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<br />10. Borrower Not R....ud; Forbearance By LAn'" Not II w.~ver. ExtonSlon ollhe lime lor paymenl or modll.callan 01 amurllzalJOn ollhe sums secured bV this Sl!CtJrtty Inslrument <br />grnnled by Lender 10 an\' successor In InI0re51 0' Borrower shall nol operate to release the liabillty 01 the anginal Borrower or Borrower's successors In lnlores!. Lender shall not be reqUired <br />10 commence proceedings ~alnSI any 5UCCOSSOf In Inlerosl or reluse 10 e.le~ lime IOf paymenl or Olhol'VJisc modify amortizatIon of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason <br />,,' any demand (n.~ by Ihl angnal Borrower or Borrower's successors In Inlerest Any forbearance by Lender In exercIsing any nghl Ie remedy snail nol be a waiver 01 or preclude the <br />ofi~~s:':::~~~~d ~~;~. Bound: Joint .nd Several UabUity; Co-.Igncra. The cavenanls and agreements of thIS Secunly Inslrument shell bind and benefit the ~essot5 and <br />~,gns 0' lender and Borrower, Subject to Ine proVISIOns of paragraph 17. Bonower's covenanlS and agreements shall be 10lnt and several. Any Borrower who CO-Signs tNs Security Instrument <br />ut does nol execute !he Nole: (al IS t:O-Slgnmg this Securlly Instrument only 10 mortgage, grant and convey Ihat Borrower's Inlerest In the Property under the terms 01 this SeCllrity Instrumenl; <br />) 15 not personally obligated to pay the sums 58Cl.lred by thls Secunty Instrument: and (cl agrees Ihat Lender and any other Borrower may agree 10 extend. modlty, forbear or make any <br />~mmodalions WIth regard to lhe terms 01 thiS Secunty Instrument or the Nole wlthoutlhat Borrower's consent. <br />..-... 12. LoIIn Chargn. II the loan secured by IMI Secunty Instrument IS subjec110 a I~ ~hich S8tS mwumum loan charges, and that law IS Imally mt8rpl'Bt'KI 50 that the interesl or other loan <br />-...raarges coUec1ed or to be collected In connectlOll With Ihe loan exceed the pefTtllnod limits, lhen: la) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the chlll'ge <br />.....the permitted limit: and (bl any sums alf8ady coUected frQm Borrower wtllch exceeded permined Jlmil5 will be retunded 10 Borrower. Lender may choose 10 make this refund by reducing <br />" tt1e prindP31 owed under Ihe Nole or by making a direct paymenlto Borrower. If a refund reduces principal. the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment withoul any prepayment c.lo;arge <br />I under the Note. <br />13. LlglaJadon Affectfng L.enc*'. RIgMa. I" enactmenl or ekJ)itatfan 01 applicable laws has the effect 01 rende~ng any provision of ~ Note or this Security I~menl unenforeeable <br />~ng 10 its, letml. Lender. allls "J.:';~.' . ""fl\l require ilnmeoia1e payment in tuu of all sums secured by thiS Secunty Instrument and may Invoke any remudies permitted by paragraph 19. <br />~ Lendsr 1l'll8f'ClS8S this opllon. L8ndO:' ~,.~ 1.';:;.