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<br />88- 106333 <br /> <br />NON.UNIFORM CoVENANTS. Borrow... and L.nd.r furth.r cov.nanl and agree al follows: <br />19. A-'eradaa; Remedlel. Leader ....11 alye IIOIke 10 Borrower prior 10 .-Iaratlon followlnl Borrower'. <br />"'-II of.., _t or...-eatln IIda Secarll1ll111nu11et1t (IIulllOl prior 10 .-Iaratlon UlIder padpllpba 13 and 17 <br />...... .......... law pm'll.... olhenrbe). The aotlce Hall .,edfr. (a' the default; (II) Ibe dOD required ID cure Ihe <br />deIAII; (c) ada", not 1_..... 30"" froeI the date Ibuodc:e II llIyen In Borrower, by whlmlbe defaull mUlt be cared; <br />... (01) tIIat fallare to care the cJefaalt DD or before Ihe dale apecllIed In Ibe nod... may reaalllD .....I.ratlon of Ibe sums <br />Il:CIIreII b, IhIa SecarlIf IDaInaaeIIt ancl ale of the Property, ne Dod... abaII further Inform Borrower of Ibe right 10 <br />~ after KCeleralloa and Ihe rlpt to IIrInI . coart action to auert Ibe DOD..dIten... of . defaull or any olber <br />defellleof 1IomI.....1o KCeleraIIOD IIIIttaale.lflbe defaullll Dot cared aa or before the dale apecIfIed ID Ibe Dodce, Lender <br />at III optIoD niay require immediate pa,.aent In fall of iii _ aec:urcd b,,1Ida Secarll1ll111nu11enl wllboul forther <br />demand and IDlY Inftlke the power of ale and.., other mnedies permitted by appllealJle law. Lender IIbaII be entlded to <br />coiled all ........... inean'ed In JIlInIlInIIIhe remedies pnnIded In IhIa parapapIa 19, IndwllDs, bat Dol IImlled 10, <br />-ole .ItnnIeJa' feel and...... ofddee'fldenft. <br />If Ihe power of ale Is 1nYDked, Trnatee abaIl record a notice of default ID each manlf In wbleb any pari of Ihe <br />I'roperIf illOCIlted and IbaII maD copies of neb nodce In Ibe JIWIIIer prescribed by appllealJle law 10 Borrower and to Ibe <br />olber perIOIII prescribed byappUealJle law. After Ibe time required by appllealJle law, Trnatee sbaII sloe publl. DOtl.e or <br />ale 10 the perIOIII and In the JIWIIIer preac:rlbed by .ppllealJle law. Trustee, wllbODI deJll8Dd 0.0 Borrower, sblil selllbe <br />ProperIf at publle aacllon to the b1p'" bldderat Ibe time and place and under Ibe terms designated In Ibe nodce of ale In <br />ODe orlDOre parceIJ and In .., onIerTrnatee determines. Traatee IIIIJ' postpone ale of iii or ..,.\.......1 of Ibe Property by <br />public announcement .t the time and place of any pre'llo...., scbeduIed sIIe. Lender or III designee may purclulse Ibe <br />Property .t.., ale. <br />UPOD receipt of paymenl of Ibe prl... bid, Traatee sbaII to the parcbaser Trustee's deed con.eyiDg Ibe <br />Property. ne recllaIa In Ibe Trustee'. deed shall be prima fa.le e'lldence of Ibe tralll of Ibe slalemenls made Iberein. <br />Trnatee IIbaII.nly Ibe proceeds of lIIe ale In Ihc followlnl onler: (.) 10 all expenses of the s1ie,lncludlng, but 1101 limited <br />to, Trnatee'. fees as pennltted by .ppllealJle law and IftIOIIIiIle .ttorneys' fees; (Ill 10 iiI sums secured by this Securily <br />1DaInaaeIIt; and (c) any es.....1o the penoo or perIOIIIlepI\y endUed 10 II. <br />20. Lender In P.ossesaIon. Upon acceleration und... paragraph 19 or abandonment of Ibe Property. Lender (in <br />person, by agent or by judicially appointed r=iver) shall be entitled 10 enler upon, take possession of and manage Ih. <br />Property and 10 collecllbe rents of Ibe Property including Ibose paSl due. Any renls collecled by Lender or the receiv.r <br />shall be appUed 6rsllo paymenl of Ibe cosls <If managemenl of Ihe Prop<;rty and colleclion