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<br />f. <br /> <br />. I .~. .... <br /> <br />88- 106269 <br /> <br />. DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEV <br /> <br />fh"t 1, ___''.-_, ..__~?C~~!'l~_,__.________________, of <br />,W.9gQ....:R,iy~;r.._.N~_'h_ .. ,u_ _ County of _JmI.!o__________ <br />~I~br-ask~, tl8ve fllade, consLilllterl arid appointed, and by'these <br />pr'esents' do fhake, constitute a.nd appoint <br />__....I!.Qnal'LK~~Schnase__h__ _,. .-_....._...__.. ___. of _~~.!!"2______ <br />__~__....______, County of. __He;!,J." .._______. Nebraska, my true <br />and lehlful attorney -for- rne and lrl my name, place and stead, <br />arId on my behalf, subject tD th.. f,,'uvisions of Paragraph 13 <br />hereof, to do and t~HeCL\tj. cill or _III/ of the -FolloWing act5~ <br />deeds and things: <br /> <br />1. To receive debts, payments and property. To ask, <br />demand, sue far, r-e-COVEI'. :.II'\d 1.t::.<Cf!lVl::.~ c'':::-' sums of money, debts, <br />dues.. gC)ods~ WClI-El!S. Hli:.-!(c:h;::\I,Ui '.:il:~~ c:hbll..e15~ ef.Fects and things <br />of ~h~1t5C1ever n"..-Lul' (,. Or d"-''i,(,.r Iption \l'Jhich now are 01" <br />hel"ea'Fte~'- slla.t 1 t:J'.~~ eJr l:1'.;:C:CJIIlE dlP.~ ULojillld~ I-,c:.\yable or belonging <br />to me in ot'. by .any r lr.:1I'jt, 1.1,~ ""J<:.i.)"'5 DI' i1l1:.oLlllS 110WSOeVI;:'I'"', ana <br />upon tr"E:ceipt "thet'-'E:o+, or o'f r"d"l)' p.:;,.r-l.. thereof 'to make, sign, <br />eNec:ute a.nd delivEt' sl.lch 1'-l~CE.,j,pts, releases or other <br />disc:harges -for tile same t'"'~speci:lvely ~5 my said attorney <br />shall deem advis&bl~. <br /> <br />2. <br />y"eclmni ng <br />hereafte,' <br />any pEt~ ~~on <br />l.hereo-f as <br /> <br />To settle accounts. <br />what.soe'\,'E:I'- whe-rUe} n <br />shall IJ{;:.' III any ~'H'.;jt:' <br />WhOIlISOP\!E.-I'"' ~ ."nd I <br />iht? Ct.,.!::,t;? llk~'1 l'"'t:'-11\.1-1 I '} <br /> <br />10 ~i~ttle any account 11r <br />I'IU\;' am or at any time <br />lIILl:?I'I?':itetJ 01'" cancer-ned wi th <br />I,i:l.~ DI" recei.....e the balance <br /> <br />3. To satisfy security interest and mortgages. '10 <br />r.eceive eve-toy 5Lllll \.:Ii,&.. money \.Jhi L_1I lIW~"1 io::; 01'" het""eaftet"" shall bE' <br />due or- belorlqinq Le, lite Llpl~in UP .:,t;-'\l.II"Jly Ol~ by virtue o-f dray <br />securit.y irJtr=-r-t.:~:t l"Il'- dgrE:E-IIII;.'rd" .)1 lllur lq~1<;le and on receipt elf <br />Lhe .full CtlllULlllt. SL-!CLIl"'"Ed lher t-"..:'by La slH::cLrle a good and <br />5u+ficiE.'nt r-eleasE 01'- Otll~I'',hl.~r"gt:! IJ.f sLlch security <br />interE*st, 0''"' morl:qaqe wy d~erl tJI utl'l:'r.""i~e. <br /> <br />4. To compound, submit lo arbitration or otherwise <br />set.t.le or adjust differences. If] c:anlpound vlith or ffiiElkE' <br />allowanCf?5 to a.ny person f Ot ur' In lr-espect to any debt 01'" <br />demand whatsoever' l-'Ihicll nC)l~J IS ur sllall a.t any time hel'"eaftet'~ <br />become due alld.payable to me~ or- by loe, or upon my accourlt, <br />and to tClke and t'"eCt:.:>l'/l':. eJI' lu pay and dlschat"'ge (as the cc:,se <br />!I1~'l be), any compOSl t 1 on Dl- cli '.'1 dend ther-eof or thereupDn and <br />La give or recei~e r"elea5~s 01- other -discl"larges fer the whole <br />fl't- such debts Dr delll.:~rlds, 'Jr h' ~et-tle. compromise, elr ~~Ubflllt <br />Lr:; d.r-L-llr~tion t_~' !;'J'-y Sll,-"ll "d or demand anel e"12t"", uL ....r <br />,- i ght ~ lOatte'r, and thi ng dUl:: to or concerning me as nlY <br />attor~ey shall think best, and lor that purpose to enter into <br />~md e:-~ecute and del ivel' SUdl wands (:1+ arb'itration or 13ther <br />lllstrulIl("">rlts 'as my attcJI 111-:'. 111.'_)' deem advisable in tht::- <br />pI' end 51.:":5. <br /> <br /> <br />5. To prosecute and defend. <br />(jiscontinue~ or defend all ctl_t_ioIIS or <br />(\.1L1Lhjfl't my estatl-= en- 'I,." I.J ,t I <br />,. (;IL",tter" 1.1'1 which 1 ar lilY E.::. i.dL,_' 11"1', <br /> <br />To commence, proseC:llte~ <br />other legal proceedings <br />thel-eCi+~ elr touching any <br />I'Ii' 111 drry "",iSt? concerned. <br /> <br />6. To manage real estats_ lu c~nter into and upon el11 <br />dlld ;,lllgular my r-ee:\l ~~t._,I..L... :.11.11 \.'J 1 c:-t~ manage, and impro\.\,: <br />I. lit? S&:;\lllf? or an)' P~1t'"t 11'1t-.r-,_'j!t-. ;.\ncJ t.Q repair or otherwl:::;e <br />llllpr'OVe~ alter, Dr' r"er::arl::,I,'lIL l_" 'rld te, insure, any buildtngs <br />;:11 ::5 tr LtC llW es th~I' t:'lJl,. 11 hI /I.ll i hul'- to cantr ~c L 10,11 th o.ther-s <br />for lht:f l11ani:t~lenlent of bLl._:11 ! "",:.;1 ..:.>state and to I.Jr"ant to 5IH:II <br />oUler~;. ::\11 thL-" pO\'Il?r S wi t 11 f ("~=IIl:'L-L to SIJch r~E'aj E'St:lJtt2 U5t..,.~ l <br />lrl reid esta.te maIH:.\g~IOe-lll. L'0tll, .~L I s. and granle-d tc.r 111) St;\J U <br />dltor,u",,/ herelll_ <br />