<br />
<br />88- 107008
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST IMSecunty InsllUment'" IS made on thIS 8th day 01 DpC':p-mbpr
<br />'9~. The 1N.10, " Lonnie Logan and Therese M. Logan - husband and wife
<br />
<br />("Borrower1. The trustee is Commercial Federai Savings and Loan Assocla1iol)....
<br />("Trustee"). The benerlclary is Commercial FederBi Savings and Loan AssociaUon, which Is organized and existing under the laws of Nebraska. and whose address is 4460 Farnam, Omaha.
<br />N.b<aska681S1 I.Lend.r"). ao.ro-..... Lender "'" p.ncipal sum of Ninp tholJsand twn hundred one dollar and No/lOO------- Doll...
<br />(U.s. 5 9201 .00 ,. This d~ ,. 4Wlenced by Bon..:Ner's nOledafed the same date as this Securtty Instrument ("Note), which provides for monthly payments. with the
<br />fu.debt. ,'nolpaid.eIll"..u. and_'on_ ,i.,,"-..,,;;tber 12. 1992
<br />This Secunty Instrument sec:urn to Lender: (al tn.. ...payment 01 the debt evidenced by the Note, with interest, and aU renewals. extensions and modifications: (b) the payment of all other
<br />sums. with interest. advanced under paragraph 7 10 prated the security of this Security Instrument: and tel the performance of Borrower's covenants and agreements. For this PUrgoH.
<br />Borrower inevocatHy grants and conveys 10 Trustee. in trust. with power 01 sale, the follOwing descnbed Pl'O?"rty located In Ha 11 County, ~braska'
<br />
<br />Lot One (1) Platte View Subdivision. Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />wtUch has [he address 01
<br />
<br />R R 2 Box 313 A
<br />
<br />Grand Island
<br />
<br />NeI/<UIUI IiBROl
<br />
<br />(Street)
<br />("Propeny Addressl:
<br />
<br />(City)
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />TOGETHER With all the improvements now or hereafter ereded on the property. and all easements. nghlS. appurtenances. rents. royaltieS. nunera1. Oil and gas ngMS and profits. water
<br />rights and stock and aU rrxtures now or herBatter a part of the property. All ~ and additions sI1a1I also be CO\lered by this S6cunty Insuument AD 01 the foregl::*1g IS I1Ilerred tD m
<br />this Security lnatrument 81 the "PI"Qp8f1y. M
<br />BORROWER COVENANTS mat Borrower 15 lawfully seised of the estate heretrv conwryBCl and has the nght to grant and c:orMry 1M Property and that the Property IS ~
<br />except for encurnbranC:ft of ntCCrd. Borrowef warrantS and wiD Qelend generally the flUe to the Property against all claims and demands. &ubjed to any eneuml:r.lnces at rec::orc1
<br />THIS SECURrTY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covonants lor national use and non-uniform cownants with limited vanations by JUrisdiCtiOn to constJtlJte a undorm S8QJfi!y d'IS1l'UI11ef1!
<br />"""""""'"'property.
<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L.ancSer covenant and agree u ronows
<br />,. PayrMn1 of Prtnc:lI* and .......; PrIperment .... .... C~ Borrower Shall prompUy pay wnen due the pm\ClpaI or and ir'der1m on the detlI evdenCed by the Note IUid any
<br />_ ond IaIo _ duo under Ihe Nole.
<br />2. fundi tor Tun IIId tnannc:e. Sub;ed to appIicabNllalIl' Of to a wnnen waiver by Lender. Borrower ShaU par to Lender on the dav monIf"Ity' ~ ani' dull under the NoM. until
<br />"'" Nolo ill paid In lull. a '"'" ('FundsloquaJlo ono-twoIfIh of; lal yoany..... ond __ "'"'" may..... _.-r - _In..u,,,.,,1: 101 yoany - poymenI5 '"
<br />ground I"MltS on the Propertv. if any; (cl yurty hazard lnsuranol prem!urn&; and ldl yeartv rnono-oe Il15Uf3I'lC8 gmmums. It any These 1I1m1 are caIIea -escrow ctems. - LenOIr ITIIy utmate
<br />"'" Fundadue on "'" _ 01 c:unonI_and..- _01 futlJOIIHClllWIlIma.
