<br />I' lmln.nl Doml'n. llHldlt' " II""",)' 11"'1)''''11 nil 'l'llT1'll'n~nl'lln /lWAHI. IIn"1II(I(l1I AntlllB,UI 1IIIym"nl~ III .,,11"'1111"'''111'1111'' P'lIl:llilf'. 1 III r.f1l1nucllllll W,1I1
<br />I onrh.ltlnlllOnOl nlln., ,n.,nD ulll'" Plllpo,l"j' 0' 11"'1111(11(>(11 01 101 cmhol'nnClIl1l II nil 01 condnmnnhtHl Londo, ",nil llll Ilntlllllll nl,l. option I" CllIfHlIItrlCfI, IlPP,,/lf OIl Ill'"
<br />rlll"(!CIlIIl'In III own nama "nil AcTIOn 01 proCf>OdmOI And bhAII 111," 1m nnllU(lll III mllkn nlly complOrnllfl 0' IIIJlllnmllnlln cllnnnclUln .....Ith tilth In"lIIa or llnmdon In 1IUI
<br />I'l'1tnl anll porllon 01 tllO P'opr"'IIII'O Inon or d"nlllOlld lnfll:ln, Illnll h.,IIo Iho Qphon In 1I1lioln IIna nllllolulo dl'e1ullon, to npp1v 1111 IIlleh P'oclIodB. nlln, dodlJcllng
<br />Iho,rollom.llcOlllando.ponlolmClluod bV.' In (Connellon w,II'loth proceodl. uponnnV IndoblodnOlllocurOrJ hOlllh~ nnrt In Duch orrtm aa Lunrtol moydnlOlmmn, orlo
<br />npptv ollluch PIOCIlOdl. 01101 luch doduchonll. 10 Iho 10110r.lllm tl' 1110 Proporlv upon Iuch condition, 01 Londnr mnv dnlllrmmll Anv nppllcollon 01 PHlCollda 10
<br />mdllblndnOIl 'hall nOI oxlond or poalponn 'ho duo dolo 01 nn~ pnymnnll under Iho Nolo, or curn ony dolnulllhOfoundOf or hllfllUfH10r
<br />1 P.rionnanc.b,l.ntt.r.ln ,"ool/onl ofOOrrO\foJllr'l 10UU111I&perl&rmnnyollhnCOI/OnOnllluHllln or makE' nnyp,wmonln mq""lJd hor(lby. or ,I nn~ nCIIIlIlllll:Jnor
<br />IIIIlOI procnodlnllCOmmoncod which malOrlnlly alloCIII Londor'll mloro"ln tho ProPOrlY, LOlldor mol' I" Its own dlocrallon. but Wlthoul obllllntlon to do BO. nnd Wllhout notlCO
<br />10 or domlnd upon Bor'owor ond wllhoul roloallng Dorrowor 'rom ony obligation. do nny IIcl whICh Ihl' Bc..rrownl hOI OlllOort butlmla to do ond mol' 0110 donny olhor oclll
<br />dllllml nocolIDry 10 prolocllhlllllcurlly hOlOol BorroworahnU. Immodlnloly upon domond Ihoralor by Londor. pOl' 10 Londo, nil COlStl nnd enponaollllCUlmd nnd lUll'll
<br />oxpnndnd by Londor In conneCllon wllh tho exerclllo by Lt!ndorollhO lorogolng rlghll.togothor wllh Intofllsllhoroon nt the rnle prOl/lded 10 Ihe Nole, wtllch Ihnll he nddod 10
<br />the IndoblednOll locured helOby Londor shall nOI mcur any peroonalllablUly bocBuse ot IInVlhlng II may do or omit 10 do helOllndm
<br />I) En"'" of o.r,ulI. Tho lottowmllllhnll conlUlllle IIn ill/anI 01 doloull undor Ihls Doen of Trusl
<br />lQ tal Flllllre 10 pay Bny IOllallmcnt 01 prmclpal or Inleresl or ony olhor sum !l(>,;ured hOlcby when duo, or lallulO 10 pay whon due nny olhor IndoblodneSI of
<br />~ Borrov.'Or 10 Ll'ndllr.
