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<br />88- 106717 <br /> <br />NON.UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender funhcr cdvcnant and oBree as follows: <br />111. A...ler.tlon; Remedl.., Lender .blll P" notl... to Borro".r prior to a...I.r.tlon rollo"lnR Borro".r'l <br />_b orany co..nant or ._OIIt In tbtoSecarllflnatrumenllbul not prior 10 ....I.ratlon und.r paralP'aph. 13 and 17 <br />ani... appllabl. la" pro,ldea otbcnrlle), n. noU... wll _Iry: tal the derouU; (hI tb. a.tlon requlr.d 10 .ur. the <br />der.olt; t.l. dat., not lea tban 30 daJII tram lb. date lb. notl... to p,.n 10 Borro".r, by "hl.h lb. doCault mUll b. .ured; <br />..... td) tb.. rlllare to C1Ire tb. d.raolt on 01' beron lb. date .pec:llled In lb. noll.e may result In accel.ratlon or the luml <br />....m bylbl. Sec:orlly I..trum.nt Ind .... of tb. Property. Tho nollce .ball rorth.r Inrorm Borro".r or lb. rlcht to <br />reinstate aIler ....I...tlon Ind Ibe rI",t to brln. . court .elIon to ....rt the non..xllt.n... or a d.rault or Iny olh.r <br />d.r..... fir Borrower to ....I...llon llDd .....IUb. d.f.a1t Is nolcured on or boCore the dale .pecllled In Ibe notl.e, Lend.r <br />.t lis option mlJ require Immedllle pafID.ot In full oC a111U1D1 by thl. Sec:urlty IDllrum.nt "Ithoul further <br />d.mand and ay InYOk. the oC"'. and any nther remedl.. permitted by .ppllable 10", Lender .hall be entitled to <br />collect all ex....... Incarred In punaID. the remedl.. pl'OYlded In Ibll parapapb 19, Including, but nol limited to, <br />reaooubl. allomeyo' fees and..... ortllle ..leIen.... <br />If lb. po".r of"'. II In,oted, TI'1IIlee .ba11 ......rd a notice of doC.u1t In each counlfln "bid! any part or Ih. <br />Property Is located and .ball mall co!!l.. or sud! noli... In tb. mann.r prescribed by .ppllcabl. I.... to Borro".r and to the <br />olb.r penoDl prescribed by .ppllabl. II". An.. tb. tlm. required by appllcabl. la.... Trultee Ih.1I Rh. public notlc. or <br />ale to the peuouud In the manDer prescribed by applicable law. Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shallsell the <br />Property a. public auclloo 10 lb. bl...... bidder 11m. .nd pl.... and und.r 1b.I.rml d..I!lJIal.d In tb. notl.. or sale In <br />on. or more pareeIo and In any order TI'1IIlee del.rml..... TI'1IIlee m.y postpone .... or all or any parcel of the Prop.rty by <br />pobllc announcemOll. allb. 11m. and p~ of any pr.,lousl)' sclIeduled ..... Lend.r or lis drsIKDee may purchas. tb. <br />Property .....y..... <br />Upon receipt of p.yment of lb. prt.. bid, Trustee .baIl d.lI..r In tb. porchuer Trustee'. deed .on..ylng tb. <br />Property. Th. recitaIo In lb. Trustee'l deed .ball be prhllll facl. ..Id.n.. of lb. trutb DC Ih. stat.m.nts mad. lboreln. <br />Truslee sball.pp'Y lb. proceeda of lb....e in lb. following order: tal to all expen... or tb. sale, including, bul not limited <br />to, Truslee" r... u permitted by .ppll....l. Ia... and reasunable allom.ys' r...; (hI to .11 sums secured by ibis S....rity <br />Instrument; and tc) any ex.... to lbe penoD or _usleg&lly entitled 10 II. <br />20. Lender in P-osseaIOD. Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property, Lender (in <br />person, by agent or by j':1dicially appointed receiver) shall be entitled to enter upont take possession of and manage the <br />Property and to collect lbe rents of tbe Property including tbose past due. Any rents collected by Lender or the receiver <br />shall be applied first to payment of tbe costs of management of the Property and collection of rents, including, but not <br />limited to. receiver's fees. premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys' fees. and then to the sums secured by <br />this Security InstrumenL <br />2L Reeoa,eyance. UpoD payment orall sums secured by this Security Instrumenl, Lend.r shall request Trustee to <br />recouvey lb. Property and sball surrender lbis Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debl secured by this Security <br />Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or persons <br />legally entitled to iL Sucb person or pe,,",ns sball pay any recordation costs. <br />n Substitute Trustee.. Lender, at its option, may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee <br />10 any Trustee eppoin1ed b.reunder by an instrument recorded in tbe county in whicb Ibis Security Instrument is recorded. <br />Wilboul conveyance of the Property, lb. successor trustee sball succeed 10 all th. title, power and duties conrerred upon <br />Trustee berein and by applicable law. <br />23. Request rDr Nlllkeo. Borrower requests thai copies of lbe notices ur deraull and sale be senl tu Borrower's <br />address which is lbe Property Address. <br />24. RlIIen to ibis Securllflllllrum.nt. If unc or more riders are executed by Borrow.r and recorded togetber witb <br />lbis Security Instrument. the covenants and IIIreements or eacb sucb rider sbaU be incorporated into and sball amend and <br />supplemenl the covenants and agreements or this Security Instrument as ir Ihe rider(s) were a part or Ibis Security <br />InstrumenL (Check applicabl. box(es)] <br />o Adjustable Rate Rider 0 Condominium Rider 0 2-4 Family Rider <br /> <br />o GradUB1ed Payment Rider <br /> <br />o Planned Unil Dev.lopment Rider <br /> <br />IiJ Other(s) (specify] Acknowledgement <br />BY SIGNING BELow, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security <br />Instrument and in any ricler(s) executed by Borrow.r and recorded witb iL <br /> <br /> <br />........~.......1:};;...e..t/zr.t.. MJ:::.............................(Sea1) <br />Duane P a Versaw -8on'o... <br /> <br />.....7lid:!. AtL'f --: ~......................(Sea1) <br />M~"~ Versaw -Borrower <br /> <br />ST....TE OF NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />County 55: <br /> <br />On this 5th day of December ~ 19 88 . before mc, the undersigned, a Notary Public <br />duly commissioned and qualified for said county, personalty cam~ Duane P. Versaw and Myra L. Versaw, <br />Husband and Wife---------------------------------------------... 10 me knoYo'n 10 be Ihe <br />identical perion(s) whose name(s) are subscribed to tbe foregoing instrument and acknowledged Ihe execulion <br />thereor to be their voluntary act and deed. <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at Grand Island. Nebraska In said counly. lhe <br />date aroresaid. <br /> <br />MY...A:Co:W':':i;:"'" ........ ~.'...~.... .~~ <br />CL.llAIkll! Nol.r~' I'ublir <br />=-'" II -lJ!.lIIr.lI, t. REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE <br /> <br />TO T.USTEE, <br />The undenianed II the holder of the note or nOles secured by this Deed of Trust. Said nnlt' Of flOIC". IOl!lcthl"! <br />whh rd) other Indebtedness secured by Ihis Deed of TrU5I. ha\'t' been 'Paid In full. "(au ar~ h('u:"'''" dirC"clC'd lp ~ nun'l ..aid <br />nole or noles and .has lked Dr Trolil. ",'hich are delivered herrby. and 10 rC'con\.e)l.~.i~IllUl "'8l1illll\, '::llllht' l....'all. <br />now held by you under this Deed or Trust to the person or pc:rson~ le~ally ('nlilled lhereln <br /> <br />Date: <br />