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<br />8 106587 <br />.O""OWI'" "lAD 1lt1l ..FOlt. .IONINO: 8 - <br />Donow,,1 ,Trull0rl) undllfltllnd lhllltlDdocumlnllhll Ul.OorroWlr1lrolboullo IIlU11cullll II O.elSol TruIllnd na' II morlo.geand Ihltltle power 01..,. provIded <br />fOlln lht DMd at Trull prOVld.. IUbllllnl'blly OIlier'll", ,lgllII.nd abllglUonllo Ihe Borrow"'llhan . morlo.glll" Ihe ."lInl 01 II Ilellllll Of br.ach of obllglllon under Ihl <br />Otltld 01 Trull. includIng. but not limned 10, theland.r'. rl\ilhllo hlv.the Rell Property lold by the TruIlolI wlthoul'~I'1 proceedln or 'R,eoloIUII, Barrower. <br />rup, wlmmllhl' Ihll Icknuwltldgemdn\ wIIII,eeuled bV Ihlm b.lorlllhl cullan ~llhfl Oll~ fru ~~ ~ . <br />k. <br /> <br />ACICNOWLEDO!MINT OF DEED OF TRUBT <br /> <br /> <br />Borrower <br /> <br />PREFACE TO DEED OF TRUST <br /> <br />COMPLETlnll1 portion aNL Y lithe ,.,1 pra~rty dllCriHd coni lab 01 INDIVIDUALLY OWNED AGRICULTURAL LAND, <br />lI_ppll~bl_. camp"'_ ONLY ONE .Ith.r A. D. arC: <br /> <br />D A. DISCLAIMER OF RIOHT TO DESIGNATE HOMESTEAD: <br /> <br />The BOfrower{sl acknowledge Ihal they llNl aboullooXlllcule the lollowlng Deed 01 Trust upon Ihe real eslale described Ihereln. The Borrower(III,and each 01 "'em II <br />more thin one, do hereby dIsclaim their rlghllo desIgnate a homeslead pursuantlherelo, No part of the homestead 01 ellher ollhe Borrower(s) Is presently or will m tha <br />luture bell!luallld upon said real eslale. The Borrowerls} understand thallI either eslablishas a homestead on any pari of said real estaledurlng the lime Ihe Deed alTrusl <br />remains unsallsllad and a lien upon said real oSlale, there shall be no nghlto mako a deslgnolton 01 homestead In the Gvent 01 a loreclosure or Irustee's sale with respect to <br />said Deed 01 Trust <br /> <br />o B, WAIVER OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOMESTE"D: <br /> <br />The Bo"owerlsl ecknowledge that they are about to e_acute tho following Deed 01 Trust upon the roal estate descrIbed therem The Borrower(s}, and each of them II <br />more Ihan one, do hereby waive their rlghl to deslgnale a homeslead pursuanllhereto The Borrower{s) undersland Ihallhey hllve Ihe right to make a designation of <br />homestead and thai by e.eculing this waiver. they am wlllvmg IIghlS olherwlse a.vallable for Ihe purpose 01 allording lhem tho opportunity to relaln Ihelr homeslead In the <br />event of e dufault upon Ihe Deed 01 Trusl. <br /> <br />[J C. DESIGNATION OF HOUtSTEAD: <br /> <br />Pursuant lothe Farm Homeslead Prolectlon ACIlSocllOn 76.1901 et seq ReVised Slalules ollhe Stale or Nebraska).lhe BorrowerlsJ, do hereby deslgnale Ihe real <br />property described in Iha "Deslgnatlon 01 Homeslead" allachod herelo and mcorporaled herein by thIS reference <br /> <br />Borrower <br /> <br />Borrower <br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST IS IfIllde II.. ollhe2nd day or December 19.~. by and among Ihe Truslor,RIIc:::inpc:::c::: Wnrlrf <br />PrnrtlJr.:t~ Inc........--a__Cor:por.:ation_ whose malhng address 15 E"'O._....Bnx 511.7 G.-.:IInn 1c:::I~nn <br />NE &RR02-05.41..__ lhorem - Borlower ') Ihe Truslee_ WilliallLG. _BJackburn.._...a....memhe.r: of thp. NI= ~t~tp R;:!Ir A~sn., <br />whose melting address IS f...D_.____Box_ 21.80.,__ G_r.and Island ,_.J~E ..6-8BJl2~22JllL . ________._~(herein "Trustee"). <br />and the Beneliciary. _.EIY--e.P_Qjnu. a.ank. ..._._-~-~---_. <br />whose mellmg address IS J~..!'.Q .-.. .a.g~._l~~7.. ~ri!l':u;l J sla.Ilt;L.. t-te.. ..(i.8jtQ~':'"15Jl1___. . ..___ ___~.~ (herem "Lender") <br /> <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, mcludmg Ihe Indebtedness Idenllllod herem and trust herem crealed.the recelpl of WhICh IS hereby acknowledged, Borrower <br />hereby irrevocably grents.tllnsfels, cOf\\/eysand aS519nSlO Trustee. IN TRUST. WITH POWER OF SALE. lor Ihe benelit and secUllly 01 Lender, under and subjecllo Ihe <br />lorms and conditIons horelnal!or sollorth, Iho real properly. descnbed as lollows <br /> <br />Lot One (1), except the Easterly Nineteen feet One Inch (19'1") and Lots Two (2), Three <br /> <br />(3), Four (II), Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7) and Eight (8), in Block One Hundred Thirteen <br /> <br />(113), Railroad Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska and all that <br /> <br />part of vacated alley in Block One Hundred Thirteen (113), Railroad Addition as shown In <br /> <br />Ordinance No. 5527, filed January II, 197q in the Register of Deeds Office in Book 26, <br /> <br />Page 2qa. <br /> <br />Togelher WIth all buildings. Improvements, "_lures, slreets. alleys. passageways. easements. IIghlS. pllvlleges and appurtenances localed thereon or In anywIse <br />pertaining therelo, and the rents, Issues and prolits, reversIons and remalnderslhereol; rncludlng. but nol IImlled 10. healmg and cooling equipmenl and such personal <br />property that is allachedlo the improvemenlsso as 10 constitute a li.ture; 1:ind togelherwith lhe homeslead or m81llallnlercsts. II sny, whICh Inleresls are hereby released <br />.ndwli~d; aU olwhlch, Including replacements and IIddihons Iherelo. IS hereby dacla/ed to be a pllrt ollhe real eslate secured by the hen ollhls Deed 01 Tru:lI and aU ollhe <br />foregoing being: lelarred to herein as the "propen,," <br /> <br />ThIS Deed 01 TruS1shall Sllcurl! (al lhe payment ollhe prlnclplll sum and InterDsI ellldanced by Borrower's nole andlor credll agreement dalod _~~ <br /> <br />12-02-88 ,having a malunty aaleol 02-02-20011 In lhe angInal pllnclpol amount 01 $ _ 160 000 00 and any and all <br />modillcations, elltansions and renawals thereof or thereto and any and 1I111ulule advanceannd readvancas hereunder pursuanllO oneor more promiasolY notesorcredit <br />agrnmants (hereIn cal1ed"Note"l; (b) the payment 01 other sums advanced bV Lender 10 p,otecllhe secUrlly ollhe Nole. (cllhe perlormance all covenanls and agreemenl <br />01 BOflower.tforth herein; and Cdl all indebtlll'dnessand obllgahons 01 Borrower 10 Lender whelher direct. Indllecl. absolule or conlmgenl and whelher ariSIng by nole. <br />guaranty, O'lIrdralt or otherwise <br /> <br />Borrower, 10 prolect the Sacunly !llthls Deed 01 Trusl. covenants and agrees with Lemler as 101l0W5 <br /> <br />, _ p.ymenaotPrlnctpllland Ina.nll BOllower shall promptly pay when duethe prinCIpal 01 and InlereSI on. and any lees or charges prOVIded In.lhe Nato or In Ihls <br />o.ecs of TrUll <br /> <br />2. na.. BOlloweristhe ownel ollhe PIoperty, has the rlghlanD Ilulholllyto conway tho Property. IInd warrllnls Ihallhe lIen Clealed hereby IS a IIrsl and prior hen on <br />ihePl"opet1'11.e_c.eplalmay be let lorth herem,8nd Ihe eucution IInd delIvery 01 thIS Deed 01 Trusl does nol vlolale any conlrocl or other obligahon to which <br />Borrower i. lubject <br /> <br />J T.....Aaeamenta. To pay when due allla_es. speclalllSlessmentsand all olhel chargesagalOsllhe Property and, upon wllllen demand by Lender. 10 pay to <br />Lender luCh .mounl a. may be sulllclenlto eneble the Lender 10 pay SuCh tSllCIlI, aneumanls 01 other charges aa they become due <br /> <br />'. , IMUI'8I'lCe. Tok"p Iha Property Insured again!1 damage b~ fire, hazardllncluded wllhln Ihlllerm '.e_lended covel age"". and such olher halolds8S Lender mal' <br />IWqUlre,lnamounlland WIth companies acceplable 10 Landel, and wIlh loss payable to Ihe Lender In case 011055 under such poliCies. Ihe Lender 15 autholllod 10 odlusl <br />Collect.ndcompromi$lll, all clalmt thereundltrand shall have Ihe option or applying all or pari ollhe InSUlance plocneds (I) to IIny Indebledness sc(;urud hereby and In such <br />Df'd.ral LemHlI may detelmlne. (nlto Ihe Borrower 10 be used lo/Ihe/apalr 01 restoration ollhe Propefly or (III! lor any 01 her pUrpose or Oblecl sallslaclory 10 Lender <br />~thoul.lIM:llngtheh.nol thiS Deed of TrUlt lor Iheful1amounl secured hereby belole such pal'menl over '0010 place Any IIpphcal.on of p.oceed! 10 mocblC'dnc5!lshllll <br />nolelte'nd or poslpone the Clue dale 01 any pa.,mOnlS under the Note, or cure lIny oalau1l tneleunder or herounder <br /> <br />5 -..n-.....ce IhtNlJrt and Comptianc. .lIh L8w1, Borrowor shall keep Ihll Property In good cond",un j.nd "'PilI! ~t"'llI I"Humplly ",'llllll ()/ r"plll~" any <br />rmp,owem.n1 wtIlCh"'l., be damaged ord.ltloyed_ notcommll or permlllny wastaor dllle',oral,on olth" Properly ~hllll nul 'emu. I! rl,~Ml<.llo:." ,)I s"h.,r,"'h"Uy dlhor <br />any olt,,-,mpro..mentsonlhaPrOP41fl.,.I'laUflot commIt. sullelol permll..nyacttobedonelno/ upon Iho Propt'lll' on ,'ulal,un olany IA" ,ll,t,,,,,,,< r' (ll """"'111'0" .1"11 <br />"'allpa, andprompUlldlscha'oltal Bonow.,.scOllande.panle all henl.encumblancelanocnalges I."'f!d Impost!d 01 d'Ssl'n..,jaq;:,,"sl 'hl' P"""..I~ ," ,'1'\) p,Il1 Ihl"",,1 <br />