<br />,0. ~ HoI ........: ~ By Lendet Not. WMwt. e.llflllOl1 olllle nmo IOf plylTlenl or mOdlllClIlIon olnmO'lItollon ollhl lIumllltCurMl by lhl. BKuttty Inllrumem
<br />:=::.c. ~ -:~:.~~~~ =~~ =I~~no;. O::;~~:: =: ~"':~~rO~'~:':::~~;::~l~'~~~~~: :~:ft=:; ~~i:::~~~:;fr~~:n~by~~=
<br />of An)' dtn\MC madt Dv IhI oml1tnll Bomnwr or B~'I 1I1.1CCII...". In I"'-NII Any loro..ranc. by LNIde, In .,ercllmg onV nohl or remeoy shall nol be a WIIMlr 01 or PNCIuO'l thl
<br />e.c 'l~~ :. launch JcNnt and SewraI UM>>tIUy: Coo...,.. The covwn.nllllllld Igntemenla ollhia Secuory InalrumenlllhlJI bind and ben.llIlhl lIuccHlOri lInd
<br />C\! IlUI!JnI of~, and Bonow8" lubrect 101M proviSIOn. 01 p-.gmph 11. Bol'rtlWM', covenanls and DOI'Hmentl5flall be lalnland IUlwro1l, AnV Borrower who CO'''Ig"t Ihlt Sfl;unry lnllrumenl
<br />CX)~I;:O:t=~~.d: ::I~:Y~h.~~I:CU~:h:=~=~-.:;:ma::I~'.r~:~fI~~~:~~=~~:;r=~~~~~:'~~:~~I=;I~n~:::~
<br />
<br />r CC>acc:ommOOlllonl-Mlh ttgard 10 lhllltrml ollhtll Secunty In,llmmtnl DI' thl Note Wllhoul thol BorTOWll','. QJnllnl.
<br />I 0 12. t.o.n c......n the loan NCUrM2 by this s.cunty IrmrumenlllllUbjed to. '- which HIS mulmum 10M charg.., and lhallM II flnally Int.rpnitlld so lhat tho Int~ or otll.' lOan
<br />
<br />~~~~;'=:~~:=~~:==~'::~=~~~.lj:::rbt~~~~~~=~:~':=:~'":n~,~=-~M':ud~
<br />rhtprinc:lpal owad undor!tle Not.or by making a dItKt paymMlI to EIorra.... If a IWlund ntduoH prlnclpaf, the r<<IuctIon wlll be lf11allld u. partial ~tn1 wllhoul any prepaymenl ctlarge
<br />I tRIer the NoIe.
<br />t3. ~ AffKttng LMder'a R5ght& l1ef'lACtment or ellplratlon of applCatM laws has the efrecl of rendering any provllion ollhe Note or Ihll Secunty lnatrum~1 unenron:.,abl.
<br />~ to tlI1trms, lAOOM', ~ Ita opUOn, 1M{ raqun immtdlllt PII)'TntflI In lull of all aums HCtlted by thII Becunty Instrument end may invoke any remedlas permitted by par~1l 19
<br />CC)tenct.reun::isn this option, Linder Shalll.akIIlhe slepl specified In the secoocI paragraph of paragraph 11.
<br />CO te. ~ Any nae:e to BortoMr pt'OI/ldad tor in Ihla Security InltrumllOl ah.rt be given by delivering II or by m81llng II by first c1aaa mall unlelll applicable 1M requltH use of anothM
<br />lTIIIhod. ThenoliCllhIll b5 dlrtCled 10 the ProPltl'tv Add,.. or any other addf'UI eorro...." cSeslgnalfl8 by notice 10 lender. Any nallce to Lendar shan be glYfn by first cIaIII mall 10 Landar's
<br />Midreu awed herm or My oIher lIddtaa I.ender dnlgnat.. by nolM:e to BorTrlMr. Any notice plDIflded tot In thts Security Instrumenl shall be deemed to have bHn glwn 10 Borrower or
<br />L&:1der when gtven all provided In Ihis paragraph.
<br />1So CJoverNng u.; SevwablIIty. Thlt Security h,.trum.,n IIhaU be governed by fedenJ law and thelew 01 the Jurlsdlctlon In which Ihe Property Is located, In the event that any provision
<br />Of'dauae at Ihls Security Insltumenl or the Nola confllcll wilh applIcable Jaw, such conflict shall not Bffect olher provlslons of Ihls SecUrlty Inslrumenl or the NolfI Which can be given effect
<br />wilhout the conflicting provlIlon. To thlt end the provisions of Ihls Security Instrument and Ihe NoIe are declared 10 be severable.
<br />II. Borroww'a Copy. Bon'Ower shan be given one conformed copy 01 tI1a Note and of this Security Instrument.
<br />17. n.na.... of thI Property or. Benaflc"'lnlefnt In Borrower. If all 01' any part ollhe Property or any lnlerest in it is sold or lranslerred (or II a bentlflclallntltnlst In Borrower 115 sold
<br />or transferred and Borrower is not a nalural person) without Lender's prior wrillen consent. Lender may, atlL!t option. requIre immedlale payment In fun 01 all sums secured by Ihls Secunly
<br />Instrument. Howewr. this option shall not be ellllrcised by Lender II ellercise Is prohibiled by federal law as ollh" dale ollhis Secunly Instrument.
