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<br />'. ".: :.'f:ij(~ \ 88- 106347 <br /> <br />11. AcnItmIM U... Dofwlt, ......./ Solo. Upon d.loull by Truslor In Ih. 01 or perlormonce oJ Ih. I.rm, ond co"dlllon, of <br />lhe Hote. or ony renewals. modlllcotlons or ..t.n.lon, ther.ol, or the 01 ony other or In the p.rlormonce <br />olony 01 lhe COll'IIIlOlIIS or agr..menls hereund.r. Ben.llclary may declore 011 sums s.cur.d h.reby Imm.dlolely due ond poyoble ond Ih. ,om. <br />sholl 1"-- become due and poyabl. without p1lsentrnenl, demond, protest or nolic. of ony kind. Ih.r.olt.r, Ben.ficlory moy d.llyer 10 <br />Trust" 0 written declarollon 01 d.faull and d.mand lor sol.. Truslee sholl hoy. th. pow.r of sol. 01 Ih. Properly and II Beneficlory d.cldes the <br />..........'y is to be sold It sholl d.po,11 wilh Tru.t.. this Deed 01 Trust and Ih. Hol. or nolo, ond ony olher docum;..IS .yld.nclng e.pendUures <br />sllCllnld hereby, and .holl deliver to Trustee 0 written nolice of d.loult and election to cause Ih. Prop.rly to be sold, and Tru.lee, In turn, sholl <br />prepare 0 simlkr notice in the form required by law which .holl be duly flied for record by Trustee. <br />(01 Alter the lopse 01 such lime os may be required by low following the recordolion of Nolie. 01 Deloult, ond Notice of Defoult ond Notice of <br />Sole having been given os required by low, Tru.tee, wilhout demand on Trustor, sholl sell the Properly In on. or more ond In .uth order <br />o. Tru.tor moy delermine on lhe do'. and 01 th. time ond plac. d.,ignoted in sold Nolie. 01 Sol., ot public auction to the bidder, th. pur. <br />chose price payobl. in co,h in lowful money 01 the Unil.d Stol.s at the time 01 ,01.. Th. person conducling the sol. may, lor any cou.e h. or ,h. <br />deem. .xpedient, po.tpon. the ,ole lrom time to lime unlil it .holl be completed and, in .yery .uch cas., nollce 01 poslpon.ment ,holl be giy.n <br />by public declorulion thereol by such person at Ih. time ond ploce lost oppoinl.d lor Ih. sol., proYlded, IIlh. .010 is postpon.d lor longer Ihon <br />ane (11 day beyond the day d.signoted in the Notice 01 Sole, notice th.rellf sholl b. giyen in Ih. .om. monner os the originol Nolice of Sole. <br />Trustee shall eKecufe and deliver 10 the purchaser its Deed conveying the Property 50 sold, but without any conve.non' or worronty. express. or <br />implied. The recitals in the Deed of any matters or focts sholl be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof. ~ny person, Including without <br />Iimilolion Trustee, may purchas. 01 the sole. <br />(bl. When Truslee s.lIs pursuant to the powers h.rein. Tru.lee sholl opply Ihe proceeds ollhe sole to poymenl or the COsl, ond e.penses 01 <br />e.ercising the power 01 sole ond of the sol., including, without Iimitotian, the poyment 01 Trustee's F..s incurred. which Truste.'s Fee. shall nol <br />in the aggregate exceed the following amoun's based upon the amount secured hereby and remaining unpaid: 5 perten'um on the balance <br />thereol, ond then lolhe items .el lorlh in ,ubparogroph Ie) hereol in the order Iherein .Ioted. <br />leI Alter poying the specified in subparogr<r,lh (b), II the sole i. by Tru,'ee. or the proper courl ond other costs 01 loracla.ure ond sole <br />if the sol. is pursuanl to judiciol loreclo.ur.. the proce.ds 01 sol. ,holl b. applied in Ihe order slaled below to Ihe payment 01, <br /> <br />(1 t Cos' of any evidence of IiIle.procured in connection with such sole and of any revenue required to be paid: <br />12' Allomeys lees, <br />(3) All sum. then secure1lhereby, <br />(4' Junior lru,t deeds. morlgoges, or olher lienholders, and <br />(51 The remainder, if any. to Ihe person or persons legolly en'itled Ihereto. <br /> <br />(dl If Ihe Beneficiary of this Deed of Trust is D bank os defined by Nebraska law, Dny statement contained in any other section of this deed <br />nolwithstonding, the Beneliciory ,holl not be entitled to receive or.lake ond deblor ,holl nol be obligated to poy or giye, ony canlessian 01 judg. <br />ment. power of attorney to confess iudgment. power of attorney to appear for a borrower in 0 judicial proceeding or agreement to pay the cosls <br />01 collection 01 the ollomeys' lees, unless such ocls of colleclian would not olherwise be prohibited by Nebro,kolaw. Proyided. howeyer. thot <br />Ihis section does nal apply to the Trustee ree relerred 10 in porogroph 6 (b). Proyided furlher. Ihallhi. porogroph ,holl nol apply 10 this Deed 01 <br />Trust, if the BeneflCiory is not 0 bonk. <br />12. '.ilitlonol Secorrlly Inslrument.. Tru.tor, 01 il. e.pense, will e.ecule and deliyer to the Beneficiary. promplly upon demond. such