<br />0)
<br />o
<br />0)
<br />c.o
<br />o
<br />..-l
<br />
<br />() Emln.nl Dam.tn. lund'\! II h"""'y "U'ijl11lfl nil r.llffiponnnl1on I!w4Idn 'l"mn'JIlI 11"'1 <lilli" plI'l'l11"nla 01 rohlll HUllUm"""' P'O[llQdl I 111 t.on"m::llUn Wllh
<br />tonllom('lnllOn 01 olho' lnkmonl tho Ptnpully (Ir IlIllllhlluml or lorconvovnnco,n Imu 01 [on!Jllrnnnlloll LOnllol nnnll boonl,llod III Ill! opllonla commilnco "ppon/ln lint!
<br />pro'tlculo In t" own nnmllllny 111::1100 m procundmOI ond lIhnll nino bl! onlltllld 10 mnkll Rny complom"" Of 101110"'00' 1M connl1e"On WIIh luch Inking or dnmilgn In thll
<br />lIvonl nny 110fl"I" ollila PruPllfly " 10 lnkon nI domngnd. Lflndul nhnn hllvn lho opllon on Il~ SOlO And nblloluto dlacHlllon. to Apply nllluth PrOCDoda "'tnl lloducllno
<br />I"olohom nil Calla nnd lJapnnlollncurmd by I' 1M cannOCllon WII" lutll proenodll. upon nflY mdoblodnnaD Iflcurod hnrohy nnd In luch ord(ll 05 Landor moy dolOrmlnfl. or to
<br />IIpply all luch P'OCfllOl:ll. "lIor luch doduchona to Iho rnlolalion ot U,o Proporty lJ~on 'Iuch r.unrhllonl 01 Londor mAy dolO/minD Any I\pphcnllon 01 Procoadl 10
<br />mdllbtodnDJI Ihall not o~lond or pOltpono Iho duo dl\tn 01 ony pAymonl1l undol tho Nolo. or curo any dahUlll tholoundor 01 horoundor
<br />
<br />7 Plrto,m.ne. by L.nd.,.ln lhoovonl 01 Borrowo(alnlloro 10 porlorm nny ollhocovononllholOln ur mnko ony pnymonllloqUlro(3 horDbV. or It onvnct 10 IAkonor
<br />logal p'oeoodlng commnncnd which matorlllllv alloela Londor'alnlofOalln Iho Proporly, Ll!ndor mny In III own dlaCrOtlDn. bul wllhoul obligation lodo 110, nnd wlthoul nolleo
<br />to or demllnd "pon BOlfowor ond wlthoul rolODBlnQ Borrowor hom Bny obllgl\lIon. do Bny oct whiCh IIw Borrowor hOB ogrood but 1011110 do ond moy Bloo do onv olhor Belli
<br />dooma notOlOllry to proloct Ihe lIocurlty horool Botlowor aholl. Immodllllot., upon domon.j thorolol by Londor, poy te Londor 011 COllIn And o_ponloo lncuflod ond auma
<br />oxponded bV Londor m cOnnOChiln wllh IhO ",xorclae bV Lendor DI tho foregoing "ghlo.logolne' wllh Inhllosl1l1Dreon nt Ihe rB1D provldlld In Iho Nole. which shall be lidded to
<br />lho indebllldnllSlllllculod herobv Londor shnll nol oncur any porsonallloblllty bocauso 01 anylhlng II mny do or omit 10 do herounder
<br />
<br />8 E..nll 01 Oll.ull. Tho lollowlng ahnll con!lUlulo nn o~onl 01 delnull undor IhlS DI'od 01 Trult
<br />
<br />(al FoUulo 10 pay any lnstallmonl 01 principal or Inlor081 or nny other !lum seculed harobv whon dUll. or lallule 10 pay .....hon duo IInV olhllrlndublodnolll Dl
<br />Borrower to Londor;
<br />
<br />fh) A broach 01 or dolaull undor any pro~lsion conlolnod 10 Ihe Note IhlS D(!od 01 Trusl, Bny documenl which socora! Iho NolO, and IInv olhor
<br />oncumbrD;neo upon tho Property.
