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<br />:' I c:atH <br /> <br />:( <br /> <br />%~- 106347 <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />21, MlIletI, Exttpll.....iy nolic.s. dlll1Ol1ds. rlqlllsls, .r .Ih.r r.qulr.d und.r I.w I. b. glv.n In mOil' <br />..... whinI_ Benel1clary... TruslOr glv.s ... servos ony nolk. (Including, wllhoullimllolion. nollc. .1 d.'oull ond nollc..' sol.), d.monds r.. <br />quests... .1..... communic.tlon wllh respect to this Deed .1 Trusl. .~h such nolitll, d.mond, Dr .Ih.r c.mmunlcolion sholl b. In wrlling <br />and sholl be effeclive only II the some is d.llvered by persDnllI s.rvlce ar moiled by c.rllfled moll, postage pr.pold, r.lum r.c.lpt r.qu.sled, od. <br />dressed to lhe 'address os s.llorth III Ih. beginning ,of this De,;d'ofTrusl. Truslor rlqlllsls Ihol a capy .1 ony notic. of d.IGUII, ony <br />nollce.f SOil, required... permin.d 10 be giv.n Ih. Tiust... hereund.r, b. moil.d.o lI.t the s.t I.rth ollh. beginning of this D..d 01 <br />Trust. Illy porty may 01 any lim. chonil.lls addr.sslor such notic.s by deli~.rlng or momngl.lh. oth.r porlles her.l%s ol....sold,o nollc. <br />.1 such change. Any nolic. hereund.r sholl be to hov. b..ri given I. Trust.r Dr B.n.ficlary, wh.n giv.n in Ih. manner d.slgnated h.r.ln. <br />22. ~ In. This Deed.f Tru.t sholl be gov.rn.d by the laws.1 tho Slal..1 N.brasko. <br />23. s.ccu....... AnIgM. this De.d 01 Truslond olll.rms, condlti.ns ami abligollons opplV I. and Inur. 10 Ih. ben.1II 01 and bind <br />011 portios her.lo.their h.lrs, l.gol.... d.vls..s, pers.nol repr...ntollv.s, sutc.ssars and assign.. Th. I.rm "B.n.flclory" .holl m.on Ih. <br />DWIlII' and holder.f Ih. Nol., wh'lher or nol nom.d os Beneficiary <br />24. J....... So..... u.wRt,. All cony.nonls ond ogre.m.nls of Trustor sholl b. joint ond s.y.rol. <br />25. Sollnilllltr.ln'he ony on. or more ollhe provisions conlolned in Ihls D..d.1 Trusl. .r Ih. NOI..r any .'her s.curlty Inslrumenl <br />given in connection wllh this lransocli.n sholl ror ony re.s.n b. h.ld t. b. Invalid, m.gol .r un.nlorc.obl. In any r.specl, such inyolidlty, II. <br />Iegolily. Or unenlorceobilily sholl, at Ih. option of B.n.liciary. nololl.ct onv proylsl.n ollhis D.ed 01 Trusl, bul this Deed 01 Trust sholl b. con. <br />strued os il such Inyolld. m.gol, .r un.nlorc.obl. proyisl.n hod n.y.r been conloined herein or therein. IIlh. lien ollhls Deed 01 Trusl is involid <br />... unenf.rceable os 10 any porI .1 the debt, Dr ir th. Ii.n is inyolid or unenl.rce.ble as t. any parlor Ihe Prapertv, Ihe uns.cured Dr portiallv <br />secured porlion alth. sholl be campl.lelV paid prior 10 Ih. 01 the remoining ond secur.d Dr partiallv secured portion 01 Ih. debt. <br />ond olt'povmenls mod. on the wh.ther yolunlbi'v or und.r loreclosur. .r .th.r enl.rcemen' octi.n .r pr.cedure, sholl be considered t. <br />hove been fllsl pold .n ond applied to Ih. lull poym.n' 01 thai p.rlion 01 the debl which is not secured or nor lullV secured bV the lien ollhis <br />Deed .lTrusl. <br />26. N...... an' GIn,,,; C8pllonl. When.y.r used, Ih. singulor numb.r sholl include Ih. plural. the plurol, Ihe singular, and Ihe use <br />01 onv gender sholl b. applicabl. taall gend..... Th. caplions ond h.odlngs allh. poragraphs of 'his D.ed 01 Trust are lor conyenlence onlv ond <br />ore nol10 be used 10 interpret or define the provisions hereof. <br />27. I",-.y TmI... Trusl.. occepls this Trusl when this Deed of Trust. dulV execuled ond acknowledged, is mode public record os <br />proyided by low. <br />IH WITNESS WHEREOF, Trustor has e.eculed Ihis ~ed Dr Trust 05 of the day and y! <br /> <br />X <br /> <br /> <br />x <br /> <br />5T ATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />I ss. <br />COUNTY DF HALL ) <br />. A f'l".e,"'fJ.E'Z.. <br />On this ~ day or ~ . 19~ belore me. 'h. undersigned. a Holory Public dulv commissioned and qualified lor <br /> <br />saidcoun1r, personnanycame Larrv J. Toner and Rm:;@ Ann Tnnp-r. husband and wife <br />10"'" known 10 be lhe id.n'icol persons whose names ore subscribed 10 lh. loregolng Instrumenl and acknowledged Ihe e.eculion thereof 10 be <br />their yolunlary oct ond deed. <br /> <br />Wilness mv hond and nOloriol..., 01 /{/~ ~ in soid counlV. th. dole aforesoid. <br /> <br />~:Y k: ~~-_./ <br />NDtar, Pub c <br /> <br />My commission ..pires: <br /> <br />~""-"I <br />TI!IlIIY L IIA'RIIIAII <br />"...._111.11. . <br />
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