<; lhe sl8pll specified in the second paragraph 01 paragraph 17. <br />CO 14. Noticn. Any nol~ to Botrowe. ;..... ~ for U1 this Security Instrumenl shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first class mail unless appIlcable law requires USIt of another <br />method. The notico shaD be direcled to the Property Addn!ss or any other addt8ss Bo~r designates by nolice 10 Lender. Any nclice to Lender shaU be QT\o'Bn by first dass mail to lender's <br />address slatJtcl herein or any other nddrns LerwJer designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this Security Instrument ShaD be deemed 10 have been given to Bonower or <br />Lander ~Jhen given as provided in this paragraph. <br />15. GovGmlng lAw; Senrabfllty. ThIs Secunty Instrument shall be governed by federal law aa.. !he law 01 the turisdiction to which the Property is located. In the event that any provisicl"l <br />or clause oIlhis Security Instrument or tho Nola conflicts with applicable 18'0lIl, sucn conflicl shall not aPlect other pl'OVSons of this Security Instrument or the Nota which can be given effect <br />without the confIlcling provisjon. To this end the provisions at this Seeunty Instrumenl and the ~ota 8J8 dedarBd 10 be severable. <br />1&. Borrower'. Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Nole l1f'.J 01 this Secunly Instrument <br />17. ll'anafar of thlt Property or. a.n.flclaIlntern1 in Borrower. If aD or any part of the Property or any interest in It is SOld or transfell8d (or if a beneficial interest in 8orn:Jvw!r is sold <br />or transfened and Borrower is not a natural pr.sonl Wtthou1 Lender's prior wnnen consent lender may. at its option. require Immediate payment In fun of aD sums secured by this Seauity <br />Instrument. However. this option shall not be exerased by lender If exeroso IS pmhlblled by 'federallaw as 01 the aate of this Security tnstrument. <br />/I Lender exercises this option, Lender shall give 8on'ower notice of acr.eIerallQl"l The nobCe shall PtQVide a period of not less than 30 days from thH date the nobce IS defivered CI' mail1!Ct <br />....,lhin which Borrower must PCIV all sums secured by ttus Secunty Instrument If Borrower 1atl.5 to pay these sums pnor 10 the expiration of this pencx1. Lender may tnvcke any remedies permitted <br />by this Security Instrumenl without further notice or demand on Borrower. <br />18. EIorroINr'. RIght to ReinatIIa. If Borrower meets cer1aln conditions. Borrower Shall have the nght to have enforcement at this Secunly Instrument discontJnued at any time prior to <br />the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other period a.s appIicatH law mav speaty for remstalement) before sale ollhe Property pursuant 10 any power of sale contained in tI'tiS 5ecuritv tnstrument: <br />or lb) entry 01 a judgmenl enfoIcing this Security Instrument. Those condJlKlns are lhat Borrower. (al pays Lender aD sums which then would be due under ttUs Secunty Instrument and the <br />Note had no accehtrabon occurred: (bl alI'8S any default of any other CO'V'IttI8ntS 01 agrMmeI1t5: lei pays BII expenses lI'1C:Ull8d in enfon:ing Chis Secunty