<br />ss- iOefHHI . . .
<br />I. 11110 __1I1111dc upon and R1bjocllO t'-1'unIlcr u. .... lIIIlIid T rll" t 0 iIWI nmaln III quill lad .......bIo
<br />pouaoIoa or Ilia ....... panlad and dacrlbad pranloa IIl4 N'W proftu IIlcnor 10 l1li OWII UN unlll .dlUh lit IMlIt
<br />"'IJI1.1l'1l"'lIl1 0' an In.lallmcnl duo on "I' IlOl. or IllIha porlormance 0' any or Ih. conoanll or coodll...... _1aI....
<br />lIIa'dll.<<a",1IlII Deed 0' Tf1IP; an'. 1110 10 ICCU" \IIC nlalbunancal 0' 1II. BoMnctuy or anJ OIlier boIdcr of llid
<br />DOl', l1li Tnlllce or IIlJ lulmilUl1 IrUllce or anJ and 111_ lad IlIp1l11C1lacuned, IlIdudlDI rcuoaable IlIorDeJ'. fea,
<br />oa _lor IIlJ UIl"IIDD which mlJ IriIC wllh rapccllo IIliI Trull or wllh rapcct 10 \IIC 1lIde1lledneu I'IiIlcnccd bJ
<br />iii. DOli, l1li prOlecllon end IlllinlculIICt at IIIe propcnJ bereinlbove dacribcd or in olllllnill& poucuIoa or IIid properly
<br />1ft., IIIJ llil which maJ be midi u hereilllller provided,
<br />
<br />2. UPOD lhe tuU plJ1IIClII at lhe iadebledness evidenced bJ llid DOle and the IDlerCSllhcreon, lhc plJIIIIDI or III Olber
<br />lUlU bereiD p.-oviclcd ror, \he replJ1IIeDI at III mania odvuced or Cltpc1lded punuanllo Slid DOle or'lIIII iDsIrumeDl,
<br />and upoa \IIC plJlllCDI or III OIher proper COSIJ, chlrl", c:ommisoiOftl, and IIpIlIICI. lhe lboft dacn'bed property IIIaII
<br />be rdcued and ICCODVI)'ed ID and II \he COlI or lhc Trustor,
<br />
<br />, J. Upon dd.ulllD InJ 0' lhe CODVCl\lDIS or colldlliollS or IIliI inIInuaCUI or or the DOle or Iou qreeJr\ClIllCC1Ifed
<br />herebJ. IIIe 8cncrJduy or his.wl.... DIIJ witboul DOlice IIId wiIhGuI rqud 10 \he IdcqUICJ 0' oecuriIJ ror \he iaclcbccdness
<br />occun!d, either pcnolll1ly or by 1II0mcy or qeDI witboul briaainllIIJ IlCIioII or proc:eedlq, or by I receiver 10 be lpo
<br />poinIad by \he coun, enter upon and lake poIIC$$ion 0' Mid praperl)' or IIIJ pullhcrco',and do anJ ICIS which IlcacIldIrJ
<br />dccmo proper 10 protCCl Ihe ICC1Iri\}' hereof, and eilher willi or wilhoul Ulkllll poosc:sslon of said propcny, collccland
<br />receive \IIC rents. royeJli.., issu.., and prOnlS lhereof. induclin........ Oc:cnled and unpaid, and apply Ihc same, I... COSIS
<br />0' opcrIIlion and colJCClion, upon Ihe Indebledn.., occured by IbII Deed of TnuI, Mid mill, royallia, iIIucs, Ind prOlilS,
<br />beilll hereby lIIianeel 10 Ihe Benelicllry IS funher securilY for Ihc paymcnl or RIch indcbledn..., Ellm:isc or riplS ullder
<br />lIIII plInpIph .haD nol cure or waive InY der,uJI or 00Cicc or derauJl hereunder or innllcWe IDY ICI clone puroUIDI to
<br />mcIlllOlicc bU11IIaII be cumulllive 10 InY riahl and remedy to dcdue . def.ullllld 10 cause DOIice of deraulllo be re-
<br />corded IS bcrciaafler provided, ,nd cumulalive 10 any other ripl lIIdIor remedy hereunder, or provided by la., and
<br />maJ be aercised coDcum:nlly or indepcndcDlIy, ExpllllCl incurred by BoaerlCiaJy bercundcr incIudina reuonablc 11101111)'"
<br />fea .ba11 be KC:1IraI hereby.
