<br />P.g.' 012
<br />
<br />Open.F.nd To SMJUffI Prll,nt .nd rUlU,. OMg.tlon. .nd Adv.no,"
<br />Dal.: December 9th. 1988
<br />
<br />Derick D. Barnhart and Gavle C. Barnhart. Husband and Wife. and 2 DBA's namely:
<br />
<br />
<br />Derick's Paint & Body Shop and Derick's Auto Sales
<br />
<br />Mortg'aora. of Hall County, Nebraska , In con.lderatlon 01
<br />thl advance by MorgageB to Mortgagors of the principal sum specified below, the receipt of which Is hereby acknowledged, and any
<br />futul1II, additional or protective advances made to Mortgagora at Mortgagee's option, hereby aell, convey and mortgage to FIVE POINTS
<br />BANK. 2015 North Broadwell Avenue, Grand Island, Nebraska 68802, Mortgagee, Its succflssors and aElslgns, trom the date hereol until
<br />aU obllgatlonslI8Cured hereby are paid In full, the followlng.descrlbed real estate In Hall County,
<br />Nebraska , 10 wit:
<br />
<br />.J!s,. .!!!2, ..!!lh
<br />
<br />Lots Four (4) and Five (5), in Block Forty-FDur (44), Packer & Barr's Second
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island. Hall County, Nebraska, together with the complement
<br />to said Lot Four (4). being a tract of land 8.9 feet wide by 120 feet long lying
<br />illlllediately south of and adjacent to the south line of said Lot Four (4), Block Forty-
<br />Four (44), Packer & Barr's Second Addition, said complement also known as Lot Ten (10),
<br />Block Forty-Four (44) Packer & Barr's Annex; together with the half of vacated Clarence
<br />street lying north of and adjacent to the north line of Lot Five (5), Block Forty-
<br />Four (44), Packer & Barr's Second Addition, said street having been vacated by
<br />Ordinance No. 5005, excepting therefrom the alley reserved in said ordinance No. 5005.
<br />
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<br />
<br />together with all Mortgagors right, title Ind Interelt In said property, Including all building.. flxtu.... cropa and Improvemente now on or
<br />hereafter placed upon u.ld ,.1 property; Including 8180 all appurtenances, water. lnigttlon. and dralna"e rights; and all renta. laaun. UI8S,
<br />proflto, and r1ghtato pOlHUlon: all 011. gu, gravel, rock or other mlneralllo'whatevernature. including geothermall1tlourcea: and all personal
<br />property tt\at mQ' Integ...lly belong to or hereafter become an Integral part of said real utat. whethar attached or detached. including any
<br />appurtenlnc:ea and accoutremen1. of any realden(;8 HCiured hereby, and aU Ie..... permitl!l. llcen_ or privileges, appurtenant or
<br />nonappurtllnant to said mong_ged premises. now or hereatter Issued. 8ldended or renawed by Mortgagor, the State, United States or anv
<br />department, bul'alu or agency thereof.
<br />
<br />1111.- ondog_ _II",,-,"ond 11""-1111111111 __ II gIIMl 10_
<br />
<br />(I) A promluory notl or notea together with Interest thereon executed by Mong_gora to Mortgagee and described as 'ollows:
<br />
<br />-....-
<br />
<br />8,000.00
<br />3,000.00
<br />9,452.62
<br />5,039.40
<br />$ ,000.00
<br />Unpaid Balance $33,800.00
<br />(b) And the repayment In full by MortO.sonl of any and all tuture and addltlonaladvlncnwhlch may be mlde by Mortgagee, .1ltsoptlon. at
<br />therequeeto1, andtoorforth..ccountof Mortgllgol'1!l, orany of them. for any purpose. pluslntereat on all such advances, under any note(s)
<br />.~rothM' JMtrUmen1(I) taken In refinancing, exten~Ung, renewing, reamortlzlng or reltructurlng such Indebtedness or any part thareor, all
<br />payablellCCOrctlng to the terml 01 said note(s) or other Instrument(s): provided, however. that the total prlnclpallndlbtednlll outstanding
<br />and ~rwd Mreby" anyone Urn. ,hall not exceed the sum of OnIOo Rnnnrcn wi Fty rJ'hnm::a::rr.nn ;:mn nn/l no.---
<br />
<br />DOLLARS ($150.000.00 ),
<br />uclullVe of Interest and of the protective dlsbunements lu1horlzed herein or In the loan agreement(s); provided, further, that THIS
<br />ANY'T1I11E.
<br />
<br />Dala 01_
<br />
<br />~J6~ance If~:g~:Slll
<br />6-16-86 12,503.00
<br />Unpaid Balance 7.818.60
<br />payable KCOnUng to 1ho term. of said noto(I).
<br />
<br />PrInc1.... -...
<br />
<br />DaIa 01_
<br />3-25-88
<br />unpa~l~Mnce
<br />Unpail~_~r'ce
<br />
<br />(c) The NP8YfM'It In full by Mortgagol'l of In amounts advanced by Mortgagee. at Ita option, to or on behalf 01 Mortgagom a. protective
<br />dllbur'Mmentl authorized ,.reln, In thllOln Igreement(s), or In other Instrument(lI) which may be glvan to evldencosuch advances plus
<br />In..... on all such~, ~blei" provldBd in the note(s), loan agreement(l) or other Instrumant(s).
<br />
<br />. (d) TM payment In full of any and all other put, preHnt or future, direct or contingent. debts and lIabllltl" 01 Mortgagora to Mortgagee of
<br />.,,., natuN whatacMver.
<br />
<br />lbll rnonv-ga wiD ~ Cue 11pnn ncm::t.nn
<br />
<br />or upon the paymantln full of a1lsuma secured hereby.
<br />
<br />IiIOft08IOnI hMIIby..""fItIt IMI they hotel'" .NnP" till. to lha I.bcJw dncrlbed prop.ny. th.11hey haWI good and "wlul.Ulhonly to mong.g. th. ..me. IhalAld
<br />~.. fNeand elM' at .1I1..eftCI""cu",br.~ uceptencU",br.~ot fKOI'd.and IhatttNy wlJlw.".nland ~d Uld profMIl1y .".Ina' all cl.,m.nta
<br />~. ~alea harWby .alwand ,.Unqulah all righta 01 do...... ho~a.ad. dlatrlbullwllh.,..nde.emptIOflln and loth. 'bow. dqc;;rlbad pro~rtr
<br />