<br />p'glZofa
<br />
<br />Mortpgor(.) rand HCh 01 them further DOnnan'........ with MortP8" .. 'ollcrn:
<br />
<br />f1) TePlyallllen', ludgmtntlarotl1...UMIIlMnllag.lnatuld 1',,",1..., .ndtopeyw".n dua.lIl1ox", fIInl., '..arch.rglluponllldpnml..orunderlll'f
<br />....., pilrmlt. 11cM\" or prlvl" III}gMd to MorfOlDte ulddltlon.l..curtly to ttll. mortg-a', InclucllnQlll10M on publlO domain.
<br />
<br />(21 Totntura.ndklfpln.urHblllldlnDllnd OllMWlm~ta"owanorh.rutterpl.ced on utdpraml... toUl.IIUl1'lctlon afMDrtg'gN,SUch InlUrlnaI
<br />.hlll beapproVld by .nd dlPOlIl~ wllh Mortg'gM, and IndotMdwllh I mortgagl cl.u.. with IOlllhll'lUndlr paYlb1. to Mongaotl. AnVlUm.lD,.... by
<br />Mortgagee m.ybe uMld 10 PlY for rtICOM.tructlon altha deII1'oV*Ilmprowmlnt. or If no' .0.ppll~ m'lI, It IhI opllon ollhl Mona'gIlI, be.pplled In ~of
<br />any IndebtMIn... m.lu~ or unmatul9d HeaRd by t-.la mal1OlDl.
<br />
<br />(3) To klMlp III building', tlx'um Ind other Improwmantl now on or hl,..."I' placed un Uld praml... occupl<<t Ind In good fIIPIlr .lNIlntenanoe .nd condHlon
<br />and 10 Mllher commit nor piIl'mlt any acta ot wutll or any Impairment oIlttt Yllue of Ih. MCUrl!y.
<br />
<br />(4) In thl evtnl Mortg.goR fill 10 pay .ny Uln.. jUdg""ntl, _manta. tanI, rantl, Ian Dr Ch.rg.. or m.lntaln any In.urlnCII on 1M propIf'IY, bulldlnga.
<br />tllltum or lmprootem.ntsll provld~ harlln or In Ihal00n agreement. MoI1g1g.. mlY, lit Its option, maltllUch plymlntt or provldel~ main...... or
<br />fIIpllra 'nd any amount. paid t"aflltor .hlll baCome par1 at thl prlnclplllndabl~"'" Ir.::U m h.fIIby, l:Ht Immadllltlly due .nd paytbl. .nd bII, InMNIt tram thI
<br />dall at paymlH1t II provld~ In Ih.loan .g....m.nt Provided. hOWlVtr. Ih.t the Idvlncemant by MOr1"ag.. at .ny .ueh amoun",hanln no mannlr limit thI right 01
<br />Mon;a;.. to cMcIlra MortgagOR In default oraxlltelM Iny 01 MortglgMI othlr rights Ind rlmMlIII.
<br />
<br />15) In tna evanl MOl'iyag..l. I party 10 any mlgatlon a"Kllng th. ..curlly or1hallen of this mortalg.. Including Iny ault by Martg-oaa to toraclaaathll mottDIOI
<br />orany,ultln whlchMortg'liI..lIIn.m~'d""'c!ant (Includlngcondemnatlonlnd bankruptcyprocMdlngll Martgageam.y Incurupan...ndldYlnc8paymeM1
<br />for abltract t.... Iltomeys teeal'Kelpt to tha mint prohlbltad by l.aw), co.lI. axptnan, Ipprallll ,... and other chargn and Iny .mountlao IdnncIcIIhIII
<br />becoml part ollhe prtnclp.llndlb1ldnau ileUM hereby. be Immldlll.1y due .nd Plyabll .nd belr Int.mt'l provided In th. taln IgJWmlII1t.
<br />
<br />(a) Any 1.lrcsa mlda to Mol1gagors or thllr .UCCMlOrs by tht axatel.. of Imlnent domain Ira haraDy u.lgnlld to Mortglgee; .nd M~-"-hftaby
<br />authorlzld to collecl.nd Ipply 1ha..m.ln paymlnt of.ny Indlbtednea. maturad ar unmltum, MCuntd by thl. mortglge..
<br />
<br />(1) In thle't'lllnl loIortglgoR deflultln Ih. payment whln due or Iny lum. ucuntd hllfllby lprlnclpll, Inle,..t. advancamlntl. or proteet:lVII dllbUraemantl). or 1.11
<br />to perform or oblllfVe eny covenants .nd condlllons contlllnad hlraln, In the notlll) or In thllloan .greemtlf1tl'), or .ny procaadlng Ie brought by or egal,.
<br />MortglgoraundarlnyBankruplcy laWl, Mortglg.. may. atlt. option. dlcl.ratheenlllllllndoblednehHCured hlraby lobe Immadl.lelyciueand ~andbaar
<br />Interest It Ihe deflult rail III pravldld In thl nOIl(') or lOIn ,,,nMImenttl,and Mortgsg.. may Immediately tOrKlo.. thla mort~orpu"_ any otharavallablll
<br />legll remedy InCluding fOrRlosure by .d'tlllnIHmant wllh I power 0' ..Ie In Mortgagee to the exleM pl'D\Ildad by ltata Ilw. Provided. howIMIr. that delay by
<br />Mongagee In exerclllng Itl rights upon dlraullah.1I not be conDtrued a,. w.l....rlheraor.nd that Iny act ot MortgagM waiving any apeclflc daf.ult.hlll not be
<br />construlKl.' a waivlrat .ny'llIure default If Ihe pl'OClldl unelar .uch IIlell.nd foreclOlurearelnsufflcient to pay Ihelotallnd.btedneaa hereby lICul'ld, MortgagoR
<br />do hereby agree to bit personally bound to pay the unpaid bal.nce. Ind Mortgag_ sh.lI be enlllled 10 a deficiency jUdgment
<br />
<br />(8) Upon dellult, Monglg.. ah.lI at once becomaentilllKl to exclullve poueulon. use and enjoyment at aU property and to all rents. ~ crupaand protltl
<br />thereof. 'rom the lime of lIUCh delault and during the pendency ot toraclolure proceedlngl and the period 01 redempUon, thedellYery ofwtllch may Mentorced by
<br />Mortgagee by any IpproprtatltllJlt. Ictlon orpl'OCMdlng. Mong.geeahall beentltlelJ 10 a Rectllnrforaald property andlll rentl, tuun.cropaandprofltatheNOt.
