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<br />l'- <br />0=> <br />It:! <br />c.c <br />o <br />..-t <br /> <br />(I ( Damlln. lflllilll' I. 11Illnh~ 111110",,(1 till r:mnnnnllUlOn 1I\101t1rrll 11nm40'" !l1Il1 uth"r Il/trlnU'lI. III ",II", IIl1l1nlnllUIII I'1Ilr.nndll' f III COIlnOc:tlUn wllh <br />conl'lC'mnllllon 01 alhtH In~1Il0 01 Illl! PrOllll'Iyol ptllllhCllool. or lor convDvnncllln I,nu 1Ilcon!:lnmnnl'on Lamllll I'lnUlln nllllllmJ III t'a cpllun III commllnc" npJ1l1nrmnnd <br />ptOlDculo In III own flllmlt tiny nellO" 01 plOCClndmOl. l'Inl'lallnll ntle boonllllnd 10 mn~n nny comrllomllo OIl1ntlromnn1111 connncllon With IIW:ll Inktng 0' dllmno" In 1110 <br />ov"nl Iny pOllio" 0111111 Plopor1l' II 10 lll.on or dnmngod Londor ahalllllvo Iha opllon, In 1111010 nnd nhlolulo dllc,nllon, 10 npp1v 1111 Duell Proceodll, nllor dal.luclmo <br />lhat1llromallcolll.ndo_panlollnCUllod bylllnconnoellDn wl'h luch procooda. upon nny Indolllndnnlll Mlcurod tlomb)l "nelln !Iuch ardor /HILondormn)ldnlormtno. arIa <br />Apply ell luch Praccad., 111101 !uch dO(JucUonl, 10 Ihn rOlla'8110n 01 Iho Propolly upon luch cOOlJlllonl 01 Lundar mny dolormlno An)l npphcnUon 01 ProCQlldll 10 <br />tndoblO(JnOIl 11'11111 not (I_lonn 0' pOllpono lt10 duo dalo 01 nny pnymonl. undo, lh" Nolo, 0' curo nny dolnult lhoroundor 0' hornunrlor <br /> <br />7 by I.lhUIf. In 'hll "~onl al BOllowor'a 101luro la porlorm ony ollho eo~ononll hOlD'" 01 1061(0 anV pnymOn1l1loqUlrod ho,oby, 01 tlllny nellllol(lln or <br />logal procooding commoncnc1 ....hlCh mnlnrmllr Ollocl. Lendor'.lnlorOlt In 11'10 Proporly, Londormny In III OWI"l dIIC'nllon, bul wllhoul obUonUol"llodo 10. nnd wllhOull"lollca <br />loordemlnd upon Borrowel and wllhoul rareallOg Donowor Irom any obUgnllon, do anv ocl which Iho Dorrowor hili unrolld but 10111 to do nnd may 01 no do nnv oll1or lIcl II <br />dOllma neccllarV 10 prolocllho aocurUy horool DOllowor ahalt, Immodlnloly upon domand Ihoroior bV Londor, PllY 10 Londor nil Calla and o.ponlos Incurred and lumll <br />o.ptlndod by Londor In cannllcUon WIth lho o.orcllo by Londor 01 tho lorogolng rlghtll.logolhor with InlOlOsl IholOon 01 the ralo pro~ldod In Iho Nolo, whiCh Ihall bll addlld 10 <br />Ihe Indllbtodnll'l locurod horoby Landor Ihlll 1'101 lOcur any porsonalllablUly bacauso olanylhtng II may do or omll 10 do horOlJndor <br /> <br />B E"nta Df Dltlult. Tho lollowlng Ihlll conlltllulll un o~l!nl 01 doloult undor Ihls DODd 01 TrUll <br /> <br />ll) Faduro to pay any inlllltmonl of prlOClpal or 11'1101011 or bny olhersum socurod hOloby whon duo. or Inlluro 10 poy whon duo Dny clhor Indllblodnollsol <br />BorrJ:)wor 10 Lendor: <br /> <br />Ib) A broach 01 or dofnull undor any pro~l$ton conlomod 11"\ Iho Nolo. Ihl$ Doed 01 TrU$I. any documonl which securO$ tho Nole, nnd any othor <br />tlncumbraneo upon Iho ProPllrly; <br /> <br />leI A wrll olo.ocullon orollochmenl 0' ony slmlllu procossllholl bo onlorodngolnst Borroworwhlchsholl bocomo 0 lion ontho Proporty oranyportlon <br />thornolorlr.lorostlhoreln; <br /> <br />ldl There Ilhall be flIod by or ogainllt Borrower un acllon under any plOsonl or lulum ledarol, slolo or olhor slnlulo, law or rogulallon relaUng 10 <br />bankruptcy. Inllol~ency ('Ir othorrollellordoblorll; orlhoro sholl be oppolnlod ony Irusleo, rocelvor or hquidotor 01 Borrower