<br />The FtRillhaII be held In., 10ltituti0n thI ~ or 8CCOUnlI d whId1ar1 ir1IlINd or guarant8I<l by . lecSeraI Of __ agency (indudIng L...oer Jf lM1der d su:::h an ftIIiIuIIOn). L.eroer
<br />sh8II_y h FundI 10 pay the.-aow iIemI. L.enc>>r IT'l8V not dWg8 lor he*ting IInCJ appIyW1g tnI Funds. anaIyzmg the account orventyirtg the IISO'tM s.ms. unIna Lender ~ BcmJwer
<br />lnterllll on '1M. Fundi 8nd appIiceIe ... permItI Lender to mu. 5Ud1 a ~. ~ and LenOat may ~ In wnmg thai ~ shaB be paICI on Ihe Fund:s. lJnIea.. ~ IS
<br />rMde or ~ iIw requna interwlllo be paid. Lander IhaII not be raqund to ~ 8c::lrTowef any lrurnl Of NI'TIlTlg4 1:#0' C-.e FundI. Lender snail ~ ID So:r.:Mer. 'Z.'Cl:'::"..1 ~ a."l
<br />""""" lIOClIUIIlngof"'" Funclaanawlng "-__10"'" Funds ond""'_""whlch NCh_"'''''' Funds_"-. _Funds - ~U --"" "'"
<br />......_bylhls_'_
<br />" the amount or the fundi held by Lender. togeC\Ir WIIh dW Iut1n monthty p...,menlS of Fundi p8)'abIe pnor 10 the d..- dIIeI of the eICfOW lt8ms. shaD extftCI U. ~ reQuncllO pay
<br />the ncrow ItemI when dUll. th8 eXCHIl5h811 be. at Bonowtt's optIOn. ,ithef promp!I)/ rwpalCIlo Borrower Of c:redhd 10 Bonowel' on monthfy payments of Funds "a... amount aI the Furm
<br />held by Lender i. not sufflclent to ~ d1e ncrow IIII'm' when due, BottOWel' shaD pay to linder 8ft)' amount oecnury 10 miU up dW deflCIent'y In one at morw paymencs as ~ by
<br />~.
<br />Upon P8)'rTKlftt m full of alltum. NCU~ t1)/ thls Secunty Instrument. unc>>r Shall promptly refund 10 8on'owef any Funds held by L..enl*. 1'1 unc5M' ~ '9 U. Propet1}lIS SOk' 011
<br />8ClQund by LInc*. lAnc>>r shall apply. no Iatef man lmrntN:1Wllly pnor Ie me All of 1M Property Dl' ItI acqulllbOn by LInder. any Funds hekj by ~ .-J: u.. trme c! ~ as a ~
<br />agalntt the 1Utn, secured by thil Security InstrurNnt
<br />:a. AppQcedon of ~ UnIMI appIabII .. ptDYIdn othMwlH. all p.tymentl rwcerwd by LencMlr under paragraphs' and 2 Shall be8ppllad: tlf5t. 'to ~ ehargeS OU& unQef (tip
<br />I~: HCOnd. 10 prepayment cha1ge& duI under the Not.; UUtd, Ie amounll payab'I under paragraph 2; fourth, to Int~sl due: and IUt. 10 pnnctpaI due
<br />II. Crwrg.; Uena. Borrower IhaJI pay aH laX", .....rMntlI. chargn, finae Ind ImpDIlboml at!rlbul8tM to lha PropMty wtlCh may aftU' pnonry ~ thIS Secumy tnsttu~. and
<br />IaaMho6d paymantl Dl' grounc:l ,.nII. II any, ~ IhaIl pay u... obhgatlonl In thII manner pFOVlded In par8graph 2. or II not paid In tN.I manner. 8on'ower snaD pay It1em on tme CJfK1Y\'
<br />10 the PMIO" 0'1.-1 p."mem. ~ IhalI promptly tumtlh 10 LendIK 8Il notlCOI of amounts to ~ puj une>>r this paragraph. II Bottower makn trles. payment!I d1~. ~ 5fWI
<br />promp1ly IUIlllIh 10 ~ rocolpIa 0VId0nClng ... poymenla.
