<br />88- 1
<br />
<br />(k) Th. L...or will nOllfv HCh l.bo, union or r1Ip,."nr.tlvt or work'n with which It hi" collt<:tlve blrDllnlna qr..m.nt or olh., contrKt
<br />undlllllndlng, (hn .hl Lenar I, bound by thl "rml Df ,hi VI.ln"" Er. VIltI,.n. RltdJullm.nt Alllnlnet Act, and I, commltt.d to takl .Ulrm.t1....
<br />acllon to employ .nd .w,nce In .mploym.nt qu.Ilf1.d dlllbled VIlI.,.nl .nd VlI.ren, of thll VI.tnlm .r..
<br />
<br />III Th. L...ar will Includ. thl previlloR' at thl. cllu.ln eVllry lubcant.-.ct Dr purch... ord't of .'0,000 or mort unl... ..,mPled bv ruin_
<br />rwgul.t1onl, or orden of the Socrw,.ry I..ulld punu.n. to .h, Act, 10 .h,t luch provlllon. will ~ blndlno upon Ilch .ubcontrlctor or Vllldar. Tha
<br />LMtor will tlk. .uch Ktlon whh retf)eCt to IlnY lubcont..-ct or pureh... ord.r ft. tho Olroctor Df thl Offlc. of FUMr.1 Contract Complllnctl Progr.m.
<br />may dIrect 10 .nforce ,uch prevlllon" Including action for noncompll.nc..
<br />
<br />26. Afflrm.tlYl A!:tlon for H.ndlcapped WDrke,. (M.rch 1980)
<br />
<br />IThII clllu" II applicabl. Dnly I.f thltDtOIl.mDunt Df thll contracl exctHtd~ 52,600,)
<br />
<br />II) Thl Lenor will nol dllCrlmlnlhl a(flllnlt el1Y employ" or applicant for employment bec:aUII of phYllcal or mant.1 h.ndlcap In regard
<br />to .ny position for which the .mployee or .ppllClnt for employment II quellfllld, The L'nor agrHI to teke ,fflrmathre action to .mploy,ldvInceln
<br />.mploym.nt, and otherwise treet qlJlllflMl hlndicapped Indhtldull. without dllcrlmlnatlon ballld upon their physical or mentll handicap In.1I employ.
<br />m.nt Pr8Ctlcea luch as the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment, edvertlling, layoff or termln.tlon, ratft of pay Dr
<br />other form. of compensltlon, IInd ..Ieetlon for training, Including apprentlce.hlp.
<br />
<br />lbl Th. Ltuor IIOrees to comply with the rules, regulations, IInd relevant orden of the Secretary of Labor Inued punuant to the Rehabilita-
<br />tion Act of 1973, a. .mllndlld (the Act),
<br />
<br />lcl In th. IIWnt of the Leuor'. noncompliance with the requirements of this claule, actlonl for noncompliance may be taken In 8CCOrdance
<br />with rul.., ngulatlons and relevant orden of the Secretary of lebor IIIU&d punuant to the Act.
<br />
<br />Id) The Leslor agrees to post In conspicuous places. available to employee. and appllcanbl for amployment, notica. In a form to be prnc:rlbed
<br />by the Director, OFCCP, provided by or through the ContntCtlng Officer, Such notIces shall state the Leaor's ob1l9ltlon und.r thelew to take afflrma-
<br />tiV'lllCtion to employ and acInnc:e in employment qualified handicapped employees and applicant. for emplDymant, and the rlghb of appllCllnts and
<br />employees,
<br />
<br />la) The Lauor will notify ltDCh labor union Dr representative or workun with which it has a collective bargaining agreement Dr Dther contract
<br />undefltandlng, that tha Llllor Is bound by tha terms of sectlDn 503 of tha Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Is committed to take affirmative actiDn to
<br />emplDY and advance in employment physically and mentally handicapped individuals.
<br />
<br />If) The llSlor wlll includa the provilion. Df this cleu.e in every subcontract or purch..e order of 52,600 or more unlllU exempted by rules,
<br />nlgUlation" or orders of the Secretary Inued punuant to Section 503 of the Act, 10 that luch pro\.'i.lons will be binding upon each subcontractor or
<br />vendor. The Lassor will take such actiDn with I1lIPlICt to any subcontnlc:t or purchase order III the Director of the Office of Federal Contl'8Ct Compllence
<br />Programs may direct or enforca such provisions, inCludIng action for non-complian~,
<br />
<br />27. Applicable Codes and Ordinances
<br />
<br />The Leaor, as part of the rental cDn.ldera~ion. Itgren to cDmply with all codes Bnd Drdinances applicable to tha ownenhlp and operatlDn of
<br />th. building in "Yhich the leased spac:a is situated. At LIIsor'1 own expense, to Dbtain all necessary permits and related Items.
<br />
<br />....)
<br />
<br />J
<br />
<br />PS FDrm 7449. February 1981
<br />
<br />Pae- 10 of 11
<br />