<br />
<br />(e) A wr,tol OlCccuUon or allachmenlor any SImilar procos!>'lhOIl be enlered ngnln!1 Elotlownrwhlch shllll becomon hon on IhoProporly oronyportlon
<br />Ihllrool or mlorosl therein;
<br />
<br />(d) Thoro !lhall be filed by or nglllnst Borrcwer an IICllon undor nny prollonl or lutulo lodornl. !llnlo 01 olher slatute. law or rogulollon lelatlng 10
<br />bankruplcy. Inlolvoncy orolher leliel for doblors: or Ihore shall be oppolnted any trualon. IOCOI~Or or IlqUldnlor ot Borrower or of all or any part ollho Proporty. or
<br />the renls. iSIUIlS or prolltslhemol. or Borrowor shall make any gono'lIlass.gnmont IDr tho bonalil 01 crodllors
<br />
<br />(0) The sole. translor. asslgnmonl. con~evance or lurlher oncumhrnnce at .111 or nny p:JtI 01 or nny Inleresl '" lho "'roperly. ell her ~olunlarily or
<br />onvolunlar:~,.. wHhoul tho express wrillen consenl 01 Lender
<br />
<br />(II II BDrrD.....er IS nol an mdividual.lhe salo. Iran!>ler, asslgnmenl convl!ynnce or aneumbmnco 01 moro lhan __ ~ - percenl at (It.1 corpOrDUonllts
<br />
<br />Issued and oullltondlng slDck or (if a partnership) __~"..._ percent 01 parlncrsh,p Inlorosls
<br />
<br />9 R.medl.li Aceelef.Uon Upon Deflull.ln the ovenl 01 any Event 01 Ooloull Lender may decl;ue all mdebledness secured hereby to be due and payable lInd Ihe
<br />same shall thereupon become duo and payable .....ithoul any presonlment. demand, prolest or nollce 01 any k10d Thereafter Lender may:
<br />
<br />(0) Demand Ihal Trustee oxerclSe Ihe POWER OF SALE grnnled herom, ond Trustee shalllherealler cause Borro.....er.s inleresl in IhO Property 10 be sold
<br />and the proceeds 10 be dlslribuled. all in the manner prOVided in the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act.
<br />
<br />lbl Eilher 10 person or bV agenl. With or wlthoul bring 109 any ncuon or proceed mg. or by a receiver eppoinled by e courl and wlthoul regard to the
<br />adequacy 01 its securily. enler upon and lake possession ollhe Property. Dr any parltheleol. m ItS own name or In the name ollhe Trustee. and do any aclswhich
<br />it deems necessary or dcs.rllble to pre!ierve Ihe valuo. marketability or renlablllly ollhe Properly. or plHI thereol or inle,esl therem. .ncrease the Income
<br />lherelrom orprolect Ihe securily hereol and. With orwllhoul laking possession ot the Properly, sue IDr orolher.....lsecollecltheronts. Issues and prollls Ihereol.
<br />including thoso past due and unpaid. and apply lhe sarno, less tosts and IlXpenS8s 01 operallon Bnd collecllon mcluding attorneys' lees. upon any IndebledneB5
<br />secured hereby. all to such order as lender may delermme. The enlerlng upon and laking possession ollhe Ploperty.lhecolleelion of such rant!!. Issues and
<br />prof.ts and the applrcolion Ihereol as oloresaio. shall nol curo or waive any delault or nolice of delault hereunder or mvalidale any act done in response to such
<br />defauU or pUlsuanllo SUCh nohce 01 delaulI and. nOlwllhslandrng Ihe continuance 10 possession 01 the Property or the colleclton. receipt and application 01
<br />rents. issues or prolils. Truslee orLendor shell be enlrUed to e~ercise every nght prOVided lor rn any 01 the Loan Instrumenls or by law upon occurence 01 any
<br />evenl 01 default. including Ihe rlghl to exercise the power 01 sale. and
<br />
<br />(cl Commence IIn achon 10 loreclose thiS Deed 01 Trusllis a morlgage. appoml a receiver, or speclhcally enlorce any 01 the covenanls hereof:
<br />
<br />No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved 10 Truslee or lender IS Inlended to be e_eluslve 01 any olhe' lemedy herern or by law prOVided or pelmlUed. bul each shall be
<br />cumulative. shall be In addition to every olher remedy given hereunder or now or herealler eJ:tstmg at law or In equtlv or bV slalute, ;1nd may be elterClsed concurrently.
