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<br />88- 106822 <br /> <br />P.g.20f2 <br /> <br />Mortgaoor(l) and.actt Dr them ful"tMr con, .nd qrH wllh Mortgagu .. 'oUowa: <br /> <br />(1' To pay .1111"". ludgmen~ or oth., ......menl. .gllln.1 Hid pr.mi..., IInd to pIIy whl" du. III taxu. ,.nll, '"' or ch.rg.. upon pld prlml... or undl' tny <br />IHH, ~rmll. Ilc.n.. or prlVlltg. _Igned to MongegM II .dellllont' ACurlty 10 thlt mort,,_;., Including thON on PUbllo dam.ln. <br /> <br />(2) To In,urw,nd kH"llnlurtd building. and other Improv.mlnt.naw on or hlml.., pl.C*t on uldp,.ml.,IIIOlh...U.'.cllon ot Mong."... Such In.ur.nee <br />,hili "- .pprowMJ by Ind d.po.llld wllh Mortg.g.., and .nde,..d wllh. mortg.g. cl.u.. with 10.. th.rwund.r Mortg'G'" Any .um.1IO recelYMt by <br />Mortgag.. m.y M uHello PlY lor tKonllrudlon ofth. dlltroyod ImprcMlm.nt. or II nOl.D.pplllld m.)/. .1 the opllon 01 the Mong.g.., ~ applied In PlVmMl' of <br />.ny Ind.btlCln... malured or unmatured HCU~ by thl. mortgag.. <br /> <br />131 Tok..plll building., fllltu.... .nd now on or h.....ft.rpl.c..:i on uld preml...occupled and In good ,..palr, m.lntlnln~lnd condition <br />and to n.Uhlr commit nor permit any ael. 01 wa." or Iny Impalrmlnt of thl valul at thl MCurlty. <br /> <br />e'-I In thl evlnl Martglgorl f.n to pi)' Iny Illn..judgmlnll. ......m.nta. till", ranll. ten or Chlr;ltI or maintain In)' In.urance on the pro~rty. bUlklln"., <br />flxlUrll or Implt'YIIm.nllll provldMi he...ln or In 1M 1000n ."reemlnt, Mort gag.. ml)', It III option. mtkllllch paym.nts or provide lnaul1InCl, malntenlnat or <br />flIpllrllnd .ny amounta paid thsralorlhlU become part 01 the prlnclplllndlbl..:in..a ..cunKI hlraby, be ImmedIately due and paYlblalnd baarlntl,..t tromtht <br />dlleat paymlnlll provldMiln ~hllo.n agl'Hmtnt. Provided. ho-.var.lh.tthe Idvancemenl by MOrtglgM oflny .uch amount. Ih.llln no mannlrllmll thlrlghtof <br />MongagNIlo dlel.... ,",ortg.gorl in d.fault or IlCIrellll Iny of Mortg.gen alh.r r1ghta Ind ...medlllS. <br /> <br />15} In thlevenl MortglgMl1 aplrtyloanylltlgltlon .ffectlng IhelllCurltyorthellen olthllmortglgl.lncludlnganYlultby Martglg..toforKlOIIthllmor1glga <br />oranYlult namedadefendlnl (Including condemnaUon .nd b.nkruptcyproc:Mdlng'l Mortglg.. mlylncurlDC~...'nd Idvance~nll <br />for ab.lract I.... ,noml)'l lee. (axcept to the extent prohibited by law). COla., expan..., .ppralull... Ind olher ch'ra" and any amounlllO .1t...nClld Ihlll <br />Mc:o,", part 01 the prlnelpellndlbtedn... secured h~reby. be Immedllltly due Ind Ply.blt Ind bear Interat I' provided In thllcan Igrwmant <br /> <br />(6) Any IW.rd, mlde to Mortgagors or thllr eucClllora by the eXlrel.. of Imlnant dameln 11'11 he,.by Ullgned 10 MortOil,,": and Mortgagw '- heNby <br />.uthorlzed to collect Ind apply thl umeln payment of .ny Ind.btedn..... matured or unmelured. secured by Ihl. mortgag.. <br /> <br />(7) In the.vent Mortgagorldefault In theplyment wh.n due 01 any.ume.ecured hereby (princlplIl.lntere'l.advancllmanll. orprotecth'ldl.buraemenlll, or fall <br />10 pertorm or obMrve any coWlnanl. end conditions contaln.d h.reln, In Ih. notell) or In the loen ag....mentl.). or any pl'OClldlng II brought by or agllnl1 <br />Mortglgore under any Bankruptcy iaws. Mortglgee mey.elll. option, declllre theentll'lllndebllldneu ncul1ld hereby to belmmlldl.telydue .ndpilyablland beIIr <br />Inlerelllll the default rate u provided In the nolele) or lOIn IIgrltllme!"lllll and Mong.gee mey Immedlalely toreclOM thia mortglg. ar pursuesn)' other "llIlble <br />legal remedy Including loreclosure by advertilement with I powar of ulll In Mortgagllll to Ihe elltllnl provided by lute law, ProYlded. however. that delay by <br />Mortgegllllln .xerclllng its right. upon dellult .hall not be construed es a waiver thereat .nd thllsny.ct of MortgagNwllvlng any apaclfledelault .hall not be <br />construed liS II waiver olany future dell loll!. If the proceedl under luch aalll Ind foreclo.ure Ire Inlutllclent 10 ply the total indebtedn... hereby MCUred. MortgagOrl <br />do hereby agree 10 be ptll'lonaUy bound to pay the unpaid bllance, end Mortgllglflehall be enlllllld to e deficiency ludgment <br /> <br />(8J Upon del.ult. Mortgagee ,hallal once becomlenlltleclto exclu.ive pOUUllon, un and enjoyment at III property and 10all renta.luua. crops and