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<br />6 Emlna"1 Domain. LonrJor II hDI"~V ....looDlI 011 cDmpnlllllhlln n\lll/lllll ll"mnUlJl nnd olll"r pOl/monls or rollol (hnrOlnnllor "Proclloclli"l In cQnnaCllOll willI
<br />condomnallon orolho' laking ollha Ploporlyol parlllloreol. 0' 101 cOl\voy.llncnm hllu 01 comJomtl/l\lol'l Lundnr ,hnll bn "n!llIadnllla optIon 10 communcD,appa/H!II nod
<br />pro.aeula In n. own nlma tnyacllon or procoodllllJI, nnd Iinallallo hft uoUlled 10 m..... nnV complOm..o 01 lolllarnonlln connllr;llon ....11" ouch Inklna or dnmoga In '110
<br />ovnnllny potllOn allha PtoperlV II 10 laken or damaglld. Land,., tholl hlWIt ItH' apllnn In III noln nnd nbloluto allCIOllon, la npply till auch Prccoada, nllor doducllng
<br />thorelrom III COlli and ".panlal incurred bV II In connocllon wllh luch procendi, upon Dny IndnbtodnOlllloclIlOd horoby And In luch ordolIII l-ondol mllV dolo,mlno. 0' 10
<br />apply .U auch P,ocead_, alia, luch dalfucUonl, 10 Ihe 1~_lo'aUDn ollho Plopony IIpon tlleh eondlUonll nil I.ondfll may dolormlno, Any oPPUClIllon 01 P,ocoedll to
<br />mdllblednGJI aholl nol Gilland or poslpone Iho duo dalo 01 onv paymllnl_ undm tn~ Noto or l;UII' ofly dofnllltlhcrallfldor or hmfl'undor
<br />
<br />7. Ptrform_nc_byL.nd".ln IhOO\lOl\1 olBorrowol'llaUuroto perlorm nn,/ 01 the tDVOnontll hore'n 01 mllkoony pBymenl1l roqulred hernby. or liMY aCI laUlkenal
<br />leg.l proceedingcommoncnd which maltlrlaU,/ nllllclllondor'lllnlllrolllln tho Proporly, Llmr1er may In till own dlllCrellon, bul wllhoul obUoaUon 10 do 10. and wllhoul nollcD
<br />to ordem.nd upon Borrower.ne! wlthoul rohtlllng Borrower Irom any obliOAUon. do Any ncl which Iho Borrowel h414gUlod bullolllllo do ond may Ilia do any olher pcllt
<br />deemD nec~laarylo prolecllhll IlIcurll\, hereol Borrower IhaU, Immedlololy upon dOIl'"nd IhOlolor by Lendor. pay 10 lflndor all costa and ollpenlc; Incur rod ond ,umll
<br />oxpendedby Lender In connection wllh Ihooxerchle by lender ollholorogolng Ilghll. to!juthflr wllh InlC!lOlllthereon at the ,ate provided In Iho Noto. which IIhBlI ballddod 10
<br />tho lndeblednfl!l!lsecured hereby L8nder lIhall nol Incur any pel!lonlllllablUly becaule 01 anylhln9 It may do or omlllO do hereunder
<br />
<br />8 Ennll 01 C.llult. The lollowlng shall conlllltule an owenl 01 dolftullllndor Ihlll Deed 01 Trull
<br />
<br />(al F311ure to plYllny in!llallmonl 01 printlpAI or !nlerosl or any othcr lum llecllrnd hereby when duo, orfallurota pay when due any other Indoblednoll 01
<br />Borrower to lender;
<br />
<br />(bl A breach of or dofault undllr Dny prowision conlllined In Iho Note. Ihlll Doed of TrUlll, any documenl which secures the Note. and any olher
<br />enr.umbrance upon Ihe Proporty;
<br />
<br />(c) A writ 01 ellecullon or allachment or any similar process sholl be enterod against Borrower which shall become a lien on Ihe Properly or any porUon
<br />Ihereol or interest Ihereln;
<br />
<br />(dl Them shall be filed by or agBlnst Borrower an acllon under any present or luture led oral. slate or other statute, law or regulallon relallng 10
<br />bankruplcy, Insolvency or other rellellor doblol'll; orthere shl'lll beappolnled any truslee. receivel or liquidalor 01 Borrower or cl ell or eny part 01 the Property. or
<br />the rents.luues or profit! thereol. or Botro.wer shall make any general assignment lor the banellt 01 credllors
<br />
<br />(e) The 511le, transfer. assignment. conveyonce or further encu,.,brance 01 all or any part of or any Interellt in the Properly. eilher voluntarily Of
<br />inwoluntarUy, wilhoullhe ellpress wrlllen consent 01 Lender
<br />
<br />II> If Burrower is nol an indivIdual. the sale, lransler. allllignmcnt. conveyance or encumbrance 01 mOle Ihan _ percent 01 (if a corporation) its
<br />
<br />ISSUed and outstanding stock or (II a partnership! _ percent 01 partnership mterests
<br />
<br />9 R.medln;Acc.I.,.llon Upon O.I.utl.ln theevent 01 any Event 01 Default Lender may declare all Indebtedness setulCd hereby to be due and payable and the
<br />lIame shall thereupon become due and payable without any presentment. demand. prolesl or notice 01 any kmd Therualler Lender ma'f
<br />
<br />la) Demand thai Truslee ollercise the POWER OF SALE granted herem. Bnd Trusteeshall therealter couse BOffowar'S mtoresl in Ihe Property to be sold
<br />and the proceeds to be dllltnbuled, all In the manner prOVided In the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act:
<br />
<br />lbl Either m pelSon or by agont. wilh or Without bringing any aClion or proceeding. or by a receIver appomled by a court and Without regard to the
<br />adequacy 01 Its securily. enlerupon and lake possessIOn of the Property. or any partthereol, In Its own name or In Ihe name 01 the Trustee. and do any actS which
<br />II deems necessary or deSirable 10 preserve Ihe value. marketability 01 lentablllty 01 lhe Property. or part thereol or mlelest Ihelein. increase lhe mcome
<br />therelram or prolect the security hereol and. with or wlthollt taking possession of the Property. sue far or otherwIse collect Ihe renls. Issues ana profits themol.
