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<br />ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER <br />(I Vear TreuulJ' Index.Rate Caps) <br /> <br />88-106333 <br /> <br />THISADJUSTABLERATERIDERiJDWlethls 28th day of NouemhRT ,19~, <br />and iJ IIllXlrpOfIled Into and shaD be deemed 10 amend and lupplement the Monllllle, Deed of Trust, or Sec:uriIY Deed (the "Securit)' <br />Instniment1') or lhe same elite aiven by the undmianed (the "Borrower") to secure Borrower's Adjultable Rate Note (the "Nole") to HOME <br />FEDERAL SAYINGS .. LOAN ASSOCIATION OF ORAND ISLAND. NEBRASKA (the "Lender") of the IIIIIe date and eoveril1llhe <br />JlfOIlCIIY~bOd in the Securily lostrumenl and located II' <br /> <br />1625 Covent~y Lane, Grand Island, NE 68801 <br />(Property Acid....) <br /> <br />DIo 10" _.... pro_ aIIowIq for ....... la IIlJ ,Ia.....' n.. IIld ID, -Wr <br />paJ'meab. nil Dote alto Umlb tbe ..oaat IDJ'lateral rate caa cbaae at .., oal! dale ud <br />_ \be IIlbibauID IIld \be _aID n.. I lO1III pa,. <br /> <br />'r.. <br />[;~ <br />I" <br />i: <br />f:' <br /> <br />ADDmONAL COVENANTS. In addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Security IDltrumeut. 'Borrower BDd Lender <br />further COVCIlDIIt and _ as follows: <br /> <br />l'] <br />r~ <br />h <br />hi <br />F <br />P <br /> <br />A. 1N1ERDlT.IL\TI! AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br />The Note provides for an initial interest rate of 8.75 Dft. Section 4 of the Note provides for changes in the interest rate and the <br />monthlypaymmts,. as foUows: <br /> <br />4. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PA YMENTCHANGES <br />(A) ClaalcDa... <br />Thein.....t rate I wm pay may change on the rust day of December ,, and on that day cvcry <br />12 moow Lhercaftc:r. dale on which my lnfCrCSt rate could change is ca11cd _ "Chaoae Date.I' <br /> <br />(II) The IDda <br />IIcginning with the rust Change Date, my interest rate will be based on an Index. lbe "lndeJt" II the weekly a_ yield on United States <br />Treasury securities adjusted to a constant maturity of 1 year, as made available by the Federal Reserve Baud. The mOlt recenllndex rJ.gUre <br />available as ofthedate4S days before each Chansc Date!, cclIed the "Currenl IndeJt." <br />H the Index is no lonaer evailable, the Note Holder will choose a new index which is based upon comparable information. The Note <br />Holder wiD give me notice oftbis choice. <br /> <br />(e) CaJcaIatlna of CIIaaps <br />Bdorccacb Cbansc Date, the No.. Holder will calculate my new inter..t rate by addil1l two & one-half pcrccntase <br />points t 2.5 "') to the Currcnllndex and rouadIna,to the IlCllrCSt 1/8th of] "', IUbject to the Umitlllated In Section 4(0) below. <br />1his rowuIedamounl will be my new interest rate until thenm Change Date. <br />The Note Holder will tbcD determioc the omDUDt of the monthly payment that would be sufrtcient to ~y in full the principal 1 om <br />apec:tcd to owe on that Culnge Dale in substantially equal paymenu by the maturity date at my new interest rate. Tbe result of this calculation <br />will be the new amount of my monthly paymenL <br /> <br />W) UadtloabtereltllaleCllaaps <br />The intcrcsl .... 1 am required 10 pay at the rlflt ChIn&<: Date will not be srcater than 10.75 '" or Jess than <br />7 . 