oral 011 or any part olllle Properly, or <br />the renla, ISlluel or proflla Iholeol, or Borrowor Ilholl mOke any gonorol assignment 101lho bonoltt 01 crodllorll <br /> <br />te) The sale. transler, asslgnmenl, conveyance or lurlher encumbrance 01 all or ony pori alar any mlercst m Ihe Property, mther ~olunlarl1y or <br />Inwolunlarily. wllhoullhe express wrlllon eonsent 01 Lendor <br /> <br />jll II Borrower is not on indl~lduot. Ihe IInre, tmnsror, assignmenl. conveyance orencumbr/lnco 01 moro Ihan ~ percenl 01 (I' II corporoliol"l) 1111 <br /> <br />issulld and outstanding slock or (" II pllr1norship) _ percont 01 parlnorshlp IntOrl!~ts <br /> <br />9 R.m.dl..; Acc.I.lll1on Upon D.tlull.ln Ihe ovenl 01 any Evonl 01 Daraull Londer may declure alllndeblodnells lIocured horebv to be duo and payable and the <br />same Ilhalllhareupon become due and payable without any presenlmenl, demon(J. prolo,t or noUce 01 any I(ind Thorealler Londer may <br /> <br />lal Domand Ihal Truslee exercise the POWER OF SALE granled hereIn, and Truslee shall Iherealler Lause Borrower's inlerosl '" lhe Propert)110 be sold <br />an(J Ihe proceeds to be dislrlbuled, all In Ihe manner provlde(J In Ihe Nebrasl(a Trusl Deeds Act: <br /> <br />(b) Either In person or by IIgent, With Dr wllhout bringing any aclion or ploceedlng, or by a lecel~er appointed by a court and wlthoul regard 10 lhe <br />adequacy olllssecurlly,enler upon and lake possasslon of Iha Property, or any pari thereof. In lIs own name orin the name ollhe Truslee, snd do any nctswhich <br />11 aeems necessary or desirable to pre5erve the value, markelllblllly or renlablllty or Ihe Property, or part "tereol OllnlereSllherelO. Increase Ihe Income <br />thererrom or protect the sucurily hereol and, With or WIIhout laking posSCSSlon ollhe Propcny, sue ror or olhcrWlse collcct the rents. ISSUCS IInd prohls thereol, <br />including IhOle past due and unpaId. and apply lhe Slime, tess costs and expenses 01 oporntlon and collection Including allorneys'lees, upon anyil"ldebtedness <br />secured heraby. all In such order as Lendermoy delermlne. The entenng upon and taking posSCSSlon ollhe Propeny.lho collection 01 such renls, issues and <br />prollls and Ihe applicallon Ihereol as aloresaid. shall nol cure or waive any (Jelaull or notice 01 delault hereunder or In~a"date any acl done in response 10 such <br />delsull or purlluanllo SuCh nOltCe 01 defaull and, notwilhstandlng the continuance In possession ollhe Properly or lhe collecllon. receipt and application 01 <br />ronla. Issue& or prolils, Truslee or Lender shall be enlitled 10 e.erctse e~ery rlghl provI(Jed lor In any 01 the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurence 01 any <br />event 01 delaull, Including Ihe fight 10 exercise lhe power 01 sale; and <br /> <br />lc) Commence an aclion 10 foreclose Ihis Deed 01 Trust as a morlgage. appolnl a rece",e'. or speclrlcally cl"llorce any ollhe co~enanls hereol; <br /> <br />No romedy herem eonrerred UpOI"l or reserved 10 Trustee orLel"lder 15 .nlended to be ellclusl~e 01 any olher lemody herein or by law prOVIded or permlUed. but each Shall be <br />cumulallve, snail be In addlhon 10 ovory other remedy gIven hereunder or now or harealter eXIsllng at taw or In eQultll or by slatule. and may bea..erClsed concurrently. <br />IndependenUy or