securi. <br />ty instruments as may be required by Beneficiary, in lorm ond substance sali,foctory to B.neficiary, coyering any or the Property conyeyed by <br />this Deed of Trusl, which sec...ily instnnnenls ,holl be oddilionol securily lor Trustor'. loilhlul perlormonce of all 01 the lerms, coyenanl. and <br />conditions of this De&d of Trus'. the promissory notes secured hereby, and any other security inslrumenls execuled in conneclion wilh this Iron- <br />saction. Such instrumenls sholl be r.cord.d or filed 01 Truslor's "pense. <br />13. lppolntJll..t .f Sa......r Tro.t... B.neficiary may, Irom time to time. by 0 wrillen inslrument e.eculed ond ocknowledged by <br />B.neficiary. moiled 10 Trustor ond recorded In Ihe county or counlie. in which Ihe Properly is located ond by otherwi.e complying with the proyl. <br />sions of the applicable laws of the Slate of Nebraska, substitute a successor or successors to the Trustee named herein or acting hereunder. <br />14. Intp.dlona. Beneficiary, or ils ogents, representatives or workmen, ore authorized to enler at any reosonable time upDn Dr in any port <br />D' the Property 'Dr the purpose 0' the some and 'Dr .he purpose of performing any of the acts il is outhroized to perform under the <br />t.rms 01 Ihe Deed or Trust. <br />'5. 0,110. I. Fore...... Upon Ihe occurrence 01 ony deloull hereunder. Benelielory ,holl hove the option to foreclose Ihis Deed ollrusl in <br />the monn.r provided by low ror Ihe loreclasure 01 mortgage. on real properly. . <br />16. farllllHdllI:III1, IInllfidary Nit a Walwere Any forebearonce by Beneficiary in exercising any right a.~_r.emedy_ ~euncJer~ .cit.o.~t~i5e <br />afforded by applicable low. shall not be a waiver of or predude Ihe eltercise of any such right or remedy. likewise, .he waiver by 8enenciary of <br />any delault 01 Truslor und... this Deed or Tru.t ,holl nal be deemed to be 0 walyer of ony alher or similor delault. subsequenlly occurring. <br />17. Tralta, Hal I.ued. Extension of the time for payment or modification or amortization of the sums secured by .his Deed of Trust <br />granted by Beneficiary ta any successor in interest of Trus.or sholl no. operate'o releDse, in any manner. .he liability of thl'! Driginal Tf'Ustor nnd <br />trustor's successor in interest. Benefiti.,ry shall not be required to commence proceedings against such successor or ,efuse to p.x1f"nd .iml'! 'or <br />p~ymenl or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Derd of Trust by leOSOIl 01 mlY demnnd mode by Ihl' miginnl lrU!;tOl nnll <br />Trus.or's successor in interes.. <br />lB. _Ildory'. ....... Withoul ollecting Ih. Iiobilily 01 Ihe Truslor or ony other person liollle Jar Ihe paymenl of any obligation herein <br />men.ioned, and without affecting the lien or chargl'! of this Deed of Trus. upon anv pori ion of the Proper'y no' then Dr theretofDre released os <br />securi.y 'or .he full amoun. of 011 unpaid obligations. Beneficiary may. from time to time and without notice. Ci) rplease any person so liable. Iii I <br />eJdend the maturi.y or oUer any of the terms af any such obligations, (m) grant olher indulgences. (jv) release or reconvey, or rouse to be <br />released Of' reconveyed at any .ime a' Beneficiary's options tIIly parcel, portion or all of .he Property, (v~ take or release any other Of additional <br />sllClft"it, for any obligation herein mentioned. or (vit make compositions or other arrangements with debtors in relation .hereto. <br />19. ...... Utece,. UPOI'J request of Trustor, Trustee at 1rustee's option, prior to reconveyunce 0' the Property to Trustor, may make <br />future adyonees 10 Tru.lor. Such lulure adyonces. wilh interest Ih.reon, ,holl be secured by rhi. Trusl Deed when evidenced by promissory <br />nates stating that said are secured hereby: provided tflat at no time sholl the secured principal, lu.ure advances, no' in..:luding sums nd. <br />y_ed to protect the securit,. ..ceed on aggregale principol omaunl of S 1 00 00 0 .0,0_ <br /> <br />70.. leAR..,....,. ,........ Upon wri.ten request of Beneficiary stating Ihot 011 sums secured hereby hove been pnid, and upon surrender <br />of 'his DIed of TruI' and the Note 10 lnntee for cancellation oT1d re'en1ian and upon payment by Trustor- of Trustf!(II'S fee", lru~'e~ ..hall <br />reconvey 10 1nB'or. or.he perlon or ~"on5 legally entilled thereto, without warronty, ony portion of the PrOpPlty thp" hpht h"rPlIl1dpr lhp <br />recitafs in such reconveyancll aJ any molh!rs or foets shall be conclusive proof of the 'tuthlulnpsl; Ihereo. lhe gl nnlflt' in OilY I rrollyrynnre 'TIny <br />be dncriMd 01 ",he penon or perlO"' legolly enlltled thereto" <br />