<br />wlthoul reg.rd to tha vllue olllld property. or Ihe lu"'clency theNol to dllCharge thll mortgage debt and the toreclOlura coati, fill and upen.... SUch Racatve1
<br />may bII.ppolnted by any coun of competent Jurisdiction upon IX plna application, notice being hereby expl1tSlly waived. The RRIIlver 1h.IIIPPIy all """. '-ull,
<br />Cropl. prolltl. Incame and f1Mfnue at the property to keep tho umeln good repllrend condition. pay all taxa. rentl, 1eca, charv_ and....-manta, ply lnauranctl
<br />premium. nBCeSllry'o keep the preml...lnaured. PlY the axpen.. or the receivership Ind attorney lleIlncurred by the RlC8iver. and apply the net procaedl to thI
<br />payment o'thelndlbUtdn... aecured MrIby. Such Receiver Ihall have all the otherUlual powers of recelvsnll .uthorizad by law and u the court maydll'lCl
<br />
<br />(9) The Integrity and rnponalbUlty 01 the MongagOfll constllullla part of the conlideration forttle obu"allanaucured hereby. Should Mortgagomllll. tranltar
<br />orconvsythe propertydncrlbedhe,.ln,wlUlolllprlarwrln.ncon..nto'Mortgl"ae, Monglgee may. al its option. decl.R1theentlre Indebtednaa ImmadlltMydua
<br />and payable Ind mlY proceeclln the enforcement at III rights II on any oUlar def.ult.
<br />
<br />(10j Aulgnmlnt olR.nm Including Proceed. 01 Mln,,., L.... MortagOfW hereby trenater, lit over .nd con't'lt)'1o Mortgageeall f1Int1, royaltlaa. bonuaaaand
<br />delay moneys Ihlt mlyfrom time to time becomeclueandplyableunderal1Y raallltataleue orunderanyolI, guor01hln'mlnaral.....ol.nyll.lndnowextatlngor
<br />11'111 tnJV h.....llar tom, Into pllI,net, COVIrlng th'lbcmrland or .n)' Pin ttt.rto1. "lIlUch .ums ~ I'9C8ived by MOl'lgagaeahlll MapplWdIo the Indlbtldr.-
<br />IICUred heraby; oruld Mortglgtl mlY, at Ita OpllOn, turn over and dlll'nrta 1M MortgagOf1l arthetrsuccnaors In Inta,..., anyoraU at IIUCh aums wtIhout pnijudica
<br />10 any of MOrtgllil"" rlghtllo "tie and retain futura luma. and wlthoUl prejudice 10 any of Ita other righta under this mang.ga. ThII trInafer and conNyInCl
<br />hereunder to Mortvlg.. of uld ranta. royaIU... bonu... and dilly monays ahall be conltrued to be. provision lor tha paymanl or l'IducUon 01 the mortCIIDI dIbI.
<br />lubject to Ih. Monga"." option II heflllnbatora providad.lnapendant 01 the mortg.g.llen on uld real 811111. Upon payment In lull of tne mortglgl 0Ibt and U.
<br />rei.... of thla morta-a.ot record, U111 CDnVl)'lncelhl1l become Inoptfltiwland of no turthartorce and atIec1.
<br />
<br />(111 The COVllnlnla contained In this mortglga 1It.1l t. dHm~ to be ......rab..: In the avanl thlt .nv PDr1lon at thll mortaage II determInId to be wokI or
<br />unenton:aable. thai determlnltlan ahlll not IfIeet 1h' valldlly at the remllnlng portlonl 01 the mortg.ge.
<br />
<br />(Dale W. Robe~ts)
<br />
<br />(Shirley J. Robe~ts)
<br />
<br />C;LA!tJv ,1.>k~
<br />
<br />, \ '?J2
<br />J.:, ." Q 0 <6 g-.~\-r<). lOt::.
<br />
<br />STATE OF Nphr~c;;k::ll
<br />
<br />COUNTY OF Ha 11
<br />On this ..12.1bday ot
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<br />I
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<br />)
<br />
<br />np~pmhF!r
<br />
<br />,A.D.. 19--B.L.. before me. _ Notlry Public.
<br />
<br />peraonallyappeared Dalf'! W Rohprt!; Anti ~hlrlpy I Rnhprtc hllc:h~nrl ~nrl wif"
<br />
<br />to me known to be Ihe peraon(l) named in and who execuled the 'oregolng In.trument. and acknowledged that thev executed
<br />the same a,tbiili:voluntary Bct end deed, ' - - -..
<br />
<br />(SEAL) '-:r-..::.:-" ~('..J--,-<,o.,Cl ~-------...
<br />
<br />... If ~ -. OIL" . (Type or print neme under slgnatufll)
<br />My commission expires Notary Public In and lor said County and StatD
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