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<br />88-106653 <br /> <br />Pig. 2 012 <br /> <br />1Iortpgor{1) and.... Dr them rurther DOftM'U Met..... wtth lIortll-sIH .. foflowa: <br /> <br />(1) To Ply.IIIItnI.!udgmlntlorothtt..-mtnI..gllnl' IIld prlml., Inti la Plywhtn dUI 1111"", mil, 'Nt orcnlrgtlupan IIld premllllorundlr.ny <br />....., permit, llcenMor prtvl....lgned to MortgIgM" aUdltlon,1 HCurlty 10 1MI. mong.g., IncludIng thou on public dOlnllln. <br /> <br />12) To Inau... and kMp 1"1UrK! bulldlngl Ind olhlr Improvetnlntl now on or hi"'"" pllC*1 on ..Id Ih. ..tlt'acUon of Mort"_,,... Such Inlurance <br />IhlU be .pprom bvand depoallMt with Mortglg..,.nd IndotMd with. ollu" wllh lo.'lh,reundlr paYlblllC' MortglgM. Any lumllO reoelYlCl by <br />MDf1gagM mlybe LINd 10 PlY forrwc:anltrucllon or IhI d"ll't'yed Improvemlnll Dr II not ao applied mly.lfthl option oftnl MortglO'" be Ipplltd In piyrnenl at <br />Iny Indtb*,nlll malUM or UnmahlrR HCurMI by tnll mortglge. <br /> <br />(3) To k"pIII bulldlnga,llxturnlndothlrlmpl'OYlllMftllnowon OfM....ft.r pl.ctd on laid premllUoccupled Ind In good I1Ipllr, mllnl.nan~and .:ondltlon <br />Ind 10 ntffl"tlrcommlt norptnnll,ny.c1. Of WUftor any Impalnntnt Of UI. valUII of IhllKUrlly. <br /> <br />,.) In thl avenl Mortgagotl t,1I to ~y Iny, ludgn"ntl, ......m.ntl, tuu, rents, IHI or chlra.. or mllntliln Iny lnluranco on 1M praperty, bUlldlngl, <br />flxlu.... or lmpronmants u pmvlded herein or In the loin aa_mlnt, MOl1al"" mlY, It Its DPUon, mlkl luch paymln.- or prov\d.lnltlrllnce, mllntenlno.Or <br />repal,.lnd Iny Imounl' paid thlrelor Ihlll becoml part of Ihl prlnclpallndlblldnna neurecf h.reby, be due Ind Plyablt tnd bU.r Inletlll fram U\II <br />dl..oflJlymttn,aprovldldln 1I'llOIn a""""III1I. PravldMt, hOWlYlt, IhallhoadVlncement by Mortgag.. ol.ny luch Imounhl ohallln nomann.rllmlllM r1ghlof <br />MortgagH to dIcIa... Mortgagort In dliaull or pltfCl.. Iny of Mortglgan olhM rights and remedl... <br /> <br />(51 In Ihln.ntMorlgllOHll1 pal't)'to .nyllllglltonllffecllng IhclllfjCUrltyorthlllln otth!.mortg8Da, IncludlnglnYlull by MortglgMlofotKIOMthlamortgaga <br />orlnYlul1 InwhlchMartglg..1ti namldldalendlnt flm:ludlng eor'llHmnatlonlnd bankruptcyproc:eadlngll Mortgagee maylncurupentalnd IdVllnClpayrnenD <br />lor .batl1lell.... Inome)'l fHlIIXClpt 10 Ihe I~I prohibited by IIW), coati, .Xpllnus. .pp....I..1 I... and athar chlrg.. .nd Iny ImOuntllO IdvIInWd Ihlll <br />become part of thl prlnclpallndlbIMJn...l8CurK!, be ImmodllMIy dUI Ind plyabll and belr Internt U provided In thlllOl.n IIQNn'IIIf1t <br /> <br />(D) Any awarda mldt, 10 Mon"lgora or their lueceuOnJ by ltnI .xertl" of .mlnent domlln .... hereby ...Ioned to Mortja:lgee; and MortgagM .. hlraby <br />authorized to collectlnd .pplythe ..main pIIymenl of any Indebtlldn..., matured or unmatured, HCUre by thla mortgaaa. <br /> <br />f1) In MortlllgOl'ldtfault In th.pavrnlntwhen c1u.of any luma..cuntdh.reby(prlnclpal, Interest, advancementl, orprotecll...dllburMmlntll,arfall <br />to pertorm or observe any covenantl and condItions contained herein. In the noteCa) or In the lOin agreemenl(a), or Iny proceeding .. brought by or agelnlt <br />Mortgagors undaranyBankruptcy laWl, Mortg.g.. mly, .1111 opllon. declaretheentlralnd.btedn.u HCunKfhllraby to btlmrnedlnlydueand payabtalJ1dbNt <br />IntlNIt althll dot.ull 1'It1..1 provldR In the not.'al or loan agreementCa) and Mortgagee may Immediately loreclose this mOrlgagaorpu"ualny otbar avallabla <br />legal remedy Including fotKlolure by advertlaemlnt wIlli II $)Ower 01 IIleln MortOI~ to the .mn1 provided by ltatl.' law. PnJYIr:ted, however, thai dalay by <br />Mongag" In eurelslno Its rlghta upon delault ahall not bI conltrued al a walnrthllreof Ind Ihalany act of Mortgagee waiving .ny IJ)eClflc deflUlt shall not be <br />conltrued.. a ..iverof any future default. If the proceed,unctereuch sale Ind foreclDlUre are Inlufflclent to pi)' the lotallndllbted...... harebyMCUred, Mortgagors <br />do henlby agree to bI pcIt10nally bound to ply the unpaid balance, and Mongsgee Ihall be snlitlad 10 a deficiency jUdgment <br /> <br />(8) Upon dat,un, MOltgalll8 Ihallat once become entllled to Dclullve pOllMlnlon, use and enJoymenl of all property and 10111 