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<br />88-106268
<br />
<br />
<br />That I HERBERT F. SCHNASE of
<br />_~22~_~!Y~;~_~=================;--c~untY--~f-==~~!!=====~___
<br />Nebrasl,a, have mad"" c:onsti tuted and appointed, and by these
<br />presents do mak.l, c:onsti tute and appo! nt
<br />--_llQI'lii!1.&LK.._SQImii!!!!L_____________________, of __~~gQ_____
<br />___NE_______~, County of ~~1!__________, Nebraska, my true
<br />and lavlful attorney -f9r I/lE :;,nd in my name, place and stead,
<br />.",d on my behalf, sL.bjec:l to the' provisions of Paragraph 1::';
<br />her"eof, to do and e>:ecub,::.' i.....l i c:w dny of the 'following ~cts,
<br />deeds arlcl things:
<br />
<br />
<br />1, To receive debts, payments and property. To ask,
<br />demand, sue for, recover- ~1~ld I'-eceive as sLims of money, debts,
<br />dues~ gOCJds, wares, mer'Chl:1ildi ~~~ cl"I.:\tLels, effects and things
<br />u.f wh..d soever nat.u/'-e.- (.or ues! I' lption "'lhich now are or
<br />h~r eat Ll:..'l shall be or Ui:.:'C '.III't' ihlE' ~ O:-/vli ng. payabl e or bel ongi nq
<br />to me in or by any rlgl)t, I_I L ~€:!. ~-~d"y~ or. means 11cwscever, a.nd
<br />Llpon r~t::ceipt thereo+, OJ' ul .-.:"'IIY p~l'-t.. thereof to make, sign.
<br />eNecute and deliver- 51_let'. r-eceipts. releases or other
<br />dischal'-ges for thE 5~f11t:' 1'.L~5rJt.-~'cLively as my said attorney
<br />shall deem advisable~
<br />
<br />
<br />-. To settle ac:counts. Tel settle any acc:ount fJr
<br />r-.eckoni ng whatsoe-"E'I'" wtHo"r- '_....111 J IIU~'Il am or at any ti me
<br />hereaftel shall be in arlY vHSE- Jl"IL~I''Eo'sted or concerned wi,th
<br />any per.-~~on IrJhOlllSDl::ver l ~1nd t () jJ-;;'-'{ en" recei ve the bal ance
<br />thereoi as tl-Ie ~d~,e Illay r~~U11 e.
<br />
<br />3. To satisfy security interest and mortgages. To
<br />recei ve every SLlUI of IItlJney l-Jhi. ell now is 01'" hereafter shall be
<br />due or belongillg tel IIIE up8n the sel:ul-i~y Dr by virtue of any
<br />securit)~ intere51: or i1grt.:'t:'-lll~rll or Illcwtyage and on receipt of
<br />the full amoullt ",,,,,:ur.,d the.. eby to "",ecute a good and
<br />sufficient releasE' 0''"" other" discharge of such security
<br />i nterest ~ or lIlor tgdge by dc'Ed t:U-- athel"......,i se.
<br />
<br />4. To compound, submit to arbitration or otherwise
<br />settle or adjust differenc:es. To compound with or mal,e
<br />allowances to any person .for or 1n I"espect to any debt 01"
<br />demand whatsoeve,'"" \'Jhich nOlrJ i 5 Lot" shall at any time hereafter'"
<br />become due and.pclyable tlJ me~ ur- by me, or" upon my account,
<br />and to tak~ arid r~c~lve, or tl3 ~IMY al~d dIscharge (as the case
<br />may be), any COlllp05J. ti on 01'- d1"! dend Lh~I'-eof Or thereupon and
<br />to give or r-eL.~-,i...,t::' t-ell.?ases UI' n-:_t--Ier di!::charges for the whol~
<br />u'F C5ucb deb t s 1-" dp-illands, elr to '~I;>L t 1 e. compromi se, or subml t
<br />to arbltratlon ;.o~\(f:.:'1 y :,LICt! del.,t. CsI demand and every other
<br />right, mattel"'~ end thing du(~ to or concerning me as illY
<br />attorney shall LhJ 1'11,. best~ ~nd l,-'W rh?t pLwp.ose to enter into
<br />,-...rld e~(t;;'cut.E- <:tile! rl~l i'lEr sULI', 1_IL.Jljl_1~~ ld ar-bit,.-ation Dr ulh>-;;'I"
<br />instrUITIl~nts lilY dtt.r:,1 ne.... 1,.,\ tJl='L!m ad'vlS8tJle J.n lh~
<br />r.lr"E'mi SES.
<br />
<br />~. To prosecute and defend.
<br />(fiscont! nue. or defenej al; C\.: ti.Ofl5 nl'
<br />.touching III)' e"~L ,It':'- .-,11'" ~hll l
<br />.. fIlatter 11'1 I",IhJ.clt 1 ur 111.,'" t:_.L.d_v f;t".~ lrl.
<br />
<br />fu cOlnmellce~ pt-asecule~
<br />o'thEI- leqal proceedinqs
<br />1111:,reut.. ur t,ollchjn':J ai'l)'
<br />~il .:~IIY ~'H!:lC" concerned.
<br />
<br />6. To manage real estate. fl.l '..;:lltf.~I- into anc.:l UPClrt ~11
<br />and singular my r"e;d t::st.:.d:e~ arId tu It:'t~ manage, and improve
<br />the salliE' or .:-Jr\\ P~t1.-t I.hl::l/"-ec.)t.1 dllfJ ':{;I l~epair 01- ot..herwl~~e
<br />improve, Ct.l ter. e'f r-€~'~ctflstn.ILl. .:ind t.(, insure, any bui 1 dings
<br />or str'uctur-es UI~I-t:."(JII, .::md 'fLit ther to contract wi th Clthel'~s
<br />for the managenrl_.nt of .ELlch n=~l estate and to Qt'-ant to -:'.ucll
<br />oLhers ",11 the i=JU~'j8r S wi III r t.!S{.1l?L.:t tu SLICh r-ei:.11 ~stC;.d-t? U;;,'.,kll
<br />ll"1 r-~"",l estalto" 1l1".II'-~gemE'lt. t.,-",!" ,,<:c..:ts~ '::Hld gr-anted to 11l~" s.:.\Jd
<br />allur.ll(::'Y here] 11.
<br />