<br />independently or sur:cessivelv
<br />
<br />10. Trull". The Truslee may resign al any time w,thout cause. and Lender mily nl any I,me and ""Ilhoul causeappomt a successor or substltule Trustee Trustee
<br />shalt not be IIl1ble lor nny loss or damage unless due 10 actionable negligence or w,lIlul mlsconducl. and shall not be reqUired to take any aCllOn rn connectIOn wlttllhe
<br />enforcement 01 this Deed 01 Trust unless indemmlled. m writing. lor all costs. compensallon or expenses which may be assocHlled there.....ilh In addlllon. Truslee may
<br />become a purchase' et IIny sate ollhe Property (judicllll or unde,lhe power olsals granled herem I. poslpone Iho sale 01 011 or any porllon 01 the property, asprovlded by law
<br />or selllhe Property as a whole. or In separate parcels or 10lS
<br />
<br />1,. Fulu,. Ad..ncII. Upon requesl 01 Borrower. Lender may, allts optIon. make addltlOnol and lulure Advances and readvanr.es 10 Borrower Such advances and
<br />readvances. with inlerestlhereon. shall be secured by Ihls Deed of Trusl. Al no lime sholl tho pnnClpall'lmounl 01 Iho mdebledness secured by fhrs Deed 01 Trust. not 10-
<br />
<br />cluding sums advanced to protocllhesecuntyolthlS Deed 01 Trusl. e_ceedthe Ollgmal prinCipal amounl SI.111!d herem or 5 12,000.00 . whlchoverlS
<br />grealer
<br />
<br />12 Mllcall.n,oul Pro.lllon..
<br />
<br />(a) Borro..' No' Ritle.litd. ExtenSIOn 01 Ihe l,me for paymenl 01 modlllcallDn ot omorlllatlOn 01 Ihe sums secured by Ihls Deed 01 Trust granted by
<br />Lender 10 any successor 10 Intereslol Borrower shall nol operale to release, In any mannel, lhe lIablllly oflho original Borrower and Borrower's successors in
<br />IOlerelt Lender shall nol be requlled 10 commence proceedmgs agalnslsuch sutces!tol or reluse to elttend lime lor paymenl 01 otherwIse mod.fy amortizallon
<br />01 the sums seculed by thiS Deed 01 Trusl by reason 01 any demands mode by Ihe Ollgln,,1 Borrower and Borrower's successors In mleresl
<br />
<br />Ib) L.nd.r'l POW'II. Wllhout allecllng lhe Ilab.hly 01 any other person liable lorlhe p"yment 01 ilny obllgallon hereIn mentioned, and wllhoul allecting
<br />the hen or charge 01 this Deed 01 Trust upon any portion ollhe Ploperty nol Ihon or thCfetolOle ,eleAsed as secunty lor the full amounl 01 all unpaid obhgalions,
<br />Lender mlly.lrom time 10 time and wllhoul notice fil release any perSDn 50 liable. [II) edend tho mnlurtty or alter any of the terms 01 any such obligatIons. !lnl
<br />granl othor indulgences, (ivl release or reconvey. or cause to be released or reeonveyed alnny time ilt Lender's options any parcel. porllon or all 01 the Property.
