<br />88_ 106826
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<br />
<br />)
<br />
<br />9 Ooyol December _ _, ~
<br />known as Denise Bolles and Dan Zabka. W fe and Husband ~.::,
<br />
<br />(~Bonowor~l, Thelrual.. i. Comm.rclal ral Saving. and Loan Auocla1lon, .
<br />,-1\vItH1. The beMflclary II Comrnerct4t F<<teral s.vIngl and Loan AuocIallon. which II organlDd and exist/no undlr Ihlll8WI 01 NebrUkl. and who.. add.... I. ~ Farnam, Omaha.
<br />N.........'3l/51.8ndo<1,_.....Lond"'..""nd..'''mol Fifteen Thousand Five Hundred Seven tv Five Dollars and9t11,(,,WO
<br />1U.S. $ 15,5 . 98-------~Th..dMlII.~m- Bcn1Owtt) nolI daledttl. same da.uth" Security Instrument ("Notl', which provldn lormonlhly PfIY"1lnta. with the
<br />uec. 1~-, I~~tl
<br />full dIbl. II not I*d ..'U.r, due and ~ on .
<br />Thia Securtty InstrurMnl ucuru 10 L...ld...: (II tM ~nt oltha debt lWidenced by Ihlt Nell, with lnlllN'" and 1111 rIInewals. Ixtllnaklns and mcxUncatlcnl; (b) Ihl ~ent of all other
<br />sums, WIth Intern!. ~ uoo. ~ 7 to prolecl1he MClJl1ty 01 mil Security Instrument: and (elth. performance 01 Borrower', cowtnanta BJld agreements. For Ihi, purpose.
<br />Bonowef Il'1'l'VOC:llb/y granta and conveya 10 null.., in trusl. WIth power or l!aIe, lhl following daacribMI property located In Hn l' County, Nebra5ka:
<br />
<br />
<br />Lot Four (4) in Block One (I) in Sothman's Subidvision to the City of [;rand Island,
<br />Ha 11 County, NE
<br />
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />(.;Q!:!:n1
<br />
<br />916 5 r,reem~i ch
<br />(Slreel)
<br />(MPmperty AddressM);
<br />
<br />Grand T c; 1 rlnrt
<br />
<br />(Cltyl
<br />
<br />which has lhe addn!sa of
<br />
<br />TOGETHER With Blithe improvements now or hereafter erected an the property. and all easemenls. rights, appurtenances, renlS, royalties, mineral, oil and gas righL<; and profits. water
<br />rights and stoek and all fixtures now or hereaftllr a part 01 tho property. All replacements and additions shall also be cowred by this Security Instrumant All of the foregoing is refemKI to In
<br />this Security Instrument as the MProperty."
<br />BORROWER COVENANTS that Bonower is lawtullV seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to grant and convey the Property and thai the Property is unencumbered.
<br />except for encumbrances of record. Borrower warrants and will defend generally the title to the Property l!nsins! an claims and demand!-, subjed 10 any encumbrances of record.
<br />THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for national use and non-unilorm covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to consUMe a uniform securitj Instrument
<br />covering f'llaI property.
<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agme as follows:
<br />1. PllytMnt of PTtnclpalllnd IntllrHt; p~ ad La~ Chargn. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal 01 and Inlerest on the deblevldenced by the Note and any
<br />pnlpayll'llt;'lt and lale Charges due under the Note.
<br />2. Funds tor 'iUes and ~nce. Subject to applicable law or 10 a written waiver by lerrder, Borrower shall pay to Lender on the clay monthly payments are due under ttle Note, until
<br />ihe Note is paid in lull, a sum (~Funds") equal to one-tweIfth of: (al yearly taxes and BSSBssments which may attain priority ovar this Security Instrumenl: (b) ~arly leasehold payments or
<br />ground fmltSon the Property, il any; (c) yearly hazard lnaurance premIUms; and (d) yearly mortgage Insurance promlums, if any. These items are called "escrow IlelM.- Lender may estimate
<br />the Funds due on the balls of currvnt data ~ .uon" estimalet of tulur8 escrow Items.
