<br />Pig.' 0111
<br />
<br />Open.End To SKU,. PrHWIt Ind Fulu,. ObllQlllOM Ind Adv.nol'
<br />Dolo: December 12, 1988
<br />
<br />88-
<br />
<br />106929
<br />
<br />Dale W. Roberts and Shlr!ev J. Roberts, husband and wife, as lolnt tenants with
<br />
<br />rlClht of survivorship, and not as tenants In common
<br />
<br />Martgagal'l, at Hall County, Nph...ac;kA ,In conlldel'lltlan o'
<br />the advance by Morgagee to Mortgagors 01 the principal sum specified below, the receipt of which Is hereby acknowledged, and any
<br />future, addltlonel or protective advances made to Mortgagors at Mortgagas's option, hereby sell, convey and mortgage to FIVE POINTS
<br />BANK, 2015 North BroadwBl1 AvenuB, Grand Island, Nebraska 68802. Mortgagee, lie successors and assigns, from the dale hereof until
<br />aU obllgatlonl ..cured horeby are paid In full, the toilowlng-descrlbed real estate In HRII County.
<br />. Nebraska "' to wit:
<br />.Is. .!!IR. ..!!io.
<br />Lot Twenty-Nine (29), R & B Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />
<br />.~. ".
<br />
<br />, ~ r
<br />
<br />together with all Mortgagora right. title and Interut In said property. Including all bulldlnga. fixtures, cropt and Improvementa now on or
<br />herMfter pllCId upon said real property: Including alia all appurtenancea, water. Irrigation, and drainage rlg:1t1; and all rentl.lllueI, UHI,
<br />profit.. and rights to po....lon; all oil, gUt gravel. rock orothermlnerall Of whatever nature, Including geothenna' resources; and all personal
<br />property that may Integrally belong to or hereafter become an Integral pin of uld real eltate whether attached or detached, Including any
<br />IPPUrtenlnCll and accoutrements of any residence secured hereby. and all 'eua, permits, licenses or prlvlllltlile&, appurtenant or
<br />nonappunenanl to said mortgaged premises, now or hereafter IlIued, e,"ended or renewed by Mortgllgor, the State. United Statea or IIny
<br />department, bureau or agency thereof.
<br />1110__ andagNOd_ ~ and___thIa IIMII'lpga Iog\wn 10_
<br />(a) A promlaaory nDte or notes together with Inblrest thereon llxecuted by Mortgagorl!lto Mortgagee and described lIS follows:
<br />
<br />Dale 01 Nala
<br />
<br />_oaI Amounl
<br />
<br />Dale 01 No"
<br />
<br />Prtncloal Amounl
<br />
<br />December 12, 1988
<br />
<br />$2,000.00
<br />
<br />'plyable according to the terml Df Mid note(I).
<br />
<br />(b) And the repayment In full by Mortgagoraofanyand an future and addltlonalldVAncel which mly be made by MDrtgagee, at IhI option, at
<br />therequelt of, and to orforthellCCOUntof Mortgllgora, orlny of them, for any purpoae. plullntlmlDn all iuch advances. under anynDte(a)
<br />or other Instrument(l) taken In rdnanclng, extending, ,..,...Ing, reamanlzlng or ratNC1urlng IUch Indebtedness or any pllft thereof. all
<br />
<br />===O.~":n~::::~~:):,::,erU:=m":'t(I!jP:I~:;,~ th~~~~~~a1':.rI~~p~~~~b~~n~_~~~n~:ng
<br />
<br />----__________________________________________________'""DOLLARS ($ 1 n nnn nn ).
<br />ucIU11ve of Inte..... and of the protective dllburMmefita authorized herein or In the lOin IU""'"*'t(I); provided, further, thlt THIS
<br />ANYTIME.
<br />(e) The rwpay1Mntln full by Mongagora of Inlmounts advanced by Mortgagee. It IhI apUon. to or on behalf of Martgagora.. protective
<br />dllbul'NlMntlauthorlzed herelrl, In the laan agreement(I). or In other In:trument(l) which may beglvln 10 evidence Buch Idvlncel plus
<br />Intarelt nn all RICh~. paylbltl.. provided In the nOle(I). loan Igreerntnt(al or olher InatrumenUI).
<br />(d) The payment In full of Iny and all other put. prwentorfutoJre. dlntC1 or contingent, debts Ind lIablllt," of Mortgagors 10 MOr1gagee or
<br />Ony'-"_.
<br />ThlI rnortpgIIWlU ba due June 15. 1989 or upon lM payment In full or aUlUml HCurecl harebY.
<br />~__warrentlNltheyhotd".lmpltlllU. toUMUoncMIc:rtlMcl proptIrty, IhatllWy hIIv.good and lawful.ulhorily 10 mortgag.lh...m..lhalsald
<br />PfOPMt'IIa fraaandclaerol &III...and~cumbr&nOlll, "cepfMICUm~of rM:Otd. and 1hII11heywlll,,""n1 and dIIt.nd said property .galnal.11 claimllnll
<br />~. UonpoorsaJaa herIIby .allMand reUnqul1h all rlgtlllof dowNr. h~. dlstnbuUvelha,..nd uemptlon In IlId to tn.lboV.d..cribed proJ)t'rty.
<br />