<br />e. .1 . :......
<br />
<br />88_106268
<br />
<br />,"
<br />
<br />/. 10 fJfiUll leas~$, r-t?ceiv~ rents, and otherwise dea.l
<br />with tenants and leased property. To contl'act wit:h any
<br />pet.son fo!- leC:'HiLllq rrw m..lC:h pDrj[)cj~. illr:luding per-iods longel"
<br />th.:.\n my 1 i t"l::l, ..:t1ll.J ,'nthOLlL t'(.:!tJic\l"'d l.u lhe t~rminaticn o'f this
<br />power of attol'Tlt~y~ r.IL such r-t:'nts and subject to such
<br />c:onditi.cns as my i::lttl:W"ney !;ihc:-d I sew +it~ all or- any of my
<br />said real estal:c~. .:.\nd t:l;J If-:L Fo.ny ~LH;;.h pel-sons into p'ossession
<br />thereof, and tl:1 1?,{Ucute ~)J 5llCh leases and contr~tts as
<br />shall be nec,esCl'" i or' pl"t'PE'I' 1 n that behal'F, and to gi ve
<br />notice to quit 1.<J "my tel1ant or occupier thereof, and to
<br />receive and reCOvE"I" fr"O(Jl all lenants and occupiers thereof or
<br />01 any part therE~C1i f.\ II r ent5~ .::tr-real-s of rent, and sLIms of
<br />Itlolley which now arE- 01- Shill J hcreiaftel'- bEl'!::;cme due and 'payable
<br />J. n l~espC'ct thel'-eof ~ c.lrltJ cd ':!fJ Ull l'lun-pc:'yment thereof or of any
<br />par t thereof tel ti:.1ke all l.t-::cessdl-Y 01'- pr-oper means and
<br />PI'oceedings fay' tl2t'~fIlinal:ing LlIL' lerlCKY or occupation of such
<br />tenants or oc!cupiers, and 'h:JJ" e..jec"ting thE' tenants or
<br />Cit:L.;upiers and recovl.'~I~il1g tI'II." I,Jl.,''.:i',''l~~i5'iQn lhere(J.f.
<br />
<br />t3, To eell or e)o:c:-t.:lnge real or personal estate. TLI
<br />5ell~ f::oil:her- at publi,c 01" Pi'] '''-'olti.: '.:.;;..0.31.:.', Clt' I?~:change any part
<br />Ot- p~1rLs l..Jf my j' l~cd ~::,( cd L' LlI 1,11':.'1' ~::lLlnal prcJperty for such
<br />consid~I<-i;:1.tlcn payablt? imlllcdlt..l:t.l v upon SLICh terms as ffi)'
<br />.:-lltol'llI:::O'" shal-l thin!:: ('L l. .,!llLI 1 tJ P I.'\'!ll.l.~ ancJ del iver goad a.nd
<br />suf+iclt:.'IIL deeds, Ln J 1.~:i u( ~,dl'. ,..'f,dul'5l.':lfl~nts~ aS5ignments~
<br />ell uU1t:'r ]nstrLlfJlent~,i +et II,,,' I tlll.'\'V.'ltte ClI.... b-ansfer 0+ the
<br />Sd!!lr::,~ ~'Jl l:h SL.lC:h L'_J\":JI~':'rll. I}j \'/.=,1" ~\JILy Ol~ cd:herwise as my
<br />~t tOI I'I~y :::il ta] 1 5t:.::.t:o' I J t P 'I ,/ q I '."E~ qOClq ,,,,nd ef'FectLlcd
<br />r~cE'ipl~_ fOI" all :::11 C-'llY 1.1',11 l ul l.ill' purChi-\'::iE:l pl'-ice.' 010- other'
<br />cc,rlSl. d.al""i:lli on.
