<br />10 Thai as addltfof1al MCurity, Trustor hereby gives to and confel'fl upo.n Benellclary the rlgh~ power, and authority, during 1110 continuance of this Tru~~ 1_0
<br />collect the property Income. reserving to Trustor the right. prfor to any default by Trustor In payment of Bnv Indebtedness secured hereby or In perf0rry18nce Df
<br />
<br />~7rh~~[:~:.t:~r:a~d~~~;,O~~~~~ ~~':~ as::'CC~I~:~tl:=~:;.g:::~~ B~~e ~~Der~~~d ~g~8 ~78~~~~yd~:~~~ :'~~~:~'fo7t:rn~~~rld~::S
<br />hereby 5ecured, enter upon Bnd take p05lBSlIlon of sold property o~ an)' part th~reo'; In hi. D;wn' nama SUI for or otherwise collect Buch propeny Income,
<br />Including thai paltdue and unpaid, and apply the sBme,lna costs and,8xpenaes or,operatlon and ~lIectlon; Including reasonable 811orney's fees, UPOl1sny,
<br />indeb~~Ite'eb)l. and in such order as Beneflclary,may determine. The entering'upon and laklng,pouesslon of said property,'the,col1ecUon afL
<br />such "'b~lWI:IA.and the-fflPlIcatlon thereof 8S aforesaid, Ih8Un()1,cure or waive. allY ~efault, ornotlce of Trustee's sale hereunder or Invalidate any act
<br />donepursuanttol!luchnottce:.....H~\ : "".< ,-'_".f'.;:</'" . -', '.....:,..~>:~'::.<.!., ",,:., i..,. ,~, 11",.J '..C .
<br />11. That should Trus10r sell. convey, transfe~.ordlspose at,' or~further encumber-the property, or Br1y_:~rUt1ereof. ,wllhoutthe wrltte.n' CO"B8I:It,o'.'Be~eflcl~ry
<br />being flrst had and obl5lned, then BenenCIB~_~~~U,,,~~;o/,~~ ~~~~.~!~~:~~~.~.n, ,to'declare all s~m8 ~C~~:~~~.~8,~r, Im~~~I~~~_~~;~.~.~,~, ~~~~\-:\::-;f;i,;).{,;.';: t
<br />
<br />~~tl~~~ ~I~~~ 1~~~~~1 :XdT:s~~~~~ ~~ :.~r:'pe~~fb~)'d~:~r:~::e~~~r:~~~~n~d7:~Y~:.':~:":a;:{3:~~~:'Jr:.~~~~~f~~tt:-~'::~~:
<br />thereof, setting torth the nature thereof,' Bnd,o,f,~l~tfon ~~c;~use 10!J8 sOl~ sal~ property und~rthlB'_P~ of.TrlJst-BEineflclary. alsa~sh.~1l d~pa.ilt,wlth Tru,stee
<br />this Deed of Trust. said nOIe{~I, and all dl?Cum_~nt8 8Yld~n~in'..expendl~relsecured hereby. .- ;->,-_:",,; ~\', , ':~,;:>'. , ><"t.\ "_'-'/,:' " <': '!",:\:V;',~~ i':::<:~'~'~;::/:.>:~"" . >
<br />Trustee sholl record and give notl~8 ~f Trustee's.s~le.tn.,thB:mann6fJ'Bquired by law, and 8ii~rth~:~~B~ of suc~ tfni8"~~"',~" . ~ ;b~}~ulred'~Y,law.. .'
<br />~W~:~~rh~~s~e:~ ~~:~I ~~nnne~ ~~r~I~~S~=~~~:b~~~~~~b~f ~~~;~::,::~~~~~,~~~::~~c:r~:O~tl~: :g:a~Bn~:::y~~J' ts~aale CO- the'h!ghest'.