Bucce!tll~ely <br /> <br />10. Tru.I... The Truslee may reslgnal any time Without cause. and Lender may al any lime and wlthoul cause appOlnlasuccessor or subslilule Trustee. Tlustee <br />shall nol be liable lor any lOllS or damage unless due 10 acllonable negligence or wllllul misconduct. and shall not be reQUired 10 lake any acllOn in connectIOn with the <br />enlo,cemenl 01 Ihls Deed 01 Trusl unless Indemmlied, 10 wrltmg. lor all cosls, compensahon or e.penses which may be 8Ssocl81e(J therewIth. In addillon. Truslee may <br />become a purchaser allny saleol tho Properlv (judiCial 01 under Ihe power of sale granted helem~, postpone Ihe sare 01 all or any pori Ion ollhe property. as provided by lsw; <br />or lIelllha Property all a whole. or In separale parcels or 1015 <br /> <br />11 Future Upon request ol80rrower, Len(Jermay. al lIs OpIlOI"l, make additional and lulure ad~ances and read~ances to Borrower Such ad~ances and <br />leadvances, wllh Intereslll1ereon, shall be secured by thiS Oeed 01 Trusl Al no lime shall the prmclpal amounl ollha Indebtedncss secured by thIS Dee(J clTrusl. not In' <br /> <br />cludingsumsadvlncod toprolccllheseculltyollhis Dcedol Trust, ellceedlhe orIginal pnnClpal amounl slated herein, or s~16!LJ)OO. 00 ,whiche~et IS <br />grealer <br /> <br />12 IIllcellan.ou. Pro.lalon.. <br /> <br />I <br />CO <br />CO <br /> <br />(al 80rro_r Nol R"I..aed. e.Ienslon 01 the lime lor paymenl or modlllcallon or amorhzahon of lhe sums secured by this Deed 01 Trust granted by <br />Lendello any successor in intaresl 01 Borrower shall 1'101 operale 10 relesse. In al"ly manner, the hablllly 01 the orlgmal80rrower and Borrower's successors In <br />Intoreal Lendar shall not be reqUired 10 commence proceedings agarnsl such successor or rei use to extcnd lime lor payment or otherwlsc modlfyamor1lzahon <br />ollhe lIums secured by lhls Deed 01 Trusl by reason or an)l demands made by the orlglOal BOHower and Borrower's successors in Interesl <br /> <br />(b) Lend.,..Pow.... Withoul allecllOg Ihc lIablhty oleny olher person liable lor Ihe payment 01 any obhgallon herem mentionod, and wllhout affecting <br />the lien or charge ollhill Dced or Trusl upon any porllon ollhe Properly nollhen Of therelorore released os secullly lor Ihe lull amounl 01 all unpaId obligatIons <br />Lendar may.lrom lime 10 lime and wllhout nollce lil release any person so liable. lit) e.leM Ihe maturity or slier ;:nV ollhe lerms 01 any such obllgallons.tUlI <br />granl olher Indulgences, (Ivl release or reconvey, or cause to be leleased or recon~eyed ot eny lime el Lender's optIons any parcel. portIOn or all olthe PlOper1y. <br />Iv) lalle or release any other or addlllonal secuflty lor any obhgallon herein menllOned. or (~Il mal(e compositIOns or other arrangements wllh debtora 10 relatIon <br />therelo <br /> <br />(cl Lender Not I Wllvef. Any lorbearance by Lender 10 811erclsing any light or remedy hereunder, or olherwlseallon:Jed by applicable <br />law, shall 1'101 be a waiver 01 or preclude the ellerCl58 01 any such fight or remedy The procuremenl 01 msuranCBor the paymenl or other liens orcharges <br />by Lender l:hal1 not be a waiver 01 Lender's light to accelarale the mBluflty ollhe Indebtedness secured by thiS Deed 01 Trust <br /> <br />(d) SUCc:.t1lors and A.algna Bound: Jolnland S.....l Liability; Captlonl. The