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<br />RR_1 ~--~ <br /> <br />(81 Each P'VfOlllubmlttll'd ,h.1I be accompanIed by .. "SIIUum"nt 01 Compll"nco" tinned by lIut Lellor Dr lubconlr8CIOf or hll or <br />hlr -oem wtle Ply' Dr lupllrvlln Ihll payment of thu penon. omployed undllr Iho contracl Bnd .hall cotUly tho lollowlng: <br /> <br />1II Thai the PlIYtoll tor tho payroll period conll1lnl thll Information roqulrod to be malnlalnod under ~6,5IaU3)ln 01 Aegula. <br />tlon.. 29 CFR Part 5 end ,h.1 .ueh In'ormation II COTfrct and completllj <br /> <br />1111 Thai ollCh labore, Dr mM:henlc IIncludlng lIac:h holpor, apprentice end tralnctll omployed on tha contrlCt during ,he payroll <br />period hi' belln p.ld the full waekly wage. !larned, without rebatl, olthor directly or Indirectly. Bod thll no doduc:Uonl hmva belln medII olthllr directly <br />or Indlrectlv from thll full Wllget It.rned, 01hor Ih.n pormlnlbln doductiom 81 Rlt forth In Regulatlonl, 29 CFR Part 3: <br /> <br />(Iii) That flitch labornr or mechanic has been paid not 1m than the applicable wage lotel and fringe benlltln or cah I!!quhl.lenn <br />for the cllllljflcallon ot work pertormed, Ini specified In Ihtlappllcabll! wage detllrmlnatlon Incorporated Into the cantra<:t. <br /> <br />ICI The weeklV submlllion 01 a proJHIrly eXllcuted certification set forth on the reverse shill of Opllonal Form WH.347 shall satisfy <br />the requirement for submllllon 01 the "Statement of Ccmpllance" required bV subparagreph Ic)l21lBI of this clause. <br /> <br />101 The ralslfication of any of the above certifications mey subject the Leuor or subconuactor to clll'i1 or criminal prosoculion under <br />Section 1001 ot Title 18 snd Section 231 of Tille 31 of the United Statlls CadI!. <br /> <br />(3) Thll Lessor or subcontractor shall make the records required under subpamgraph (c1l1l of thill clause &Vllllable tor inspection, coPvlng <br />or transcription by authorized representatives of thl! Controctlng Officer or the Department of Labor, and shall permit such representatives to Interview <br />employees during working houn on the job. If the Lessor or subcontractor foils to liubmit the required recordli or to make thllm !Wailablll, the POItal <br />Service mav, after wrlll!!n notice to the Lessor, take such action as may be necessary to cause thll ;uspension of any further paymllnt, advance, or guaran- <br />tee of funds. Furthermore, failure to submit thll required records upon request or to make liuch records available may be grounds tor debarment lICtlon <br />purusant to 29 CFR 5,t2. <br /> <br />Idl ApprentiCflS and TnJinllflS. (11 ApprentIces. Apprentices will be permitted to work at less than the predetermined rate for thll work they <br />performed when they are emploved pursuant to and individuEllly registered in a bona fide apprenticeship program registered with the U.S. Department <br />of !...abor, Employment and Training Administration, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, or with a Stllte Apprenticeship Agency recognired by thll <br />Bureau or if a penon is employad In his Dr her lint 90 dllYs of probationary employment as an apprentice in such an apprenticeship program, who is not <br />Individually f'Ilgilitam in the program, but who has been ce"iried by the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training or a State Apprenticeship Agency Iwhere <br />eppropriate) to be eligible for probationary Ilmployment 8S an apprentice. The allowable ratio of apprentices to joumeymen on the job site In any craft <br />cianificatlon shall not be gfllater than thll ratio permilllld to the Lessor as to the entire work force under the registered program. Any worker listlld on . <br />payroll at an Dpprentice WllQI! fate, who is not regiltel1!d or otherwise employed as litatad above, shall be paid not less than the applicable W8gIl rate on <br />the wage determination for lhll classification of work actually performed. In addition. any apprentice performing work on the job sita in eKc:e1l of tha <br />ratio permitted under the registered program shall be peid not less than the applicable wage rate on the wage determination for thll work actually per. <br />formed. Whllre . LelSor is performing construction on a project In a localilV other than that in which it5 program Is registered, the ratios end wave ratlll <br />lupresnd In percentages of the journeyman's hourly rate) specified in the Lessor's or subcontractOr's regililered program shall be observed. Every app,.n- <br />tice mUlt