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<br />ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER <br /> <br />(I VearTJ'Cllu'l'lnd...RolOClpt) <br /> <br />THIS ADJUSTABLE RIITB RIDER I. lIllIdClhl. ~dlyof December ,Ig-IDL-, <br />and is Incorponled Into and shall be deemed to amend and lupplement the Morr.aac. Deed of TNlt, or Socurity Deed (the uSecurity <br />Instrument") of the ume date aJven by the undmlaned (the "Borrower") 10 secure Borrower'. AdjUltablo Rate Nott (the UNote't) to H2!4I <br />FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN AB8OCIATlON OF GRAND [SLAtlD, NEBRASKA (the "LeDW") of the IIIIIll dote and coverlni the <br />propc:ny described in the Security InstrumentlDd 1000tee! It: <br /> <br />88- 106717 <br /> <br />416 North Carey, Grand Islartd, Nebraska <br /> <br />(property Addreu) <br /> <br />'J"bb Dota co.ram. pnnidoa dowIq for dIupI .. IDJ llilerelt rail ud IIIJ lactaW, <br />paJllleall.- Tbb Date Iho Umlll tile llIDaul IIIJ' lateral rale CaD chap at .D, Oat dale ud <br />alia lite mbalaIaa aad die muIJDom rate I mlllt paJ. <br /> <br />ADDmONAL COVENANJ'S. In addition to the covenants and qreements made in the Security Il1Itrup1ent, Borrower and. Lender <br />further covenanl and agree as foUows: <br /> <br />A, INTEIWir RAn; AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGFS <br />The Note provides for an initial interest rate of 11 .. 0 DJ'o. Section 4 of the Note provides for r:hanaeIln the intaal rate and the <br />monthly payments. as follows: <br /> <br />4. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PA YMENT CHANGES <br />(0\) CIIup Do", <br />1beintercst rate I wilJ pay may chana:e on thermt day of January 119~.lDdonthatd&yevery <br />twelve months thereafter. Each date on which my intcrc:st rate could chBIlle is called B "Cbanae Date." <br /> <br />(81 11Ie.adn <br />BesinniRl with the first Chanae Date. my interest rate will be based on anlndcx.. The "Index" is the weekly averqe yield OD. United. States <br />Treasury securities adjusted 10 . constant maturity of 1 year, as made available by the Federal Reserve Board. The most recent Index r1JU,fe <br />available as of the dale 04$ daYI beforceach Change Date 1:; called the UCurrent Index. ,. <br />If the Index is no lonaer available, the Note Holder will choose a new index which is based upon comparable information. The Note <br />Holder will give me notice of thll choice. <br /> <br />(0 CaIadodoa Dr ~ <br />Before each Chanae Date, the Note Holder will calculate my new interest rate by adding thrF!e & onelha1f perccntqe <br />points' 't c. ~) to theCUJ'Il:Ot Index and rounding to the nearest I/lth of 1011, subject to the limits ltaUdiD Scction4(D) below. <br />This rounded amount will be my new interest rate until the next Change Dat,=,. <br />The Note Holder win then the amount of the monthly payment that would be sufficient to repay in full the priDc::ipall am <br />~ to owe on that Chanae Date in substantially equal payments by the matwity date at my new interest rate. 1be rault af this cala1latiOD <br />~1I be the nl:W llDlount of my monthly payment. <br /> <br />(D) LIosI.....__aao.oe. <br />The intcrcs1 rate I am. required to pay at the nrst Change Date will not be areau:r than 13 .. 0 .. or less than. <br />on..,.. Thereafter, my inte:rest rate win never be increased or dec:reascd on any sin&Ic CIwJae Dale by more than two Dereent <br />( 2 . 