covenanl& and agreemenls herem conlained shall bmd. and Ihe rlghls <br />her6under Shall inure 10, the respective successors nnd assigns 01 Lender ond Borrower, sublecllo the pro~1510ns 01 paragraph B Ie) hereol All co~enllnt' and <br />agreementl 01 Borrower shall be jomtand several The capllonsand headings of the paragraphs 0lthl5 Deed or Trust are lor convenience only and are 1'10110 be <br />used 10 interprel or define lhe provillions hereof <br /> <br />(e) Requ..' lorNolle.a. The parties hereby request thola copy 01 any nohceol delault hOleundel and acopy 01 any nohce 01 sale hereunder be mailed 10 <br />Bach party to Ihls Deed olTrusl allhe address set lorth abo~e 1M Ihe manner prescflbed by applicable law E..ceptlor any other notice reqUired un(Jer applicable <br />law 10 be gIVen in onolhermanner. any nollce provided lor in Ihls Deed 01 Trust shalt be gIVen by mailing such nollce by certlhed malloddressed to the other <br />pallioa, sllhe address sel for1h abo~e <br /> <br />A.ny noUce provided lor In Ihis Deed 01 Trust shall be deemed 10 have been gIven 10 Borrower or Lender when gl~en 1M Ihe manner designated herein. <br /> <br />III Inlpecllon. Lender may mal(B orcause to be made reasonable enlr105 upon and Inspeellol"ls ollhe Property, prO~Ided Ihal Lender shaH give Borrower <br />noUce prior to any such inspection specilying reasonable cause themlor relaled 10 Lendel's Inleresl '" Ihe Property <br /> <br />(g) RKDn"w.nCI. Upon payment 01 all sums secured by thlll Deed 01 Trust, Lendershall requclIl Trustee 10 re~onlley the Property and ~hal1l1urrender <br />lhia Deed 01 Trusl and all nolesevidenclng Indeblednesssecured by this Deed 01 TrUIIllO Trusle" T,u~lee 111'11111 reconvey the Property wilhoul warrenly Bna <br />without charge \0 Ihe ptIl'$on or p'lflonslegelly enhtled Iherelo Such per:lon or persons sholl pay Itll cosls 01 'ecordatlon. 11 BI"IV <br /> <br />(hi hrsonal PropertJ. S.c-urllJ Ag...m.nt. As additional lecuflty lor the paymanl ollhe Note all rllllules, eqUlpmenl, and olher pen;onal propeny used <br />In connec1ion wilh Ihe real eslale or impro~ementlllocBled Ihoreon. and not olherwlse declared or deemed 10 be a pari ollhe leal oslate secured hereby, shall be <br />subjecllolll security inleresl in la~or of the Lcnder undpr Iho Nebraal(a Unllorm CommerCIal Code ThIS Inslrum'!nt shall be conslrued as a Security Agreement <br />underSOld Code. end tha Londer Ihall ha~eall the righlsand remediesol B secured party undor sllld Code In addlllon 10 Ihe rights and remedies creoled under <br />and aeeordad thO Lender pursuanllo Ihll Deed 01 TrUll, <br /> <br />Ii) 6eYeralbiJIy.ln Ihe ellent thai any provision olthls Deed 01 Trusl conlhCI wllh appllcablu low or A,e declared m~ahdorotherwIse unenlorceable, such <br />conlJictor Inv~lIdily I. hall nol allecllhe othorprovillionsollhis Deed of TrUllt or the Note wlmh CIIIl bl' gIVon l'IIoct wlthoullhe conlhCli~ prOVIfIOI"l. nnd 10 Ihlll <br />@ndlheproYlslonsoltheDeedolTrusland the Nole are declored 10 oe lIeverable , ^ 11 r---J A ~ J.l-..-c <br /> <br />Borrower has e..eculed thll Ceed 01 Trusllhe date w'lllen abo~e ~. ~"'r'&J~"^-Qt ~:-.i . r <br /> <br />_~. -A "l;1.~l~~___~~_->_ <br />co.. d. Borrowor <br />(Business World Products, Inc., by Robert 1. Pavelka) <br />P~!'_sJde!1t <br /> <br />BOllowll' <br />