<br />r- oncuml::an:e ~:~~~h~1 ~r~~::~:" under ony prol/illon contained In tho Notn, thl5 Ooed 0' TrUllt, any documenl which oecurOI Ihe NOlo, nnd any olhor
<br />
<br />CC Icl A writol exocution or nllachmenlor any similar process shalt 00 ontererlogam5tBorrowor which Shalt becomellllon on Ihe Properly or Bny pari Ion
<br />o Ihoreol or inlerollt theroln.
<br />
<br />..... (dl Thoro sholl bo filed bv or against Borrower an Bcllon undar nny presenl or luturo lederal, Illale or olher slalule. 11111'1 or regulllllon rolatmg 10
<br />, blnkruplcy.lnlolvoncy or olher retlllllordeblors: or Ihore shall be appointed IIny truslllO. receil/er or liquldalor 01 Borrowor or{)1 all or any part ollhO Properly, or
<br />Ihe rentll. I!lues or prohlllhereol. or BorrC!wer shall make any goneral allslgnmenllor Ihe benelil 01 creditors
<br />
<br />CO (0) The lair Iranslor, aSlllgnmenl. conweyanco or furthor encumbronce 01011 or any part 01 or any IOleresl in Ihe Proporly. ellher volunlorlly or
<br />OCI lnwolunlarlly, wllhoullhe express wrlllen consenl 01 Lender.
<br />
<br />I" If Dorrowor" not an Indll/idunl.the sale.lransler. assignmenl. conl/eyance orencumbrnnce 01 more than -2.5_ percent of (II a corporal Ion I lis
<br />
<br />IlIued and oullllandmg Ilock or III a partnership) ~ percenl 01 pnrtnershlp 1f'lerests
<br />
<br />9 R.mNI..;Accel.r.tlon Upon O.I.ull.ln theel/ent 01 nny EI/ent 01 Delaull Lender mny declare alllndebledness secured hereby 10 be duo and payable and the
<br />limo shalllhoroupon bocomo due Bnd payable wilhout any presenlment. demend, proles! or notice of I'!lny kind, Therealler Lender ma~'
<br />
<br />(al Demand Ihal Trulleo ellorClle Ihe POWER OF SALE granled herem, and Trusteeshalllhereafter cause Borrower's Interest in Ihe Property 10 be sold
<br />and the procoodslo bo dlllrlbuted, all In Ihe manner prOVIded in Ihe Nebraska Trust Deeds Act;
<br />
<br />Ib) Ellhor In porIon or by agen!. wllh or WIthout brmgmg any acllon or proceedlRg. or by a recell/er apPolllled by a courl and Without regard to the
<br />adequacy olllslecutlly. onler upon and lake possession ollha Properly, or any parlthereol, In 115 own name or In lhe name 01 the Truslee. and do any acls which
<br />It deems necessary or delllfoble 10 pre!ierl/e Ihe value. malketablllly or renlabllily Of Ihe Property. or part Iheleol or mteresl therem. Increase the Income
<br />Ihellllrom or prolecllhe leCUrlly hereof and. WIth or Wllhouttaklng possession ollhe Properly. sue lor or olherWlse collecllhe renls. Issues and prohts Ihereof.
<br />Includmg thOle pllsl due anl1 unpaId. and apply the same. less costs ana expenses ot operallOn and collecllOn including attorneys' lees. upon any mdebledness
<br />socwed herllby. all In such order as Lender mey determine The entering upon and laking possessIon 01 Ihe Property. Inecollecllon of SUCh renls, ISluesand
<br />prohls and the applicatIon thelool as a'oresard. shall nol cure or wail/e any delault or nolice of defeult hereunder or mvalldate any acl done m response to such
<br />dofaull or pUfluanllc such nollce 01 delaull and. notwllhstandln9 the conlinuance In possessIOn of the Properly or lhe collecllon, receipt and applicatIon 01
<br />rents. Issuell or prollll, Truslee or Lender shall be enhlled to ellerClse el/ery righl prOVided for 10 any of the Loan Instrumenls or by law upon occulence 01 any
<br />ewenl 01 defaull. Includmg Ihe right to ellerClse the power 01 sole: and
<br />
<br />(cl Commflnce an echon to fOleclose Ihls Deed 01 Trusl as a morlgage. appoml II reCelller. or speclllcally enforce any ollhe cOl/enants hereol.
