv 1/1... OHJlnancc ." "'{luli11"m an(1 <br /> payanltpromptlydlSChargeat 80,,0..r'SCOIo1 ,ndeapense allhen...ncumbtanc..andchargeB 11II"llIId ImpO!lflll 01 ..uussed IIfJl1on!lllhr P'''p,''I~ Of i1"~ 1l-l'llht'It'1l1 <br />