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<br />............ LoMer...- .... ..... faIo_ <br /> <br />r. Thalllorrowa will pay \he indebledllCSl, II .....inbel_ <br />provKlod. Privi. is resened 10 pay IIIe debl in whole or in part on <br />any insllllmenl due 1Ia... <br /> <br />2. Tha~ lopIber wilb. and in addition 10, IIIe IIIOl\lhly payments <br />01 p<incipol and i_ payable uader lbe lerms or lhe IIOlC ICCllred <br />bcreby. \he Bono_.11I pay 10 the Lender, oa \he fint day ol_h <br />monlh unUll"'said IlOlC is fully paid. lhe followinl IUms: <br /> <br />(a) A I1IJI\ oquallD \he ....und ..n... if any. nul due. plUltbe <br />premiu"" IhaI will Dell become due and payable on policies or fi.. <br />ancI 0Ihcr _ i_ awerinl \he property. plUI ..... and <br />0ISCSIIIIeIIlI ...1 due 011 \he poopeny (GIlos.-rrd b, 1M uNkr) <br />.... all "'"" alrally paid therefOl divided by lbe number 01 monlhs <br />10 elapse bef_ one (I) lIIo.nll prior 10 \he dale when IUCh lround <br />..n... premiullll, ..... and .........niO will become deliquen~ such <br />sums 10 be held by Lender in lrust to pay said Iround ren... <br />premiums. ta... and specill......."ents; and <br /> <br />(b) All payments menlioned in lbe plecedinl subsection of Ihis <br />.......pb and all payments 10 be mode under \he IIOlC secured <br />bcreby shall be added lDFlher. and lhe .......le amounl\hereol <br />sIWl be paid by the Borrower each mon,h in I sinlle payment 10 be <br />applied by the Lender 10 \he followinl in the order set forth: <br /> <br />(I) pound rents, lU", fi.. and OIher hlllrd illSur- <br />anee premiums; <br /> <br />(11) inten:st 011 \he IlOlC secured; <br /> <br />(111) amortiution 01 \he principal olsaid nOle; and <br /> <br />(IV) late chalJl'S- <br /> <br />Any derociency in lbc amounl 01 such .......le moothly <br />s1W~ unl... made load by lhe Borrower prior 10 lbc due dale ollhe <br />_I ...... payme:f~ CDIISIiIUle an even. 01 deflul. under Ihis <br />mor\pF. The Lender may collect a -late charae" not 10 e.ceecI four <br />cents (4C) for each dollar (SI) of each payment m_ 'hon fifteen <br />(15) days in arrears 10 ClIver lhe ..Ira expense involved in handlinl <br />delinquenl paymenlS. <br /> <br />3. Thai if the lOtaI or \he payments made by lbc Bonower under <br />(a) or parqrapb 2 precedinl sIWl e.ceecllhe amounl of payments <br />ll:lually made by lbc Lender for lround rents, ..... and ......ments <br />01 illSurallClt: premiums. as I'" case may be. such ex..... if lite loan is <br />curren~ all'" option 01 ,... Borrow.r. slullI be credited by the <br />Lender on subsequent payments 10 be made by I'" Borrow.r. or <br />refunded 10 the Borrower. IF. ho....ever. the monlhly JlIymcn15 made <br />by lhe Bonowe, under (a) 01 paral"ph 2 plecedinl sholl nol be <br />suffICient to pay arou.od rents, tales and assessmen15 or insurance <br />premiums. .. ,he case may be. when the sam. sIWl become due and <br />payable. then lbc Borrower slullI pay 10 lhe Lender Iny amount <br />necessary '0 make up the deficiency. <>n or belore the dale when <br />plyment of such lround rents. lales, assessmenlS,. or insUf"lnce <br />premiums shall be due. If at any .im. lhe Bonower sholl lender '0 <br />the I..eftder, in u:cordaDce willi lite pro"ision5 or the nOle secured <br />hereby, lull paymen' oIlhe en,ire indebtedn... tep,esalled ' <br />the Lender sba1I. in CIImpulinllhe Imoun' of sucb ind.b'edn.... <br />credit 10 Ibe account of lhc BorTowcr any balance remaininl in the <br />IUDds occumu1a\ed under lhe prOVisiOIlS 01 (a) of parqrlph 2 hereol. <br />If Ibere sIiaII be a c1efault under any of the provisions ollhis <br />instrumenl resuIIina in a public sal. oI'he premises covered hereby. <br /> <br />88- 10~2OS-- <br />01 il ,he Lender ar:quUG me property OIberwlse ~Ier defaul~ ,he <br />Lender shall .pp1y, a"be time of lite 01 such <br />proc:eedinp, or II die 'ime lbe propeny is otherwise ar:quired. lite <br />....nce lhen ..mlininl in lhe lunds occumullled under (I) of <br />...qrapb 2 precedin.. as a credit apinst the Imount of principal <br />then remaininl unpaid under said note. <br /> <br />4. Thai !he Borrower will pay Iround ..nts. ...... ......ments, <br />waler ...... and OIher IIlvemmental or municipal chara... fi_ or <br />impositions, lor which provision has nol been made bereinbef_. <br />and in default lhereof lhe Lender may pay ,he same; and lhal lite <br />Bonower will promptly deliver lhe ofrocial receipts 'h.relor 10 lhe <br />Lender. <br /> <br />5. The Borrower will pay III ..... which may be Icvied upon the <br />Lender's inlCrcst in Slid real estate and improvcmeJlas, and which <br />may be levied upon this inslrUmen' or lhe debt secured hereby (but <br />only 10 lbe utenllhol such is nOl prohibi.... by law and only 10 lite <br />e.len' lhol such will nOl make 'his loan U1UriOUl). but e.c1udinl any <br />income .... S"le or Federal, imposed on Lend.r. anil will file Ihe <br />offICial receipt showinl such paymen' willl lite Lender. Upon <br />violation of Ihis unde...kinl. or if lbe Borrower is prohibi.... by any <br />law now or hereal'er ..istinl lrom payinl lite whol. or any ponion <br />01 the II0resaid ...... or upon the renderinl of any coun deaee <br />prohibi'i., lhe paymenl by ,he Bonower of any such ...... 01 if <br />sucb law or decree provides lhol Iny amounl so paid by lite <br />Borrower slullI be credited on lite debt. lite Lender sholl hove .... <br />nahl to sive ninety days' written notice to the owner oltlle premises, <br />requirinllhe of Ih. debt. If such nOlice be liv.n. lhe said <br />debt slullI becom. due. ""yabl. and eoIlec11ble II ,he e.piration of <br />said ninety da)"i. <br /> <br />6_ ThaI should Ih. Borrower Ilillo pay any sum or keep Iny <br />(DyeD_Dt provided ror in this instrumcnl. lhen the Lender. I' its <br />option, mlY payor perform Ibe sam., and all e.pendilures so made <br />shall be added '0 tbe principal sum owiDl on lbe said DOle, sItaIl <br />be secured and shall bear in_al lite rale set forth in lbe <br />said nOle. paid. <br /> <br />7. Thallhe Borrower hereby usil'" lransfers and sets over 10 lite <br />Lender. 10 be applied IDwanl lbc paymenl of lite nole and alllums <br />secured hereby in case of a deflul. in the performance of any or the <br />lerms and conditions of this instrumenl OIlbc said nOle. all the rents. <br />revenues and illCllme 10 be derived from \he said premises durinl <br />such time as the indebtedness slullI ..main unpaid, and the Lender <br />shall hove power In appoinlany ....,1 or aaents i, may desi.. for lhe <br />purpose of repairin. said p..mises and of renli~llhe sam. and . <br />collcctinl the rents- revenues Ind income. and.. may pi)' oul of Slid <br />incomes III expenses of rcpairinB said premises Ind necessary <br />commissions and expenses incurred in reDlin.lnd manqin. lhe <br />same and 01 collec.inl ren..1s lIte..lrom; .he balance remainin.. il <br />any. 10 be applied .oward 'he dischorae of said indebtedn.... <br /> <br />8. That the Borrower will keep lbc improvemcnlS now existinl or <br />hereal'er .rected 00 lhe property, insured as may be required from <br />time '0 ,ime by ,he Lender apinstloss by fire and other hazards. <br />casualties and;.. in such amounts and lor such periods .. <br />may be required by the Leader Ind will pay promptly. w"'n due. <br />any premiums on sucb insurlnce, provision for paymenl of wllich <br />.... nol been made b.reinbelore. All illSurance shon be carried in <br />CIImpanies Ipproved by the Lender and lite polici.. and renewols <br />Ih.reol slullI be h.ld by lhe Lender and hove II..ched ,her.,o loss <br />paYlbl. c1a1L''' in lavor ollnd in lorm acceptabl. 10 ,h. Lender. In <br /> <br /> 2 of 5 <br /> <br />,'3DT-, <br />