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<br />made: ~hall be: addC'\ 10 Ihe l'r1n..'lpal ~Ul1l (mint! (In Ihe ahtHl' <br />nOle, \hall be ~l'cur('d hereb.., and \hall bl'ilr J11ll're..1 al the rate ..el <br />forth In Ihe \aid nOle, unlll.pald. <br /> <br />88- 106468 <br /> <br />7. That the Borrower hereby a~~igm, ttam.fen and ~et~ mer 10 <br />the lender, to be applied loward the payment of the nOle and all <br />\ums ~e(urcd IH~reby in case of a defttult in the performance of <br />an\' of Ihe lerm~ and conditions of thiS instrument or the ~aid <br />noie, alllhe rent\, re\enu~ and Income to be deril'cd from lhe <br />,aid premise~ dunng ~u..:h lime a\ the Indehtedness shall remain <br />unpaid, and the lender ~hall ha\t~ pl.H\er tt) appomt any agent or <br />agents 1I ma~ de\lre for the purpo..e of repalrmg ..aid preml..e.. and <br />of renting Ihe ~am:: and cnllecllng [he rent.., re\ enue\ and JIIcome. <br />and !1 may pa~ OUI of ~ald rn..:ome\ all e\peme\ of repalflng ..:ml <br />premises and lIeCI:\ COmml\\IOm and e\.pcmc\ in..:urred In rl.nt. <br />109 and managing the ..ame and of ..:olkcllng rental.. Iherdrllm: <br />the b..lance remaining, If am In he aprhctlrll\lard the dl....:harge <br />lit ,aid mdehll'dm'" <br /> <br />1\. ThaI Ihe BIJffll\\er "ill ~eep Ihe lmrfl1lem\.'nt.. lllH\ Cl.I..lIng <br />(If turealler erc..:Io:J 1m Ihe prllper:\, In..ureW .1' ma~ bc reL\ulred <br />twm lIme III Ilme b\ Ih\' I ~nder olgaln..l Ill,' 1'\ tIre .tlld l1\ht.'r <br />ha/ard" LiI'uallle, Jnd Lllllllllt!t:n';le.. 111 ..u..:h .!I1lUUnl\ and Illr \u..:h <br />pt:flI1J.. a\ lYlil~ he ICljlllled b\ the Lt:ndc=r and \qll ra~ rhlmrtl~. <br />\lhl'l1 dul.', .111\ prellllum.. IHI ,u..:h lII..uran..:t: rrlHI'JOIl r~)f ra~menl <br />,II 111111.'11 ha\ !lUI Ill'CIl made herclllhdore -\11 lII\uran..:e ,hall ht: <br />..:arr~I'J 111 ":~lmrarlll'~ ilpprll\t:'d h\ Ihe l\'nd\'r and lht.' pllIIL'It:" and <br />re:ne:\\al.. lh\'f\'lJI \h.111 t-\.' helJ b\ lh\' lender and hale alta..:hcd <br />Iht'relU ilJ\\ pa~ahlc: Llau'l"\ III la\lH ul anJ III f,lrm .t..:..:eplahk III <br />lhe lendet In ele:nT III Il"" BorflJ\\er \\111 ~I\e Immedlale nOIl..:e <br />b~ mall In the Lender, .....ho mal ma~t' rrtll~1 IJf IO\~ If nOl made <br />promptl~ b~ Uorro"c=r, and ea..:h In'Iuran..:C' ..'Llmpan~ ,'on..:erlled I" <br />heret-~ dlllhllrl/ed anJ dlrcdcJ ll~ ma~t' rd~m...nt fllr ..u..:h [...'M <br />dlfecll~ In lhe le:nder 1",lead 01 10 Ih\.' BnrrcJl\t'r and tile lender <br />Jt1l11tl~, and lhe: I",uran..:e pru.::eed.., ur an~ pat! lhereo!. mal bt:! <br />apph\.'d bl Ihe lender al Ih uprlnn ell her ILl Ihe redu..:llOn Llf Ihe <br />1Jl(h,-bh:dnc\\ hereb~ ..c=cured or 10 lhe re..Wrathln l)r rc=palr ,1l' Ihe <br />propert~ damagt:d. In ('\elll ut' lorC'dl.hUre ,II Ihl" In..trument tlr <br />ulher Iran,fC'r or llllc tu the mLlrtgaged pr"-'perl\ III "'l.llnI1-Ul,hmell1 <br />uf Ih(' Indebledne.... ..e..:ured herel:l~. all nglll. rille anJ InI('tC"t ,11 <br />lhl' UUTft1\~et In Jnl! II) an~ plllld\" ~hr."n III 1111..:t' ,h..lll <br />pa.... III lh... pur..:ha\er III gr..lnlee <br /> <br />IJ Thill a.. adJlIl\mal anJ ,\.'