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<br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />(SECURITY AGREEMENT) <br /> <br />ThlaDwd,orTrultllmade N"n'lraonM1"" 71 ,19liB...-,between 1'f'RRtW' WR~n ::Inn MZ\QV n1\1N WF.~I' <br />hnQMM ;::Inn wif~1 41q n:r;:qYI'hnP C:r;:mn TJ:::::~::Inn NF. 6RROJ ,Truator <br />and Jerrv J. Milner. l503 west Second. Box l068. Grand Ia1and. NE 68802 , TruslBe snd Ben.ficlsry. <br /> <br />By thl. Deed ot.Tru.t. the peraon(l} signing below, the "Trustor", grants and conveys to Trustee In trust. with Power of Sale, subject to the right to collect <br />Incom.. tI1.lollowlng dncribed reel ..tete, a1tu.ted In N.braska, County .of Hall . <br /> <br />LDt Nine (9), Block Two (2), Dale Roush Second Subdivision, <br />to Hall County, Nebraska <br /> <br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING: <br />(A) Performance of each agreement of Trustor contained herein; (8) payment of the principal sums with Interest as provided In the terms Bnd provisions of a <br />Note. Security Agreement and Dlaclosure Statement of even date herewith executed by Trustor; and (C)lhe payment of any money that may be advanced by <br />tho Beneficiary to.Trustor for any: reason or 10 third parties with Interest thereon, wherelhe amounts are advanced tl? _protect the securlty,or In~B:~.rdance'l <br />w1t11lhls lle<<Io! Tr!'1!l or.. D1h.rwl.. .!lo"ed by I.... <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURnY OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. TRUSTOR AGREES: <br />1. To keep the property In good condition and repair; not to remove or demolish any building thereon; to complete or restore promptty and In goad and <br />workmanllk.,mB~.ner,any building which may be constructed, damaged. or destroyed thereon, and to pay when due all claims for labor performed and <br />materials furnlihed thereror. to'comply with all laws aUectlng said property or requiring any alterations or Improvements to be made thereon; notto commit or <br />permit waste thereof; not to commit or permit Bny act upon Ihe property In violation of law; and do all other acts which from the character or use of the <br />property may be reaaonably necessary. <br />2. To provide, maintain. and deliver to Beneficiary fire insurance satls::Frtory to Bnd wIth loss payable to Beneficiary. The amount collected under any ,fire or <br />:~~~~j~~C: :no==u~r,::~e;:~a:~f~~~~rho:r:l~~~': rel:::~6f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;0~~~rr:l~=:~~\~~o~~~r~~~r:~~v~ ~~:tdo':::~I~~; <br />notice at Trustee's sale hereunder or Invalidate any act done pursuent to such nOllce, <br />3. To appear In and defend any action or proceeding purp~rtlng to a"ect the security hereof or the rlgtlts or powers of e~neflclarY,-Qr Trustee; a!1~ ,1,0 ,pay all <br />costs and ex 80seB 01 Beneficiary and Trustee. including cost of evidence of Iltln and aUOfPsy'S fees 10 the eKtent permitted bY'law, In.sny such's'CtIon or <br />proceedl a appesr or bo named. and in any Bull brought"b1 Beneficiary or Trustee 10 foreclose this Deed of Trust. <br />4. To pa ass ssments affecting the property; when due, all encumbrances, charges, and liens, with Interest. on the properly <br />or any or r superior herelo; all COSls, lees, and expenses of this Trust, Including, without limit, the fees of Trustee for <br />Issuance artisl Reconvevance or Deed of Release and Full Reconveyance, snd all lawful charges, costs, and expenses <br />In the event of reinstatement 0 . 