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<br />88- 106208 <br /> <br />.....1 of..... Borrower will live immedille nolice by mail to the <br />Leader. who may make proof of loss if not made promptly by <br />Borrower, and each insura""" company concerned is hcreby <br />autboriud and direcled lO make paymcnl for sucb loss directly 10 <br />Ibe 1.cnder illSlCld oflO lhe Borrower and lhe Lender jointly, and <br />Ibe insurance proceeds, or Iny pan Ihereof, may be applied by Ihe <br />LcIlder al ilS option cither to tile redUCIioo of lhe indebtedn... <br />~by secured or 10 lbe restOllltion or repair of !be propeny <br />damqed. In cva.. of foreclosure of Ihis inslrUmenl or olher transfer <br />of tide lO the monaqed propeny in extinluishmenl of the <br />iDdebledness secured hereby, 011 ri&h~ title and inlerest of the <br />Borrower in and to any insurlnce policies then iG force shall pass to <br />!be purcbascr or ..antee. <br /> <br />9. Thai IS addilionll Ind coUaleral security for tile paymenl of Ihe <br />aole described, and all sums to become due under lids instrument, <br />lbe Borrowcr hereby assilns 10 Ihe Lender 011 profots, revenues, <br />royaltic:s. riah15 and bencfilS accruing to the Bonower under any and <br />all oil and ... leases on said premises. witll lhe rilbl!O receive and <br />receipt for the same and apply Ihem 10 said indebtedness IS well <br />before as after deeault in the conditions of this instrument" and the <br />Lender may demand. sue Cor and recover any such payments when <br />due and payable, bUI sbaU nOl be required 50 10 do. This assisnmenl <br />is 10 lerminale and become nuUand void upon release of Ihis <br />insuumenL <br /> <br />10. ThaI tile Borrower will keep Ihe buildiop upon said premises <br />ia .oed repair. and neither commit nor permit waste upDn Slid land, <br />aor sulrer lbe said prcmises 10 be used for aoy unJawful purpose. <br /> <br />II. 'Ibol if the prcmixo, or any pan thereo~ be condemned under <br />Ibe power of eminenl domain. or acquired for a public use. tile <br />daasaIa awarded, the proceeds for tile taki... o~ or Ibe <br />COlIIidcratioo for such acquisilioo, 10 tile exleDl of tile full amount of <br />iadcllcctIDesI upoo Ibis insIrumeol and the DOle which il is siven 10 <br />IOCUn! remainiq Ullpaid, are hereby assiped by the Borrower lO the <br />Leader. and sball be paid fonbwitll 10 said Lender 10 be applied by <br />tile Jaua no IalIIUllt of the nell OIIlurins ins1l1lmcnlS of sucb <br />indeIIIednea. <br /> <br />12. The Borrower funber aarees WI should Ibis instrumenl and <br />Ibe 00lC secured hereby not be el;,ibJe for insl1l'lllCe uodcr !be <br />NIliooa1 Housin& Act wilbio a,bt moolbs from Ibe dale bereof <br />(wriuen SIIlCIIleol of any 01f1Cel' of the Depanmcol of Housins and <br />Urban Devdopmenl or autllo-= qenl of the Secretary of Housin3 <br />and Urban Developmeol dated sUboequcnlto !be oisbt monlhs' time <br />from Ibe dale of Ibis illSlrllmeO~ decliniJla lO insure said nole and <br />Ibis monpge. bei... deemed conclusive proof of such iodialbililYl, <br />tile Lender or holder of the nOle may. al its option. declare 011 sums <br />secured ~by immedialdy due and payable. NOIwilbs1andins the <br />foreaoinI, this optioo OIly nol be exercised by Ibe Leader or the <br />bolder of Ibe DOle when the indiBibiJity for insurance uoder tile <br />NaIiooaI Housin& A<:I is due 10 !be Lender's faiJon: lO remit tbe <br />l\IlHIpIe insurance premium 10 Ibe Depanmcol of HousinS and <br />Urban DevdopmeoL <br /> <br />13. 