<br />
<br />88-106886
<br />
<br />.ORROWl". R!AD THIS BElfOR! .laNINal
<br />
<br />DorrowefllTtullota. undor.llnd Ihllthe document thlllt'IlDorroWerIIUL! aboul to oxocute II. Dead 01 rru.land nolll mor1gllgonnd thallhepowllr of aale prOvided
<br />lor In the Deed 01 TrUll provtdllllublllntllllv dllrllrenl 'ighlS end obllg.UonllO tho Oorrawerllhan n mortgageln lho IIvanl ala delaull or brltlell 0' obUgaUon under Ihll
<br />DHd 01 Trult. including, but nolllmlled 10,Ihll Lende", flghllc hIve Iho Rllal Property lold by Iho Trullllll without any Judicial proceeding or lORlela.ure, Borrower.
<br />",p~Unl.nd Wlrrant 1111.1 thl. Icknowlldgllmllnl WII Dllllculad by them balora Iho Dltocullon 011110 ODed of TrUll.
<br />
<br />
<br />!":hfiM /(Jt'~<{ --?l:L
<br />(Oscar T. Christensen III)
<br />00 .v-rt,,-KC' h~.ron_""~
<br />(Me Inda K. Chrlste?sen)
<br />';({ . ;;:)
<br />.Istensen)
<br />
<br />
<br />'l( Iv LLt ? rv{ ~
<br />
<br />~~i~nr~':^
<br />~ E. (C~s e ow", Kiser" '
<br />~o ona. se
<br />
<br />COMPLETE Ihl. portion ONLY If Ihe ,..1 proptlrtr dllCribed conl'lll of INDIYIDUALL Y OWNED AORICUL TURAL LAND.
<br />II.ppllcabll, complell ONLY ONE llIher A. B. or C:
<br />
<br />
<br />Tho Borro.rlal acknowledge IhallheyareaboulloBX8cutalhefo!lowlng Deed 01 Trust upon the real estate described therein. The Borrowerls),llnd each 01 them II
<br />morethlln one. do hereby disclaim their righllo designate a homestead pursuant thereto No pari oltha homestead 01 either 01 the Borrowerls) Is presently or will In the
<br />future be situated upon aald fBSI eslale. The Borrower(s} understand thalli either establishes a homestead on any part atsoid reat estate during the time the Deed of Trust
<br />remains unsalisfied snda lien upon said fBal estate, there shall be no righlto make a deSignation 01 homestead In the evenl of a foreclosure or Irustee's sale with respect 10
<br />said Deed 01 Trusl
<br />
<br />
<br />The Borrowerllll acknowledge that they are aboutloellecule the following Deed or Trusl upon the real estate described therein. The Borrower(s), andeachol1hem it
<br />more than one. do hereby waive 1heir righlto designall:' a homestead pursuanlthereto. The Borrower(s) understand Ihat they have Ihe right 10 make a designatIon 01
<br />homestead and thai bye.eculing this waiver. they are waIving righls otherwise available lor the purpose 01 allordmg Ihem Ihe opportuml)' 10 retain Iheir homestead In the
<br />evenl of a default upon Ihe Deed of Trust.
<br />
<br />
<br />Pursuant 10 Ihe Farm Homestead PrOlection Act (Seclion 16-1901 et seQ, ReVIsed Stalules ollhe Slale 01 Nebraskal.lhe Borrower(s). do hereby designale the real
<br />property described in Ihe "Designation 01 Homeslead" allached hereto and incorporated herein by Ihls reference
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, IS made .'5 01 Ihe 2Qth1..y 01 Pf:tC~mp~~ 19 ~ by amI among the Truslor, Christensen
<br />.-Cnm.p.any---.LP....a.r..tDet:Ship_ _ wh05cm;:uhngaddreSSls 7508-F Street. Omaha. NE
<br />68127 jhereln"Borrowen,lheTruslee WUH~J1LG... .~J~!=;l5burn. a member of the NE State Bar Assn.
<br />whose mailing address IS p.Q~~_.~Q1<_ t~BO.._ P.rand 1~landr NE ~B~8P7:-2~~0 _.____(herelO~Trustec..).