..url1~ 1m the pa~menl lIt <br />the nlltl' l.h."\\nheu, .mll all ')Ul1l\ III ht',:ulIll" lIu\.' un.ler thl~ Jn~tru. <br />ml"nl, lhe Burruwt."f herd'~. a~~It:n\lo lhe L\.'nder 0111 rrl'lll~, <br />re\enuc.., ro~allle\, rt[Zht\ and ttenet'lf~ a~'~.rull1l1- 10 lht' Borro"er <br />under an~ and all 011 and ga\ lI:a..('.. IlJl ~all.l rreml\(''', "\lh Ihe <br />fll?hl to re..:el\C' and re":C'Jpl 1M Ihe ..olme and .Irpl~ Ihem 10 \alJ <br />II1debtednc::~~ a.. "ell before a.. alter d:t'auil 111 Ihe condlllon~ of <br />tht~ lIl..rrumem, and thc lender mal demand. ,ue fur and rel.:o~C'r <br />:Jn~ ..uch pa~ mem~ "hen duc and pa~ able, hUI ,hall nOI he reo <br />ljulred "0 10 do_ Thi~ a~"lgnment l\ to lermlllalC' and h~ome null <br />and \oid upon relea..C' of Ihis mstrumenl <br /> <br />10 Thai the Borro""er "'ill keep (he hUIldlllg.. upon ~ald premi..e\ <br />in good repair, and neither I.:ommll nor perlmt "a!ote upon \aid <br />land. nor \uffer Ihe ...aid premt..e\ 10 bc u,a:d for any unlawful <br />purpo!le. <br /> <br />11. That If the preml\e.., or an~ pari Ih('rcol". be' condemned <br />under the power of eminent domam. or Ilcqum:d for a public use. <br />the damage.. awarded. the proceeds for the taking of. or the con. <br />sideration for such acquisition. to the eJllent of the full amount of <br />indebledness upon this inslrumenl a.nd the nole which it is given to <br />..ecure remaining unpaid, are hereby llSSigned by the Borrower 10 <br />the Lender, and ..hail be paid fonhwith 10 said lender to be ap- <br />plied by the latter on account of the neJlt maturing installments of <br />'uch indebtedness, <br /> <br />I:!. The Borrower further agn~es thllt 'ihould Ihh in\lrumem and <br />the nOle ~ecured hereby not be eligible for insurance under lhe :'<la, <br />lional Housing Act within elghl momhs from the dale hereof <br />("rillen ..(atc-mem of any officer of the Depanmem of Housing <br />and L.:rban De\'elopment or authorized agent of the Secretary of <br /> and Urban De\'e1opment dated $ubsequent to the eight <br />month..' time from the date of this imtrument. declining to insure <br />..aid note and Ih,.. mortgage. being deemed condusi\'t: proof of <br />,ut:h lIleiigibilitYl, Ihe lender or holder of the nOle may, at its op. <br />11011. declare all \ums secured hereby immedialely due and payable. <br />....o!\\llh~landmg Ihe foregOing. this option may nOl lJe exercised <br />tt~ the Lender or lhe holder of lhe nOle when the ineligibility for <br />lII..urance under Ihe ;...ralional Housing ACI is due 10 the Lend~r's <br />failure 10 remit thl:' mongage Insurance premium to the Depan, <br />ment of Housing and L'rban Dc\eopmenl. <br /> <br />I ~ That If lhe Borrower falls {Q make any payments of money <br />\\ hen lhe ~ame become due. or fail~ to conform to and comply <br />II llh an~ of Ihe .."ndltions or ap:reen.enls contained in this instru. <br />menl. llr Ihe nOle "hich it ~ecures. lhen lhe entire principal sum <br />and a..:..:rued interesl shal! al once become due and payable. at the <br />e1edlLln 01' the L\'nder. <br /> <br />( enJer ,hal! gi\-e nOlice to prior [0 acceleration <br />IlllkH~lIIg Borro\\er'~ breach of any covenant or agreement in this <br />lll'trument (bUI nOI prior tD acceleration under paragraph 12 <br />Ilnle~~ apph..:able law pro,,'ides otherv..isel. The notice shall ipecify: <br />loll rh... Jefault: lb) the action required to cure the default: (c) a <br />Jate, nOI le..s than 30 days from the date Ihe notice is gh'en to <br />~tJrro"l:'r, b\" "hich the defaull must be cured: and (dJ that failure <br />1.1 ..:ure Ihe default on or before the dale specified in the notice <br />ma~ re..ult III acceleration of Ihe sums secured by this instrument <br />Jnd ..ale of lhl: Propeny. The nOlice shall further inform Borrower <br />III the nght. 10 reins1ale after acceleration and the right to bring a <br />LllUrt a..:llon 10 a')~en the non.c."istence of a default or an\' olher <br />Jell'me of Borro\\,er TO acCC'leralion and ute. If Ihe deiauit is not <br />...'urcd 11n or before the date specified 10 Ihe nOlIct, L~der al its <br />l,lpllon may require immediale pa~1Tlent in full of all sums secured <br />h~ Ihl~ Imlrument without further demand and ma~' in\'oke the <br />po"er of 'kIle and any olher remedies permuted b!o- appbcable law. <br />Lender \hall be entilled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing <br />Iht:! remedies pro\'lded in lhis paragraph 13. induding. but not <br />!tmlled w, reasonable attorneys' fees and costS of title t\;dence. <br /> <br />It' Ihe- ptl",er of sale IS Inl'oled, Trusl~ \ha1J record .a nOlice of <br />Jdauh to each ':ount}' in \\'hich an)" pan of the Property is located <br />and ..hall mail .:opies of such nOlice in the manner prescribed b~' <br />applt..:able lau 10 and to the other persons prrcribed by <br />appli..:able 13". After the lime required by applicable la\\. Tru$tet' <br />..hall gl\C' pubhc nOllce of ~ale 10 the periODS and in the manner <br />prescribed by applicable lau. Trustee, u.ilhout demand on Bor- <br />rower. shall selllhe Properw at public auction to the highest bid. <br />Jer al Ihe lime and pia"" and under the !emu designated in the <br />notice of sale in one or morc parcels and in any order TrustC'C" <br />detenninC'5. Trustee ma)' postpone sale of all or any parcel of the <br />Propeny by public announcement at the lime and placc of an)' <br />rre\iou~l!o ~chedulM $il!e. Lender or its designee may purchOUC' the <br />Propeny at any sale, <br /> <br />Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Tnulee shall <br />10 Ihe purchaser Trusll:e's deed con\'~ng the PropeM)'. The <br />rttilab in Ihe Tru~te-e'~ deed shaH be prima fac1C' C"-idcnl:'C' of the <br />truth ot [he sta!ements made therein. Trustee shaH apply the pro. <br />ceeds of the !mle in the following order: (11) to all c~penK'5 of the <br />~ale. including. bUI not Ilmiled 10, Trustee's feo IU permitted by <br />applicable law and reasonable attorneys' fees; (b) 10 all sums <br />secured by thill Security Inslrument; and eel any C"lC'OS to Ihe per. <br />son or persons legally emilled to il. <br /> <br />Page 3 01 5 <br /> <br />HUrHi14~DT <br />