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<br />1-1. Upon acceleration under paragraph I J or ahandonment 1.11' <br />the ProperlY, lender (in p~rson, b}' agent or b}' judicially ap- <br />pointed rC't'eiverl shall be entitled to enter upon, take possession Df <br />and managc the Properl,' and to collect the renl!. of the Properl~ <br />including those pasl duc. Any rents collected by lender or the <br />rC't'C'ivcr shall be appUed IirSI 10 paymenl of the costs of mamlBe- <br />men! of the Property and collection of rents, including, bUI not <br />li!T1iled 10, rect'ivcr's fees. premiums on reeeh'er's bonds and <br />rensonabJe ullorneys' fees, and then to the sums secured by this <br />instrument, <br /> <br />IS. Upon pa~'ment of all sums secured by Ihis instrument. <br />Lender shall r.:quest Trustee to reconvey the ProperlY and shall <br />surrender this instrument and all notes evidencinF: debt secured b\ <br />this instrument to Truslee. Trustee shall recon"ey the Property <br />without warran!)' and \,l,-ilhoul charge 10 Ihe person or perklOS <br />legally entitled 10 il. Such person or persons shall pay any re..:orda. <br />lion costs. <br /> <br />16. Lender, at its option. may from time to time remo\'f' <br />Trustee and appoint a suc.:essor trustee 10 any Trustee appointed <br /> <br />88- 106468 <br /> <br />hcrClmder b~' an inslrumcnt recorded in lhe ~'ounty in \,l,hid'1 this <br />instrument is n:r.:orded. Withoul r.:onveyancc of the ProperlY. Ihe <br /><;lU.'CCM;or trustee shall succeed 10 ali the title. power and duties <br />conferred upon Trmtee herein and by applicable law. <br /> <br />17. Borrower reque!'it5 thai copies of the notices of default an": <br />sale he senf 10 BorrO\\cr's address which is the Propeny Addre5!o <br /> <br />18. If one or more ride~ are executed by Borrower and rerof;'- <br />cd lO~efher with Ihi~ inslrUmenl, the c.o\'r.13Il1s and agreements of <br />ea...h su...h rider shall be incorporated inlo and shall amcnd and <br />~upplemcnt the r.:O\'emmt!> and agreemellls of this instrumelll a5 if <br />the rider(5) were a flarl of this instrumelll. <br /> <br />19. The covenants herein contained shall bind. and the tlertefils <br />dnd ad\'antagcs shall inure 10. the respective heirs. executa"" ad. <br />ministrators, SUl"ceSSOr!;. and assigns of the parti~ hereto. <br />\\'hene"'er used, the singular number shall include Ihe plural. Ihe <br />pJuralthe singular. and the u~ of any gender shall include all <br />genders. <br /> <br />By signing below, Borrower accepts and agrees 10 Ihe terms co\enants contained in thi!> Stturit}. Instrument and in an)' rider(!>) C'X- <br />ecuted by Borrower and recorded wilh it. ~ ./.~ (~~. k.-"/_ <br /> <br />u.~- / \~~ (ScalI <br />, Borro..n <br />Da:'!p~or~ ~.u;J . / Isml <br />""-~ <br />Paula K. Boroff <br /> <br />Page 04 of 5 <br /> <br />.r : j C~ ~ (' ~UD-i214:SDT <br />