<br />Including those past due and unpaid, and apply Ihesame.less costs and e~penses of operation and tollectlon Inctudlng at1orneys'lees. upon any indebledness
<br />secured hemby. all In such order as lender may determine. The enlermg upon and taking possession 01 the Property. the coUecllon 01 such rents. Issues and
<br />profllll and the application Ihereol as aforesaid, shall nol cure or waIVe any delault ar noticeol delaull hereunder or invalIdate any act done In response to such
<br />delaull or pursuant to such notice al delBull and. nalwithstandmg Ihe tOntinuance m possession o! Ihe Property or the collection. recelpl and application 01
<br />rents. issues or proms, Trustee or lender shall be entItled to exercise every rrght provided lor in any olthe loan Instruments or by law upon oceumnce 01 any
<br />evenl 01 delaull. including the righl to exercise the power 01 sale: and
<br />
<br />(cl Commence an acllon to loreclose Ihis Deed 01 Trust as a mortgage. appomt a receiver. or speclhcally enlorce any ollhe covenants hereof;
<br />
<br />No remedy herein conlerre,j upon or reserved to Truslee or Lender is intended to be exclUSive 01 any other remedy herem or by law prOVided or permllled. but each shall be
<br />cumulative. shall be inaddltJcn 10 every other remedy given hereunder or naw or herealler eXlshng at law ar In e4ulty or lJy slatule. and may lJe exercised concurmnll'f,
<br />independently or successively.
<br />
<br />10. Trustetl. The Trustee may msign at any lIme WIthout cause. and lender may at any Irme and without cause appoint a successor or substllute Truslee. Trustee
<br />shall nol be liable lor any los!l or damage unless due 10 acllonable negligence or wllllul mIsconduct. and shall oat be reQuned to take any action In connection With lhe
<br />enforcl!lmenl 01 this Deed of Trust unless indemmlled. 10 wrlllng, lor all costs. compensatIon or expenses whIch may be assOCIated Iherewlth In additIon. Trustee may
<br />become apurchaser at anysaleol the Property (judiCIal or under the powerol salegranted heleml, postpone the sale of all or any portion 01 the property. as provided by law;
<br />or selllhe Property as a whole. or in separate parcels or tOls
<br />
<br />11. FuIu...Adw.nces. Upon mquest 01 Borrower, Lender may. at 115 opllon, make additional and luture advances and readvanceS to Borrower Sllch advances and
<br />readvances. wilh interest themon, shall beseeumd by 11'115 Deed 01 Trusl A.t no lime shall the pnncipal amollnt otthe mdebtedness secured by lhls Deed 01 Trust. not in-
<br />
<br />cludingsumaadvanced lopratecllhe security of thiS Deed of Tlust. ellceed theoriglOal pflnClpal amount staled herem. OrS fin, noo 00 ,whichever Is
<br />gmater.
<br />
<br />12 IIlaceI"n~us Prowl.lona.
<br />
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<br />
<br />(al Borrow.r Not AIII.....d. Elllenslon 01 the tIme lOr paymenl or modlllcallon 01 amorltzatlon oj the sums secured by thIS Deed of Trllsl granted by
<br />lender to any successor 10 interest 01 Borrower shaH not operate to release. to any manner. the ltablllly 01 the orlgmal Borrowel and Borrower's successors 10
<br />inlerest. Lender shall not be required locommence ploceedmgs agamsl such successor or refuse to extend lime lor payment or otherWise modify amortizalton
<br />of the sums secured by this Deed 01 Trust by reason 01 any demands made by Ihe onglOal Borrower and BOllower's successors m Inlerest
<br />
<br />(bl Lender's Pow.rs. Wllhoulallecling the liability 01 any other person lIable 10lthe payment 01 any obllgallon herCln mentioned, and wilhoul allecting
<br />the lien or charge 01 this Deed olTwst upon any portion ollhe Properly not then or thelelolore leleased as security lor the lull amount 01 all unpaId obhgallons.
