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<br />88-, 106813 <br /> <br />h uld, tranarUl'IIId Of ru['ther encu.bllud wUhout the ..'U.. Dr vrlttlln conlant of o.ndtc1uy. <br />..ndlebl" ..y, at in 101. option, declau all "uall ..cund by thl. Dud or Trult to b. t..dlatdy <br />due and pI,.bla Ind procI.d to lh. rc..diu avAllabl_ to It under the dahult praviDion. eont_lnad <br />henln. <br />11. Ivnu of hehult. Any or the rollowinl .vlnCl .hall be deemed an eYlnt of dd.ult haraoodarl <br />(a) Trulltor .hdl h... laUd to ..k. pafllent of IlIny lnnell_or. of lnUnlt f <br />principal or principAl an~ InluIU or any othar lUll. ..cured hereby whln dUll I . <br />(b) There h.. occurre,1 . braach of or default under an)' tel1ll, coyenlmt, <br />I.rll...nt, condition, provldnn, npr...ntatlon or warranty contained 1n thh Dead <br />of Trult, the nota or an)' othar loan tnlltrlDent ..cured hereby; <br />(e) There hall baan . default by the Trultor in the p.ymen~ 01 any pdor or <br />eubeequent lien or IIIncUlllbranee 1n reepact to .11 or MY part of the property I <br />(d) Trulltor ahall fUll B voluntary pet ltlon in bankruptcy or 8hll11 be adjudi- <br />cated ~ankrupt or Inaol'll!lnt, or ahaU .ake an allallPUMlnt for the bllnef1t of cradltou <br />In t'll.pact to the property; or an action to enforce any lien or encumbrance or judB'" <br />IIIInU asalnBt the property la cOlllmlnced. <br />12. Acceleration Upon DIIfault. In the event of any default. Beneficiary uy declare .II indebtednll" <br />a.curad hlll'.by to be due and payable, and the 118IM ahll11 thereupon becollle due 8nd payable without any <br />pr.aent.ent, da..nd, pl'otellt or notice of any kind. Thereafter, Beneficiary IIII1Y: <br />(a) either In p.rllon or by a&.nt. ..ith or without brlnglnB any .eHon Dr pro- <br />ca.dinl, or by reclliv.1' appoinud by a court and "lthout regard to the adequacy of <br />any ..curit)'. ental' upon and take of the property. or any part thereof, <br />in Ita own n_e or in th. na.. of the Trustee. and do any acUl which it dae:!la neceaaary <br />and dulnble to presel'Ve the value. ....rketablllty or rentab'ility of the property. or <br />part thereof or Interest therein, Increase the income therefrom or p't'otect the security <br />hel"eof and. without taking [Iosllesst'ln of the property, Bue for or otherwise collect the <br />rents. lEIlluell and profits thereof. lncludlnB those past due and unpaid. and spply the <br />...11. lellll COlltll and expenaes of operation IInd collll:ction~ includins ettorney feell. upon <br />eny lndebtedne.. secured hereby. all in auch order as Beneficiary may detemne. The <br />enterlnB upon and taking pOBseasion of the tru8t estate. the collection o{ 8uch rents. <br />luuu and profits and application thereof 8S aforellaid shall not cure or waive any de- <br />fault or notlca of defllult hereunder or invaUdate any act and 1n response to lIuch de- <br />fault Dr purauent to .uch notice of default and, notwithstanding the: continuance In <br />po..e..lon of the property or the collection. receipt and applicetion of rental blluell <br />or profits, Trulltee or Beneficiary may be entitled to a.erdae every right provided for <br />In any of the loan In8trUlll~ta or by 18" upon occurrence of an)' event of default. In- <br />c1udlna the riaht to exercise the power of 1lI111e: <br />(b) co..ence an action to foreclose thb Deed of Trullt alt a IIOrtBIIB~. appoint <br />. receiver. or apeclflca11y enforce any of the cavenance hereof; <br />(c) deliver to Trustee a written declaration of defGult and demand for IIde. <br />and a witten notice of default and election to cauee Trustor la interest in the propart,. <br />to be aold, which notice Trustee ehall tause to be duly fUed for record in the dflctal <br />recorda of the county In which thll property b located, <br />13. Foreclosure by Power of Sale. Should Beneficiary elect to foradon by exerch. of the pOWllr <br />of 11.111 herein contained. 1I.