'Ibol if !be Borrower fails 10 make any payments of money <br />when tile same become due, or fails to conform lO and comply witll <br /> <br />any of lhe condilions or qrccments contained in .his ins.rumen.. or <br />tIIc nOle whicb it secures. lhen lhe cntire princ;ipal sum and .....ued <br />intcresl .haUal once become due and payable, al lhe el..ti... nf the <br />Lender. <br /> <br />Lender shall live notice 10 Borrower prior 10 acceleration <br />followinl Borrower9s breach of any covt.:ftInl or ..,cement in Ihis <br />inslrumenl (but nol prior 10 acceleration under parlllraph 12 unless <br />applicable law provides olherwisel. The nOlice shall ,pecify: (a) Ihe <br />defaul~ (bllhe action required to cure the defaull: (c) . dare. nOl less <br />Iban 30 days from lbe dale the nOlice is ,iven 10 Borrower. by which <br />the defaull must be cured; and (dl thai faaure 10 cure Ihe default on <br />or before Ihe dale specifoed in the ootice may resull in accelcration <br />of the sums secured by this insrrumeilland salc of Ihe Propeny. The <br />notice shall funher inform Borrower of lhe riShl to reinstate after <br />aca:lenlioR and the right to bring I court action to assert the non. <br />existence of. deflull or any other defense of Bonower to <br />acceleration and sale. If the deflull is not cured on or before the dale <br />specified in the notice, Lender It its option may require immedialc <br />paymenl in full of all sums secured by this instrument witlloul <br />funher demand ood may invoke the power of sale and any otber <br />remedies permitted by applicable law. Lender ,hall be entilled 10 <br />oollcct all Clpcnses incurred in pUDuing the remedies provided in <br />tIIis parlsraph 13, iocludins. bUI nOllimited 10, reasonable <br />1II0rneys' fees and costs of title evidence. <br /> <br />If Ibe power of sale is invoked. Trustee shaU record a notice of <br />defaull in each coUIIly in which any pan of the Propeny is Iocoted <br />aod shall mail copies of ,uch notice in !be manner prescribed by <br />applicable law to Borrower and lO the otller persons prescn'bcd by <br />applicablc law. After the lime required by applicable law, Trustee <br />shall give public notice of sale to the persons and in the manner <br />prescribed by applicable law. Trustee, without demand on Borrower, <br />shall seUIbe Propeny II public auction lO Ibe hisbcst bidder IlIbe <br />lime and place and uader Ibe lClIlIS dcsipated in !be notice 0( sale <br />in one or more parocls and in any order Trustee de1crmines. Trustee <br />may poslpone sale of all or any parcel of tile Propeny by public <br />aonouncemenl al the time and place of any previously scbeduIed <br />sale. Lender or ilS dcsipee OIly pun:lwe tile Propeny at any IIIe. <br /> <br />Upon receipt of paymeol of Ibe price bid. Trustee shall deliver to <br />lbe purchaser Trustee's deed conveyin, !be Propeny. The reciIaIs in <br />!be Trustee', deed sba1I be prima facie evidence of !be truth 0( tile <br />SlllemenlS made therein. TrilS\ee shall apply tile proceeds of tile sale <br />in the followi.. order. (al 10 all elpenses of !be sale, indudin& bol <br />not limited 10, Trwtee', fees IS permilted by applicable law and <br />reasonable altorneys' fees; (h) to 011 ,ums secured by Ihis Security <br />Instrumeo~ and (cl ooy emcD to the person or persons IcpUy <br />entitled to iL <br /> <br />14. Upoo accelcralioo under 13 or abandooment of the <br />Propeny. Leoder (in person, by qenl or by judicially appoioted <br />rellCiver) sba1I be eotitled lO enter upon, like possession of and <br />lIWlIIc \be Propeny and lO c:oIIect Ibe rents of !be Propeny <br />indudin& tIIuse pasI due. Any reolS collecled by Lender or \be <br />receiver shall be applied rust 10 pa)'lllelll of Ibe COSIS of lIIIDIJIeIIIeot <br />or Ibe Propcny aad ..,Uectino of rents, indudi.... bUl nOllimited 10. <br />receiver's fees. premiums DO receiver's bonds and reasonable <br />IIIOmey's fees. and tbeo 10 \be ,ums secured by this insrrumeoL <br /> <br />"-3ot5 <br /> <br />HUD-lZ1aDT-I <br /> <br />u <br />