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<br />8R_ of no",^ <br />""A <br />(Ul COllfr.K'r ttrrmln.r/on: ddNnnlmr. A broach oltf1i, CIIlUIO or of tho cloullI onlilllld "Ccnlrocl Work Hour. Dnd lJoflnv Slondordl Acl '40, <br />U,S.C, 32'.3321 - OVtlulrnll" m.v bO ground, for IlIrmln.Uon of Iho llgroomanl Dnd lor dobnrmont 01 II conlfOClof Dnd a IUUcon1rDC10r 01 plOvidod In <br />:19 CFA 5.12. <br /> <br />Ihl ComlJII/lnCII wltll D.JI/II.8~on lJnd R"J"fed At:t mqulmmonlt. All tulln!!1 Bnd In,nrprntolionl of tho Davl..Bacon and Aolatod ACII conlalned <br />In 29 CFR Plul. I, 3, Dnd 5 ora horoln Inccrpornlud bu fofllronco in Ihll DijfOllmOllt <br /> <br />III Dlsputlt$ concum/no labor .tlmdlJrcJs. Ohpulol othlng Dut 01 tho lobor stDndards provlllons of this oDrl!lImont Iholl nol bu subject 10 the <br />CI.lml and 015PUIIII c1aulll or Ihl. alJreemont, Such dllllU1111 shllll bo to.olyad In accordanCD with tho procedure. of tho Depnrtment of Labor .ot forth <br />In 29 CFA Pllf"t. 6, 6, Oild 7. DIsputel within thll meaning 01 thl. clause include disputo. bolwoon Iho Lenor (or ~JnY ollhe Lessor'llubcontroctorslond <br />lhlt contracting &gIlncy, the U.S. Deportmont of Lobor, Dr the employeo, or their repru.entatlvos. <br /> <br />UI o,n;(iclJrion 01 E/JgibiUty.: 111 By ItnlenniJ into thb O(lrllOrnont, tho Louor cortifio. Ihol naithor it (nor he or ,hll) nor any penon or firm <br />who h.. IIn Intorest in thl! Louor'. firm i, 0 penon or Ibm mellglble 10 be awarded Governmont contrllcts by VtrtUI! nf section 3(01 of Ihlt Davl..Bocon <br />Actor29CFA 5.12(0111) <br /> <br />121 No part of thl. contract shall be lubconlrOCled 10 any person or firm mellnlbll! lor award of 0 Gov.ernmcnt contract by vlnue 01 <br />section 3181 01 the Davls.Bacon Act or 29 CFR 5.12101( 11. <br /> <br />(31 The penallY fOl makmg false S1a1l!men1S IS prescnbed In Ihe U.S. Criminal CadI!, 18 U.S.C. 1001 <br /> <br />15. Conrl'i!Cr Work HounandSafety StlInd,Jrds Act (40 U.S.C. 321-332) - Overtime <br /> <br />(Ill O~rrimtl ntqulf'flmfma. <br />No lIIuor or subcontractor cont,.ctlng for any pan of the work under this egreement which mBY ~ul", or involve the employment <br />or or mechanics sh.1I t1tquln or permit any such IlIborer or mechenlc in IIny workweek In which he or .he ilemployed on .uch work to work In <br />e.cen of fony hours In luch V'JDfkweek, unleD luch lab:)rer or mechanic receiws compensation 8t 8 rate not leu than onll and one-hlllf times the basic <br />(;1111 of PlY for all hours worked In e.cess of fony hours in such workWltllk. <br /> <br />{bl Viol.tJon: /i.JJility for unl>>id ~: llquicat&d dMfl~ <br />In the event of any violation of the provillon S8t forth in paragraph fal of this CIIlUIII, the Lessor and IIny subcont~or rtlPonliblll <br />therefor shall be liable for the unPllid w.oeL In -'dltion, .uch Leaor and subcontractor shall be neble to the Unlt&d States Postal ServlCl for IIqulde.ted <br />~, Such IIquid&ted dim.. Ihall be computed with rapect to eDCh Indivldullllllborer or mechllnlc, including watchmen end gu.rds, employed In <br />vloletlon of the provision let forth In pllragraph (al of thll ClllUse, in the lum of $10 tor each calendllr day on which such individual we required or <br />permitted to work In e.cess of the standard workwHk of tony hours without payment of the overtime wages ~uioo by the provilion set forth In <br />Pllresrraph lei of thil claule. <br /> <br />lc) Withhofding or unpaid wages and (;Qu;darccl dami1flt!s. The Contracting Officer shall upon his or her own action or upon wrinen request <br />of an authorized representative of the Department of Labor withhold or cause to be withheld, from any monies payable on account of work performed <br />by the Lessor or subcontractor under this agreement or the lease or any other Federal contract with the Lessor, or any other FederaUy-assil1ed contract <br />Nbj~t to the Contract WDrk Hours and Safety Standards Act, which is held by the Lessor, such sums as may be determined to be necessary to satisfy <br />any liabilities of :uch Lessor or subcDntrac10r far unpaid wages and liquldaled damages as provided in the proviso" set forth in paragraph Ibl of this <br />claUll!. <br /> <br />Idl Subconrractt. The Lessor or subcontractor shall insert in any subcontracts the provisions set forth in paragraphs lal through lei of <br />this clause and also a clause requiring the cubcontlllctort. to include thece provicions in any tower tier subcontracts. The term "Lessor" as uced in these <br />provisions in any subcor.tract shall be deemed to refer to the subcontractor. The Lessor shall be responsible for compliance by any subcontflllC1or or <br />lower tier subcontractor with the provisions set forth in paragraphs (a] through Ie) of 1his section. <br /> <br />(el Records. The Lessor or subcontractor shall maintain payrolls and basic payroll records during the course of the work and shall preserve <br />them for a period of three vears from the completIon Df the con!ract for all laborers and mechanics. including guards and watchmen, working on the <br />contract Such recDrds shall conlain the name and address 01 each such employee, social securitY number, corl1!ct classifications, hourly rates 01 wages <br />paid, daily and weekly number of hours worked, deductIons made, and actual wages paid. The records to be maintained under this paragraph shall be <br />mad!! available by the Lessor or subcontractor IDr Inspection, COPVlng, or transcription by authOrized representatives Df the Postal Service and the Depart- <br />ment of Labor, and the Lessor or subcontractor Will permil such representattves 10 IntervlCw employees during working hours on the job. <br /> <br />16. Compliance WIth OSHA Slandards <br /> <br />To the extent this agreement is for construction, alteration, and/Dr repairs, lhe Le5Sor shall iii comply with applicable Occupational SafetY <br />and Health Standards Tide 29, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1910, promulgated pursuant to the authofl1y at lhe Occupational SafelY and Health <br />Act of 197D; WI comply with IIny other applicable Federal, State, or local regulation governing work place safety 10 Ihe utent they are not in conflict <br />with Iil; and liiil take all Olher proper pret:autions to ~rotect the health and safety of la) any laborer or mechanic employed by the Lenor in performance <br />of thi.. agreement, (b) Postal Service employen, and lcl the public. The Lenor shall include this dause in all subcontracts hereunder and to require iu <br />inclusion in all subcontracU of a 10llVer tier. The term "Lmor" as used in this clauRl in any subcontract shall be deemed to refer to the subcontr8ctor, <br /> <br />17. Subcontract Provisions <br /> <br />J <br /> <br />] <br /> <br />The Leuor agrees to Inlen Clauses 14, 15, 16, and 17 ot ~hic agreement in all subcontracts hereunder and to require their inclusion in all sub. <br />contract. of IDwer tier. The term "Lessor" as used in theca clauses in any subcontt1l1:t shall be deemed to refer to the liubcontractor. <br /> <br />PS Form 7<W9. Fcbruary 1987 <br /> <br />P...6 of 11 <br />