<br />lender may, from Umeto Umeand without notice III release any person so liable. Ill) extend the malllrtly or altel afly 01 the lerms 01 any such obligatIons, liltl
<br />granl other indulgences, (ivl release or reconvey, or cause to be released or reconveyed at any lime at Lender's options any parcel. portion or all 01 the Property.
<br />(vi take or release any otheror additlonal secunty lor any obllgalton herem mentioned. or (VI) make CompOSitions or other arrangements WIth deblors 1ft relal10n
<br />therelo.
<br />
<br />lc) Forbe.l'llncebrLllftdllr Nol_Welnr. Any lorbearance by lender m e~erclslng any fight Of IOmedy hereunder. 01 olherwlse atlolded by applicable
<br />law, shall not be a waiverof or preclude lheexerclse 01 any such right or remedy. The procurement olmsuranee or the payment of taxes or other hens or charges
<br />by lender shall not be a waiver of lender's right 10 accelerate ttle malurily 01 the mdebtedness secured by thIS Deed 01 Trusl
<br />
<br />(dl Succeuors and Aaalgns Bound: ,Jolnland Snltl'lll UabUlty; C.ptlons. The covenants and agreements helem conteined shall bInd, and the rights
<br />hereunder shall inum 10, lhe respective successors and assignl 01 lender and Borrower, subject to the prOVISIons 01 paragraph B Ie) hereot. All covenants end
<br />agreements ot Borrowershall be joint IInd several. The capltons and headings ollhe paragraphs 01 thiS Deed 01 Trust are for convenience only and are nolto be
<br />used 10 Inttlrpnrl or define Ihe provlsionll hereol.
<br />
<br />Ie) RequeatrorNo1iceL The partIes hereby request that a copy 01 any notlte 01 default hereunder and a copy of any nollce of sale hereunder be mailed to
<br />each parly lothis Deed of Trust at the address lletlorth above In tha manner prescrtbed by applicable law E_cepllor any olher notIce requlmd under applicable
<br />lawtobegiven in another manner. any noUce provided lor In thiS Deed 01 Trust shall be given by mall1ng such noltce by certllted mall addressed to the olher
<br />parties, at the address sel forth above.
<br />
<br />Any notice provided lor in lhia Deed 01 Trust shall be deemed to have been given 10 BOHowel or Lendel when g1\len In the manner designated herein
<br />
<br />(II In.pecUon. Lender maymako or cause to be madereasonable enlnes upon and Inspecllonll 01 tne Properly. prOVided that Lendershall giwe Borrower
<br />nolice prior to any \Iuch Inspection specilying reasonable cause therelor related to Lender's mlerest In the Properly
<br />
<br />(gl ReconftYlnce. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Deed ofTrusl.lendelllhall request Trusteeto reconvey lhe Property and !'hall surrender
<br />this Deed olTrustand all noles evidencing indebtedneaallecured by Ihls Deed 01 Trust 10 Trultee Truslee shall reconwey the Properly withoul warrantv and
<br />withoul charge to the pelllOn or persons legally entitled themto. Such person or persons shall pay all costl 01 rocordatlon. II any
<br />
<br />(h) PersoNlI Property,s.c:urtty Ag.-..mllnl Asaddltional securlly lor Ihe payment oltha Nole all hxtures. eQUipment. and other personal property used
<br />in connection with Ihe realestate or improvements located Ihereon. and not otherwise declared or deemed 10 be a pari oltho reat estale secured hereby, shall be
<br />!lubjecllo asecurity interest in lavor ollhe Lender undprthe Nebraska Uniform Commercial Code Thill tflstrum"nt shall beconstrued as a Securily Agreement
<br />under Hid Code, and the Lender shall have aUlhe fights and remedlea 01 a secured parly under said Code In addition 10 the rights and remedies erealed under
<br />.nd .ccord<<i the lender pursuant to this Deed 01 Tru!ll.
<br />
<br />(I) SeftnIIIIlty. In lhe event that any prowlsion ollhis Deed 01 TrulIl conUlct With epp1icable law or are declared inl/alld or olherwise unenforceable. such
<br />conllictorlnvalldlly shall nol affecl the other provillionsol thia Deed 01 Tru!!l or the NOle which can beglven eflect wlthaut the conflicting proviSion, and to this
<br />end the provisions ollhe Deed 01 Trust and the Note are declared 10 be severable
<br />
<br />~
<br />
<br />o;;~7~'=~"
<br />
<br />( Oscar T. Christensen III)
<br />
<br />~m"\n~r lon''''''''''F9
<br />(Meli da K. Christensen
<br />, / -
<br />I I '/ " n
<br />I' j,.L~""/L7;? L .:r:;; .,.-1, ~t1".;.J.E ,c_;
<br />Brenda J. ,~ ristensen)
<br />
<br />~ ,.-{~L9? ~~
<br />
<br />[Michael P. Morris) Borrower
<br />
<br />~;~t~
<br />
<br />~k~~:;~;:~~~:J ~O A._
<br />
<br />DBA: The Christensen Company. a Partnership
<br />