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<br />Borrowrr IIId LHdrr t'O\'rnlnt Ind IKfft II followl: <br /> <br />88- 106318 <br /> <br />l. That Borrowtl" will pay the indebtedness. as hereinbefore <br />provided, Privllrse is reserved to pay the debt in whole or in pari <br />on any inSlallment dul:' dare. <br /> <br />2. That. together wilh. and in addilion to, the monthly <br />payments of principal and internl pa)'able under Ihe terms of the <br />nOle secured hereb~,., the Borrower will pa)' 10 the Lender. on the <br />fIrSt day of l:'ach month until the said nOle is fully paid. the <br />following sums: <br /> <br />lllIbAo___'~~ <br />~. ~".I ...'~~. """'~ <br />~_..~. .daIC~ <br />~ <br />.. L oJ WI ~.~Dr'If'~'I"'I"~ <br /> <br />~~~.,. 'm.M...LdIi>.i...""", <br />~_In._.....l~ <br />....... ....~-.."..Il ,_'I\:: '.IU~_~ <br /> <br />~--... <br /> <br />-,,~ <br /> <br />~ <br />~~~h~ <br /> <br />~~.IIIIIlxbil<ioo <br />1lDIlDIIIIl<1I"'lA:IX~~~p.~1"~ <br />~_ lJ,. b.... o. .L'_~~~~ <br />..iId.dl. tnlhGt:l~~~ <br />~~._.___".!...I..~ <br />~~_lIDlIlIIXJIDI__ <br />~ <br /> <br />(a) dxA sum equal 10 thC' ground rcm~. if any. nt'\1 due. plu!t tht' <br />premiums thai will nC'/(t bc-come due and payable on polides of <br />fire and DIher hazard insurance cOYering the property. plu!!. ta:\e!l <br />and assessments next due: on thC' propC'rty (all a!l ~.njmaled b.\ lht' <br />Lenda) less all sums already paid therefor di\'ided by the number <br />of months to elapse before one (I) monlh prior to Ihe dale when <br />such ground rcnts, prcmiums. ta.'l(CS and a~!>C5sments will become <br />delinquent. such sum!io to be held b)' Lender in trUSt 10 pay said <br />j{l'ound rents. premiums. taxes and special a!i!>Cssmcnl~; and <br /> <br />(~) H All pa~'111cnts mentioned in the two pret:edlOg sub!tccliom ~ll <br />this paragraph and all payments 10 be made under the note <br />secured hereby shall be added logelher. and the aggr~gal(' amount <br />thereof shall be paid by the Borrower each month in a "lOg1~ pu~. <br />ment to be applied by Ihe lender to Ihe follOwing ilem.. in tht' <br />order SC'l fonh: <br /> <br />,I,.....,.., .,lIlIfJ" .a~A~ <br />~~~_ilAft~ ............II1II <br />lax <br /> <br />(I) KllJground rents, taxe!io, 3ssC's!!.mcnt!o, fire and olh~r hazard <br />insurance premiums; <br /> <br />(II) lIRXinrerest on the note ~ecured her('b~: <br /> <br />(III) lXXamonization of Ihe- principal of !>aid nOle; and <br /> <br />(IV) !lXIlal< cha,ses. <br /> <br />Any deficiency in Ihe amount of such aggregate monlhly pa~'. <br />men1 shal~ unless made good by thc Borrower prior to Ihe due <br />date of the next such pa~1I1ent. constitute an e\'enl of defauh <br />under this mongage. The Lender ma~' callecl a "late charge" nOI <br />to exceed four cmts (4(:) for each dollar '51) of each paymeDl <br /> <br />more Ihan nfleen (I~) daY!i In arrears to ~over Ihe Cllilm cxpense <br />in'Johled In handling delinquem paymenls. <br /> <br />3. ThaI if Ihe (Dial of the paymenrs made by Ihe Borrower <br />under (0) of paragraph 2 preceding shall e;(ceed Ihe amount of <br />payments actually made by the Lender for ground rentS'. laxes ond <br />asst'ssmenls or insurnnccq;:remlums. .as' the case may be. such ex~ <br />cess. if Ihe loan is currenl. al Ihe option of the Borrower, shall be <br />credited by the lender on subsequent paymenls 10 be made by the <br />Borrower. or refunded to the Borrower. If, howevcr. Ihe monlhly <br />pilymems made