InS!nnnenI. irduding. bu1 not fimiteo <br />to. reaaonabAt attomevs. t88ll: and (d) takes 5UCh action as l.ender mev f8asonabfy requq to assure lhatlhe lien of this Secunty Instrumenl. lender's rightS in Ihe Progerty and Borrawer's <br />obIlgallon 10 pay the sums IeCUf1Ki by this Secunty Instnrmenl 5haI continue uncnangec:J. Upon remstalement by Borrower, Uns Seamty Instrument and me aDIigalI:XlS secured hereby shaD <br />remain tully etlective as if no acceleration had occurred. However. nus ngtrt 10 remstate shall not apply In 1he case ot accele1atiOn under ~ 13 or 17 <br />NON.UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agreII Q folkJws" <br />11. ~; RemradiIL l.8nder8hIU gIw notice to Borrower prior 1O.cceIIdIion following EIorroww'. tnKh 01 MYCO>MIWIIor......1n Ifti8 Security Ir.aumInt <br />Ibvtnol_to ___ ___..3-.7..-. __... ....,.-0IIl0rwiM~ _ notlco..... _1.1-_ (bl-- _lDcuro- <br />default; ee) . data. not .... th8n 30 dip from .... ... Ihe notice Ie giwn to Borrower. by which the dltautt must be CInd; -.d Cd) Ihat,..... to an the..... on or bIitod <br />the ~ epecffted in the noUca mIIJ.-utIln KCIIIerwtIon 01 the....... MC:UM by IN8 Securftr Inslnrrnent and.... oI! Ihe Propwry. The noItce................1nIarm 8onowa' of <br />thlt light to ....nataIe...... ~ and.... right 10 bring. court -=lion to.......... non-u1atIInce 01. dIfaIIt: or my ~ ID IiCCIIIIIInDOn Md.... " <br />the defMdt l& not and on. or Mtcn the d8II apIdl'Ied In .... nouca. UncIIt :It ita option may NqUire ~ ~ In ruu or II.... .acur.d by W:J ~ IInICrwMnI <br />_lurthor__...,-IIIo_at--_--_by_-..-.......-ID-.._.........._ <br />_ __In 1hI. _ ".IncIudIng,'" noI........ .........-onorr-.ya' _...._ "'__ <br />"Il1o_"'......1_ _....._._"'_..__In___"'-_..----_"'.....-...... <br />__by__...tolklnDwor-ID--__-by_-..---_by______- <br />at_tolllo_._Inlllo__by__ ___onlklnDwor._"'__"__lDlIIo"'-_"- <br />time and pI8CII met under.... ...,... deeIgnnId in ... notice or ....In one or men paJ'CIII MCI in My ordIr TruaIIe........... '1hIIIIe.., ~.... of II or lIlY I*'C8I <br />"'1IIo_by_-..---_at___,-uIo.~...""__...,purU._IIIo_.._... <br />Upon -",,,,,,",,,*"at__bId, _ __10Il1o"- _'. _......,..._ _. __"Il1o_'._ _..__ <br />_"'Il1o IrUIh at____ __-'rIllo_<JIIIIo......_foI-.g0rd0r.(.IID.._atlllo...-......IIul__ <br />to. _.._.._by__...--__.-;(bIID.......-by....5ocurtIr--.-lcl_-..-_..._ <br />IogOIIJ _'" It <br />20. ..-.. _Upon.."...,.",..- parag<allIll9 '" -.nom 0111>11 P_. a..o.- 1m -. by __ '" by.- __ _ _ "_to <br />8l'Iler upon. take poDIIIIon 01 an:! ~,... ~ and to coIKf!hl rentI of the Proc:*1y U'ClOOing IhDII PDI due. Any rents~ b1l.8r01rcr-nw ___... ~ ~ rm <br />to paymenl of till COlIS Of l1W1~ of Ule Property an(! COIIIlctJon all"lnla. If''lCIl.IdDiJ. bUt not 1irTut8d to. ~ ..... pmnlJmlCI1 ~..t:lonOI.an3......... 8IIOI't'..,s'.... an:I <br />then to the sumt MCUrMi by thai Seamty II'lllrUrNnl <br />21. ~lfII.