<br />II Lender ultf'Cises this opUoro. Lender shaH glW Bormwer notice 01 accelarallon. The notice shall pl'ClVide a period 01 nolless Ihan 30 day8 lrem the date the notice is dellverod or mailed
<br />within which Botrowermusl pay all sums secumd by Ihls Security Insllument. II Borrowerfalls 10 pay the!IEI sumll prior to the ellpiratlon 01 this period, Lencler may invoice any remedies pennilted
<br />by thls Security lnsbument wlthoul further notice or demand on Borrower.
<br />II. aonow.roa Rtghl ta Relnatale. II Borrower mealS certaln conditions, Borrower shall have Ihe nght to have enfon:ement oflhis Security Instrumenl disconlinuecl al any time poor to
<br />the earlier 01: (al 5 cIeys (or such other period aa applicable law may specify lor reinstatement) belore sale of the Property pursuant to any power Of sale contained In this Security Instrument:
<br />or (bl enlty of a judgment enforcing Ihls Security Instrument. Those conditions are IIlaI Borrower-la) pays Lender all sums whIch Ihen would be due under this Security Inllltument and the
<br />Note '*' no acceleratIOn occurred; (b) cures any delaull of any other COYBn8nlS or agreements; leI P8VS all expenses Incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument. Including, bul not limited
<br />to, reasonable BtIomeyl'len; anct (d) Iakea such action as Lender mll'f reasonably rvquire 10 llSSUAJ that the Hen of Ihls Security InSllumenl, Lender's rights in the Property and Borrower's
<br />ob/lglJtion to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrumenl shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by SolTDWBr, this Security Instrument and the obligations secured hereby snail
<br />remain Iully elledlw III II no accelerallon had occurred. However. Ihis right to relnstale shall not apply in the case of acceleralion under paragraphs 13 or 17.
<br />NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br />tl. AcceIerdon; Remed__lAnder Shall gift noUcl to Borrower prtor to acceIemfon followtng BorroWIr"a brach of eny COVlnsnt or BgI1llmenI In till, SecurtIJ Inatrument
<br />(but not prior to lICC8terdon under pmvapha 13 Ind t7 un'" eppllcab'- In" provldn atherwlH). The notice IIhalI specify: (I' the default; (b) thI.ctIon ~UI'" to cura the
<br />""h; (c) a dItlt. not.... thaln 3D dip from the da'- 1he noUce ill glwn to BorrowNr, by which the defauH muat be cured; and (d) thI1 htllunl to cora 1M def8uh on or bIfol1l
<br />the dati ~ In the ~ may mutt In M:C8IeratIon of the lIUma ucured by thI, Security latrument and ale 0'''' Property. The notlca ahaIl further Inform Bo~ of
<br />the righl to ralnataIe IftlIr acceIendkJn and UtI rtght to bring . court action to IllMrlIhe non-exlstence of . dlfauh or any othBr dehtnA of Bal'TOWef to acceleration md aate. If
<br />the default Is not cuNei on or befol1l the ~ IPKlFIed In U. noUca, ~ at Ita opUon may raqullalmmedlate.-vment In rull of IU awns secured by thia Security Instrument
<br />wlthout furtt.rdemand and IMy .nvoklllhe pawwof ala andlny other ramedln pennlttH by aPPUCllblel... Lender ahaD _ .nUUed to collllCt all eq>>n...lncurred lri puraulng
<br />lhIl'IrMdIn provlded In 1111. pcqraph t9, Including, but not Urn.'" 10, reuonabIe .nomeys' fGes and coab Of lIde evidence.
<br />I' IhII pow.r of .... It Invokld, nulltee shall NCOn:I . notIca of default In each county In which any part of the Property Is louted and shall mall copiu of such notice In "-
<br />manner prncrIbId by applicable I.. to BorrDWlf' and to the other ptnORI pNacrtbed by applicable .... After the time Neluhed by applicable In, 11vat811 shaD give pubUc noUce
<br />of..1e to the ptf'IORI.nd In tM m.n"., prncnbed by ..JcabiI; law. nu.... wlthout demand on Borro..-. shell _lib Property at public luc:tJon tD'" hlgMa bidder at tha
<br />tiN and IUcI ad under the tMn. designated In III. noUc:. of..w In 01111 or more parcet. and In any order 'INt.. ddmnInes. 'D'uatM may postpone sale of.1I or any parcel
<br />of the Property by pubtlc cnnounc.mtnllt IN time and plKa of Iny prnIou.Jy ICheduled..... Lender or III dulgMe ntIY purchall the Property at any.....