<br />
<br />9. To deposit moneys, withdraw, invest, and otherwise
<br />deal wi th tangible property. 'e; ell"f'C'"" t any moneys ,"hief1 lIIay
<br />CO"I~ to his ha.nds CI~.:i such c'Jttol"rHi"y kJj tll any bank or ba.nker" in
<br />my flame, and to W! thdra," aflY 01 ',l.lcll ,nol',,,,y Dr any other money
<br />to whi ell 1 am ellti 1.1. ed ~Jhi ch flOW 1 s fll" "hall be so deposi ted,
<br />a.nd eith~r empIeli' sUl:h "ll...JrH.~'y a~-j ll~ shc:1l1 think- fit in th~
<br />p.;:-\yment of any d~bts, 01," i rd:ef'I:!:;l ~ p~t'~'able by me, or tal'~e5
<br />a55eSSnl(-:rlts~ lnbLW",inLt~~ .:tIJd e.r:fJE'n!:OiE'1.;. due and payable IJr' La
<br />become due c..nd jJavabl~ 1.:UI ac.count o.f my real and personal
<br />estate, or' in ur- elbout em'v elf thF' pur-po!:ies herein men't:.loned~
<br />or- otht:?l'''wi Sf? 'f ar. jllY LISt:..' and bl:ne f i I: ~ 01' to invest such money
<br />in my nc:lOU? in C1rlV 5tocks~ shcu"'es~ bonds secLlrities or other
<br />pl~oper'ty~ real or' per-sorlal ~ ciS he may think proper and to
<br />receive and giVI::,'~'1' c~ceipts fCJI~ allY Jnc.omE? Ul~ dividend a.risin~)
<br />from such ll"lvesijllt.:nts~ and to ....l::Wy UI" dIspose of all and any
<br />SLlch inve5tments~ (:JI- other j/)-".-"blstments 'lor my use and benefit
<br />as he may think tiL.
<br />
<br />1/.1. To vote at stockholders' meetings, execute proxies,
<br />and Dtherwise substitute for owner. 18 ...o'll? at the meetings
<br />of stocl(holdE.-1' = I..'J oLher i1if'l"t IllqS c.d ,~lnY corporatlon 01'
<br />cOlllparl)'. (..11 o.:llIlt~'i"\"lSt: tu i:oc.( ..'::';' Ill". ':::LLUJ In~y !Jr' pr't:J;:y~ ,dtl-,
<br />power ut subs1:1LLll'.Lur., ill l't::~"~t.'t.,l D'T i.-Iny stcJcks. Sll.3.te!;;,
<br />banus~ d~bt.'-:"nLur ';"",,_ Llr alll;".'1 I......j tl~'II'.,\,'~~, (.II a\rJn~rsh:i 1.1. Ot
<br />secLtritlt.!s~ Ilfj'., \~'r Iiej'-ea'f[l~l lll:j d :'J"i filE: .::tnd issued b:/ 01'. tJt-,
<br />accounL 01' ~;:,,;\J.d '.II l..!,~\t-C\tl(.'ll I.UI,q''''I:. ~lIjJ -(-or t.-l'i,.'\l IJUI 1'''J~''':'
<br />to eHec\...\Lr:o .:.~ny l..Jr'w.';l~S.. 1 11"J. It:L! wi lJ~tlt:'r'~'Il, 01 al.h,,::.
<br />.ihstrumenls.
<br />
<br />11. To execute deeds, blll s, notes, and si mi 1 ar
<br />inst.ruments. Fur t..dl IJf' allY 01 tl"lE:- jJUt pCJst=!=: 1"l(:;!I'""elll stal~LI t:.'1
<br />enter lnto and slgn~ s~al~ 2H8CLllt:;>, dcknlH"Jll?dge, and delivel"
<br />a.ny contr.:,cts~ deeds ~ IJI'" other- lllst r lIll1en l s v-11'1....,,\tsCleVet- ~ alld I:u
<br />draw, accept~ ff1akl:?~ elldor5e~ di.scuLlnt~ 01 ulhE:'rwise deal w,l-t-:ll
<br />aflY bi lIs ot. l~xcll.;,.llgE!". Ch8Lh",,~ pt 1111lJ.~5'-':Jt ., noles ut'" (;I: 1I'.?1
<br />COfllUtert:.i ul L}f'" lflet'C,~llt. , ll~ j n:=;t:r-Lllilenl'i.
<br />