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<br />88- 106909
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<br />n
<br />I
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<br />Bol'foWtlI'1l (TfUllora) undllrallnd (hi' thedocurn.nl thallhe Borrow'llI IIlIlboul to ,,_lIeul.... Oelld 01 rrullond nolll morlgllgll Dnd Ih'tthll powlHol.alepfDyjdlld
<br />lor In the Deed at TruI' provides lubll.nllllly dIH."nt rlghl' Ind obllgellonlto tho Dorrowel'1l1han I mortgnge In the ovant 01.11 dlllaull or brlllch 01 abllglUon under the
<br />DHd olTru.I,lnCludlng, but not IImlllld to, the Lende,', rlg1lllo have the Rell PrCJpertv lold ~~~llIfI wilhout.ny judicial proceodlng or loreololwlI Barrowell
<br />rnprnHnl.n.w"'''nllh.llh''''.nDw''.''m.nlw.....'''...,'h.m..IDrn:y~~
<br />
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<br />(Venne E. Clark) BD""W", (Husband)
<br />~ .J1 - . ~~
<br />(Phyllis BD"DW" (Wife)
<br />
<br />
<br />COMPLETE Ihlt portion ONLY If Ih, n:lll propert,. described conll.t. 01 INDIVIDUALLY OWNED AORICUL TURA~ LAND.
<br />n Ippllc.ble, compl.'. ONLY ONE ellh.r A, H, or C:
<br />
<br />
<br />The 80rrowllr(lI)llcknowledge thallhey are abaulta elC8Cule the following Deed 01 Trust upon the real esl8le described therem. The Borrower(s), anc1 each ollhem il
<br />mora Ih.n ono. do hereby disclaim their righllodeslgnale a homestead pursuant Iherelo. No pari otthe homeslead 01 ellher of the Borrowerlslis presently or will in the
<br />future ba situated upon said relll estlllo, The Borrower{s) undersland Ihatll cllhcrestabllahes a homestead on ~ny part 01 said real estate during the tl,me the Deed of Trust
<br />rem.lns unsatillted and a lien upon said reel eslale, Ihere Shall be no nghlto mllke II designallon 01 homeslead In the evonl 01 a foreclosure or trustee s sale wllh respect 10
<br />said Deed 01 Trust
<br />
<br />
<br />The Borrowar(s) acknowledgathalthey are about to exocute the lollowing Deed 01 Trust upon the real eslate described therein. The Borrower(sl. and each 01 them II
<br />more than one. do hareby waive their right 10 designate a homestead pursuant therelo, The Borrowerl9} unde~stand thaltney have the right to make a designation 01
<br />homestead and Ihat by executing Ihis waiver, they are waiVing rights otherwise available lor the purpose of allordlng thorn the opportUnity to retain their homestead lnthe
<br />event 01 fI delaull upon Ihe Deed 01 Trus:.
<br />
<br />
<br />Pursuant 10 lhe Farm Homestead Protection ACI (SectIOn 1fi-1901 et seq. Aevlsed Slatullt5 ollhe Stdle 01 Nebrnsknl.lho Borrower(e). do hereby deslgnlllethe real
<br />property described In the "DesignatIon 01 Homestead.' allached herelo anll tncorporllled herOin by thl& reference
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />THIS OEEO OF TRUST. IS made .15 of lhe .2-1~ day 01 Decernbet=:--+ 1988-. by and among the Trustor. "ent:teth ~ ,..1 ::I1"'ll:.
<br />and PQy'llis A. Clarlt.J, .ij\,l~PanP__&_ Ws.J~_ whoscmlllllngnddrOSSlS .10L.We.si:._4t~Grand Island. Ne
<br />68801 __ [herein 'Borrower'.) It\l'Truslell ~;iJJ_t..a}!l_G~._ .~?_~~..J..-E_.~~r of the NE State Bar Assn.
<br />whose malllng address IS __. ~!. ..9~. _.eq~ ~~l;tQ_, gr8I1d__ ~l?!~c;i!. _ N:~_ _ . .~~!;!Q~~280 _ (herem -Truslee",.