<br />(vI lake or ralusa any other or llddillonllil securny lor any obligallon herein montloned. or (VI) mllke compos.hon:! or otherorrangement$ WIlh deblors on lelallon
<br />thoreto
<br />
<br />Ic) Fom..raneeby Litnd.r Nol. Wal"'f. Anv lorbearance by Lender 1M o~erclslOg any .Ighl Of remedy hereundel, 01 otherWise alloldod by applicable
<br />law. shall not be a waiver of or preclude the e_erclse 01 any such right or lemedy The procurcmenl 01 onsurance or lhe paymenl olla_es or olher hons or charges
<br />by Lender Ihall not be a waiver of Lender's right 10 accelerale Ihe malurity 01 Ihe Indebledness secured by lh.s Deed ot Trusl
<br />
<br />(d) Suc~llolI.nd Alllgnl Bound; Jolnl.nd S.nt1l1 L1.bllltYi C.pUonl. Tho covellnnls end agroemenls herem contamed shall blOd. and the nghlS
<br />hereunder shall Inure 10. the respective soccessors and assigns 01 Lender and Borrowel. subJecl to the prOVISions 01 paragraph Ble) hOleol AU covenanlsand
<br />agreemenls 01 BOllower shall be joinl and sel/eral. The capllOns and head lOgS 01 Ihe paragraphs ollhls Deed 01 Trust are lor convenience only and are nollo be
<br />used to interplet or dellne the prol/lsions hereol
<br />
<br />(e) Aequ..' fefNollc... The parlios hereby request thai a copy 01 any nollce 01 dehlull horeunder and a copy 01 any nOllce 01 sale hereunder be mOIled 10
<br />each pltrty 10 Ihlll Deed 01 TruSI at the addresss!!t lorth abDve in Ihe manner plescrlbed by applicable law. E~copl for any other nolice reqUIred under apphcable
<br />IllW 10 be gIllen In another manner, any nollce p,ovided lor 10 Ihis Deed Df Trust shall be given by malllOg such nollce by cerhlled ma.1 addressed 10 the other
<br />parlles. lit the address set for1h abovo
<br />
<br />Anv nollce prOVided for to Ihls Deed 01 Truslshal1 be deemed 10 have been gIVen to Borrower 01 Lender when given In Ihe manner des.gnaled herein.
<br />
<br />(II InlpecUon. Lender may make 01 caule 10 be made reasonable enlrles upon and InspecllOns ollhe Ploperty. provided thai Lender shall give Borrower
<br />noUce prior to any such InspectIon Ipecilylng reasonablo cause Iherefor ralaled 10 Lender's mlelesl 10 the Properly
<br />
<br />Ig) R.conv.y.nee. Upon paymenf 01 all sums secured by this Ceed 01 Trusl. Lender shall requesl Tl'uslee 10 reconvey the Property and shall surrendor
<br />thIS Deed 01 Tru!t and all notes eVldonclng rndebtednoss secured by Ihia Deod 01 Trusllo Trusloe Trusleo shall roconvey the Properly wllhoul warranly and
<br />without charge 10 Ihe peraon or personlleglllly entitled Ihereto Such person or persons shall pay all (:oslo 01 lecoloallon. II any
<br />
<br />(h) P.llonat Proparly,SlCurU, Agr.'fnI!nL As additional security lor the paymenl ollhe Nola alll1lttures. equipment, ond other personal property used
<br />rn connection With the relit estate or Improvements localed thereon. and not olherWlse declared 01 deemod 10 be a part ollho leal eslale secured hereby. shall be
<br />aubJect 10 a security Interelt In fal/orollhe Lender undrr lhe Nebraska Umform CommerCial Code ThiS mslrum',"1 shall beconslrued as a Security Agreement
<br />under lIlid Code. and the lender shall hllve aU the IIghll5and remedies of a socured party undor said Code In addItion to Ihe rights and remedies crellted under
<br />and accorded the ~ender purslJant to this Deed 01 Trust
<br />
<br />(i) s.v..bDlty. In Ihe event that llny prolllSlon 01 thiS Deed of Trust conllicl wllhappllcable law or lllednclnrod invalid or olherwlseunenforceable. SUCh
<br />eonllictorinvalldilv shall nol alleclthe otherplovlsiOllsollhla Deed olTrusl or lheNolo .....hl h can beglvanclfocl wllhoul the confllctmg prOVISIon. and It...lhia
<br />end the provisions 01 Ihe Deod 01 Truat and Ihe Nola are declared 10 be soverable
<br />
<br />Borrower has e_eculed this Deed 01 TrUlllha dale wrlllen above
<br />
<br />
<br />I
<br />00
<br />00
<br />
<br />(Venn . Clark, Husband)
<br />_ r--J J. d.') <-:-. t? ~JL/
<br />~~_.
<br />(Phyllis Pi. Clark, Wife)
<br />