--'tc1ary ahall notify Truetee and ahllill depoatt "lth Truat.. thb OII.d of <br />Trult and the note and such rece1pt8 and evIdence of expenditures and IIGcured hereby aa Truatae <br />I14Y require, and upon request of the Beneficiary, the Truta. ahall Uh for record, in the a..hter <br />of Deeds ofUce In the County where the property is located. . notica of default. aettlnl forth tbe <br />n'" of the Tl'ustol'. the Boak and Pase or Document No. of thb Dead of Tl'u.t .a recol'dad in .ald <br />RestateI' of Deeds office. the legal deecrlption 01 the above-de.CI'ibad real eatate and that a br.ach <br />of an obligation. for which said real estate was conveyed all ncudt,. hu occurred, snci .ettlol forth <br />the natura of auch breach ai";d the Trustee-a election to a.l1 tha real eatate to lathly the abU.aUon; <br />and after the lapse of not 1es8 than one (1) month. the Trustee ahall slve written notice of the t'" <br />and plac~ of lIale which 1DIIY be between 9:00 a... Dnd S p... .t the prllllhea. or at the Courthouse in <br />the County wherein such property Ie located, descr1b1ns the property to be eold by 11;11 lead deacrtp- <br />tlon. said notice to be published in II newspaper of general clrcu18tion In the County vberein auch <br />property i8 located. once a "eek for ftve (5) consecutive weeb. the last publlcatlan to be at lea.t <br />ten (10) daya, but not IDOrll than thirty (30) daya, prior to" the sale; and the Trustee .hall then ad1 <br />aald property ac the tl.. and place deslsnated in tha notice, in the unner provided by law in effect <br />at the tJ_ of flUns sdd notice. at public auction to the hlBhellt bidder for c88h and shall deliver <br />to lIuc:h purclwser a deed to the property sold, cona1atent "ith the low In effect at the tbae. <br />Upon receipt of the price bid, TrusteD shall deliver to the purchaBe. Trustee's deed conveying the <br />propert)' aalel. Rechala In the Trunee'lI deed shall be pdlU bc Ie evidence of the truth of the stllte- <br />aenta _da therein. Trustee shall apply the proceede of the aale In the following order: (a) to all <br />rellSOIl&bl. COllts and expenses of the aale, lnc1udln8 but not Ualted to. Trustee's feea of not more <br />than-2.....0-Z: of the gros. as Ie price, reallonable attorney fees and costS of title evidence; (b) to all <br />sua IIDcured by th18 Deed of Trust; and (c) the excells_ if ony, to the pOrion or penona lesa117 en- <br />titled thereto. Any pel'son, Including Beneficiary, uy purchuHe aald property at said sale. <br />The penon conducting the aale uy_ for any causa he or IIIM1 d...1lI expedient. poatpone the ..le fra <br />t'" to ti.. until it ahall be caapl.tlld and.. In .very euch e.... notice ef poatpone.nt ahall be Ilv.n <br />by publtc declal'ation thereof by lIuch peraon at the tl.wl and plaell laat appointed for the sde; pro- <br />vided. if tha .010 18 pOBtponed far lonGer thon one (1) day beyanll tho date dealBnstad in the notice of <br />aale, notice thel'eof ahail be siven In ChB aute unner a. tb. al'111n8l notlc. of a.le. <br />14. &eaedlea Nat EltclualYe. Truatee and Beneficlary. ond each of the.. shall be entitled to en- <br />force pa,..nt and perforannce of any indebtednesa Ol' obUgation aecured hareby and to exerche .11 rIshta <br />and powers under thia Deed of Trust or under sny loan inatrument or othel' aGree.ent or any lawa now or <br />hereafte.. enfared, notwithstanding SOIl8 Ol' all of the indebtednesa and obligat lonll .ecured hereby <br />which _, now 01' h"reafter be "thervtee secured, whether by IftDrtgaBe. deed of Lrust. pledBe. lien. aS1l18n- <br />_nt or othal"wi.., Neither the acce(ltance of thla Deed of Trust nor Its enrorcelD8nt, wbether by court <br />action Dr punuent to the power of sale or other powers herein contained. shall prejudIce or in any <br />..noer .Uact TnlltaD'. or Beneficiary's right to r..lhe upon or enfarce an)' other lIecurlt)' now or here,- <br />after held by tI'UIIU. or Beneficlal'Y, it belns aareed tlutt Truatee and Benefic1ll1'f. and each of thea, <br />aban be entitled to enforce thia Deed of Trust and an, other security nov Ol' hereaftel' held by the Bene- <br />Ucl.r7 or Trust.. In llueh order and IUnner a. they. or eitber of the., DaY in their IIb.olute diacretion <br />det.nllna. No retH'dy herllln conferred upon or rellarved to TruRtee or Beneficiary" intended to be ex- <br />cluat.e or an, oth.r relledy henin or by la.. provided or penaltted, but each .han be cUlluhtive and <br />.heU be In .ddU Ion to every other I'elaedy siven berelDlder or nov or hereafter exlllt InB at laW' ol' In <br />equit, ot' by atatuta. Every power 01' uMdy linn by any of the 10lln inlltru.enU to Trustee or Benll- <br />Uclary or to whtch either of the. lIUly be othervlae entitled .af be exerdscd, concurrently or indepen- <br />d_nILIJ. hOll tl_ to tl.. and .. aftlln all _y be dee_d e1q)edhnt by Trustee 01' Beneficiary, and either <br />of thew! _, pur au. lncaaaiatent re_die.. Nothln, herein .hall be canlltrued .. prohibit Ins Benellcial"Y <br />h~ a..1l1n& a ".(jclanc, Jud&_nt a.ainet Truator to the IIxtent aueh Action fa pemltted by law. <br />. -2.- <br />