<br />Upon NCelpt of payment of Ute prfca bid, nu.. ....11 dellnr ta the purcha.... TtuatM.s deed conwylng the Proplrty. Thl recItIIl, In the nultell'. deed IhIIl .. prlnul facie
<br />IIYlclenc:. of tM:ruth of u.. ~ madII thll1Iln. Trustee shaD apply the proc-.:ls oftha ....In 1M followlng Drder: (e) 10 allexpenaaa of the al.. Including,. but not Ilmltad
<br />to, 1t&:_'..... n permlttld by appllcllM.. and ~ 1tI000p' ....; (II) to .lIlUm. aecu..d by thll s.curity lnatrument: and (c) MY uceu to IhII pInOn or peraana
<br />leglllyentltled to it.
<br />20. LAnder In PDaMukwl, Upon acctIlerallon under paragraph 19 or abandonmenl91 the Property, Lander (In person, by agent or by judiclally appointed receiver) st\aIl be enliUed to
<br />enter upon, takI pouelllon 01 and manage the Property and to collect the rents 01 the Property including those past due. Any renls collected by Lander or the receiver shaQ be applied Iirst
<br />to payrnentof IIMI COllI of managemanl 01 the Property and collection ofrentl, Including, but not limited to, receiver's fees. premlums on receiver's bonds and reasonableattomeys'fees, ana
<br />ItMln 10 !he IUInt HCIJflId by !hI, Security Inlltumenl.
<br />21. Recon""YMCL Upon ~nl of allluma secured by thia5ecurity Instrumenl, Lender shall request Trustee 10 reconvey the Property and shall &unendar this Securtty Instrument and
<br />all notes avldenclng dlbt HCU~ by IhII Security Instrument to Truslee. 1iuatee shall reconvey the Pmpert)' without: warranty and without charge to the person or persons lagaIly entilled to
<br />il. Suctl parson Of persons sltaJl pay any I'ICQrdatlon costa,
<br />Z2. SUbItItuta 1NatM, Lender, at III optlon, may lrom lIme to time remove Truslee and appoint a sUCC8asor lruslee to any Truslee appoinled hereuncl" by an Insltumenll'8COrded in Ihe
<br />county In which lhla Security 'nstrumenl il racorded. WItt?oul col1YllY8nee of the Property, Ihe lIucceuor truslee shall succeed to ell the 1II1e, power and duties conlerred upon Trustee herein
<br />and by applleable law.
<br />23. Requnt for NoUcn. Borrower requests Ihal copies 01 tho nlllices of default and sale be senllo Borrower's address which i& Ihe Property Address. Borrower further requests that
<br />copIes of Ihe notlces at defaull and sale be senllo each person who is a parly hereto at the adclress of such person sat forth herein.
<br />24. R~ to 11111 Security Inatrument. II one or more riders are elleculed by Borrower and recorded logether With this Security Instrument. Ills covenants and agreements 01 each such
<br />rider shall be Incorporaled Inlo and shall Bm8~d and supplemenl the COY8nanL!t and agreements 01 thIs Security Instrumenl as If Ihe rider(s) were a part of Ihls Security Insirumenl.lCheck
<br />applicable boll(es))
<br />o Adjustable Aale Alder 0 Condominium Rider 0 2-4 Family RIder
<br />o Gradualed Payment Rider 0 Planned Unit Development Rider
<br />o OlhBf(lllopeclfyi
<br />
<br />BY SIGNING BELOW, Bonower accepts and agrees to Ihe lerms and COY8nanL!t contained in Ihis Securily Inslrumenl and in any nder(s) executecl by Borrower and recorded with II.
<br />
<br />I t'l ~\ l '::v ":fLli-b ,,oJ
<br />, Q(l~ !~
<br />
<br />(Splice Below Thl. Un. For ACkn~edgmentJ
<br />
<br />(Seal)
<br />-Borrower
<br />
<br />ISsal)
<br />Bo_,
<br />
<br />Stale of Nebraska
<br />County of, H~l1 : '"
<br />"".., ~ doYoI Dec.
<br />II-UtmlSe LaOKa(romall'l
<br />pal'1Onaily eppearad
<br />
<br />"g 08, belore , 01 Public Stat I :'IE
<br />Kno"1O as!Jefllse lTotrelfl anJ''lntn ~OKiI. tlusnano "no ':He
<br />
<br />to me parsonalfy known to be lhe person(s) named in and who e~ecuteclthe for.going Inlllrument, and acknowledged thai
<br />IIOlunlaly act ancI deed.
<br />My Com"!iulon Expirl!ls: ./
<br />. r.f"lllt~! NOTIRY-SI.tuINebrI1b
<br />MvCornm,fIrp.Abv.If,If9l
<br />
<br />e'leculed Ihe sama as
<br />
<br />., '. ~,'
<br />
<br />Stall 01 Nebraska
<br />
<br />County 01
<br />On thII_dlyot
<br />---.....
<br />to IT'll ~ known to M lhe person(sl namld In and who ellecuted Ihe foregomg enstrumenl, and acknowledged Ihal
<br />voIuntcy MCI Md cIMd
<br />My CornmltaOl EKptr1tI
<br />
<br />, 19 _. belore me. e Nolary Public In Ihe Slate 01
<br />
<br />elleculed Ihe same as
<br />
<br />