<br />The Funds shal be held In an institution the dopoIIts or BCCOUnll of which lUlIlnsuntd or guaranteed by a lederal or state agency (Including Lander II Lender is such an Inl1ltution). Lemter
<br />shallapp/y-the Funds to pav lheescrow Items. Lender may nol charge for holding and applying the Funda, analyzing the accounl or verifying the escrow llema, unless Underpay! Bormwer
<br />intereSt on !he Funds and applicable 11M permits Lender to make such 8 Charge, Botrower and lender may agree In wriling lhal Inlenm ~all be paid on the Funds. UrUeas an IIQl'ntMflt Is
<br />mllde or applicable law ~ Inlentat to be palcI. Lender shaD not be required to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Funds. Lender shall give 10 Borrower, without ehIrge, an
<br />annuli! accounting of the Funds showing cred/ta and debita to ttM Funds and the purpoae lor which each debit to the Funds was made, The Funds are pledged as additional security lor the
<br />sums secured by tNa Security Instrument.
<br />lithe amount of the Funds hald by Lender, together WIth the future monthly payments of Funds payable pnor 10 the due dales of the escrow items, shall exceed the amounl required 10 pay
<br />the eacrow hams when due, the excess shall be, at Borrower'a option, either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited 10 Borrower on monthly payments 01 Funds. It the amount or the Funds
<br />hekt by lender Is not sufficierd to pay the escrow lIems when due. Borrower shall pay to Lsnder any amount n&Cessary 10 make up the defICIency in one Of more payments u required by
<br />Lender,
<br />Upon payment In full 01 all sums secured by this Security InlltrumlMtt. Lender shaD promptly refund to Borrawer any Funds held by Lsllder. II under paragraph 19 the P~rty Is sold or
<br />&CGUired by Lender, lender shall apply. no later than Immediately prior to the sale 01 the Property or Its acqulsiUon by Lender, any Funds held bV Lender al the time ot application u a credil
<br />against the sums INtCUlwd by this Security IfUltrument
<br />3. Appbtion of ~ Unlesa applicable law provtdes otharwiH, all payments ntCelved by Lender under paragraphll 1 and 2 shall be lJ+)plied: first, to late charges due under the
<br />Note; second. 10 prepaymenl chargell due under the Noto; third, 10 amounls payable under paragrlPh 2; lounh. 10 Interest due; and last. 10 principal due.
<br />4, CMrvIai Liens. Borrower shall pay all lIP". aHum.nls. charges. flnes and Impositions allribulablll 10 lhe Property which may attain priority over this Security Insltumen!, and
<br />IlIftHhoId payments or ground 18nts, If any. Borrower shall pay these obligations in the manner provided In paragraph 2, or II not paid In lhat manner, Borrower shall pay them on time directlV
<br />to the person owed payment. Borro'N8r shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounta ro be paid under Ihls paragraph. II Borrower makes these paymen15 directly. Borrower shall
<br />prompUy IumIsh to Lender receipta evidencing the paymenti.
