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<br />I:. (, . ; '. a. <br /> <br />.88- 106269 <br /> <br /> <br />/. To grant leases, receive rents, and otherwi~e deal <br />with tenants and leased property. To contract with any <br />per-son fOI" leasing fal'" SLIc:h pc'/'i [)d5~ including per~iods longer <br />thein my 1 ife~ and W' 1"8ljard tu the termina.tion e,f this <br />pO\-Jer" of attorney~ at 5uch rents dnd subject to such <br />condit-iCJns as my at-L.C,lI'''n~y ':,1l2d J seE- f:it, all or any, of lilY <br />said r-edl estate, and t~ l~~L ar-lY ~UL~I persons into p05se~siorl <br />th~reQf, and to execute ~,J l ~ul:l-I leases and c:ont~ac:ts as <br />shed 1 IJf~ necessa,'-y 01'" pI" CPI,;'!- I n that behal f ~ and to gi va <br />II(JL.iC02 La quit to :;11-1)" l:(~~lll~qd' wI"' OCCLlpiet- thereof, and to <br />l~ecelVt"? ~nd I'"ecover' frUll1 'al 1. tt._'I.l~J'iLs and occupiers ther-eof or <br />Ul ..'illy p.:H'"'"t thet-eo-f do] 1 I-t..rl t.~. dl'r-eal'"'S of r-ent!l clnd SLlms of <br />IIl~JllE..')' wl',J c.:h nOvJ dr-C' cw Shid I j.II.;;'l~l:-:a.f 1:.E'1- become due and payabl e <br />in I e';-.ip,.~t.._l t:her-et:H:. i;:t1 rd .;\1'Cju IJII l'IUfl--pi::lyment thereof 01'"' of any <br />Pd.,. L U,t:l' eDt- tel L...tke aJ. I t"11.::LeS5c:\.r",/ or proper- m~ans and <br />proceedlngs for- It=t-lllind.tin~J lh~ t.~lt6L:-Y or. occupation 0+ !:.L1ch <br />tenants or Oc.:cllplc~r s, arid for- e'jE'cting the tenants or- <br />occupi er 5 and l--ec..:Ov(,-'1" i ng the fJc/s!::Ie!' all I.:..hel'--eof. <br /> <br />R. Tt:) sell or- e)u::hange rea.l or per!,..onal estate. T,-, <br />sell, e.'i ther ::d.: (:1!_oIJ 1 t LOr" I"H 1', a.te Si~d 12, or' exchange any par I: <br />or' part 5 of IllY n~,::tl est.:."tLe tWo per snnal property fot- sLlch <br />conslder"~t'"on pC:\y,ablr:: imIllE":-dii_tlt,:,J.}' CJr- upon such terms a.s lilY <br />attorney 'Ehall thrill, fiL, emu -Lo e;-:e.'cute and deliver good .;lnd <br />5utficienl dL~ed5, cd s,dl::', l?lldol'-sements, assignments, <br />Ot- ot.hl'i't instr'ulltt::,nL::::, 101 lhe> CUrl .rl":.'Y~IIH:::e at'" .b--ansfer- of Lhe <br />Bailie, \..,i l:11 suell (..r..,lVertl',HILs cd tfJcll"Tanty' 01'"' otherwise as my <br />attar-nay shi:tll St-,~,~ fi L, dnd to gl,.'e good and effectual <br />r'ecf~ipt5 for. all fJI ,;rty r:u~r-t. oJ lIJi::..~ purchase price or other' <br />CCJrt51deration. <br /> <br />9. To deposit moneys, withdraw, invest, and otherwise <br />deal ~i th tangibl e property. 1'0 t1er.lOSl t c.ny moneys whi ch ilia", <br />C.OITl~ to lli.5 hand~3 t,;.~L sllch dttC'irIH:r IoHtrl ..::tny bank Dr banker in <br />my name, and to \.n lfld,.'"-"1l.... any o.f !::iLICh morley or any other money <br />to whi.:!, 1 ci:t(ll I:ld_I,I.Jed rJIliCh IIUI-; IS 1)1' <:-::hedl be so depo5ited~ <br />a.nd f::'i-l..lll~t ~lllIJJt' ~::.I.lch /,I(:nl-'T' ,_", 1(,--' 'JII=11 1 lI,il.!:: flt in t.hL~ <br />pdYlIlent cd i~lli' IJ.::bt'='.>. Ut- J II 1.,1 \-:~I 1!"'l',~"\lJll2 l,y fIlE::'~ OJ'- t;....;':t.:~ <br />aSSeSs,lIK'IIl.S, JI)'.,I_',I tlll_'_', 1IIIj I.,,--.I-....._-~:... due .:.,nd pa)'aulE' ell leI <br />become cJUt::' alIC] I!t_"\yc:ll:dc: C'L~_Ujlll\. I_d tOy real i:l.nd persona.! <br />estate~ or 'j 11 IW _ d:JC!t.t t clfl' i ( till" 1 -Lit' Ij(J!:'jt;~S hel--ei n rnent 1 Qrred, <br />or- oth€::l \t'Ji 5~ +ur Ill'" U'f:8 ai-ILl b.':ltt':fJ L~ IJI 1.0 Invest such money <br />in my I'lcllJrC- in :!IJ'j '=i-Luc.ks~ ~11,lr~'::;" Ilt~tlIJ::;, sE:c'cLlritles or- otheJ <br />pr'opel'.ty~ n:...d ut pt::'r'solli::d. c1~ ll~' lhcly thInk pr-oper and lw <br />reCEive anlJ 1.]1 V't:.' r ':!c8ipts -fell"" ':"'tl'l'! ) tlc.Oil1e Ot-. dividend arising <br />from such 111V'eshltt:nts, and tCJ \'.:."\t-y tll' dlSpCJSe of all and any <br />such irl\'est.ln~l1ts~ C"JI' uLher j n'.I'~lill~I.t,=:, fur. Illy use and benE:'fi L <br />as he may think tit. <br /> <br />10. To vote at stockholders:> meetings, execute proxies, <br />and otherwise substitute for owner.. 10' vote at t:he mee-tiflq~:. <br />of stochholdel's \:,Jl" ol.h~r- Illc.etlnl]5 of any cerporatlon (JI' <br />cOlllJ-'any. or olhl2ll'-11Se to I;,Ct dS illY dtt:cW"ney or pl'"OHY~ tliU. <br />POt-JEt- t.:rf SLlbstllui !Url. ll'l I"t-:=pe.:ct 0+ dny stocks, s/"lari?5:, <br />bonds, debentur-E.'"!.S. IJr-'t l~vJ.t.len<:e5 of ovJllership, Ot <br />!,;,ecL,lr-itll~S~ nOl"J wc' he~-ea+l~1 Iltdd 11.,.. mE' and issued IJ.,. or- OIl <br />c\l.:cQurIL 01- said cor por'otj ell I 1:-1' ((,llIil'ctJ:Y <.."\nd for" that pLWpCl!."ltO' <br />tw t::la:ol.:uLe tiny I-iru...l.~S~ IJI'l.l.L\..:'U LJJ'~ geller-ed, ot- othL;r <br />'" Instruml~nt=l. ,. <br /> <br />{.. <br /> <br />11~ To execute deeds, bills, notes, and similar <br />instruments. FoY' all Ot~ C\II'i t...ll tht~, I-JL\rpo~e5 hl:'ft::lll stated t, <br />~nt€:'r lnte and sign~ si:;'al .. uLo::::. acknov~ledgr., and delivt::"I'" <br />a.ny cLlnLI-c\t.:ts, deed5~ or LJLI'L..~t 11':Jll Llllr!::'nl.s ~.Jllat5Llevel-, and 'I" <br />drCl.YI, dccept, make, endLJr.~",:" tJl=.,L:LJ_ur!...~ Or utllel~wise deal ~.;itl, <br />ally bIlls of eHchd.nye. ...1..:"\ t.:.;" pI UIIlJ5SL"-,,' nt.Jt_es or uLh'_-'1 <br />c..OilllllerLla.l or- mer'CLJrllJ tl..:' 111'.;~I.t '.tITILIII. <br />