<br />DEED or TRUST
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<br />C""Uld 88-106813
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<br />Dr Decanber 19 BB Ioy .nd .mons Brian C, lInmil ton
<br />ami ton H \ ife : heri3iiui'lter referred to al IOTrultor,"
<br />who.. uUlnl add.... I. lNE 6BBOl' ~e~ '
<br />Attorne)' at Lev hllrelufUI' n nil Trulltalt, 10'''1 ...IUns IIddrDlIs 111 P.
<br />Grand Island. NE 68802 I And TIlE OVERLAND HATIOMAt. BAtIK OF CIWIO ISLAND, hereinafter nrened to ..
<br />"BeneUclarr," "'10118 Ildllns addre.. h P. O. Box 1688, Grand lalnnd. Nebnllka 68802.
<br />for valunble conlllderatlon, Truntor trrevocaLly I!Irant., trllnllfer". convey. nnd 8881RR. to Tru.tee, In
<br />tru.t, with pDWIr of .ale, ror the benefit and aecut'lt,. 01 Benrrtchry, under and .ubject to the ur,l'llll and
<br />coadJtlon. of thi. Dud Df Trust, the (ollovJnl-d..cribed property, located In Hall Count"
<br />Hebr..ka, to-viti
<br />IDt Eleven (11), Maver-Mehring Subdivision to the Citv of
<br />Grand Island, H/lll County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />tOlether vlth 1111 butldlnR", Jmprovcment". flxtureN. IItreetll, alleYlI, pIIIIII"ReWIlYS, ellalll'"!lntR, rlshtn, prlvl-
<br />lelel and appurtenance. located thereon or in any way pert.ln....g thereto, nnd the renta, III11'1UIII", profit_,
<br />rev.r_ton. and the re.dndera thereof, including aU lIuch peuone! pToperty that III .ttached 1:0 the I.prove-
<br />.anta aD .. to conaU.tut. . Uxturll, aU of which, IncludlnB rej'JlaclIlmenta and additions thereto, are hanb,.
<br />daclarad to b. a part of the rell! eet.te conveyed in trust hereby, it being .Breed that aU of the fore-
<br />10Jnl shall b. hareJnaft'!lr r.feued to aD the IIProperty.1I
<br />
<br />
<br />the P~~~ci~:i ~:::;t Nin'~tY"~ft~:e thb~~~ b& T~~iio'o-t;te95f, 000. &Cfe ~~r~:~:~h~;
<br />with Jnterellt lit the rate or rates provided therein. or the principal ond intlllreat on MY
<br />futuTl!I advance not to l!l.Kceed the total principal IIU11 Initilllly 8ecured hereby ell evJdenced
<br />by prOlltellory notes stating they lire secured hereby, and any and 1111 renewalll, IlIOdJficatJon.
<br />snd u:tenslons of such notes, both principal ond Jnterlllllt on the notell being pllyable in
<br />IIccordmcl! vith the teDU set forth therein, which by th18 reference is hereby ....de a pllrt
<br />hereor;
<br />(b) the perfonaance oC each agrecment otnd covenant of TrUfltor herein cont.ined I and
<br />(c) thlll paYlllent or any BUIll Dr Btunll of IlIORey vhlch may be hereafter pdd Dr advanced
<br />by BeneficJary under the tenia of this Deed of Tru.t, tnsethlllr vlth interest thereon at the
<br />rate provided In the note.
<br />To protect the security of thill Deed of Trust. Truator hereby covenants and IIsreee .a f0110_:
<br />1. Payaent of Indebtednesll. To pay "hen due. the principal of. and the intereet on, the Indebted-
<br />ne.. ovidenced by the notlll, chargl!ll, rees IInd all other sums .e provided in the loan instrullentll.
<br />2. Title. Trulltor la the owner of the proplllrty snd haa the right IInd authority to lt1Cecutlll this
<br />Deed of ~Jn l'ellpect to the property.
<br />3. Taxes and AastlulIII!ntll. To p.y, ",.en due,- all taMS. special allllessmenta and an other chargell
<br />asalnst the propert7, before the ..me b..c~e delinquent. and. In the event Beneflc.lary .hall liD require,
<br />to .dd to the paymenta re.,uired under the note lIecured hereby, IIUclt alllOunt: 81 uy bl lufflelent to en-
<br />able Beneficurr to pay .ueh taxes. .sa.aa.ente or othlllr chsrgell 1111 they become due.
