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<br />made ~hall be added to Ihe rUlI1l.:lplll ~um 0\\108 on the abO\'c <br />nOle, shall be ~ecured h('reb~. and ~hall bear Inlere~1 al the ralC ~et <br />forth in the \aid nOle. unlll paid, <br /> <br />88- 106318 <br /> <br />7. Tha[ the Borrower hereb) iJ~si8m" Iramfer~ iJnd sets O\:er to <br />Ihe lender. to be applied toward the paymenl of Ihe note Bnd all <br />sums sc~ured hereby in ~asc of a default in the performance of <br />anv of Ihe terms and conditions of this inslrurnent or the ..aid <br />noie. illllhe reOls. revenues and income 10 be derived from lhe <br />said premise!! during ~uch time a~ the indcbledness 'ihall remalO <br />unpaid. and Ihe l~nder ,hall h3\'C po\\er to appoint any agent or <br />ag~nts it ma)' desire for the purpose of r~pairins said premise.. and <br />of renting the !!ame and 1.701l~"mg the rcnl~. rcq:nue:"s and income. <br />and it ma~ pa)' OUI of said incomc'i all c'\p~n"e.. of repainng ,aid <br />premisc!I and neCe:"5,ary commi!!~lon!i and e'pcmc~ incurred m rent- <br />ing and managing the \ame and of ~ol1ecting rentab therefrom: <br />the balan-.:e remaining. if an). 10 be applied 10\\ ard the:" di..charge <br />of ..aid indebll.'dne". <br /> <br />S. Th3t the Borrouer \\ill I..cep the imrrL\\emem\ nO\\ e\l..ling <br />or hereafter erecled on The pHlpeTf~. m..ured a, ma~ h~ re4ulred <br />from IImt:' 10 lime b\' l he Lcnder al!.lll\\t [m~ b\ fire and other <br />halard... .:a~uahie~ a~d COnllnl!enCl~' In ;,uch a~(lunl" and for ~Udl <br />pt:'rioJ~ .... ma~ be requlfl:d b~- the Lender and \\ II] ray prompt 1:- . <br />uhen due. an) premIum, on ..u.:h In'ourancc prmi'lon for pa)mem <br />~lf ~\llI.:h ha!. nO! tleen made herclI\~C'forc, ,-\Illn\urancc ..hall be <br />c~rr!cd 11\ COmp3l\le" appro\cd by lh~ lender and the POhClt'.. and <br /> thereof ,hall be held b~' Ihe lender and hone attached <br />thcreto 10<''' payable dau..e.. in f~\or of and in iarm .:hx~ptahlc 10 <br />Ihe LC'nder. In c\ent of 10.... Borro\\er ~\11l gl\1' immediate nOll..:e <br />b) mail B..l thc lender. \,ho ma) make proof of lo..~ If not made <br />prompll) by Borrower, and cach lI\!.urance com pan) concerned I.. <br />hcrcb) authonled and direclcd t\,.l make pa~-ment for ..uch 10.... <br />dlfl:-l.7tly 10 Ihc Lender imlead 01 lei the B\lrrO\\er and rhe lender <br />joimh, and the" insurance procl~d... or an~ pan Thereof. may be <br />applied b~ IhC' lender at ll.. option either [0 tht' reduction or the <br />indebledne.... hcreb~ ..ecured or 10 lhe re~hJralll'n or rcpair of Ihe <br />property damaged, In e\enl of fmeclmure ot" lhi.. in..trumcnt or <br />other tramler of title [0 the mortgag.ed propert) tn c\tingul\hmem <br />of the indeoledne.... \('..:ured herch\, all nl!ht. lllle and II\lere..t of <br />the Borro\\c:r m and 10 an) m,ur~ncc P\lll"'Il." then HI for.:e ,hall <br />pa.... to [h(' pur.:ha\t'r I.lf grantt'r. <br /> <br />I). That a~ additional ,md cullalcral ..ecurl!) fllr thl;' pa.yment of <br />the notl.' described. .10\1 ,dl sum.. lu bt::L'oml.' dul.' undt::r thIS mstru. <br />T11cnt, the Burruwer hcrch~' assIgns to the lender .111 profits, <br />re"'enues, royaltie~. nght\ :md bt'nel1ts a.:.:rumg to Ihe Borro\\er <br />under any and all oil and gas leases on said premises, wilh the <br />right 10 n:cc:i\e and receipl for Ihe ~ame and apply Ihem to s~id <br />indebtcdne5!io as \\ ell ~fore as after defaul1 in the condilions. of <br />Ihis in..trument. and Ihe lender ma'. demand. !Iue for and reco\'cr <br />.Jny 'iu-.:h pa~'ment!o u ht::n duC' and p'a~'able. but 5hall nOI be re. <br />quired 'iO to do, Thi.. a!osig:nment i~ 10 lerminale and becon;e null <br />and \'old upon release of this inslrument. <br /> <br />10. That the Borro\\'er \\'ill keep the buildings upon said premises <br />in good repair. and nC'ither commit nor permit waste upon said <br />land. nor suffer the said premises IO be uscd for an)' unlawful <br />purpose. <br /> <br />II. That if the premi~". or an~' pari Ihereof. be -.:ondemned <br />under the po""er of eminenl domain. or a'Quired for a public use. <br />the damagcs awarded. the proceeds for [he taking of. or the con. <br />sideration for such acquisition, to lhe c:t:tent of the full amount of <br />indebtedness upon Ihis instrument and the note which it is given to <br />secure remaining unpaid. are hereby assiJIled by the Borrower to <br />tm Lender. and shall be paid forthwith to said lmdcr to be ap- <br />plied by the latler on account of the next maturing installments of <br />such