<br />
<br />.O....OW......EAD THII 1..01111 .IQNINa:
<br />DorroWII... (Trultotl) und,,,t,nd thlllhedocumenllhlllhl Borrower..ra aboulia ll"ecUle'I' Deed 01 Tru.l and nola mortgage end thai the power ol.,le provided
<br />lor In thl DHd 01 TruI. provld.. lubltanlten" dlllllrent rlgtn. Ind Obl1Olllonl to \lIlt Dorrowllr. thin a mortg.ge in the 1\llnt 01 . del.ull or bre.ch 01 obllglllon und" the
<br />o..d of Trull, Including, but nolllmlled la,thalend,'" ,lghlla hl"e tho nul Propor1y laid by the TrUIlllI wllhoullnv ludlclal proceldlng or loraclolure. Borrawltl'll
<br />I'IIpt...nt and warrant lhlllhl. acknowl.dgemont Will IUCUlld by them before Ihe e.ecullon 01 the Oiled 01 Trul1.
<br />Red Ro ter Sal s Co,
<br />
<br />88- 106745
<br />
<br />..,
<br />i
<br />I
<br />
<br />B :
<br />
<br />
<br />Borr:lwer
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />COIIPLaTE It'll, portion ONLY Illbe ,." PfOIMrty dncriblld conlllll at INDIVIDUALLY OWNED AGRICULTURAL LAND.
<br />Ua"pllcabl., compht.. ONLY ONE elth8r A, B, or C:
<br />
<br />
<br />The Borrower(l) 8cknowledge1tlallhey areaboul10 ellecute the lollowlng Deed olTrul1 upon lhe real estale de'5Crlbed therein, The Borrower{s), and each of them If
<br />more than one. do hereby disclaim Ihelr righllo deslgnale a homeslead pursuant thtlrelo, No pari ollh(l homestead 01 utther of Ihe 80rrower(s) Is presently or will In Ihe
<br />future be Iiluated upon said real estale. The Borrowerlsl undersland Ihatlf ellhereslabUshesa homeslead on any pari of 1181d real eslale durmg IheUme Ihe Deed of Trull
<br />remains unlatisfled enda Uen upon 511id real eslate.lhere shall be no right to make a designation 01 homestead In the event 01 a loreclolure or !rustee's lIale with relpeclto
<br />said Deed 01 Trust
<br />
<br />
<br />The Borrowerls) acknowledge thai they ere aboutloellccute Ihe 101l0wmg Dced 01 Trust upon the real estale described thcreln. The 80rrower(5). and ellch olthem 1I
<br />more Ihlln one. do hereby waive their righlto deslgnals a homeslead pursuant therelo, The Borrower(s) understand that they have the rlghlto make a deslgnallon of
<br />homestead and that by elBculingthls waiver. they are waIVing rights otherwise available for the purpose alallordlng Ihem the opportunity to relaln Ihelr homeslslld In Ihe
<br />event 01 a default upon the Deed 01 Trust.
<br />
<br />
<br />Pursuanlla the Farm Homestead Pr~leclion Act [Scclion 76.1901 elseq ReVised Stalules 01 the Slate 01 Nebraska). the Borrowerls), do t1srebydellgnale the RlIII
<br />property described In the .'Designallan 01 Homestead.. attached heralO and incorporated herem by Ihis relerence
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />TH'S OEEO OF TRUST. "m.do" 011", 6!=i! "by 0' December 19 ~ . by 00" amoog '"' T,",'o,. Red Roos ter
<br />Sales Co. ______________ WnoSl!malhngaddresSIS ~~+ Box 458, Grand Island.
<br />Nebraska 68802 ,.....o..so..owen,.oT,","'. _W:Uli..a\l1.G.~.l!lackb.l1~eJll!wr of the NE State B~.
<br />
<br />whose mailing address IS P 0 "AnY ??Rn ..---GJ:and_I.s.land ,__Nebrask.a.....688D2-_ (herelnHTrustee~J,
<br />and Ihe Beneliclary. Five Points Bao.k_____ ___~~ _ ".._________~__._
<br />whose mailing address IS ~...9. Box ~7, G~~_d __Islan_~_, ..~_~~~~~~__~_aao~__ [herein "lender"!
<br />
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, including the Indebtednessldenlllled herem and trust hemm crealed.lhe lecelpl of which IS hereby acknowledged. Borrower
<br />hereby irrevocably grants,translels, conveys and assIgns to Truslee, IN TRUST. WITH POWER OF SAl.E.lor lhe bene"t and secunly 01 lender. under and sublect to the
<br />lerms and conditions herelnaller sellorth. the real ploperly. described aslallows
<br />
<br />The easterly one-third 0/3) of Lot Seven (7), the westerly two-thirds
<br />(2/3) of Lot Eight (B), and the westerly one-third (1/3) of Lot One (I),
<br />all in Block Fifty-four (54) in the Original Town, now City of Grand
<br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded.