<br />and the Beneficiary. Five Points _Bank.,
<br />whose maihng address IS E....O....._.B.ox_l.5Jl1.. .G.rand IsJand-l. N E~ ~6a.8jt~= J 507 _ ._.. . .__.___~ lherein Hlender")
<br />
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. including Ihe IOdebledness Idenllllcd haleln and trusl herein created.lhe lecelpt of whlch'5 hereby acknowledgetl. Borrower
<br />hereby irrevocably gran 15. translers, conveys and assigns \0 Trustee IN TRUST WITH POWER OF SALE. lor thebenelll and secutlly 01 Lender. under and subject to the
<br />lerms and condillons hereinafter set forth.lhe real ploperl'l. descllbed as tallows
<br />
<br />Lot Fifteen (15), Mehring and Giesenhagen Second Subdivision, a replat of Lot Two (2),
<br />
<br />Mehring and Giesenhagen Subdivision, Hall County. Nebraska, excepting therefrom a
<br />
<br />tract of ground more particularly described in the Deed recorded at Book 156, Page liDO
<br />
<br />of the Deed records of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Togelher with all buildings. Improvements.11Illures. sHeets. alleys. passageways easemenlS Tlghls. priVIleges [Ind appurten"nceslocaled thereon or In anvwrse
<br />pertaining therelo. and the rents. Issues and prolits. revers10ns and remalndl'lS lhpreol Includmg but nol hmlled to, healing and coohng equlpmenl and such pel1lonal
<br />property tha1 is anached to Ihe improvamenlsso asloconstltule a lill:lure, and togelher wllh thtl homestead or marllallnterests. II an 'I. which Interesls are hereby released
<br />andWalYed: all 01 which, inclUding replacements and addlllons 1helelo. III hereby declared to be a pari 01 lhu relll estate secured b'llhe hen 01 thIs Deetl 01 Trustllnd all 01 the
<br />foregoing being relerred tQ herein 115 Ihe "property"
<br />
<br />This Deed 01 TrU51 shall secure la) lhe payment of the pnnclpal sum and InlelCSI UVIClenceCl by Borrower's note andtor credIt agreemenl dated December
<br />
<br />20 1 gRR . having a malunly dala 01 Januarv~200q. _ In Ihe ollgll1al pnnclpal amounl 01 S ~ 000.00 and any and all
<br />mQdificatlonl, a.lensions anet renewals Ihereof or therelo and any and al11uture ndvancuI and It'ladvllnces hereunder pursuanlto one or more promIssory noles or credIt
<br />agreementl {herein called "Nole-I: (bllha paymentol otharsums advanced by lendlH 10 protncl lhe secuTlty 01 the Nole, icllhe performance all covenanlsand agreemenl
<br />of Borrower set forth herein; and (dl all indebledness and obllgllllons of Borrower 10 Lender who!her dlrert Indlrecl. absolule or contingent and whelher wi!iing by nole.
<br />guaraniI', overdraft or otherwise
<br />
<br />Borruwer.10 protect Ihe 5I!Icunty 01 Ihls Deed 01 Trusl. covenanls and aglees WlltI Lender as lollowl\
<br />
<br />,. 'a,menlol Principal and Inlarelt. Borrower shall prompUy pay when duethe pllnClpal 01 and Interest on, and any fees or chalges prOVided In. the Nola or In Ihls
<br />Deed 01 Tru51,
<br />
<br />2.. TIDe. Borrowarislhe owner ollha Proper1y. has lhenghl and authonty 10 c:onllll'llhe Properly. and warrants thallhe hen created hereby IS a hrst and pnor lien on
<br />(he Property. IIl1:cept al mayolherwllHl beset lorth herein, and Iheell:eculion and dehvery of lhl$ Deed or Trust does nol vlolllle anyconlracl or other obllgatlon!o whlc;h
<br />Borrower IS subject.
<br />
<br />3. T.....".....mentL To pay whendua alltnes. spectal alllessmanls and all otherchargesagalnstlhe Property and, upon wIIlIen demand by lender, to pay to
<br />Lender IUch amount as may be sullicient 10 anablelhe Lander 10 pay such I..es, assessment!!. or olher charges as they become due
<br />
<br />A. I......... To keep (ha Property inlured againstetamage by liTO, hazards Included wlthm the term "elllencled coverage". and such olhar halardsas lender ma'l
<br />require, in amounl1 and wllh companiesacceplablelo Lender. and wllh lOll paylble to Ihe lender In case 01 loss undelsuch polic.es. Ihe lender rs aulhoTllad to adlust
<br />callecl.nd compromise, all claimllhereunder and shallhlva Ihe optron olapptylng all or part 01 the Insurance proceeds (I) to any Indebtedness secured hereby and," such
<br />ordllt bLendttt" maydetermine.lullo Ihe BO'Tfower to bit used lor lhetepa.r or reSlorallon 01 the PropOrly o. !Iullor Bny olher purpose O' oblcc;l sal.slaclory,o Lender
<br />Wllhout,CItlKling Uw lien 01 lhls Deed o! TruSllor the full amount secured hereby baloro such payment ever took place Any apphcahon 01 proceeds to Indebledness shall
<br />not e.lend or poslpone lhe due dlle 01 an'l paymenls under the Notll. 01 CUllt Iny Otllaulllhereunder or hereundel
<br />
<br />5 .......... ...,.In and Complllnc. wilt! La... BOllower .nan keep Ihe Properly In good COndition and .epalr 5hl'lll tl.ompllr rNIBII or .eplace any
<br />.rnprOYemenl-'1"n may be dlmlge-a or deltro)'od, ~11l not comnllt or permit Iny ....asle or dl'llollorallon ollho Properly ~hall no' .ef1lO~~ d..",,,r,~f1 ,,, ~"tl5Ia"IHIUy aU..,
<br />an)' otlhe .mpro.emenllon Ih"Property shall notcommll. suller Of rrermrlany Itllobedonll '" o. upon ,he P'op(trl~ If' ..olllllll" 01 /'Iny I".. (l'''''''~''('' II' "'Q,'I,lt.on II""
<br />Il'ulll "J.ndpromptlyd.~h.argeaIBorro*ef .cos.tandellPltrr~.lIhen'.lIncumbr.ntro. andchDrgp~ lro""," .ml'lll!ipd 0' 1155"I~I'd 11(111'''51 "". P".,...,r~ LH ,1"\ pil,r ",,~"'ol
<br />