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<br />. - ~~~.1,9.6699 <br />s. I. 11M eYeDl of I IIIe u proYldecllll puqrapll4. 11M Tl1lItee IhIII III paid I lee br the 8mc~ Ii an IIIlOUIlI <br />Il'lt 111_ of pcRC1Il of the 11'_ amounl olllid IIIc 0< ilia, pro'lidcd, bowevcr.1hI111lc unounl of_b <br />fee oIWl III reasonable and abaIl be approved by lhc 1kIIt1ldary u to IUIOnlblCIICII. SaId foe IhIII be III Iddlllon 10 <br />lhe _ and ..pcnoa Incuned by \he Tnutee In coaducllna lu:h III.. The unounl of Neh COIU and ..pcllleS shall be <br />dcdUCIl'll IIId paid from Ibe lIIe', proc:eedo. II 10 funher ....m1 11111 If oaid propeny IhIII be advcnJocd for sale u <br />herein prOYlded and nOl sold, tbe Trul1cc ,hili III enlltled 10 I rcaIOnable fee, In an amountlCCCplableto tbe Benerociary <br />for 11M ecmca rendered, Tbe Tnutce abaII also be Nimbuncd by the IIcncflclary for all COIlS and "pcnICI incuned in <br />coanectlon with the Idvcnl.lna of IIId properly fo< IIIc If the IIIc 10 not CODlummlted. <br /> <br />f. Tbe proceedl of any lIIe of uld prOperly III ...ordance with puqrlph 4 .h..l be Ipplled 11m 10 paymenl. of <br />f.... COIU, ud upcl\lCl of IIId III., the upenICI incurred by the Beneficiary for lIIe purpose of protec1lna or mllntllnilll <br />slid propeny II!!! reasonlble IlIomeyl' fea; occondly, to payment of the Indebtednes. secured hereby; and thirdly, 10 <br />pay any .wplUl or ..CCSI 10 lIIe penon or pcnGOI .....Iy entitled lhercIo. 0 <br /> <br />7. lathe CYCI\11IId prOperly Is sold purluaatlo the luthorizatioo contaioed ill this iruuumenl or II I juclicili foreclosure <br />lIIe and the proceed. are not .uflicienllo pay lhe lot" indebtodness secured by this inslrumenland evidcnad br said <br />prontiuory nOle, \he Beneliciary will be enlitled 10 I deliciency jud.emenl for lbe amounl of lbe derociency wilhoUI r..1llI <br />to Ippniocment. the 'I'ru.o;t..r havilll_lived and wiped 111 rilbu of Ippraisemenllo Ibe Trustee. <br /> <br />.. The Trustor COVCIWIU and 111'''' u fooo...: <br /> <br />g, H. will promptly pay lb. iDd.btedn... evidenced by said promissory not. II lb. times ud ill the manJler <br />lIIerein provided. <br /> <br />b. He will pay aJl tues, asses.smaus. waler rarest and other lovemmcDlaJ or municipal charlCS. nncs or im- <br />positions. for wbicb provision bas _ been made hereinbefor.. and wiD promptly deliver tbc official ra:cipcs Ibcrefor <br />to III. Ben.liciuy. <br /> <br />e. H. will pay sucb cxpcnscs and fea .. OIly be incurred In lb. protec1lon and mlintelllllCC of Slid prOperly, <br />iocludinllb. fces of any IlIomey employed by the Ben.liciary for the cooec1lon of any or all of Ibc illclebt....... <br /> secured, of .uch upe..... and fea as OIly be incurred in any foreclosur. saI. by III. Trustee, or coun pro- <br />cccdinas or In uy other litiption or procccdilll arfec1lnlSlid propeny, and atlomey'. fces reasonably incum:d <br />ill any other way. <br /> <br />d. The rilblS created by this conveyance .blll remain ill fuD fore. and effect durilllany pD$1poocmenl or ",,- <br />\emion of lb. time of th. of Ibc ind.btedness evidenced by Slid not. or any part thereof secured <br /> <br />~. H. wiD continuously mainllin hazard insurance or such Iype or typcI ud in such amounlS as tbc Beneficiary <br />may from time 10 lime require, On lhe improvement> now or h.reaflcr on Slid propeny, and will pay promptly <br />when due any premiums lb.r.ror. AD insurance shall be carried ill companies ICCCpUlblc to Bcncf"ociary and the <br />policies and n:ncwIis tbcrcof sball be bdd br Bencrociary ud bav. auacbcd lIIerCUlIou payabl. clauses ill fa_ <br />of ud in form accepIIblc 10 lhc _rlciary. In lhc.......t of loa, Trustor will Iiv. immediat. aoti<:c in writiD& <br />to _f"ociary and _flciary OIly make proof of..... if not IIlIde promptly by Tnl~~"'. and each insurance com- <br />pany cooccmed is bcrcbr IUlhorW:d and directed 10 make paymenl for ouch loa directly 10 Bcncf"ociary instead <br />oflo Tn.-t. ,randllcncrociary jointly, and lbe in.surance proceeds, or any part lhereof, OIly beapplicd by 8mcrociary <br />11 ilS option either 10 the reduction oflbe iDd.btedncu hereby sccured or 10 the restoration or repair of the prnpcny <br />damaicd. In !be event of a Tru...... III. or other uansfer or titJe 10 said propcny ill atinpishmclll of the in- <br />debtedness secured, all ri&hl, title, and interest of III. TruStor In and 10 any insurance policies than ill force <br />obaII pass II the option of III. Ben.rociary 10 III. purclwcr or Ben.liciary. <br /> <br />J. H. wiD It.... III. Slid premises ill as aood order and condilion ..lbey arc now and will not commil or permil <br />any wast. thereof, reasonable wear and ICU CKCqIIcd, and in the evenl of III. flllure-of lbcTru;tor 10 It.... the <br />buildiD,s on slid praniscs and Ibosc 10 be crc:aed 011 said premi..., or improvemenu thcrcon, in lood repair. lb. <br />Bencroci2ry may mltc such repairs as iIIlbe Bcncf"lciary'. discrction il may deem necessary for lb. proper preserva- <br />tion Ibereof. and any II1IIlS paid for sucb repairs shaD bear InlerCSl from th. dal. of paymCDI at Ibc ral. specilied <br />i111bc note, shall be due and payable 011 dClllllld and shaD be fuoy secured by this Deed of Trust. <br /> <br />,. H. will nor wilboot the prior wrillen coDlCD\ of the Beneliciary volunUlrily creal. or permit 10 be created <br />qainSi the propeny subjCCl to this Deed of Trust any liens inferior or superior 10 tb. lim of this Deed of Trust <br />and funbor WI be will keep and maintain Ibc SIDl. lrce from lb. claim of all pcrsGns supplyinl labor or malerills <br />which will enler into tb. construction of any Ind all buildin,. DOW bcinl erected Dr 10 be erected on Slid prcmiocs. <br /> <br />- 1- <br />