<br />eorrow.r ,hall prompUy dllCharge iIfl')' hen whlch hU pnomy OYM' ttu1 Sec::unty InttrurMnI un"u BorroWlIt: la' -o,"lln vmtll'llillO the payment of the obIlQ&UOn YCUIK\I bv ~ '*' 1ft I
<br />manner ~ 10 I.endet; (b) conlntlln good IIIth the lien by, 01 def8ndl againI1 .ntorarment ollhl ben In, '-gal QrOCNdlngs wh.c:h In the Lenoer-. CJPl"lOr'I CI*D to ~ me
<br />enton:emen1 of the I..,.. 01 tortMlU,. of 8ny C*1 at tha Property; at (el MCU.... from 1hI heidi, 01 rhe Ilftn an agnMment sallsfactOly to Lenoer subon;Slnalll'lQ me hen to tI'UI s.a.mty lnstrumen1
<br />" L..Indfi deI,mllnn It'llt any part of tM PropII1y II IlJbted 10. lien WhICh may artarn pnonty over ttlll Sec:un1y In.lrumen!. L.oo.r may gMl Bonowat a notICe.cterm1ymg tr'III a.n ~
<br />1haII Nary thO hen Of take onII or ~ of !hi 8Ction1 HI forth above wtIhIn 10 d8VI or 1hiI gMng or I':'IOllClI
<br />5. Kaurd InaurMe* Borrower sI'\aU kMp lhe ~ now .ll1Ilng or ~ IMKtId on the Property InsunKI agu'lstlOU by fire. hUafdI ~ IIIdhln h l.rm -extendea
<br />COYer8g.- and any other haun:ll lor whdl L.endef' ~ insurwa. Ttus inluranoe IhaIl be m81ntaIMd In 1M amount. and fOf rt\e penodl lnaJ L.enOer reQUl1ft The lRsuranctr came'
<br />providing tn. tn.urance Shall be choIen by BomMer 1lJbtICI1O LencW'I approvW whlch IhaIl nor: be un,.uonably WdhhMd
<br />All inaurancll pollan and .......-lI1haII bI ~ to LInder ana &naIJ IncIudI a I\IOOard ~ C1au... lAt'IC* IhaIl h.... tho ngt\110 hOld the poIIOn and ~- " LencJet'
<br />rtquirn, Bonowet' shall Pfomplty give 10 I.8nder all rK:IiQtI of paid ~. and .......... notlCft, In U.. ewnl olIOH, ~ Shall g~ ptOmC)l notICe 10 (hQ IRSUfat'ICe camItf and Lender
<br />~ moy mak. proof olloaa 1I not modi _ by Ilom>wor
<br />lInlnl L.Indet and eonow.r othItwlH ~ in wntIng. tnlUrance prtlCNd;I sha1llM appIled 10 ,.,1ora1lon Dl' rwpaII' 01 the Propef1y ~. If the rntoralJOn Of rwpall' IS ec:onomcaIllr
<br />t.UlbIe and Lender', MCUrtty II not~. II the....".tloI'I 01 ~r II no! economically t.UlbIe 01 under', NCUnty woukl be.....,.. the InSUfal1C:e ptOClMlds &hall blIlPC)hed to (he
<br />IUInI MCUrad by ttVI 5Kurtty InatrumInt. whither 01" nollhen dua. WIth any e.OIII paJd 10 Borrower If eonow.r abandon. !hi Pl'1JPltf1V, Of oon naI ....... WIU'Un 30 dayI a notJCe from
<br />L.ender hi the inlklrat'IaJ camer nu ort-.d k) N!bt . cIPn. the Lender ~ c:oUKt the InlUfanol procHdI. Lender may UN lha procHdJ 10 JepaIl' or ~ lha Property or to pay sums
<br />NClJt'ad by tmI s.curtty InItrurNf1l. wherhM' or not then 0... ThI 3O-day period w\Il begin when '1M nollce II glVel1
<br />Unlnl Lender and Bonowe1 otherW1M1-ontllln wntmg. any appllcaUDn at procHdslo pnnCIpal an&ll not .,1I.no.o, plntpO!le t,. d~ o&le uTl1l11lnDIUfUy P'IYfMInUl J8lan.a w on pouaglopn:.
<br />, 8l1d 2 01" ct\angI' the M1CM11 of the paymentI. It under ~ 19 ttw Propec1'f II .:lqUnd by lMdIr. eonow.r', ngnt 10 any m~ polCln and pIOCMdI fIIUft1ng from damage to
<br />"'" _ prior 10 ""'_ __10 ~ 10 ""'_01 "'" sumaMalrodbylhlsSocurity lna___ poor 10 "'" acqu.......
<br />.. ~ 8nd"""""" of Pros*tY: l.MMhokIL BorroMt' anal not dntrOy. damage Of 1UbIW1tlaI1y change !hi Property, &IIow 1hII Property to detenora1e or commd waste
<br />II thiI s.cunty InltrUrMnIll on Iauehokl. BorrowIIr Shall c:ompty W11t11he pmviIiDna of the ...... and It Borr'oMf KqUlrft I.. title to thII P~r1y. U. leasehOld and I.. trtIe shall not merge
<br />unllu I.InctIr IQrHa 10 lha"*OM' in wnUng.
