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<br />25. Afflrmltl... Action for Dlllblld Vlt.ram 11'Id VIIe,.ns of thl Vletn.m Er. (Mlreh 1900) <br /> <br />88-106804. <br /> <br />IThII ellulIlllPPlIClble only If thl totlllfl1ount of this contract 'Mcoed, $10,000.1 <br /> <br />M The LlIIOr will nOI dllCrlmlrtJl1 IgIl"\" Iny Imployn or IppllGaT'l for employment Mc.U'. he or ,hi 1'1 dl..blld "'''''l1Ift or 1ItI....n 01 <br />thl VI"nIm I,. In I"IgIrd to .ny poslUon for which thlt Imploy.. or Ippllant fur employm.nt I, qultllflltd. The Leuor -a..... to Ulklt Ifflrmltl"'lICtlon <br />to ImpltlV, IdVlnce In Imploymlnt, Ind allllrwlll lrut qualified dlllblld vetlranl and veter.ns of the VI5tnam era without dltcrlmlnltlon bllId upon <br />thllr dlllbllltY or Yltenlnl' stltUl In III employmlnt pl1tCtlCllluch.1 thl followIng: employment, uparedlng, demodon or tr.nlf.r, recrultmlnt, aclwr. <br />tl,lng,l,yoff or tlrmlnltlon, I'IIt.. of pavor other forml of camPlngtlon, and IIlecllon for trllnlng Including IPprentlceshlp, <br /> <br />(b) Thl lalOr IIIrH1 that all sultabl. Imployment openings; of the Utaor which exlu 111 the tlm. of theeMlcutlon of thle contrKt and thOll <br />which occur during the performlnel of thll contract, including thop not generated by ,his cont11lctand Including thOle occurring at en establishment of <br />thl lIIIar other thlr. the one whlraln the contract II beir1g performed but axcludlng thOle of Independently operated corporate ,ftlllat.., Ihln be II,Uti <br />It In epproprlltl IOCII office of the State emplaymlnt "Nice IVltem wherein the opening occu,.. The LJtIaor funher 8II11lII to provide IUch reports to <br />IlPlh IOCII offiCI regerdlng employment openings Ilnd hi.... II may be required. <br /> <br />State and local gDYIImment .gencles holdIng Federal contracts of $10,DOO or mo", Ihall allo lilt all their lultable openln(JI with ,he appro- <br />prim office of the State Imployment service, but ere not required to provide those repartl..t far..h In plraa~phl (dl and Ie). <br /> <br />lei Lining of employment openings with the employment service IYltem pu,.ulnt to thll claullt Ihell be mada Itl"lt eoncumntly with ,hI <br />u.. of .ny other recruitment louree or effort end lhalllnvolve,he nonnal obllgltlans which anach to the piecing 0: a bonl fide Job order, Including thl <br />eccep..n~ of refemll. of veteranl end nonveterlml. The lining of employment openings does no, require the hiring of Iny Plnlcullr Job IIJPIIClnt Dr <br />fl.lm any particular group of Jab BPpllcanu, and nothing herein Is Intended to relieve the Leuar from Iny requirements In Executive Orde,. Dr revul.. <br />tlonl regarding nondllCrlmlnl1lon In employment. <br /> <br />ldl Whlnaver the LlDor becomes con'f8Ctu.lly bound to the listing provlllons of thll cl.use, It ,h.llldvl.. the employmant ..rvlce syat8m In <br />each State whet1t It hn "tablishments of the nama .nd location of each hiring location In the State. ~ long 81 the lMIor II contractUllly bound,o <br />these provlslonl and has 10 advised the State system, thel1l II no need '0 advise ,he Stete Iystem of the lubsequlnt cantrM:tl. The Leaar mlY edvl.1 <br />th. State system when It II no longer bound by thll contract clause. <br /> <br />Ie) This clause don: not applY to the lining of employment openings which occur and are filled outsidl of the 50 Stat.., the District of <br />Columbia, Pueno Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. <br /> <br />(fI The previllon. of paragraphs (b), (el, and (dl of thl, clause do not apply to openin91 which the Lessor proPOSll to fill from within hll <br />own ol1lllnlzation or to flll pu,.uant to a cunomary and tradltlonalemployer-unlon hiring arrangement. This exclwlon dOlI not apply to a particular <br />OPIning once an employer dlc:ides to consider applicants outside of his own ol1lllnizatlon or employer-union amngement for that opening. <br /> <br />(gl As used In this CJIUP: <br /> <br />(1) "All luitable employment opanlnlll" Includes. but I. not limited to. apeninlJl which occur in the following jobCltegOrin: production <br />.nd non.production; plant Ind office; laborers and mechaniCl; suparvilory end nonsuparvilory; 'technical; and eldlCutlve, adminlltnltlve, and profealonal <br />optt!'lings III are compenllted on .. Alary bail of 1111 than $25,000 per year. This term Includes lull.time employment, temporary employment of m0f8 <br />.then 3 days duration, and parHime employmenL It does not include openln91 which the Leuor proPOSll to fill from within his own organization Dr to <br />fill pursuant to e CUltomarY .nd traditional employer-unlon hiring arrangement ner openings in an educationll institution which are restricnd to <br />nudents of that Innltutlon. Under the mOlt campelling circumstancelan employment opening may not be suitable for lilting, including IUch litulltlonl <br />where the nosed, of thl Government cannot....aon.bly be otherwise supplied, where lilting would be contnlry to national securitY, or where the require- <br />ment of lilting would otherwise not be far the belt interest of the GovemmenL <br /> <br />121 "Approprlate office of the State employment service SVstem" mlJ8ns the local office of the Federal.State nl1lonel mtemS of public <br />employment offices with ...Igned rllPonsiblll1V for serving the .rea where the employment opening il to be filled. Inc.luding tha Dlmict of Columbie, <br />GUl!Im. Pueno Rico, and the Virgin Illandl. <br /> <br />(31 "Openings which tha L8I5Or propOlll to fill from within his own organization" mans employment openings for which no con.lde..... <br />tion will be given to penonl ouulde ,he Liller's orQDnlzatlon (Including .ny eHilletII, lubsldieriel, and the parent campenlll) and Incfudn any open- <br />Ings which the leaor proposes to fill from regularly established "ntcaU" nits. <br /> <br />(4) "Openings which the Leaor proposes to fill pursua.,t to a cunomery Ind tradltlonel employer.union hiring arrangement" m..m <br />employment openinlill which the Leaor proposal to fill from union helll, which is PIn of the cunomery end traditional hiring relationship which <br />exls.ts between the Lnsor and representatives of his employees. <br /> <br />(h) The Leuar egreas to comply with the rulli, regulations, and relevant orde,. of the Secretary of Labor luued pursuant to ,he Vietnam <br />Era VIrtIII'IIM Readjustment Assistance Act (the Act). <br /> <br />(I) In the ...nt of the Leaor'1 noncompliance with the ,.qulrements of this c1aull, actions for noncompliance may be teken In ICCOrdlnce <br />with the rules, regulations, end relevant orne,. of the Secretary of Labor laued pursuant to the Act. <br /> <br />m The Leaor IIII1l11 '0 post In conspicious places, lvallable to amploYIII8nd applicants for employ mInt, notices In e form to be prescribed <br />by the Director. provided by or through the Contt8Ctlng Officer. Such notice Ihell Iblte the Leaor'. obligation under thflllM to uke affirmative action <br />to employ and advence In employment quellfied dilllbled veteranl end veterans of the Vletnem era for employment, IInd the rights of applicants and <br />employ.... <br /> <br />PS Form 7449. February 1987 <br /> <br />Peg.gol" <br />