be paid at not leu than the rate specified in the registered program for the apprentice's level of progren, ellpreued as II percentlVll of the <br />Journeymen hourly rate specified In the applicablR wage determination. Apprentices shall be paid fringe benefits in accordance with the provillons of thl!! <br />apprenticlllhip program. If the apprenticeship program dOllS not specify fringe benefit5, apprentices must be paid the full amount of fringe benefilllil1lld <br />on tho: wage determination for the applicable classification. If the Administrator determinlll that a different practice prevails for the applicable apprentice <br />classification, fringes shall be paid in accordance with that determination. In the event the Bureau of APprenticeship and Training, or a Suite Apprllntlce. <br />ship Agency recognized by the Bureau, withdraws approval of an apprenticeshiP program, the LeSllor will no longer be permitted to utilize IIPprentlals <br />at less than the applicable predetermined ratp. for the work performed until an acceptable program is approved. <br /> <br />(21 Tnt;nllfflj. Except as proviUt!d in 29 CFR 5.t6, trainees will not be permined to work at less then the predetermined rate for the watk <br />performed unless they are emploved pursuant to end IRdlvldually registered In 8 program which has received prior approvel evidenced by formal canifie. <br />tion by the U.S. DepB"ment of LBbor, Employment end Training Admininra1ion. The ratio or treinees to journeymen on thll iob liitll-.hall not be greater <br />than permitted under the plan approved by the Employment and Training Adminilitration. Every tmince must be paid at not lell than the rate speCified <br />in the 8PprovIld program for the trainee's level 01 progress, expressed 81 a percentage of the journeyman hourly rate specified in thll appliCllble wagIl <br />determination. Trainees shall be paid fringe beneliu in accordance with the provisions of the trainee proyram. If the trainee program doe. not mention <br />fringe benefiu, trainees shall be paid the full amoun1 of hinge benelits lilted on the wage determination unlen the Administrator of the Wage and Hour <br />Division determineli that there is an apprenticeship program associated with the corresponding journeyman wage rate on the WI9ll delllrmination which <br />provides for leu than full fringe benefits for apPran1iclls. Any employee lined on the payroll at II trainee rate who Is not registered and participatmg in a <br />training plan approved bv the Employment and Training Administration shall be paid not less than the applicable wage nne on thll WII9Il determin.tlon <br />for the classification of work actually performed. In addition, any trainee performing work on the job site in eKCeSS of the ratio permitted under the <br />registered program shell be paid not Illu than the applicable wege rale on the wage determination for the work actually performed. In the eVllnt the <br />Employment and Training Administnnion withdraws approval of B trelning program, the Lessor will no longer be permitted 10 utlllZIl IraIRlles at Illu <br />than the applicable predetermined rate for the work performed until an acceptable program is approved. <br /> <br />13) EqulIJ emplDymant opporrunity. The utilization of apprentices, trainees and journeymen under this pan shall be in conformity with <br />the equal Ilmploymant opportunity reQuirements of Eltecutive Order 11246, as amended, and 29 CFR Pan 30. <br /> <br />(e) CompJi.nctl wirtr Copeland Act requirements. The Lessor shall complv with the reQuirements 01 29 CFR Pan 3, which are incorporated <br />by nrfenrnce in this contract. <br /> <br />If 1 Subcontra:tt. The Lessor or subcontractor shall insert in any subcontracts the provisions contelned In Plll'llgraphs lal through iii of this <br />clause and such other provisions as the Postal Service may by appropriate inlltrucllonJ require, Bnd also a cllluse requiring the subcontracton to Include <br />thllle CIIlUlIll in any lower tiar subcontracts. The t!:!rm .. Lessor" as used in Ihese provllilons in any subcontract shall be deemed to refer to the subcontrac. <br />tor. Thlt l.euor shall be responsible for the compliance by env subcontractor or lower tier subcontractor with all the provisions in this clause and with <br />ell the provisions in the clause entitled "Contract Work HoulS and SafelY Standards Act 140 U.S.C. 327.332) - Ove"ime:. <br /> <br />PI Form 7449~ Febnwy 1987 <br /> <br />""'6"0' 11 <br />
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