11 In. thiS: Deed 01 Trust or the obligations secured by this Deed of Trust <br />Should T~8tor faUto make any payment orto do any act as hereIn provided. then 'BenefiCiary or Trustee. but without obligation so 10 do and wl~out notice <br />to or dlJrnand upon Trustor and without releasing Trustor from any obligation hereof. may make or do the same In B~~h m~n~r ~nd to such exlel\t as either <br />may _deem necesaary to protect the security hereof, Beneficiary or Trustee being authorl~o enter upon said prqp~rty purp,0888~ appear in and <br />~~~~1:e ~~o~n~~~~~=~ncgh:~r:oo~~~nt~~~~~nt~~e si~~~~e~:~~o~l~~rt~~;~~tg be .~~:~s o~fs:~~~~~~~:' ~~~:Y:se~fe~\:;~;::~y~~~n~~_~~;::. <br />pay necessary expenses, employ counsel. and pay his reasonable fees, es permlned by law, <"'. , . <br />5. To pay Immediately and without demand aUsurns expended by Beneficiary or Trustee pursuant 10 ttle"Pfovlslons hereof, 10gether wlth'lntefeSI from data of <br />i ~~r:~~=~~ ~:f:~'~Pf~::~JO: 111~~h:nn~~~ ~~~~~~r~~~':~I~:lT~~:la~~Yp:~~~~~t :~~~~Y~~:~~~~~i~~t:,B shall bec~me a part <br />IT 18 MUTAU.Y AGREED: <br />e. ~y aw.rd or damaQt!.B I,,~,connection wllh Bny COfldemnstlon or Bny such taking. or for Injury to the property by reason of public use, or for damages <br />for private trespass or InJuIY.thereto. I. ahlgned and "'all be paid to Beneficiary as funher security for all obligations secured hereby (rellrvlng unto the <br />TrultD;;;.h~r, the right b(aue therefor:~d the ~erahlp thereat subject to this Deed 01 Trust), and upon receipt of such moneys Beneficiary may hold <br />the.." "'~ch further BeCJlrity, or applY:DI rBreue:~8 same In the IBma manner Bnd with the SBrJl8 eftect 8S above provided for disposition of proceeds of <br />fireor__~~~, ~. _. i ~- <br />l'- 7. ThaUmeia 01_ iuencl crfthla D~:D1,Trust and that by acceptiflg payment 01 any sum secured hereby after lis due date. Beneficiary does nol waive <br />hi. right 'etthet...r~u.l;e prompfPayn1trnt when du" of all other sums 80 secured or 10 declare default for failure so 10 pay. <br />8. Th.~.)~ 0' 'irom IIIMto tim., anll wltI10ut n. otice. upon written request of Beneficiary and presenlBllon of this Deed of Trult and said noteCs) rot <br />endorMfMn without Ii.blll., therefor;.and without sftecting lhe peraonalllabllity of any person for payment 01 the Indobledness socured hftreby. and <br />wi~' ~ MCUrity hereof for the full amount HCured hereby on all property remaining subject herelo, and wllhoul the necessity that any sum <br />r........t1ng ""a1ue or any portion thereOt' Dr the property affected by the Trustee'lacUon be crediled on the Indebledness. Ihe Trustee may. ta) release and <br />recon\ftJI all ~ of MId property; (b) content to the mlklng snd recording. or either. 01 any map or plat of the property or Rny part thereof; (cna~ll In <br />g,.n"r;tany """\ iher.on; (d) loin In ~""l to any 811lenllon agreement or any agreemenl ~ubOfdlnnlmo lhe Uen, cncumbrllnce. or charge hereof <br />9. Thai};pon .lInen r.qual at 8eneficlaf)' ltatlng that all luml Neurad hereby have been paid. and upon 8urrendtH 01 11115 Doed 01 Trust and said nol8(s) 10 <br />Y,usl8lllbr ~ and r...,'loo. *nd upon p*yN\tlflI of Itll.... TrUI. ahlll rmtNll8llind reconvey. without covenonl or wBlrll11t)l. ItllprMII or ImplIed, the <br />PfDPeft1 tt\oen htk:t hareundef, The ..cltata In IUC'" rtconveylncl 0' any man.. 01 tacta .hall be l;onctu51ve prool ollho Ilulhlulnns tht,,~('t Th8 grnllllm In <br />IUCtI 'econ.,.,.,..ce may blt dwcflbM:I...... J*'8On Of pef*Df11 legally entltflld themo.M <br /> <br />ORIGINAL <br />