~N:iI. Upon ~ of allIUrM aec:urWdby IhII SIcunIy lnstn.rmenl. Lenclef shall rwquest TrustfWt In retCI'nlWy'lhl ~::r.::I ~~":h::; S:lCl.oo7;' ~ an.::I <br />aU notn I'Videnc:ing debt MCUI"Id by 0. Secunty IttItn..IrNm to TI'UJlee. TrustM 5halJ teCOflWV 1he Propeny wrthou1 warranty and WJthou1 c:na:va ID N perSCI'l Of pnons ~ en!JtIed IlO <br />it. Such P8fIOI"l or petJOn8lh11.-v.-Y)' f'IIlXlrtIa1Ion COItI. <br />Z2. sw.ttIuIe'1nallel. L.endIt', -' III optJon, rnIY Itorn umtt to 'UmI remove TruS1" and appouu. SUCCftiOf b'U1tM =0 any TrustH IIQI)ClIlntIICI t'1erwunder by an ms:rument ~ a ~ <br />county 11'\ wftlcn th116ecuntv tnslrumenIlI~. WIthOUt COl"NI')'8f'CI 01 the Property. lhe suc:eessor 1fU$1" 5haQ IuecMd 10 all 0'Ie 1m.. ~.nd 0U'bn ~ \4XJl'1 T~ neren <br />and by appIieIbIIl... <br />Z1 RequMt tor Notk:n. Bonower r.quHtl U\I1 CDplft 01 !he ~s of ~....." and Ale be san110 8om:Jwer's ~ wtucl'11S the Property Aooress fu':nef ~ r.'l:IJ <br />~ or the nollcea of dellUll and ~ be sent to eacn person whO II .. parry hIrfIoto aI thlllddnru 01 SUCh.-.on Nt fann nerwm <br />24. Riderw ID Ihla ISIcurtIy ~ If one or more nderJ .. ellOJlea by Bonower IIncI recorded lDge!hef Wllt'l1hlJ Secunty Il'tItrUment. U. Cl:7IIefWTtI iIl'l:J ~ oreildl su::n <br />rider Shall be Incorporalld 1l1l0 and 'Ih.&I amancI ..-.:2 5l..IQP6emen1 !he ~ and ~ 01 (hll Secunly Instrumenl as It the nc5Iftil MftI .. pan ('1'/ 'tI'IIs Seamrr I~ [O'Ieck <br />apptat)le be_lelJl <br />a__RIdor <br />o G......... p"""",,, RIdor <br />o 0U10f1'11_1 <br /> <br />C Condortutllum RIdet' <br />C Planned Unit ~ RIdef <br /> <br />= 2...F.armrrRoer <br /> <br />-, ,,' <br />BY SIGNING BELOW. BofTowM' ICCIO!I ana lOree, to me lerm, Ind covenam. eontaJl\tIC tn ltIll Secuntv Inururnent ana In any4derc151 QllQutea by Borrower ana rec::a::uea WItfl4 <br />, \~-r ~""<'.~ <br />~-;!:.~:, r..-.,.-<I !:...'_ __ <br />/ <br />//'((l{ d':.(.A~ <br />~ - J <br />1st>- 1IeI_ Tbl. Une For Aclm-.clg.......J <br /> <br />(Sun <br />-- <br /> <br />lSe&l1 <br />-- <br /> <br />State of NebraIkI <br />ColI"",01 Ha 11 <br /> <br />On this ~ aay ot I)Q('Qf'1lii"" . '9.aiL. before me. 4 Notary Pubhc In the Stale of ~phr <br />perwonatty.PP8M'CJ I r.nnip 101:-..111 i'ln(: ThcL'e.5.f.": I O-tiin- hu~IJi1IUJ dnd~___ <br /> <br />10 me peraonaUy known to be lhe penonC.' named In and who lI.ealled U. t~ InslrulMnl. and IIctmowledglld Inat . ~ \ ~ e.ecutea the same as <br />vOuntary a:t and dHd. <br /> <br />My CommlUion expires <br /> <br />.J;NEAAL NOT AAY.S'.I. 0' Nebr. <br />JEANNE M. SCHROEl <br />MyComm. b:p,J8n. 29.1992 <br /> <br />\\. <br />NOTARY PUBLIC <br /> <br />S~ of NebrukI . I <br />lIS <br />County of I <br />On Uvs_d-Vof <br />petKlnally 1iIppII."'O <br />10 I'TMI PIf"IQnaIIy known 10 be the pers.onlll named In ard who elltCUted the loregOlll~ In5lrument. and adtnowltKIQecI thai <br />YQ{unWy let and dMc1 <br /> <br />, ,g _. belate me. a Notary Public In lhe Slale 01 <br /> <br />e.ecul&d the same as <br /> <br />~~ommlSlolOn E.ptf1Is <br /> <br />NOTARY PUBLIC <br /> <br />..... <br /> <br />_ ft I <br /> <br />l'.'" <br />