<br />1. ProtIc:UOn of Lender'a Atghta In the PropIfty; Mor1v-ea Inau~ " Borrow&r falllle perform the covenants and agl1Himents contllln<<:lln IhtS Secunty InstnJmenl. 0' there IS a
<br />legal proceeding that may signlllcanlty affect Lander'1 nghtlln the property (Iuch as a proceedl['lg In bIInkruplC)'. probale. for alndemnlllon or 10 enlorc:e Laws 01 regulalronsl. tnen Lenoel
<br />may do and ~ for 'flfhlltewr fI netelUtY to pmteCt the vWe or the Property Ind Lender'1 nghtl In t1Ml Property. L..nder's athons may Include pllylng any sums secured by a lien wnlCf1 has
<br />pnonty Dvet' thtI Security Instrument. appeanng in oourt. paymg f1IuonatH anomeys' fHl and enllnng on lhe properly to make repII",_ Allhough Lender may take acbon under this paragraph
<br />7. LendM dOeIl'lOIhWllO do ao.
<br />Any IItnOlJntI dilbutMd by L8nl:*' undef 1hlI ~ 7 shall beCOme add/tionlll debt 01 Borrower HCUred by thiS Secunty Instrument Unless BorTDWer Bnd Lender agree 10 olhe, terms
<br />of payn'*II. 1hIIH amoun1I ~ bur intetnl from Iha dattI at dllburaement at the Nota rate and shall M payable, wll" Inlertllt. upon notIce from Lender to Bonower reqU8sllng payment
<br />II Lender tWQUlred mortg8ge IrlIur'8noI u a condition 04 making the loan seanwd by ttlil Sec;untv Inltrument, Borrower shall P-V the pntmlums reqUIred to malnlatn the Insurance In efleCl
<br />until such lime .. 1M ~ for the w..ance 1enninall. in 8CCOIdanCa wl1h 8ortoweI", end Lender', written ag,..merrt or applIcable law
<br />.. InIpICtIon. Lendef or ill agent may make l"IUOn8bIII .ntr'... upon and inaplC'llonl of lhe Property Lender shan glV8 BoITOWll' notIce III the lIme 01 or pnor 10 an Insp.ClIon specifying
<br />~ ca... for the impeCtion. .
<br />I. CondIn'wwtIon. The prooeedI 01 wry .-rd or ciaIm lor d&l'lWQH. dttect Of alnMQuenlial. In connlidlOn With any condemnallOn or other taktng ot any part of the Property or for
<br />conveywa In Ileu of co'1dernnnon. .,. twreby ustgned Ilnd shall bI pald to Lendtlr
<br />In N"""'" 01 . tol8l1l1Qlg 01 thII Property. the ~ Shall be ~ to ~ sums secured by thiS Securl1y InSlrumenl. whelMI 0' noTlne,., due_ wtlh any ellceS:!I paId 10 Bonower I,.,
<br />lhe ftWI'I1 01 _ pat1lal !Mung 01 In. Property. un"', Borrower and Lend.r olhel'WlM agTIHt rn wntlng. the sums secured by thIS Secuflty In:!llrumenl shall be reduced till lhe amounl 01 the
<br />p~ mun~ by ~ loIlowmg IrlW:l1Ol'l 1_,lhe Ialal amOl..nt ollhf!l sum!! MCUrecI immllldlate1v before Ihe taking. dtVld~ by tbllh" teu mar..el value 01 the Propel!\' Immedlaloly belore
<br />I,.. tM."'lJ Any balanc. shall bI p-.d 10 Banowel
<br />tI "'- PrQC)Ilt1y ,. ab~ bV Botrr;,..r. Of" atl., nota by L.ndaf to Bonowet' Ihalthil condttmnOl otter!! 10 make an awarO or $enll~ a claim 1m carnages Bouower lalls 10 respond 10
<br />LendeI within 30 c1Iryl lift.- 1M ~I. file nol~ II grwn lender I!I authOlllftd to collect ancl apply lhe plOce<<:lS ill tiS 0[1110'" ellher TO foslorQl,on or 'l'OitH :11 111ft P'oporh or 10 !tie sum!
<br />YCUrecI by thiS Secuttty tnr.rument .",..thef 01 f'lOI then dUll
<br />un.... ~ and 8cttJ"o-..r ofharWlM IQ'" tn _"ling. any app4tC11f1on of p1'ocefids to PIlOClPal snatl nol,ulenr1 nt oostpone lhe dlJP ,jalD .1'1"" "l("W"~ !1,l\-'''I>r1T.. 'H''''mr:l1(\ 'f"' paraQnlO~IS
<br />, and 2 Of ctlar'lQtl' thII amount 01' IN.JCIl payments
<br />