of renlS, including, bul nol <br />limited 10. r=iver's fees, premiums on receiv.r's bonds and reasonabl. allom.ys' fees, and Ihen 10 Ibe sums secured by <br />Ibis Security Instrument. <br />21. R....n.eyllllCe. Upon paymenl of all sums secured by Ihis Securily Instrument, Lender shall requesl Trusleeto <br />reconvey the Property and shall surrend... Ibis Security Instrumenl and all notes evidencing secured by Ibis Securily <br />Instrument 10 Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey Ibe Property wilhoul warranly and wilbout cburg.IO Ih. person or persons <br />Ieplly entitled 10 it. Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. <br />22.SabatI_ T\'IIIIcc. Lend.... al itsoplion, may from tim.lo lim. remove Trustee and appoinl a successor trustee <br />10 any TI1IStee appointed hereunder by an instrumenl recorded in Ihe counly in which Ihis Securily Instrumenl is recorded. <br />Without conveyance of Ibe Properly, Ibe successor trustee shall succeed 10 aUlhe title, power and dUlies conferred upon <br />Trustee herein and byappliealJlelaw. <br />23. Rcqucat far NotIta. Borrower requests that copies of Ibe nOlices of defaull and saI. be senl 10 Borrower's <br />address wbich is the Properly Address. <br />24. RIden to tbIa SecarlIf IlIIInunenL If one or more riders are eJlCCuled by Borrower and recorded Iogeth... with <br />tbis Securily Instrument, Ibe covenants and agreements of eaoh such rider sbaII be incorporaled into and sball amend and <br />supplemenl Ibe covenan!S and agreemenll of Ihis Securily Instrument as if lb. rider(s) were a pari of Ihis Security <br />Instrument. [Check applicabl.OOl(es)] <br />~ Adjustabl. Rale Rider 0 Condominium Rider 0 24 Family Rider <br /> <br />o Graduated Paymenl RilIer <br /> <br />o Planned Unil Development Rider <br /> <br />~ OIber(s) [specifY] Acknowledgment <br />BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrow... accepIs and .grees to the terms and covenants coutained in Ibis Security <br /> <br />::~.~.~.:.:~.~~.:~~::.:.:.=.:~::.~::~C~.(~l0~...~.J......................(~) <br />........................................................................................ .~.:~~...~......k{~....w6.....C7;: <br /> <br />fYlyong Wang -Ilottoooe. <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />HALL <br /> <br />County ss: <br /> <br />On this 28th day of November ,19 88 . before me. Ibe undersign.d, a NOlary Public <br />duly commissioned and qualified for said counly, personally came CHUN fYI. WANG AND fYlYONG WANG. <br />husband and wife ' to m. known 10 be the <br />identical person(s) whose name(s) are subscribed 10 Ihe foregoing instrument and acknowledged Ihe e.ecution <br />Ihereof to be their voluntary act and deed. <br />W'1Ioess my band and notarial seal al Grand Island. Nebraska <br />date aforesaid. <br /> <br />in said county. the <br /> <br />My Commission c.pi....: <br /> <br />g;------kJ <br />.':':'i..~ ~-<M.cL,.k~6......... <br />Nolary Public <br />REQUEST FOR RECONVEY ANCE <br /> <br />TO TRUSTEE, <br />The undcnilned il the holder or the nole or notes secured by this Dud of Trusl. Said nnlt' or nole!\., lO~cthl'l <br />with.1I other indebtedneslleCUred by thia Deed of TruEl. have been paid in full. You aTC' hereb\" dirCl'lt'd wellner! ..Uld <br />DOle or nolO and this Derd of Truil. which arc deJlvned hereb)'. .nd 10 reconVC'y. wit'hDu~'~'.nanl... nlllh(" (",laic <br />now held by you under Ihis. Deed or Trusl 10 lhe penon or penonfl 11:',&11)' C'nlidnt IhcrC'to . <br /> <br />Dale: <br />