prollts <br />thereol, Irom the tlmeot.uch d.laullend durIng the pendency 01 loraclosura proceedlngland the period of redempllon. the deUWlry 01 which ma)' beenforced by <br />Mongegllllby eny appropriate au It. actIOn or proceeding. MortgegllllehllU beentllledto. Rlceiverlorlald property and all reml, tuun. crops and profltsthal'llOl. <br />wilhout regard 10 the vel ue of said property. or Ihe flufficlency thereof 10 dl.charge1he mortgage debt end theloreclosure coati;. lees and .xpen.... Such RecelYllr <br />may baeppolnted by any court 01 competentjurladlcUon upon ex perteappllcatlon, nollce being hllrllbyexpreuly w.ived. TheRlICIlWlr.hallapplyall rents,luua.. <br />croptl. prollts.lncomeend revenue olthll property to keep 1hesameln good repair and condition. p.yall taJlell. mnll. fen. charg...nd......ments. pay Inaurance <br />premium. nlCellllry to keep the prem IMS Insured. pay the expanse 01 the receivership and attorney tees Incurred by Ihe Receiver, and apply the net proceedl to the <br />paymflnl of the indebtedn'la ..cured hereby. Such Receiver Ihall have elllhe other u.ual powers of receivera lulhoriUld by law and IS the court may direct. <br /> <br />(9) The Integrity end m.pansl blllty 01 the Mortoaoora conatltum a pan at the con.Ideratlon for tha obllgaUonl HCUI'lld h~by. Should Mortgagoraull. lran"ar <br />or con~'I the praperty delcrlbed hereln,wlthout prior written consenl of Mortgagee. Mongaglfl mey. It Its option, theenUre Indllbtlldneulmmedletely due <br />and payeble .nd mlY proceed in the enforcement of Its r1ghte as on eny olher deleult. <br /> <br />(101 A.alllgnmant of Rents Including Praceed. 01 Mineral Leue. Mortegora hereby lransler. set oYlrand c.mVll)' to Mortgaglfl.1I rents. royalUII, bonllHl and <br />delaymoneyl that maytrom tlmeto lime become due end payable under any reala.teteleell orunderany 011. gu orothermlneraJ I_of any kind nowal.Ungar <br />that mey hel1tltttlr come Into exlltence. cQYllrlng the above land orany part thereof. AU.uch sum..o I'1!lC8IYl!1d by MortglgWshaU be applied totl'lllndebtednaa <br />I8CU~ hereby; or ..Id Mortgaglll may, .It Its opllon. turn over end deliver to the Mortoago~ orthelr aueceaaors In Int.,..t, any orall oflllch auI'M wUhout prwjudlct <br />to Iny of Mortgaglll', rlghlllo take and retain luture lum.. and without prejudice to any at II. other righll under Ihl' mortgage. The trantfer and CCIf1wyInOl <br />hllreundflr to MonO.g_ of ..Id rents. royalties. bonulISand del.y monep .hall be conJtrued to ~ a provision 10r the pilyrMnt Dr reduction 01 the mortgage debt, <br />subject to the MOnglp'l option.. heralnbefore provIded, Independent 01 the mongagellen on Slid real_tate. Upon payment In lull or the debt and the <br />rekllH 01 this martgage 01 record, thll conv.yance Shall become Inoperatlve and 01 no further force and effect. <br /> <br />(111 TM covenanta contained In Ihla mo ge .hall ~.d6emeo 10 be eever1Ible: In thl ewnt Ihat any portion of thll mortg. II d~ined to ba wold Of <br />unanro~~I~;~he lIennl no ~ veJfCi(ty 01 the remelnlng portions 01 the mortglge. <br /> <br />(Darick D. Barnhart) Personally <br /> <br /> <br />.dU!u (' ;::",~~/"J <br />(Gay C. Barnhart) Personally <br />STATE OF Ball ) <br />)u <br />COUNTY OF Nebraska ) <br /> <br />On this 9th day 01 Dece~~ . A.D., '9~. before me, a Notary Public. <br /> <br />personally appeared Darick D. Barnhart and Gavle C. Barnhart, husband and wife ":Inn on <br /> <br />behalf of each DRA ?lR j nni vinll'" 1.<=1 <br />10 me known to be the P8rson(s) named In and who execu1ed lhe foregoing Instrument, and aCknowledged that rhl=>Y executed <br />the same as t.he:iJoluntary Bet and deed. . '" <br />(SEAL) J:EIEMlIlOTARY-sulI Df IWIIDII ,;0 (WI 0 ~y7L-t <br />MARK D, STEl.K <br />My Comm. up. Mty 1. 1991 (Type or print name unDer slgnlturel <br />My commission expires Notary Public in and tor said County and State <br /> <br /> ~ 'C 0 0 ~ ,., <br /> I " 'C m ~ <br /> 'C .. 'C <br /> ::i ~ ~ m <br /> ~ Cl <br /> I II: II: <br /> ci -;:; 0 <br /> .r. ~ f- <br />W i 0 z <br />III 0 ~ a: <br />C :I u ::> <br />~ 0 '0 Iii <br /> 0 <br /> a: ... a: <br />a: ci ... .. ci <br />0 z ~ ~ g> UJ <br />~ 'C 0 .. Cl <br /> 0 a: <br /> 8 CD " 0 <br /> " 0 I~ <br /> i!? m <br /> 'C " <br /> l! .. g> "a: <br /> ~ '" '~ <br /> 'C t: <br /> " ~ 0 ,. I <br /> u: 1i ::; CD ~ <br />