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />Together with all buildings, improvements, !lll;tures. streelS, alleys, passageways, easements. nghls, priVIleges and appurtenances located thereon or In anywise
<br />pertaining thereto, and the rents. Issues and prollts. reversIons and remainders Ihereol; including. but nol hmlted 10. healing and cooling equipment and such personal
<br />property Ihllllsllttllched lothe Improvemenls so as to constitute a !llllura; and togelher wllh the hameslead or marilal inlerests. II any. which Inleresls ara hereby released
<br />and waived; 1.1101 which. Including replacements and addl1ionlltherelo. IS hereby declared to be a part ollhe real 8slale secured by Ihe lien 01 thiS Deed of Trust and all of the
<br />lotegolng being reforred to herein 8Ilhe "properly"
<br />
<br />This Deed of Trust shaUleture (al the paymenl 01 the pnncipalsum and inleresl eVldenCQd by Barrowe(s nOle andlor credil agreement dated
<br />
<br />Dec. 6. 1988 . having a maturity date of Dec. 6. 1998 . in Ihe original prmcipal amount of 5 75.000.00 and any and all
<br />modiflcallans, extenslonl and renewals therllOl Of Iherelo and any and all fulure advances and Teadvances hereunder pursuanllo one Of more promissory notes or credit
<br />agree:mentl(hllralncllled "Note"); (bllhs payment 01 ather sums advanced by Lender to pralecl the secuuty 01 Ihe Nale; (c] the perlormance all cavenan!.! and agr&Bmenl
<br />o'Borrowef.al lorlh herein; and IdJ an Indeblednesl and obllgalions 01 Borrower to lender whether duect, induect, absaluteorconllngenl and whelher ariSing by note,
<br />gUllanlv. overdraft or olherwise.
<br />
<br />,~ Borrower. to protect the Hcurlty ollhll Deed 01 Trust. cavenanlS and agrees with Lender as 101l0wII
<br />
<br />,1. ,."..,.101 PrIncI_andlnternt., Borrowershall promptly pllywhen due the prinCIpal 01 and mlerest an, and any lees or charges prOVided m, tho Nole or In Ihls
<br />~aITf'Ult.
<br />
<br />2.. ntt.. Borrower isthe owner ollheProperly. haltherlghl and authority 10 convey Ihe Properly. and warrants thai the lien crealed hereby IS 8 Ilrstand pllor hen an
<br />Ih. Property. ellCapt.. may otharwllB be setlonh herein, and the .Iacullon and delivery allhls Deed 01 Trust does not violate any contracl or other obhgahon to WhICh
<br />Borrower iIIUb)ect.
<br />
<br />3. T................... To pay when due all tues. specll' assellmllntsand all other charges against the Properly and, upon wfllten demantl by lImder.la PlIY to
<br />lIncMt auch .mount u may be sulllc!ent 10 enable the lender to pay such IUo.. a:)sesllmenls or ather charges as Ihey become due
<br />
<br />... I~. To keep the Property Insured agalnsl damage by lire. hazards inCluded within the lerm "el\lended coverage", and SUCh athel h81artls as Lender mRy
<br />require. In .moun" and with companies acceptable 10 Lender. and wllh IOSI payable to Ihe lender. In case 01 loss under such pohcles, tho lender 15 authOrized 10 adlusl
<br />caUectandcomproml... all clalmllhereunder and Ihall have the option 01 applying all or plrt olthelnsurlnce proceeds (I) 10 sny Indebtedness seculod helcbv and," such
<br />ordera. lend.' maydelermine. (Ill to the Borrower lobsuled lor Ih'EI repair or restoration ollhe P,operly or (1111101 any olher purposo 01 oblccl S311slRClory 10 LendAr
<br />wllhoula!lectingthe hen of lhlll Dee-ct 01 Trutllor t~ luUamount nculed hereby belole such paymenl eveltook placD Any sppllcatlon 01 proceed!> 10 mdebt.!dnftllS ,hRII
<br />nol8l11end or poslpof'llllhe dill! date 01 any payments under tho "'ole. 01 cure any delaullthllreundllr or hereunder
<br />
<br />5 MMn~ R.,..n and Compa__ ..lh Lnn. Borrower lt1all h_p the Properly In good cood,lIon and repa.. .h.all l"On'llll\l 'I'Pllll 01 '"lllll!:1l a"~
<br />.mP<<nAmentwh.cf'l may be damagltdordlllltoyed.thall nOlcomml1 or permU any wallltor deteflorallan 01 Ihe Properly shill not len\[}~r> ,h'mllll~h III ~"h!>I.lrllllllly allt"
<br />..nyollhelmprOVtl~nlson Ihll Property. 'hill nol commit. lutlararpermllanyaclto bedonelnor upon the Plopert)' In ~loll'lIonQt any III'" u,,JlI1llnCII or '''\1"I.111on ill'''
<br />'''-II pay and protflpll~ dltcnarg. al Borro_f. cOltandell;pen.. all lI11nl, encumbrlnclllland charges. Illw'lld lmpos..d \'II ,n'u,...d agil",,1 tnl' P'upI'rl, 11' ,I"~ 1l...11",',,'ol
<br />