<br />Borrower ahaII promptly dlscharge any lien which he priOrity over IhII Secunty Instrumllnt unl." Borrower; (al agrees in writing to the paymenl of lhe obligalion secured by the lien in a
<br />manner acceptable to Lender: lb) contests in good failh the lien by. or delends against enlo~ment of Ihe lien In, legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operale to prevent the
<br />enforcement at the lien or forfeiture ot any part ot the Property; Of Ie) secures from the holder ollhe lien an agreement satisfactory 10 Lender subordinating the IIsn to tt:lls Security Inslrumsnl
<br />II Lender determines thai any pan 01 the Property Is subject to a lien which may altaln priority over this Secunly Instrument, Lender may give Borrower a noUce Idsntifying Ihe lien. Borrawer
<br />aha115al1sfy the lien or lake one or more ot the actions set iorlh above within 10 days 01 the giving of nollce,
<br />!II. Huard Insurance. Borrawer IlhaII keep the Improvements now exlllting or he18aftBt erected on the Property insured against loss by flm. hazards included within the tann ~Ellttend8d
<br />CXMIrage- and any othet hazards lor which Lender requirH Insurance. This insurance shaD be maintained In the amounta and lor the periods that Lender requires. The Insurance carner
<br />providing !he lnsuranco shall be chosen by Borrower subject 10 Lender's approval which shall no1 be unreaaonably wllhheld.
<br />AU Insurance poIlcies and renewals shall be acceptatH to Lende, and shall include a slandan:l mongege clause, Lender shall have Ihe right to hold Ihe pollcin and renewals. II Lender
<br />requllH. Borrower shaD promptly givllIle Lender all recelpts of pak:l premiums and 18newal notiCeS. In the ....nt 011018, Borrower shall give prompl notice 10 the insurance carrier and Lender.
<br />Lender may make proof ollosa II not made promptly by Borrower.
<br />Un~ Lender and Borrower otherwise agree In writing, Insurance procsed& shaD be applied to resloratlon or nrpair 01 the Property damaged, If Ihe restoration or repair Is economically
<br />~ BllCI Lender's security Is nollnsened. II the realoretlon or repair is not econolTbC8lly leasible or lender's l58ClJrity would be lessened. Ihe insurance proceeds shall be applied to the
<br />sums l58Cl.Il'8d by thlll Security Instrumanl. whether or nollhen due. with any ellc8s8 paid to Borrower. II Borrower abandonslhe Property, or does not answer within 30 days a nollee from
<br />Lender that the Insurance carrier hu offered to settle II. claim, the Lender may coiled Ihe Insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or 10 pay sums
<br />MCW8d by lhI9 SecurIty' Instrument, whether or not then due. The 3IJ.day period will begin when the nollce Is given.
<br />UnlnS Lender and BorrowerotherwlH agree In writing, any application of procoeds 10 prlnclpalahall not elltllnd or postpone the due date ollhe monthly payments 18fert&d to In patagraphs
<br />1 and 2 or d'\ange the IImOUl1t of the paymentI. If under paragraph 19 the Property is acqulrBd by Lender, Borrowlllr'S right to any insurance policies and proceeds rasulllng from damage to
<br />the Property prier to lhII acquI8ItIon ehaII pus to Lender 10 the extent ot lhe sums secured by this Security Inslnlmen1lmmedlalely prior 10 the acqulslllon.
<br />15. "-"adon InCI MIintInance at PropIrty; 1..IIHtKJtd.. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or Bubslanllally change Ihe Property, allow Ihe Property to deleriOrBte or commit waste.
<br />If Ulii Securtty Instl'un'lent II on leaehold, BOrrower IhaII mmply with lhe provisions 01 the leaH, and if Borrower acquires fM title to the Property. Iheleasehold and fee litle shall nol merge
<br />unleu LMmf egrMS to 1M morgw In writing.
<br />7. Ptotecdon at Lendlr'1 RIghts In IhI Propwty; Uortgaa- Inlurance. II Borrower falls 10 pertonn Ihe covenants and agreements contained In Ihis Security Instrument. or Ihere is a
<br />tega1 proceeding \hat may IIgnlrleanlly altecl Lender's righls In the Property (such as 8 proceeding In banknJplcy, probate, lor condemnation or 10 enlorce Jews or regulations]. then Lander
<br />may do ana P-v lor whaleWr IS neoeuary 10 protect the value oflhe Properly and Lender'S righlllln lhe Property. Lender's acllons may Include paying any sums secured by a Usn which has
<br />pnorttyoverlhlaSecuntJ InStrum.nI. appeanng Incourl, paving reaaonabIa attorneys' leas and entering on lhe Property to mske repairs, Although Lander may take aclion under !hIll paragraph
<br />7. I.MdII cIoN ncM ,... to do aD.