indebtedness. <br /> <br />1.2. The Borrower further agrees thaI 'ihould this Instrument and <br />the nOle secured hereb)' not be eligible for insurance under the Na. <br />lional Housing Act within eight months from thc date hereof <br />(wnllen stalement uf any officer of the Department of Housing <br />and t:rban Development or authorized agcnt of the Secretary of <br />Housing and Urban Development dilted subsequent to Ihe eight <br />momhs' lime from the date of this instrument, declining to insure <br />'\aid nOle and this mortgage, being decmed conclusive proof of <br />~uch ineligibililY). the lender or holder of the nOle may, at its op- <br />lion. declare all sums secured hereb~' immediately due and payable. <br />;o.;ot\\l1hstanding the foregoing, lhis option may nOI be exercised <br />by the Lender or the holder of the note when lhe ineligibility for <br />lmurance unde; the ~a.tional Housing Act is due to the Lender's <br />t"ailure to remit Ihe mortgage Insurance premium to the Depart. <br />mt::nl of Hou!ling and Urban Deveopment. <br /> <br />D, Thai If the Borroucr fails 10 make any payments of money <br />\\h~n th~ ,amI;' become due. or fails to conform (0 and comply <br />ullh an~ of Ihe conditions or agreemems comained in this instru- <br />men!. llr [he note \\hich it secures. then the emire principal sum <br />and ac.:ruc:d imerest '\hall al once become due and payable, at the <br />ekL'[10n of [he lender. <br /> <br />Lt=ndcr ~hall gh e notice to Borrower prior to acceleration <br />tollll\\ing Borrower'~ breach of any covenant or agreement in Ihis <br />In~lrument lbul not prior to acceleration under paragraph 12 <br />unle.... applicable law provides otherwise)_ The notice shall specify: <br />tal the default; lbllhe action required to cure the default; (c) a <br />date. not less than 30 days from the date the notice is given to <br />BorrO\\er. by which the default must be cured; and (d) that failure <br />to cure Ihe defauh on or before the date specified in the notice <br />may resull in acceleration of Ihe sums secured b)' this instrument <br />and ..ale crf Ihe Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower <br />,If the right 10 reinslate afler acceleration and the right to bring a <br />court ilCllon 10 a!l~ert the non-existence of a default or an)-' other <br />defense of BorrO\\er 10 acceleration and sale. If the default is not <br />cured on or before the date specified in Ihe notice. lender at i[s <br />option may require immediale pllymem in full of all sums secured <br />b~ lhl~ instrumem without further demand and may invoke the <br />power of sale and any other remedies permitled by applicable law. <br />lender shall be entitled to collect all e:t:penses incurred in pursuing <br />the remedies provided in this paragraph 13, induding, but not <br />Iimiled to. reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of title evidence. <br /> <br />If the power of sale is invoked, Trustee shall record a notice of <br />default in each coumy in which any part of the Propeny is located <br />and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by <br />applicable law to Borrower and to the other persons precribed b~' <br />applicable law. After the time required by applicable law, Trustee <br />shall give public notice of sale 10 the persons and in Ihe manner <br />prescribed by applicable law. Trustee, without demand on Bor. <br />rower, shall sell the Propeny at public auction to the highest bid. <br />der at the time and place and under [he terms designated in the <br />notice of sale in one Dr more parcels and in any order TruSlee <br />determines. Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the <br />ProperlY by publiC announcement at the time and place of any <br />pre\ ioush' scheduled sale. Lender Dr ilS deSignee may purchase the <br />Propen)' at any sale. <br /> <br />Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shaIl deli\"C:r <br />10 the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the Property. The <br />recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the <br />truth of the statements made therein. Trustee shall appl}' the pro. <br />ceeds of the sale in [he foUo\\ing order: (a) to all e:t:penses of the <br />sale. including, but not limited to. Trustee's fees as permitted by <br />applicable law and reasonable anomeys' fees: (bl 10 all sums <br />secured by this Security Instrument; and (el any cxcess to the per. <br />son or persons legally entitled to it. <br /> <br />Page ~ o..?\~:J l <br /> <br />HUll-t2U3DT <br />