<br />4. Inllurance. To keep the b.provellfl!lntll noW' or hereafter located on the resl estate descdbed
<br />herl!l1n insured againllt damllse by fire and sueh other hazards as Beneficiary IlIlIY rlllqulre. In allOunts .nd
<br />cOllpanhs Ilcceptable to Beneficiary, and with 1088 payable to Beneficiary. In cast! of 10111 ...der lIuch
<br />poUciea, Beneflci.ry Ie lIuthorbed to adjuat. collect and cOlllprollllle, In its diRcretion, sU clal..
<br />thereunder and, at ite sole option, is authorized to either apply the proceeds to the restoration of tbe
<br />praparty or upon tbe indebtedness secured hereby, but payments req,uired by the noU ahall continue unt.il
<br />the IlI_S secured hereby are paid in full.
<br />S. Repdr. Maintenance and Use. To promptly repdr, restore or rebuild any bulldln&8 or tmprove-
<br />.ents novoI' hereafter on the property; to keep the property In good condition end repair, without valllte
<br />and free froa IIlIlchanJca or other liens not expreellly subordineted to the lien hereof; to not IlUIke, suffer
<br />or pendt any nui.ance to edst nor to dildnillh or Impair the value of the prop2l'ty by any act or otd.aalon
<br />to .ctl and to comply.",ith .11 require_nta of 18w vith reepect to thl!! property.
<br />6. Condl!!Dlation. in the event the property, or any pRrt thereof, IIhall be tllun by emlnl!1\t dOllUlin,
<br />Beneficiary 111 entItled to collect Bnd receive aU compenslltion lIhtch 1I.IIy be paid for any property unn
<br />or for d...sea to property not taken, and Beneflciery eh.n apply auch cOllpenll.tion, at t~1I o(ltlon,
<br />either to a reduction of the lndebtedneae aecured hereby or to repeir and reetolre the pro(lerty ao taken.
<br />7. Perfonunce by Beneficiary. Beneficiary aay, but sh.ll have no obUgation to, do any act which
<br />TrUlltor hilS agreed but raUed to do, and BeneflcJary ...y also do IIny ect it dee... necellll8ry to protect
<br />the lien hereof. Trustor asreea to repay. upon demand, any aums 110 expended by Beneficiary for the
<br />above purpous, and any .UII .0 expended by BeneUdary ehall be added to the Indebtednellll aecured here-
<br />by anti becOlle secured by the lien hereof. Beneficiary ahall not incur IIny pereon.! Uability becauae of
<br />any thins it ..y do or OIIit to do hereundelr.
<br />B. MIIJD_nta of Ren~D.. Beneficiary shall have the right, pover lInd authority durins the con-
<br />tJnumce of thia Deed of Trullt to collect ~he rents, I.auel!l and proUta of the property and of any per-
<br />.onal propert1 located thereon with or without taking poeseasion of the property affected hereby, and
<br />Truator hareb7 abaolutely .nd unconditionally e.slgn. all euch rents, iseuea and profits to Renefidarr.
<br />BeneflelafJ, hove..r, hereby conllents to Trustor's collection and retention of lIuch nntll, llllllluea ad
<br />pl'Oflt. .. they accrue and becOllle paYllble, ao tons a8 Trustor Ie not, at auch tille, In default with re-
<br />apect to paYllnt of any Jndebteclnelllll l'Il!cured hereby, or In the perforllllllnce of any IIsreelllent heremder.
<br />If an, ...nt of default. described hereefter in respect to thts Deed of Trullt ehll11 have occurred and be
<br />eoatinulnl, lenefielary, aa . .atter 01 right and vJthout notice to Trustor or anyone c1l11rnlng under
<br />Trator, _d without reS.Td to the value of thlll trUllt e.tate or the intenst of the Truator therein,
<br />ehall ban the rlsht to apply to any court h.vins Jurhdtdinn to .ppotnt . receiver of the proplllrty.
<br />9. In.pectlona. BeRllflcJary, or it. ogents, repreaentl!ltJvel!l or workmen, are authorized to enter
<br />at _y r..aonable ti_ upon or in _y part of the property for the purpose of inapectlnR the ...e and
<br />for the purpoaa of pufDmlnB any of the aeu It ia authorized to perform under the tenas of any lo.n
<br />lnatr.-at. eucutlld by TruatoE.
<br />10. Tranalar of Property. If 411 or any pllft of the property or any tnterest of Tru.lor thereJn
<br />
<br />-1-
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