<br />
<br />No remedy herOin conlerred upon or reserl/ed to Truslee or Lender IS Inlended 10 be ellcluSlwe of ilny alher remedy herem or by law prOl/ldeo or permiUed. but eoch Shall be
<br />cumul.liwe, shall be In addilion 10 ewory other romedy gll/en hereunder or now or herealter OlCIshng 01 law or m eqUIty or by slalule. and may bo e_erclsed concurrently.
<br />mdependently or lucC8ssll/ely
<br />
<br />10 Trull... The Truslee mo~ resign 011 any lime Wllhoul cause. and Lender may al ,lny tome and wllhoul cause apPOInt a successor or subsltlule Truslee Trustee
<br />IIhall nol be !lable lor any loss or damage unless due 10 acllonable negligence or wIlllul mlsconduCI. and shall not be reqUired 10 lake any Bchon '" connOCllon Wllh the
<br />enforcemenl Ollhis Deed 01 Trusl unless indemnllled. in wflting. lor all costs. compensation or e_penses which may be assoclaled therewith In addlllon. Truslee may
<br />becomo a purchaser al anysale ollhe Property (judicial or under the power of sale granled herein I. postpone Ihe sale 01 all at any portIon of the properly. as prOlllded by law;
<br />or sell the Property as a whole, or in separale parcelS or 1015
<br />
<br />11 Fulure Ad,.nces. Upon requesl of Borrower. Lender may, at lIs option. make addlllonaland future adl/ances and readwances 10 Borrower Such adwancesand
<br />readvances. with Inlereslthereon, shall be secured by IhlS Deed 01 Trust. At no lime shall the pnnClpalamount of the Indebledness secured by thiS Deed 01 Trust. nolin-
<br />
<br />cluding !lUll'll adl/anced loprotecllhesecurlty oflhls Deedol Trus!. exceed Ihoongmal prinCIpal amounl slaled herein orS . whichewerls
<br />glaaler
<br />
<br />12 MI~""nlClu, Provisions.
<br />
<br />lal Borrow., Nol ReI.ned. ExlenSlon ollhe lime lor payment or modlllcallon 01 amOlllzalion 01 the sums secured by Ihls Deed 01 Trust granled by
<br />Lender to enysuccessor In Inleresl 01 Borrower shall nOI operate to release. In any manner, the llabllrly ollhe ollglOal Borrower and Borrower's successors 10
<br />interest. Lender shall not be reqUired to commence proceedings agalnslsuch successor or rei use to exlend Irme lor payment or otherwise modify amortizahon
<br />ollhe sums secured by this Deed 01 Trusl by reason 01 any demands made by the orlglOal Borrower and Borrower's successors in interesl
<br />
<br />(b) lend.,', Powe,s. Wlthoul alfeclingthe Ilabll1ly of any other person hable for the payment 01 any obllgallon herein menlloned. and Wllhout allecllng
<br />Ihe lien or charge ollhls Deed 01 Trusl upon any portion of the Properly nollhen or Iheretofore released as securlly lor Ihe lull amount of all unpaid oblIgations.
<br />Lender may.lrom time 10 lime and wllhout nolrce IiI lei ease any person 50 l1able, (Ill extend Ihe malurity or aller any of the terms 01 any such obligallons.lllll
<br />. grant olher indulgences.liv) release ar reconvey. or cause to be released or leconveyed 01 any lime at Lender's opllonsany parcel. portIon or all oftha Property.
<br />(v) take or release any other or addltlonalsecullty fOI any obllgallOn herein menllonod, or IVI} makecomposlllOns Of olherarrengements wllh deblms m ralallOn
<br />thereto.