<br />continuance by public declaration al the' time ~!1cj-pIBc8Iast appointed for the sale. Trustee sholl dellyitrtQ..8UC~ purctulserJts,'t?',
<br />sold, but wllhou1 ally covenant or warranty.-' expressBd or Implied. Any...persons, Including Trustor. Trustee, or Benaflchiry, may. purchase .Bt,suctr~e.
<br />After deducting all costs, fees. and ~ri'~"oi~~~~te8 and.ol this Trust. including cost O'-BYlde~ce:ol Ulki~.I~;,C#~~~~h?~i~;:~le:~:nd.reJl~n~bl/;' (
<br />attorney's fees to the BJlCtent permitted by law,'TriJs1ee shall apply the proceeds of sale 10 payment of: All Bums ItIsn'sec~~~ hereby:anc;i:all'other.aums .due
<br />under the terms hereof, with accrued interest; and the remainder, If any, to the person or persons legally entitled thereto, or'8II,proyj~Et~ In'N.~S. 576~1Q11. To ' '.
<br />the extent pennltted by lAW, nn acllon may be maintained by Beneficiary to recover a deficIency judgment for any balance due hereunder.", .,' ,'- '-' :' .
<br />13. That in the event of default the remedies provided In this Deed are nol e~cluslv~ther reme~les available 10 Beneficiary and Truslee under the law.
<br />14. That Beneficiary may appoint a successor Trustee In the manner prescribed by law. A successor Trustee herein shall, without conveya!,!ce from the
<br />predec;essor Truslee, succeed to all the predecessor's title, rights. powers, and duties. Trustee may resign by mall or delivering notice thereof to: Beneficiary
<br />and Truslor.
<br />15. That .t~ls Deed of Trust applies to, Inures to the benefit of, and binds all parties hereto, their heirs, legatees, devlsees,.admlnlstrator$;: executors,
<br />successors, and assigns. The tenn Beneficiary shall mean the owner and holder of the nole(s) secured hereby, whether or not named as Beneficiary he~ln.ln
<br />this Deed of Trust, whenever the context so requires, the masculine gender Includes the feminine end neuter, and the singular number Includes the plural.
<br />16. That Trustee accepts this Trust when this Deed of Trust. duly executed and acknowledged, I~ made a public record as provldBd by law. TruStee is not
<br />obligated to notify Bny party hereto of pending sale under any other Deed at Trust or of any action or proceeding In which Trustor, Beneficiary. or Trustee
<br />shall be a party unl8S8 brought by Truslee.
<br />
<br />The undersigned Trustor requests theta copy or any notice of Trustee's sale hereunder tte mailed to him at his address set forth above.
<br />
<br />~~~~
<br />Y TWllOD Trusto,
<br />
<br />/ll~~4Y~
<br />MARY ANN STWOOD Truslor
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />I
<br />)58
<br />)
<br />
<br />Onthls~dayof Nn--"roIllT'
<br />
<br />duly commlllJoned and qualified for and In said alats and county, pel'8Onally came
<br />hl1AhAnrt And vi"~
<br />
<br />10 me known to be the Identical person or persona whose neme Is or names are affixed to lhe foregoing 'nstrumentand acknowledged the execution Ulereof
<br />to be hlst her Dr their yoluntary ael and deed.
<br />
<br />. 19 .1!L-. before me. the. undersigned a NotUY Pubile.
<br />Terry WEstwood ,. HarY.Ami. Weatwood
<br />
<br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seallhe day and year last above writlBn.
<br />
<br />~n, On n . _()/1 ..Or...
<br />~~
<br />
<br />My commission expires lhe~daY 01
<br />
<br />Cd.orr
<br />
<br />. lB9.+-.
<br />
<br />DARLA M. POlAlI
<br />1Ir CDmm. EJp. lily n. \119\
<br />
<br />NE-1501 Rev. 11/85
<br />
<br />
<br />-0
<br />~
<br />
<br />J J.
<br />l503 WeB econd Street
<br />P. O.Box 106B
<br />Grand IsiaDi, NE 6BB02
<br />(308) 382-4520
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