<br />P-O. , of 2
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<br />Open-End To Secure PrNlnl IInd FufufW O"",lrlOO' 8IJd AdYlncl.
<br />O.t.: Decenber 2. 1988
<br />
<br />Jamea E. Killbrough and Janelle V. Killbrough, husband and wife d/b/a Familv Pet Clinic
<br />
<br />Mortg8g0IW. 01 Hall County. Nebraska , In consldlratlon 0'
<br />the advance by MOfgagee to Mortgagors ot the principal sum specified below, the receipt 0' which Is hereby Bcknowledged, and Iny
<br />future, additional or protectlVB Bdvanc91 made to Mortgagors al Mortgagee's option, hereby eell, c:onvey and moltgage to FiVe POINTS
<br />BANK, 2015 North Broad.ell Avenue, Grand Island, Nebraska 68802. Mortgagee,lts succesSOrs Bnd Bsslgns, from the date haf8a' until
<br />allcbllgatlonllllecured hereby are plid In full, the faUowlng-descrlbed real estate In Hall County.
<br />Nebraska , to wit:
<br />
<br />.l!!:. ..!!!J!, 1!a.
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<br />Lot One (1) in McGovern Subdivision, Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
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<br />cr. tDpttW whI1 all Mortgago... right. title and l~ In aakI property. including all bulldlnga. flxturea. crops and Irnpnwernertb now on or r=:J
<br />(.'o'vt .......pl8Cld ~ Aid..s property; Including aim all appurtenancel, water.lnigallon, and dralnaga righta; aM all rants, iuues,.... 0 '=-
<br />\~ ~ praflta, and rightJ;to~on; "'oil. gu, gravel, rock orother mlneralaotwhatevernature.lncluding geothermal rBSOUrceI: and all personal \ \'\
<br />t~ ~ . property th. at may Integrlllly befong to or hereltm' become an Integral pan of said - Mtate whethar attached or detached. Including any \ b
<br />~ and _ta 01 _ raaI_ IKUrod henbv. and all ,_ pormlta, II.,.,.. or privl'- appurtenant or '\
<br />.~ to Iak:I mo~ pram... now or her8attar iauad. extendad or rwwwed by Mortpgor. the State. United SIateI or any
<br />~ burau or IgM1Cy theNoI.
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<br />~ (,\t:\. (al A ~ notll or nota ~ with In.... thareon executed by Mot'tgaao... to Mortgagee and described .. follows:
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<br />~ "''I. _"'_ _- _crl_ --
<br />
<br />,,- ~~" 11-4-llB $3,000.00 B-31-S7 ~25'000.00
<br />\ r\ ~ U~d balance $3,000.00 tlnP!lid balance 18,000.00
<br />')IJ l\. 12-23-87 $5,000.00 8-26-81 $ 20,000.00
<br />Il\\ '\' Ilnnaid balance S2(000.00 Unpaid balance $84,409.00
<br />. ~_Iiiilmllii_--orialclnofijl',.
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<br />lb) Andlho_'n lull by 110_" of_and allfutureand addltJnnal_whlch mav bomadob)'lIortgagoe.allta option. at
<br />'tMmque.rol. and toorfortMeccountofMoI1g8gOra, or any of them. forany PurpoM. plUlinterat on allluch actvanceI., underutyno1e(11
<br /><<_ ~'I_1n ndInanclng,_lng, _ng.......nIzIng or_ng ouch I_~ or_ partlh""",,, all
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<br />=-~..::vIo..~~===a:."::..":"('):~w="m~~~Jt;::;'~~
<br />llOUARS (S 153,000.00 ),
<br />_"'_and oflho ~d__ _n....In lho loon 0;_(01; __,Iu_.1hat TIllS
<br />Nf'/ TIllE
<br />le) The_In full br Mongagoraol all amounII; MtwancICI ",Mong.gee. at Itlloptlon, 10 or on behalf 01 Mong.ool'l .. ProtKtI'III
<br />llIIIbuniIImenI-..Ihoriad tweln, In the IMII .;.........,t(... or In other Instrument(l) wh)ch may be given to evldencesuch advanC8I pfUl
<br />_on..__ peyabIo..~ Inlho.-(.). ...._(.) or DIhor Inolrumonl('),
<br />(eI) The ~in full of any and aU other pat. p...mor tutu,... dirtlCl or contlngM1t, debts and lIabllltlel of Mortoagol'l to Mor1gllgM of
<br />--_.
<br />ThilIIMN'IgIIgI will be due UIXII1 demand or upon the paJft*Tlln fuU of aU SUJTIS .-cured MnGy.
<br />.............,-rn...u.,hoId.........WlIDU.......o.::rtIIedprDplrly.....u.yh-..gDDdancl....... ~,o monpge 1:hI...... ttulllWa
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<br />_____.............,..............-.cI~"-haN""'..oI~.~dAatr1butIWl...IInd...".ption 1lI_nc:l 10 th.atxn.o.cnt.dproperty
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