0 "'. Tbcn:aftcr. my interest rate will acver be iacrcascd ordccrcascd on any IJnsleChln&<: Date by more than -.iI"n <br />(2" l from the ....ofinterest I bave been payins for the preccdil1l twelvemonths. Tbemlnimum interest.... on this loan will ncverbe <br />less than 7.0 '" and the maximum Intcrcsl.... will never be sreater than ] ~ 7<; "'. <br /> <br />lEI or_ Da.. of CIIaaps <br />My.... interest rate will become effective on each ChIn&<: Date. I will pay the amount of my new monthly paymenl bcIinnll1l on the fiBt <br />monthly payment date after the Change Date umiI the omDUDI of my monthly payment cbanacs apin. <br /> <br />(F) Nollco ofCllaaps <br />The Note Holder will mail or deliver 10 me a notice before each Change Date. The notice win advise me of: <br />OJ the .... on my Inan as of the Change Date; <br />(ii) the amount of my monthlypaymcnl followins the Change Date: <br />(iii) any additional........ wblch the Note Hold.r is required to discIosc; and <br />(iv) the adcireu of the association you could contact regarding any questions about the adjustment. notice. <br /> <br />B. mAllGES; UENS <br />Uniform CovcuanI4 of the Sec:urity 1mtrumcnt is IUIIClldcd to tad as follows: <br /> <br />4. ~ IJc-. Borrower shaD pay all IU.., 1lISCSSOICDIS, and other charscs. rm.., and imposilioos atlributable to the Property which may <br />attain apriorityovcr this SccmiIy ImIrumcnt, andIcaschnld paymcms of srowuI rents, if any,in the manaer provided andcrparasraph2 bcrcof <br />or. if DOl paid in lOch manner, by IIorrowcr mUia&paymcnt, ,wbcn doc, di=tly to the payee tbcrcof. Borrower shaD promptly furnish Lender <br />all_ of IIIlOUIIls doc UDder this ~ and in the cvcntllorrowcr shaD make payment dircctly. IIorrowcr shaD promptly fumish to <br />Lcndcr mzip!I cvidc:nciai sod1 pa}'lDClllL IIorrowcr shaD promptly discbarBc any !Icn which bas priority over this Security lostrumcnt: <br />-. - shaD DOl be nquired so diJcbar&c any such !Icn so long as IIorrowcr: (a) obaII _ in wriIiDB 10 the payment of the <br />ob1Iption_,bysod1!1cnin the manner a=ptablcto Lender; (h) sbaIIio good faith CODl<SI such lien by. ordcfcndapimtcaforcement of <br />suchlicnia, kpJ prnceediap which in Ilu: opinion of Lender_toprcvent the enforcement of the lien or forfeiture of the Property or any <br />~ tIienOir: or (c) shaD ICC1IfC from the boIdcr of .ucb !Icn an a_entin a form satisfactory to Lender IUbonIiaatins such lien to this <br />SeciaitJ. bitromcnt. <br />If ~ dctermiues tha1 all or .any pmt-of the Propa:ty is subject [0 B lien which may attain a priority over thiJ Security IMtrumCllt, <br />1.mder.m.u,JivmBorrowu a DOtk:e identifyina: IUCh lic:o. Bomnvcr shall utisfy sw:b. lien or take one or marc of the actiom let forth above <br />within ~ days of\belivial oftheDDticc. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Co NOTK:E <br />UaiformCt>wonaall4oftheSccmily lostrmncntiJ amauled to tad as follows: <br /> <br />M. ~ &cepr. for any uotice nquired UDder ~ble law to be liven in anotber manner. (a) any notice to Borrower provided for in this <br />Security 1_ IbaII be JiveD by ddi-m,Jt or by mailioa il by rlfll class mail to Borr..- at the Property AcIdrcu or at .ueh other addres, <br />- - IDlY daipate.., notice to hndcr ~ :=vidal bcn:in, and (h) any notice to Lender .haD be Ii..... by rlfll class mail.o Lender', <br />JlIlIctre.IWed berdu or 10 IUCb olbrr addraJi I.Iii LcDder may daipate by notice 10 BorroWCI' AI provided herein. Any notiC't' provided for In thi. <br />Seaarity~ ItWI be deemed to have been ah-m to lIonowa'or I...cndl:r in the- manner dcsianaled herrin. <br />
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