<br />
<br />88_106448
<br />
<br />'IbiJ Mortga!!e Is entered into ~tween Tim r PIRt"" ;:In~ n""hr=a n PI::It,p, nllc:hRnn :llnrl
<br />
<br />Five Points Bank Grand Island Nebraska
<br />
<br />(herein "Mortgagor") and
<br />(herein "MartgaRee").
<br />
<br />wif,...
<br />
<br />Mortgagor is indebted to Martpgee In the principal sum of $ 25 Don 00 . evidenced by Mortgagor's note
<br />
<br />dated ~... 1 R 1 qRS (herein "Note") providing for PlYments of principal and interest, with the balance of the
<br />
<br />lndebtedn~. if not sooner paid, due and payable on October 18 1993
<br />
<br />Tosecure the payment of the Note, with interest as provided therein, the payment of all other sums, wlth interest.
<br />Idvanced by Mortgagee to protect the security of tbi.s Mortgage, and the perfonnance of the covenants and agreemtmts of
<br />the MGrtpgor contained hereio, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the following described
<br />
<br />property located in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot Eighteen (1B), Block Three (3). Southern Acre. Addition to the City of
<br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Tocether with an buildings, improvemenl:\, fixtures, streets, alleys, passageways, easements. rights. privileges and
<br />appurtenances located thereon or in anywise pertaining thereto. and the rents,lssues and profits,rev.erslo~ and remAinders
<br />thereof; including, but not limited t-:l, heating and cooling equipment and such penonal property that is attached to the
<br />improvements so as to constitute a fixture; all of which, Including replacements and additions thereto, is hereby declared
<br />to be a part. of the real estate secured by the lien of this Mortpge and all of the fore&olng being rererred to herein as the
<br />"Property".
<br />
<br />MortgAgor rurther convenants 'll1d 8grt'P.Ii, :with Mortgaa:ee. as [aUuws:
<br />
<br />1. Payment. To pay the !nde;;.tedness and the lntere&t thereon as provided in thls Mortgage and the Note.
<br />
<br />2. TiUe. Mortgagor is the owner o! the Property. hu the rI&bt and .uthorlty to morlp&e the Property. and
<br />warrants that the lien created hereby is a first and prior Uen on the Property, exc<!pt IS may otherwise be set forth herein.
<br />
<br />Norwest Bank N.A.
<br />
<br />~ The Property is subject to a MnrtKl!ge wherein
<br />
<br />ls the Mortpcee, recorded a s oo....c...--./.t 8 - 1 o.~ of the Morta:lif Records or
<br />Nebraska. which MortPle is a lien prior to the lien created he-reby.
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />County ,
<br />
<br />o Other prior Hens or ~ncumblances:__._.
<br />
<br />3. Tun, AlIeIIII1entL To pay when due all taxes. specl.a1 assessments and all other chlliel aplnst the Property
<br />and, upon written demand b}' Mortpeec, to add to the payments requlftd under the Note leCured hereby, 8Uth amount IS
<br />may be luttlcJent to enable the MortPIH to pay IUch taus, useaments or other cb.I.fIeS as they ~ome due.
<br />4. In.urmce_ To keep the improvements now or hereafter located on the real estate described he~lD insured
<br />aplnst damaIe by Ore-and such other hazards . Mortp&ee may require, In amounts and with companlet acceptabhe to the
<br />Mortp&ee. and with I... pay.ble to the Mortpp. In cue o! I... und.r .uch pollel.. the Mortpeee is .uthorlzed to
<br />adlU1t, conect and compromlle, In 111 dilcreUon, III claIw thereunder at Its 101e option, authorized to either apply the
<br />proceedI to the mtonUon ot the Property or upon the indebtedneu secured hereby, but paymentl hereunder shall con-
<br />Unue- unW the luma aeeured hereby Il'Il ~~ in lull.
<br />5. 0 Eaorow For Tu.. and I_ca. Notwlthstandlnl anythlnlcontaln.d in puapapbl 3 and 4 b...of to the
<br />contrary, Mortp&or shall PlY to the MortPI"' at the Ume of paylnl thermonthly i.ta1lmentJ or principal and Interest,
<br />on..twellth of tho yully tueo, _nb, bazard inaunnca p..mlu.... and pound....... (lI.any) wblch m.y .ttaln ·
<br />priority o..r thla Mortp... all u .....n.b1y ..ttrnated from time to tlm. by tho Moi\ialee. 'Ili. mounb 10 paid .ball be
<br />h.ld by the Mortppe without Intereat and .pplled to th. payment of th. lte... in reap.ct to wblch luch .mounb w...
<br />deposited. '!b. IU... paid to MortPIH herounder ... p1et!aed u add1ttoDal IeCUrlty for the indebtedn.. ...u..d by tbl.
<br />Mortaaae- Mol'tptor Iha11 pay to Mo""," the amount 01 any deficiency between the actual Lues. uaeumenu, Insunn<<,
<br />pl'I!nUUIDIlDd lfOund rent. and the depollll hereunder within 10 daYI aner demand il made upon Morta:alor rrqut"Stlnl
<br />payment th....!.
<br />.. Repair, MaIntenance and U.. To prompUy ~pa1r, restoI!' or rebuild any bulldlnp or improvementa now or
<br />bendtrr on th, Property; to keep the Property in IOOd condition and repair, without wute, and me trom mechanic's or
<br />otherU.. not e:llpreuly lubordlnated to the lien henef; not to map, suffer or penult any nuisanCE' to e:lilt. nor to dimln.
<br />lib or Impair the YIIue of the Propil!rty by any act or omlsslon to aet; and to comply with all requlremenb of law with
<br />reaped to the Property.
<br />