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<br />7. Condemnation. In the e.enlthe Properly, or I/IY perlthereof,shall be \lken by emlnenl domain, the .Mortplee <br />ilempo..ered to oollec\ and 1l!CIl1.. all. compensation which may be paid for any properly taken or for damlpllo properly <br />not taken, and Moi:tppc shall:appiy IUch. compensation, at III option, either to a reduction of the IndebtednOlleecured' <br />hereby or to repair and ....i9ieJh., PrilpiirlyOodaniaild. . . <br />8. l'erfonaance ~MOrtIaaee~.Mcirtiaaee may, bul abaU have no obUgatlon, to do oay act whlcb the M~or <br />bas qreed but do, Init Mortgipemay...o .do.lIIIY act It deems neciuary to plOlaelthe Uen bereof, MOilgaCOr' <br />.... io 18pay,upondemand, oaYlu~lo .eSpOn,cJed'by\!le Mortppe for the abOve pUrpoIOlI, and oay eXpended <br />by the. Mortp,.. aIiaII'lie :addeclllO the Indebliidaeiiaecuied ,bOieby oad heeomell1ibjeclto.lbellen bereof. MOrtgape <br />shall nol illClir IOY penOnaUiabUllY beCause or aJiyUdaill may do Ol.omlt to do hereunder; <br />9, Defaull;Aaalptm.~t ~f,~... Timi. ~ ~f the ....nce hereof,aDdu~ MeirlNo"s de.faullIn liDi .....liatit' <br />or IP"mOnt of thIS Morlpge,lncludlnicli"' pay wbendue the ~ums lI<!CIIJlidby ~MOitgage; the' iIIia11 <br />be enUUed; lit ItS sole optlon and wllb'ouf"toUi:il;to dec1are aIIswnaaeciutedbfuiii MOrt~'.lo behmne&181y dUe and <br />payable llid may oommemdorecloaure 'of ,l\til MOrtgage bY)udlcW p~;'aii'il; .j>rO~de.Hlirlit.r,lbat upOiiiiich' <br />defaulllhaMorlgapil, Ol a mce1m appointed, by aoourt, mafalllaoptlonlind without regard to the~dequacy'oUb. <br />slieurity, .enter upotl andiakB pOSieaa!oll of. the Ploperly and cOueCl\!len;nti,i&suet andpro~la.therefro",liDd, applj"tbem <br />0111 to the """I ofeollllOUon lIIId operaUon of the ProPerly iDdlhen upon the ulllebtedneSs ieeiued by'tbJs MoitP&ee; <br />ail.rienti. issues a1id juiilltsbelnl asslgried 10 the Mortgage. as furlherseeurily lor tbe'Payment of the lndelitedil... <br />secU\l!d hereby. <br />10. Tnmafer of Property. If all or any part of Ihe Properly Is sold or transfened without the express written con. <br />sent. of the MOrtga.... MOrtgegee may al its IDle opllon, declare all sums ,secull!d by this Mortgage to be Immediately due <br />and payable. <br />n. Future Upon requesl 01 Mortgagor. Mortgagee may make addiUonal and fulU\l! ed.en... to <br />Mortgagor. Such ad.ences. with Interest thereon, shall be &eCU\l!d by this Mortgage wben evldeneed by promlasoJy noles <br />slallng . thai said noles are lOCured bereby. At no time sbaU the principal atnounl of the Indebtedness bY IhIa <br />Mortgage, nollnc1udlng sums ail.eneed to proleclthe securlty of lhls Mortgage. exceed the orlglnal Note. <br />12. M\Jeellaneous ProvlaIODL <br /> <br />(a) Any 10rebellOnee In exercising eny rlght or remedy shall nol be . waiver thereof. <br /> <br />(b) All remedl.. provlded herein II\l! dillinct and cumulati.~ to any olber rlght afforded by law or equity. <br />and may be exerelled ooncuneaUy,independenlly or successively. <br /> <br />(c) 'The co.enanll and agreemenll contained berein abaU bind, and the rlghts inure to. the \l!tlpecllve <br />xuccesson and uslgns of Ihe Mortplor IOd the Mortgagee. <br /> <br />(d) All covenanll and agreemenll of the MortNor II\l! joint end ....IlII. <br /> <br />(e) Tbe beadlnp of the parapapha of thia Morlglle are for convenience only and abaU nol be used to Inter- <br />prel or dellne the provillorla hereof, <br /> <br />13. Release. Upon paymenl of all sums aecU\l!d by thil Morlglle. Morlgagee abaU dlacbarge . thIS Mortgage and <br />abaU.execute and deliver a aallafacloL'Y rele... Ihe...lor. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Mortgagor bas executed lbil Morlp&e on theJ.JL day of Novembe r ,19..8JL. <br /> <br />Slate of Nebrub, <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />(J~';; R. 1:yetf'.I, ' <br />~2~f:trr/A <br /> <br />Couoty ..: <br /> <br />Iknrower. <br /> <br />./ <br /> <br />Borrower <br /> <br />On this In th d&yof Nnvpmhpr 198..1l-, before me,the uodelllllled,. NolaIy PubUc <br /> <br />duly commiasionedand quail lied forsaidcounty,penonallycame. James R. Meyer and Deborah K. <br /> <br />Mever. Husband & Wi fe , to me known to be the <br />Idenllc:l1 penon(s) wbose name(s) are subacrlbed to the foregoing Instrumenl oad acknOwledged lhe execution thereof <br /> <br />to lie their <br /> <br /> <br />In said county, the <br /> <br />t\: <br />,..~ <br />..~.~. <br /> <br />:;~:; <br /> <br />l <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />. 'W!ti.... my band.enci nolarl.f..a1 at <br />. dalufotesaid. <br /> <br />Mr~~lalonexPI"": <br /> <br />'.;;"" .,~.:.,:.......... ... <br />~........::...... "C <br />,."_ ... . .'~,_.Il.._ 1B~IIol..Tbbt.blo-'-F..LnuI..U>dll.._..) <br />""--, .., ......!:.:.::;:I.. <br /> <br />No,"" PubUo <br /> <br />Q_. .'.~ <br /> <br />.~:;~:' <br />o "ffi;! <br />.... 1 Z IL <br />cljD; ~ <br />co ''l! ~ <br />II)Q <br /> <br />M <br />. rwo). <br /> <br />) <br /> <br />~ <br />.: <br />~ 0- <br />~ ~ <br />" "- <br />... <br />~ >. <br />, <br />"- r-\:.~ <br />I( <br /> <br />en <br />x::- <br />es: <br /> <br /> <br />.... <br />.... <br />,.. <br />=> <br />J:laoZ <br />.... <br />~ <br />