renll, laua, croPland prallll <br />thereof, from tile Umll otsuch default and durin" the pendencyollorecloaure proceedlngll and the period of redempllon. the d.uveryofwmlch may bIIanforced by <br />Man"lgee by any Ipproprlate lull, action or proceeding. Mortgagee shall be enUtlad to . Racelver lora.ld property and all rentl,luu.. cropa ancl prallll theNOf. <br />without reglrdlo thev.IIlueofaald property. orthesufflclencylhareoftodllchargethe mortgage debtlndthafotKlosuracoslI, feaandupenMI. Such RIeII....r <br />may besppolnled by any coun of competent jurisdiction upon ax panllsppllcatlon. notice being hereby Dpresaly walvecl. The R8ClMrahl.lI apply III ranll,lItu... <br />crops. profltl,lnCDmt Ind revenue of the prapertyto keep the um. In good rBP1lr end condition, ply all tax", ranta.lees, eharges and aaeaarnanll, PloY Inaurance <br />premiums necaaary to k..p thll premllUlnluntcl, pay thl Ixpon. of Ihl receiva...hlp and attomev fees Incurred by the RIeI,"r. Ind apply th. nat proceada to the <br />PByment 01 the Incl.btlldnaa secured hereby. Such RlCllIiver Ihall tulve alllhe olher ullual powers of receive... authorized by law and.. thl court may dll'Kt. <br /> <br />(9) The Integrity and reaponllblllty of thll Mongagol'll constlluta I part of the consideration torthl obligations lleCured t\llreby. Should Mortgagors _II, t....nafer <br />orconveythl prcpertycleacrlbld hlraln,wllhoutprlorwrtnan conunt olMonoao_. Mortgag_ may. at itaoPtlon.declaretheDntlre Indebbtdnaalmmedlltli/ydue <br />and payablllnd may proceed In the enforeament 01 III rights.. on any other delault <br /> <br />(10) Aatgnment of Renta Including Procaedaof Minerai LNH. MortagQfll hel'llby Il1Inllfar, set OVIlr and convey to Mortgagaa In Nnll, royalli_, bonUAllnd <br />dlllay mon.)'i Ihat mlyfrom time to time bKoma due and payable under Iny rullUtltalellH or under Iny 011. gD or othermlMrll1eua Dt Iny kind nowuilting or <br />that mayhltraaltercomelnto .xlltence, COWIrlng th.abo....llnd or any part thereof. Allauch aumaao raceldd by Mortglgllllahlll bIIlpplild to thllndebtedr-=a <br />MCUred horaby, oraald MortgagH m.y, alllloplion.lum over and c1eUVllr 10 me Molto-gol'll or lhelraucceaol'lln Inll"'" anyor ell or luch aurns without PNJudk:e <br />10 any 01 Mortgagee" rlghtl to take and retain future auml, and without prajudlce to any or Ita other rlghtl under this mortgage. Thetranaferancl c:onwyance <br />hllreunderto Mortgagee or IIld rants, royalll... bonu... and dilly monl)'llshall be construed to be I provlalon for the pI)'tMI'It or NducUon at the mortgltgl dIbt. <br />aubjectto thaMortgagae'loptlonUMralnbelol1lprovldad,indlPlndan,atthe mortga~ lien onaald ral......Uponpaymanlln lullollhlmono-gadeb1mtdthll <br />relea.. 01 thIS mortgage 01 record. thia conveyanctllh::lll becom. Inoperative sna DI no further loree Ind eItect. <br /> <br />(t1 I The covenants conlllneclln Inll mortgage Ihall be deemad 10 be uvtIrable; In th. event 'hit any portion of tIlll mortgage II determined to be void or <br />unenforceable, that determination aIllll notafleet the validity of IhIl11mllnlng portionl 01 the mortglgl. <br /> <br />S & Janelle Kintlrou h Husband & Wife a Famil <br /> <br />~Q <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />COUNTY OF <br /> <br />Hall <br />Decenber <br /> <br />, A.D., 19 ~, before me, a Notary Public, <br /> <br />On this --2.- day of <br /> <br />personally eppeared <br /> <br />James E. KimbrouQh & Janelle V. KinbrouQh, Husband & Wife <br /> <br />hnt-h <br /> <br />executed <br /> <br />~~em~:D= ~~~~::;n~~ ~:=..nd who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that <br /> <br />IIla,), J) ra <br /> <br />(SEAL) ~GIIIIIlIll1Ml'--II~L- <br />My commission ...~~ ~I" . <br /> <br />(Type or print name undar IlgnaluRl) <br />Notary Public In and for said County and Statlll <br /> <br /> ~ -g 0 0 .. Ii; ~ <br /> ." .. 1: 1: ~ <br /> c. <br /> :li 8 0 .. <br /> " <br /> l!! .. .. Cl <br /> I a: a: <br /> C ii 0 <br /> ..: c <br />III .>i ~ .... <br /> 0 z <br />t" u ~ a: <br /> 0 <br />C :I 13 ::> <br />~ 0 0 .0 Iii <br /> It .... a: <br />a: 0 c:i <br />0 z .. g, w <br /> 5 g Cl <br />::E ." Q. I~ <br /> 5 '" c <br /> ~ .E 0 <br /> ~ <br /> 2 i ~ <br /> " 0> Z <br /> ~ 5 1: W <br /> e ~ ;D J: <br /> .;: ;; ~ <br />