<br />NrJ amounlI dlltluTIICI by LInOef under mil pltllgflph 7 anau beCOI1l8 addUlonal debl 01 Borrower oecured by Ihis Security Instrument. Unless Borrowsr and Lender agree to other lerms
<br />of ~ cn.M &mOUI'Q shall tMer IntMwa1 h'om en. data ot dlllbursement at the Notll rate and shall be pmyable, with Intll/"lllt, upon nctlc8 from Lender 10 Borrower /"IIQuesllng payment.
<br />If l.ander f'IQUIrMl mortoage InturMCI U I condition 01 making the loan secured by Ihls SecurilY Inslnlment, Borrower shall plIy the premiums require<J to maintain the Insurenc" in "Necl
<br />untiIlUCh IimlI .. tha ~Qmenl: for 1M IrtaUr&nCIIlerminaln in accordance with Borrower's and Lender's wrlnen agreemllnt or appUcBbllllaw.
<br />L lnepIctIon. ~ or IlIIgent may TMkII r...or*", entries upon and Inapeclions of Ihe Property. Lender shall give Borrower notice allhe lime 01 or prior to an InspectIOn specitylng
<br />ruaonaI*~ lor tt1e 1rrIpec:Uon.
<br />.. ~ The prOCHda of any award or daHTl fa damagn, dlrK!: or conHQuenUaI. in connectIOn With any condemnation or other laking of any parI ollhe Propeny, or lor
<br />~Ullilu oI~. aNI hlIrebyuslgned llnd &hall be paid 10 Lender.
<br />In the .....oI.ll:MiIlakIng 01 the Property, the proceedl shall be applied 10 the sums secul8d by IhlS Secunly Instrument. whelher or nol then due. with any excess paid 10 Borro_r !n
<br />lhlill event 01 a partial taIung 01 the Property. unleu Borrower and Lender otherwllHl agree in wriling, the luma set:ull!Jd by Ihl!! SecurllY Instrumenl IIhall be reduced bV lhe amount of lMe -
<br />proceecb mulbpiled by Ihe lo&lovrll1Q lTactton lal the tela! amount 01 the sums HCUntd immedlalely btllorelhe lakIng. Cllvlded by (bl the lall market value ollhu PropltrlV lmmedllllsly belore
<br />the taiUnQ. Ally 'Jelance atIaII be paid Ie Borrower
<br />It 1J'IlI Property rI at:r.andcned by BolT'O"fllef. Of .1. alt., notlOll by LenlHr to BorrowtIf Thet the conct"mf1Or oHels to mMlllU1 aw!lrd Drsenlc a claim lor dlunpgc5 Bormwsr Ipllato '8lpond 10
<br />~ II1Ihrn JO cnrr- att... tT\e l1aI. me nol1CtI IS gwen. Len6e1 IS lulhOfUlld to cnIlect and .pplV lhe ptOCfI.(" 011 ,Ia oohon 1I.lh8' 10 teltorallon d. ".pall 01 11'>.. F'ff>Pf'f1y Of 10 Ih& ,urn,
<br />NOJl'-=t by thq Sac:untv Instrument. -.he\he' 01 noIlhen dull
<br />\..Ir"-I& Lenc)ef...:l ~ otnI'lWl.. au'" Ifl WTI\Ing. ElI1y appIICIItlOn 01 pfOceeoslo pnnClpar .hall nol..1I1OO Of peslpOr\fIlne OUI! OIU" 01 1,",11 "'o"In+~ pay""...,,, ,..I.....,d 10 ,,' Da'"Q'fl[Jnll
<br />1 ""lQIIOWlQle_.-noun1ot-..cn~
<br />