<br />andlheBenellclary. F;VA Points_Bank .. ._._.n_____~_~_
<br />whose mailing address 15 ---E..a.. Box l507_1 _ _Grand _Ialand,_.NE...._6B80'--1507 Iherein "Lender"l,
<br />
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIOERA T1QN, including 1I1e Indebllldno~s IdentIfied herem and trust herem created.lhe recelpl 01 which IS hereby acknowledged. Borrowar
<br />hereby lrrevocablygranls.lransf(rr!!, convey!! nnd assIgns 10 Trustel!_ IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE. lor the benehl and securIty 01 Lender. under and subjecI to the
<br />tarms and conditions herelnalter set lorth_ Ihe real properly dl!S!;llbed as tallows
<br />
<br />Lot Two (2), Block Thirty-Five (35) in original Town, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />Togelher with all buildings. lmprovemenl&. fixtures, streetl. alloys. passageways. easements. nghls. priVileges and appurtenances located thereon or in anywise
<br />pertaining therelo. and Ihe renls.lssues and prollll. rever&lons IInd romamder& thereol: mcluding. but not limlled 10, healing and cooling eQuipment and such personal
<br />property that is.ttached 10 the improvements so as to conllitutea fixture; and logotherwlth the homestead or mantal mterests, If any. which inlerests are hereby released
<br />and waived: all 01 which, mcluding replacemenls and additIon" Iherelo, IS hereby declared 10 be a part 01 the rOlll eslate secured by the lien of this Deed 01 Trust and all ollhe
<br />loregolng being relerred to herein as the "property"
<br />
<br />This Deed 01 Trust shall secure (a) the paymenl 01 the pnnclpllsum and mterest eVidenced by Borrower's nolo andlor credit agreement dated
<br />
<br />12/21/88 ,having III malurlty date 01 12/4/96 . in the original pnnclpal nmounl 01 S 121000.00 and anv and all
<br />modification.. oxtonllionlland nm_als thcntol orlhereto and any and.1I fulure IIdvl.nces and readuancas heraunder pursuant 10 one or more promissory notas orcredlt
<br />agreements (herein called "Note"): tbllhe payment 01 other sums advancad by Lender 10 prOleCt the securtly ollhe Note: IC}lhe performance aU covenantsandagreemenl
<br />of Donower lel forlh herein; and Idl alllndebtednessand obhgalionsof Borrower 10 Lender whether direct. indirect. absolute or contingent lInd whether arising by note,
<br />guaranty. overdralt or otherwise.
<br />
<br />Borrower, to protect the securlly of Ihll Deed 01 Trust, covenanls and agrees with Lender aslollow!I
<br />
<br />,. P.JmMllol PrlnclpaI.nd Inl.,..t. Borrowershall promptly pay when due the prinCIpal 01 and Interest on. end any lees or charges provided In. the Nole or in lhlS
<br />Deed 01 Trult.
<br />
<br />2. na.. Borrower Islhe owner 01 the Property. hasthe righland authonlyloconvey the Properly. and warranlslhntlhe lien crealed hereby IS i'I firsl and prior lien on
<br />the PropertV. ..C.pt'l m.yolherwile be &etlorth herein. and lhee.aculion and delivery of this Deed 01 Trust daD! nol violaluany contract or 01 her obligation to which
<br />Borrower I. In..bJoct
<br />
<br />3. T.....~... To pay when due all la.el. specl,l usessmenlsand all ather chargesagamst the PrOperly and, upon wr1l1en demand by lender, 10 pay 10
<br />Lende~ luch .mounl as mlY be luflicient 10 enable Ihe Lender to PlY such tallBs.assessmenls or olher chsrges as Ihey become due.
<br />
<br />4, IMUfaIICI. To keep Ihe Property inlured agalnsl damage by lire. hazarda included Within the tDrm "extendod coverage". end such Olher haZllrds 115 Leoder may
<br />require. In amountl and with companies acceptable 10 Lender, and With loss pay.blela the lander In ca&e 01 loss under such policies, the Lander IS authoTlZed to adlust
<br />collKt andcomproml... all clalmslherl!under and shall havelhe opllon of applying all or pari ollhe Insurance proceeds [lito any mDebtadness secured hereby and In sllch
<br />order..t.ende, may determine. (11110 the Borrower to be used lor Iho repair or reSlor.tion ollhe Property or llllllor IIny olher purpose or object saflslllCIQry 10 lender
<br />""lhoulalhtcl1nglhe hen ofthr.D~ olTrult farthe full.mount secured hereby before SUCh payment nVllrlook plncl' Any appllcallon of procel'd!110 ondl!hlcdm!5S ..Ilall
<br />nolallland 01 postpone Ihe due date 01 any P-tymenll under Iho Note. or cure any del.u1l1nereuntler or he.eunder
<br />
<br />5 IlalnIien8ncll Repaln and Compliance wUh uw.. BOlfower theJI kDftp Ihe Prorll~rly In ljIood condlllon Ilnd Il!pall. shall fJflJ<T1plly "'r"''' (I' rfltllilCC any
<br />.mpTOYeTnenl.hlC'h~., bedamagl'd or destroyed. Ihall notcomm.' or permllany w'lleo. dlll"r'Orllhon 01 Ih~ Prop."ly !lhall nol ,"mo...-" <1",,,,,11..,,, 0< ~"IHliln',al1y Illll"
<br />oIn.,aftnelmprovem8nllonlh.Properlv. IhaUnot comm1f. lulhtror permllanVolcltobedolllllnol upon tho PH)I}!!rtV III \fllJlill,on Jtnny Ill'" 0,<l1'\o1"1:1! '1I 'I.'Qul,ll'(l" <"HJ
<br />s",UpayandptompUyd,ll:h.rgeoll Bo"ower'1 COlt and expenu...n hens encumbrancelendchlllQr!S 'hll"J .mpoSI'do' as'Sl!s!wd /lg,w'~' In,. Pr"p".'~'" ,\rW pllfllhl",'n'
<br />