<br />
<br />Ic) Forb.a,.nce by lendarHOla W.hrt,. Any forbearance by Lender In exerclsmg any right or lemedy hereunder, or olherwlse allorded by applicable
<br />law, Shall not be a waivel 01 or precludo Ihe e_erClse of any such nght or remedy _ The procurement 01 Insurance or the payment 01 lanes or olher liens or charges
<br />by Lender Shall not be a wail/er of Lender's fight 10 accelerate the maturity ollhe IOdeblednoss secured by Ihls Deed of Trusl
<br />
<br />ld) SUCC."DfII .nd AIIlgn. Bound; Jolnl and S.ve,.,lI.bllllr; Captlonl. The cOl/enanls and agreements herem conlalned shall blOd. and Ihe rlghls
<br />hereunder Ihalllnure 10. the r"spectll/o successors and assigns of Lendel and Borrower. subjcctto Ihe prOl/lSIOnS 01 parllgraph a Ie) herool All cOl/enanls and
<br />egrllemonll of Borrower Shall be jOlnl and sel/erftl. The caphons and headings of Ihe paragraphs ollhls Deed 01 Trust are for conllenlence only and are nollo be
<br />used to inlerpret or deline the prOViSions hereof.
<br />
<br />Ie) R~u..lfo,NoU~.. The parlles heleby lequestthot II copy of any nOllceol delaull hereundel and a copy 01 any notice 01 sale hereunder be mailed 10
<br />eech party 10 Ihls Deed alTrusl allhe address sellorth abol/e In the manner preswbed by applicable law_ Ellcepl for any olher nolice requited under applicable
<br />lawlobegtl/en In another manner. any notice prOl/lded for In thIS Deed 01 Trust shall be gll/en bV mailing such notice by certlhed mall addressed 10 tht! other
<br />parties. at Ihe address set forth abol/e.
<br />
<br />Any notice prOVided lor In Ihis Deed 01 Trusl shall be deemed 10 he\lO been gll/en 10 Borrower or Lender when gwen to lhe mannor delllgnated herem
<br />
<br />ttl InspecUon. Lender may make or cause 10 be made reasonable entries upon and inspections ollhe Property. prol/lded thai Lender shall gll/e Borrower
<br />nollce prior 10 any luch mspection specifying reasonable couse Iherelor releted to Lender's interest in Ihe Property.
<br />
<br />(g) RKOnn,.nc.. Upon payment 01 all aums secured by this Deed 01 Trust. Lender shall requestTrusleeto reconl/ay Ihe Property and shall surrender
<br />Ihll5 Deed of TrUll and all nolel el/idencing indltbledness secured by Ihis Deed ot Trust to Truslee, Trustee shall reconl/BY the Properly wlthoul warranly Ind
<br />Without chergeto the penon or pefllonllegally enlillod therelo Such person or persons shall pay all cosls of recordolron. It Bny
<br />
<br />(h) P.raona' Proptrty. &ecurllW AII,..fMnl. As additional security lor the payment 01 the Note allllxtulcS, equlpmenl. and olhol personal properly used
<br />,"connection WUh Ihll real estate or improvemenlslocated thereon. and not otherwise declared ordeemed 10 bo 8 pari olthe leal eSlale secured hereby. shall be
<br />subject to a lecurlly interelt In lavor ollhll L.ender undror Ihe Nebraska Unllorm CommerCial Code_ This instrum.,nlshall be construed as a Securlly Agreemenl
<br />under said Code. and Ihe Lender ahall hal/a all the rlghts and remedies of a lecured party under said Code in addition 10 Ihe fights and romedies crealod under
<br />and acccrded Ihe Lender pursulnllo this Deed 01 TrUll
<br />
<br />(I) SftoaraIIIIty. In Ihe evenl thlll any prOlllsion 01 Ihls Deed 01 Trusl conlUcl with applicable law or are declared ml/alld or otherWIse unenlorceable. such
<br />conlUcl or Invatldily Ihall nol alleet lhe other prOl/lIllons 01 this Deed of Trust or the Nole which can be given ellecl wllhoullhe conlllctmg proviSion, and to Ihls
<br />end thlt provilionl 01 thlt Deed 01 Trust and Ihe NOle are declared 10 be soverable
<br />
<br />8011'0_' halllxeculed Ihll Deed a' Trust Ihll date wrillen obowe
<br />
<br />Red f.ter Sales Co.
<br />
<br />By: kd fl, ~nwii
<br />Borrow
<br />(Edward A, Dingwerth, President)
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />