<br />
<br />88-
<br />
<br />106250
<br />
<br />
<br />1bIaMortp&eloentendlnlobelween Jam"~ R, M"y"r & Deborah K. Meyer .'.,.. ..
<br />
<br />i=;::b;:L::d B:~:e . (he::~:~~:~~.~.;.II';W~ri
<br />
<br />140r!pi0r II Indebted to Mortgagee In the pdnclpellum of $ 2 U 000. 00 ,evidenced by Mortile.oti.~oi,6:~:.', ::::"'7;;,;>~.,
<br />dated. 11',..1 0:" 8 1\ (hemn "Note") p~'lhigfor ~yinenla of Prbiclpel imd Intetell, iiththe bi!iin~':~f'~~" , : "":. !.:~
<br />, 'Ind~~,~~ ~f.n~ll~ner pll~, due and payable on 11 -1 7 - 9 3 . .'. , .., " ;:.
<br />."." co- .:, To.iecnnllitepaymenlof the Note, with interest u'provlded Ihenln, the payment of.ell othersums,wlllllntellllt, ,; , ,: 'i'
<br />_adftnce4 by,J.ior!iliee 10 proteCt-the ..eurlty.of this Mortgage;.and the performance of the covenanla and ~",,"m~ntlijjf'
<br />"'e1dOrtgagor conle1ned ,liere1":, Mortgagor does hereby mortg.g. and convey to Mortgagee. the followlni.dfl,jillitied.
<br />',Proi.>eity located In Ha I I County, Nebl8lka:
<br />Lot Fifteen (IS) Qf Abrahamson's Subdivision of Block
<br />Fiorty-two (112) of Charles Wasmer's Second Addition to the
<br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Together with all buildings, lmprovements, ftxtures, streets, alleys, passageways, easements, rights, privileps and
<br />appurtenances located thereon or In anywise pertalning,lherelo, and Ihe rents, issues and profits. revenlonsand iemalnden
<br />theteofi Incliullng, but nolllmlted to, healing and cooling equipment and such personal.properly thai Is altachad:to the
<br />improvemenbt 10 is to ""nslitute a fixture; all of which, Including replacemente and additions Ihento, Is hereby declared
<br />to be a JIIIt.of the reel eslate secured by .Iho lion of Ihls l'dortgage and all of the fongolng being referred to herein u the
<br />. "PropertyU~
<br />
<br />Mortgagor furtherconvenanlaanc!.agrees, wllh Mortgagee, u follows:
<br />
<br />1. Payment. To pay the Indebtedness and the interest thereon as provided In Ihls Mortgage and the Note.
<br />
<br />2, Tille. Mortpgor II the owner 01 lbe Property, has the right and authority to mortgage the Property, and
<br />~la lhalthe lien cieBted hereby I, a filSl and prior lion "-~ the Property, excepI .. may otherwiJe be sel forth herein,
<br />
<br />K1ThePropertyi,aubJectloaMortgegewherein Conmercial Federal S8v.lngs & Loan Assn.
<br />. Doc. # 84-002732
<br />Ja l1!e Mortgagee, 18COrded at Mll_,I'IlIe_of.the Mortpge Reconisor Ha II County,
<br />Nebtulia, which MOrtgage iJ a Uen prior to t~e Uen created hereby.
<br />
<br />o Other prior liens or encumbrances:
<br />
<br />",.! .h_ " ' . . ,
<br />. .. ". ,~; .3.r.....,.A-nti. To pay. "hen due all taxes, speclel...essmeDts and all other cha,.es against the. Property
<br />arid;. uPoD wrilte\t demaDd by MDrtgBgee, to add 10 Ibe. payments re9uiied under the Note secured hereby, luch amouot u
<br />. '!'aY}~.,x~trJf!ep~to e,,"~ejhe~,topay such taxei;......m.n,ts orvl/1ercharge' u they become due_ .
<br />. '(:. ~.!e;TO' bepthe.llnpmeniente now or hereafter located on the reel estete descr1bed htm!ln Insund
<br />. '~:~byftie aDd oUch other baz.Ims as Morlgagee may require. In amounla and wllh compani.sacceplablolo the
<br />Yoit!peoe, ih~ with loss payable 10 the Mortgagee. In case at I... under such policies the Mortgagee Is authorized to
<br />,,' ;'" '~~~;~~d~~~;-lI\'i~-~Il~~ral!'clallIIsl1!e.!.i1~cIiir&t'lfsiol'- ojiti~n;'.~D~d~~lh,efaliP)y~e
<br />-. , ~,ici.-the'JIlI\ofllll\lll' ot.thePri>perty ,or "pon the .lnde\'''~secured hereby, 6ul. paymenti hereuodeutiall.con,
<br />~'~t!'~~~d~e~byBripltdlli'tuU;: ,- - -. ... .. . .
<br />,'c" 6: ,Olii.iO:":Fin:rrw....ndlliouiaaCe: Nolwlibatandilii anythlng,.onlelned in paragraphs 3 and.4 hereof.lo tho
<br />, . ,.;.m.~.-~ ,ihaII'I'Sy'.to tbo.YortCiiee.afuie tline oIpeying the moothly Insle1lirienla of princlpel andhilerest,
<br />.. _. ono-,twe11l11.. ottliOi yUr!Y:.taiiea..........ilii;1iUard, insuiOn...' premiums; and ground renti (It any) whiCh may atlaln .
<br />. ,.. ~,PitDitiY:m.er~l1iIs)"cidP&e. iii-ii ~b1y:..i1ma~from i1m. to tiine by the Morlgagee. 'lbe imounts xo peld shell lie
<br />.".. JIi!4:.""'~, ~ ,i#h~~ in~.aiid:~jiIiedto.!be paynimt or the. Items .in respect to which such atnounta wen
<br />_ _ .-;, ,: . ~ '~d ,to .J4l!~ h!niWide~:"",pledged uaddil!oi1al,aecurilY for the Indebtednesa secured bythla
<br />ahaII pay 10 Mortpgeilthe,amouot ot.any deficiency bel,yeen Ihe acltleltaxes, ......mente. Insunnce
<br />. _ : Rci"~tI, u.~' Ihe:.depc..ita- heieiin~ ~lhiR .10ilays .net aeinand'iJ made upon Mortpgor requesting
<br />pay~ ..""':'-"":-'"
<br />6;Rtpalri....~-.........ii,11.. To promptly repair, restore or rebuild any buildings or Improvements now or
<br />berUftorim:th8 ProPiriYi'to bOp :th,.Proporty In .ood condition and Illpelr. without Wllte, and me from mec:banlc'. or
<br />_ u.na not_ iapnaely lubordlnaleolto tha lien bereof:not to make. luffer or pennll any nuisance to exllt. nor 10 dlmin-
<br />lah Or lmpeIt I1iar "'lIe of tho PropOrty by any act or oinlsalcin to act: and to comply with all requlrelnonta 01 Isw wllh
<br />reopoelto the Property.
<br />
<br />