by 1111: Borrower under (a) of paragraph 2 <br />preceding shall not be sufficient 10 pay ground rents, laxes and <br />assessmenC5 or insurance premiums, as the case may be. when the <br />same shall become dUl' and payable. then the Borrower shall pa)' <br />10 the lender any amounl necessar)' 10 make up the deficiency. on <br />or before the dale when payment of such ground renls, taxes, <br />assessments, or insurance premiums shall. be due. If ill any time <br />Ihe Borrower shall tender 10 lhe lender. in accordance wilh the <br />prm.isions of Ihe nOle secured hereby, full payment of (he entire <br />indebtedness represented (hereby. Ihe Lender shall. in computing <br />[he amoum of such indebtedness. credit 10 the account of the Bor- <br />rower. <br />~~..............~~.. <br />~~tanybalal1l,.'erc. <br />maining in the funds accumulated under Ihe pro\'ision-. of (al of <br />paragraph 2 hereof. If there ~hall be a defauh under an~ of the <br />pnwi!>iom. of Ihi~ in-.trumem re!tultinl:! in a public !tale uf till' <br />premises co\'~red hereb~". or if th~ lendcr ncquire~ Ihe properl~ <br />olhcn..i!tc after dcfaull. Ihc lender ~hall apply. al the time of Ihe <br />commencemen! of !odch prol,:ee:dingl'>. or ill the time the rlfOpcrt~ i~ <br />olherwil'>e acquired. the balance then remaining in the fund!l aL'. <br />cumulated under (a' M parill:!raph ~ prn-cding. a~ a L'rcdil again...t <br />(he amount of prindpill Ihen remaining unpaid under ~ilid note. <br />~JIlmr:Ix~ <br />~~x <br /> <br />4. That Ih~ U~mm\er will pay ground rem". la\~. a....c!o..mcm... <br />\\iltel' rat~... and olher gmernmemal or munidpal-.;harg~''', line... <br />or tmrlhitlon". f~11 \\hidl prO\bion ha!> not been milde <br />hereinhefL1re. and in defauh thereof Ihe lender ma~ pay Ihe !lame; <br />and Ihal the Bom,mcr \\iII promprly deli\~r the: ofl1cial reCL'ipl~ <br />therefor 10 IhL' Lender <br /> <br />~. The Borw"er \~i11 pay all ta\e!o \\hich I11U) l'te le\ied upon <br />Ihe L~ndl;'r'.. illlere!>l III ..aid real e~lale and imprO\emL'nb, and <br />\\hich may be IC\led upon Ihi!. inslrum~n1 or Ihe dehl secured <br />ht'reh~ Ibut onh III IIlL' e\lem Ihal ..u-.;h i.. lll'l rrohibilcd by lil\\ <br />and ani\" In lhe e\lent Ihat ~uch "ill nOI mal..c thi!> loan u..uriou..). <br />hul c\cludmg an~ mCllme ta\. StatL' "'r h'dcrnl. impo..t'd on <br />1 ctlder. ilnd "ill file th~ official rcceirt ..ho\\ing "U-.:l1 paymcnl <br />\\lIh Ihe LendL", Lplm \IOlalion l1f Ihi.. undcrtaking. 11r if the <br />Borrm\o:r I~ prllhiblled b~ iln~" la" now ~lf h~reaflL'r e\i..lillg from <br />paYIl1E- the \\hole or an~' poniun of the afor~~aid laxc!.. or upl1n <br />Iht' rendering of any coun decree prohibiting the pa~.mcnt tly thL' <br />Borro\\er of an)' ~uch ta"lI(c~. or if such taw or decree prO\.ide~ Ihat <br />any amount so paid by the Borrower shall be credited on the debt. <br />11lL' lende:r "hall hu\c the righl 10 gi\e nincI~ day.... \\rilten notke <br />10 the o\\ner of Ihe premi~e". requiring the- payment of Ihe debt. <br />If ..uch "DIke be gi\cn. Ihe ~aid debl ..hall become due. rta>"ablc <br />.:md COllcclible 31 tho: C'\piratlon of !>aid ninel~ Jays. <br /> <br />Ii. That should It-.f' Borrower fail 10 pa)' an) sum or keep any <br />cO\.enant pro\'ided for in Ihi!io inslrumenl. Ihen Ihe lende:r. al ih <br />oplion. may payor perform Ihe same. and all e.\pendilur~ l'>0 <br /> <br />Pa+OO~J C <br /> <br />HUo-92143DT <br />
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