<br />
<br />4, The Trustor cove~anlS and qrees thll if he IbaII rail 10 pay Slid IDdebledncss, or IDY pan thereor. when due,
<br />or IIIaII fail to perform any covenanl or aareemenl of IIliI iMrurnau or of the promissory DOle secured hereby, the entire
<br />inclcbled.... bereby secured shall immedialc1y become due, payable, and coO....1>le II \he option 0' the
<br />Boaenciuy or .wi..... reprdlcss or mOluri\}'. and the Benerlciary or ...1.... may enter upon said propcny and collCCl
<br />the milS and prolilS Ibereor. Upon >IIch derault in paJ1llcat or pdormance. and before or afIcr .uch calry, the Trustee,
<br />Ktina iD the execution of this Trust, "after the notice of default has been recorded, shall teail a
<br />copy of the default to each person who is a party to this instnJIDent, at the address set
<br />out in this instrument, as well as to any person who has requested any notice of default
<br />and notice of sale by recording said request for notice with the register of deeds in the
<br />county in which this instrument is recorded, and after the lapse of time which is required
<br />by law after mailing the notice, the Trustpe shall havt' the pnwer to sell s:-lid property,
<br />and it shall be the Trustee's duty to sell said prll(fi>rty (and In case of any default of
<br />any purchaser. to resell) at public auctillo. to the highest bidder. first giving five
<br />weeks' notice of the time. terms, and place of such sale, by advertisement not less than
<br />Once during each of said five weeks in a newspaper published or distributed in the county
<br />or political subdivision in which said property is s1 tuated I
<br />. (and \he Beneficiary or lilY person aD bcba1f of \IIC Beneficiary IDlY
<br />bid IIId purcJwe II such sail). Sucb sale wiD be held III miLlblc place 10 be sell!dcd by IIIe 8eDefJCiary willlin said collllly
<br />or poUllcaIlUbdiYioion. The Trwlce is bcrcby authorized 10 aecute and cIcIiwr 10 \he purdwer II mcIl sale I IUll"Iciau
<br />COD..,..... of Mid propcny, which CODVeyance sb.1I contain rccilah ISla \he happcaina of def.uII upoD.bicb \he aecu-
<br />lion or Ihc power of sale heroin ......Ied depcndo; and lbe uid Trustor .....by CODslil1ltll and appoialIlbe TtuIIeC IS
<br />bis _I and III.....,. in ract to make IUCb recitals and 10 ........ said CODvcyaDCI and boreby _ and IpCCS tllll
<br />the rccitab 10 made obaII be biadinl IIId colldusive upon lbe Ttusror , and said coavcyanc:c obaII be cfJcctuallO bar III
<br />cquil}'.. riabt ohedemptloa, bomcsIcad, dower, riah1 or appniIcmatt, and III other riahluad ClICIIIPlioaI of \he Trustor
<br />all of wbich are heRby exprcssJJ waived and conveyed 10 lbe Tntstec. In Ihc CVCDI 0' I oaIe as berciubovc provided,
<br />Ibe !<ustar or any penon in poIIC$$ion under \IIC Trustor, sbaD Ihcn become lad be ICDIIIII boldina o>u and sball
<br />ronlnrilb cle\jver possession 10 the purchaser alluch sale or be IUJDmariJy dispossc:ssod, in .....n1~ wiIb \he provisions
<br />of law applicable 10 lenlDlI boldilll over. The power and __ bcrcby pl\II1ed are coupled willi III ilIIcn:st and are
<br />irrevoc:abIc by dcaIh or otbcrwisc, and are ......Ied as cumullliwc 10 on other remedies ror \IIC coIIcaioD of said iDdcbledness.
<br />The lIcncflciary or .....i.... may lake any other IPproprille IClion PUnu.&llllO lIIIe or Fedcralllalute ciIbcr ID lUte or
<br />Federal coun or otherwise for lIIe disposlliOD or the propertJ.
<br />
<br />-2-
<br />