0 ) from the rate of interest I have been payina: for theprccc:ding twelve months. 'IbemiDimum interatrate on tbia loan will DC'VCf be <br />less than 9 ~ 0 I'll and the maximum interest rate7iil1 ncvcrbe grcaterthan 16,,00 ... <br /> <br />IE) EIf_Dal..f~ <br />My new interest rate will become effective on each Cha.nat Date. I will pay the amoum: of my new monthly pa)'JDCDI bealaniDI OD the ftnt <br />monthly Plyment date after the Change Dateuntil the amount ormy monthly payment ~ apin. <br /> <br />(FI Notlao of aw.... <br />The Note Holder will mail or deliver to mc a notice before each CIwt&c Date. The notice will advise meal: <br />(i) the new interest rate on my loan as of the Cha.nae Date; <br />(n) the amount of my monthly payment foUowiq the C1wIae Due; <br />(iii) any additional matters which the Note Holder is required to dilcJ.ase; IIDd <br />(tv) the addreu of 1heassoc:iation you could contact reaardina anyqucltioDl about the adjUIbD.CDt notice. <br /> <br />B. CIIAIIGES; UENS <br />Uniform Covenant.. orlbe Security Imtrument is amended to read u foUows: <br /> <br />... Owpo; u... Bonower IhaIl pay III...... anemoems. and ather charses. fmes, IDd lmpoaidons Illributable to the Propc:ny wbleb IDly <br />aaaio s priority OVOl'thio Security Im1rument, and leasehold pa)'lll<SlU of lfDund renu, if thellllDllerproyided uader ~ 2 bereof <br />or. if oat paid m socb 1IlIDlIer. by Bonower moklna payment, ",hen due, dlm:t1y to the payee lbereaf. Botrawu IhaIl..-dY _ Lender <br />III notioes of amaunu due tmder tbIt ~. and in the...." Bonower IhaIl make paymeat dlm:t1y, Bonower IhaIl prampdy _ '0 <br />Lender ra:eipIo Ndeacios sucb paymenu. Bonower IhaIl prDDlptly diJcbarJe ID)/ liea "'hleb Iw priority 0V0l' tbIt Security '0S1Jumeat; <br />-, IIamnrer ,ball DOl be req_ to diJcbarJe ID)/ sucb lien sa 10lIl U IIoJTawer: (I) IhaIl wrltlnIto the poymeat of the <br />ob1iptiaa_ by sucb lien m thellllDller aa:eptableto Leader; (b) lhaIlin aaad flith "",o_..eb lien by. or defend apioot cafon:emen. of <br />sacb biD, 1epI proc:eedln&J ",hleb in theopinioo of Lender operate to ptOVeOl the cafon:emenl of the lien or foridlure of the Property 0' ID)/ <br />put tbcreor; or (e) IhaU RICW"e from the bolder of web lien an qrecmcnt in a form satisf'1dory to l..ender IUbordiDatina JUCh lien to this <br />Secmity Im1rument, <br />H Leader deIermlnes Ihot III or OIly pan of the Propeny Is subjecl to a lien wbleb DUlY al10in a priority 0V0l' tbIt Security Instnuneat, <br />l.aIder sbaD.1i~ EIomrwa' . notice idc:otifyins such lien. Bomnrer sIW1 satisfy such lien or take one or more of the ac:tiODJ ICI: forth above <br />'OriIhln ...dayoof1l1eli.... oftheDOtice. <br /> <br />c. NanCE: <br />Uni!ormCovClWlt .4 oftbcScc:urity Instrumeat is amcuded to read.. foUOWJ: <br /> <br />,.. Nedce. E.&ccpt for any DOIia: required UDder applicable law to be Jiven in another manner. (a) any notice 10 Borrower provided for in this <br />Seaaity I.nJtrumcDt shal1 be liven by ddiwrinait or by mailinail by rlB1 c:lus mail to Borrcnrrer at the Propcny Addreu or at IUch other address <br />u Bon-o.a- may dcsipaEc by noliClC to Lcuder u provided br:rdn, and (b) any notice LO Lender shall be liven by first clu5 mail to Lender's <br />addrcu I1aICd berdn or to IUCb ather acSdnsI u Lender mi.)' deIianUe by notice to Borrower.. provided herein. Any notice provided for In this <br />-I)' _1LaII be doomed '0 have boon Ii... to IIonowt:r or Lender the manner desIoMtod h...... <br />