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<br />6 Itnlntnt OomMft, Londor II nlleby Alllgned III componl.llon Uralt" dlm_o"" nlll' OIl'fll pltVmonl1 or rollel lnorolnllllor "Proceedl"", m connoCllon wlln <br />condemnlllonorOlh.r'llllngollhl Prop.r'1 01 part lheleal. 01 101 COn'tlylntll ,nllIlU otconllomnl'llmll Londer Ihlll bllenUllod III III opllon 10 commoneD. IIppOAf In.nd <br />"rouculeln III own "Im.ln1ICllon or proc..,dlngl. Ind GhlUIIIO bl entlllad 10 mAll" orn.,. complomlle 01 .lllIemenlln connocllon wnh such Inking or damlgD, In the <br />eftn' any portion ollhe P'Opert1"10 lakln or dlmlged, Lender Ih.lI h.,,, Iho opllon, In III lole and ablolule dl,crellan. 10 apply allluch Proceod.. aller deduCllng <br />lhenl'rom alleo."and I..pens..lncurred by II In connlctlon wllfl luch proceed'. upon any lndebllldnllll .ecured hereby and In luch order II Lender may delllrmlno, or 10 <br /> <br />GO ~=,:::.=.h :~::,,:.':~~~~rO~u::,,::,.::.e:~~n;~~od~: ~~'~;':,';"~~:~~:~~~~:' NU:'~~O:u,~;o'~~:'~'~I~~'~~.~~;~~~.":~~ ~:::~~~o~ An, IPplleoUon 01 Procoodl 10 <br /> <br />.,.. 1. PIftonMnCIIItrLendlr.ln thee....nt of BorraWtl,'1 fallule to plllrlolm any or thecovenenl. herein or make any plymenl. leqUlled hereby. or II any act II taken or <br />... legnl procwdlngcommenced which malerilllyallec11 Lender'slnlllrellln Ihe Property. Lender m.y In III own dllcrellon. bul Without obllgaUon to dOlO. and without noUce <br /> <br />CC ::~d,O=~~:::~~:,~~;,::~~~~~'~:~~:I~go~~~~:~~~~~':~~'~~~I~'~";~~~:;~~~',~::~~~~~:~~~~~~: ~:: ~~~:'''d~~~\1~~:~,d~:..:.~:~:~:~~~:,~:..~~~r :,,~I: <br /> <br />o ..pended byLende, incenneetlon with the eJlefC1aebyLende, 01 the foregoing righls.together with Inlerest thereon allhe rate provided In the Note. which Ih.1I be added to <br />.... the Indwtednns NCUnld hereby, Lender shall nollncur .ny personlllllblhty beCaule, or Inythin\! It may do or omit 10 do hereunder <br /> <br />I!I E""taof Del.... Thelollawlng Ihlll constllute an event 01 delault under thll Deed 01 Trust <br /> <br />I') Failurelo ply any installment 01 prinCipal or InllHesl or any olher sum secured hereby whendue, or failure to pay when due any other indebtednlKsol <br />Borrower to Lender. <br /> <br />(bl A braach of or delaull under any provIsion conlained In the Note. Ihis Deed 01 Trusl. any document which securosthe Nole. and any olher <br />encumbrance upon the Property: <br /> <br />(c) A writ or eJ.&cutlon or auachment or any similar process shall be entered against Borrowerwhlch shan become alien on tne Property or any pori Ion <br />thereof or interest therein: <br /> <br />(d. There shall be filed by or against Borrower an aclion under any present or future federal. stille or other slatute, law or regulaUon relating to <br />bankruptcy, insolvency or otherrelieffordeblors: orthereshaU be appointed anytruslee, receiver or liquidator 01 Borrower or 01 all or any part of the P,operly, or <br />the rents, issues or prollts thereof. or BOffDwer shall make any generalllssignment for the benellt of credllor'l. <br /> <br />(e) The sale, transfer. a..19nmen!. conveyance or IUrlhe' encumbrance of all or any pari of or any lnteresl in lhe Properly. elther volunfllrily or <br />involunlarily. Without theeKpl'8n W'titlen consent or Lender <br /> <br />(II II Borrower 15 nOlanindividual. Ihesale, transfer, 8uignmenl. conveyance or encumbrance 01 more than - pereent 01 (11 a c:orporalionllts <br /> <br />issued and outstanding stock or (ir a partnership) _ percent 01 parlnershlp Interests <br /> <br />9. R...cIn; I\cceIM'aUon Upon Ihtaun..ln the event of any Event 01 Default Lender may declare all indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the <br />$Ime shall thereupon become due and payable witnoutany presentmen1. demand. prolest or notice of any klnd_ Thereafler Lender may <br /> <br />(al Demand thatTrusleee..erclse,he POWER OF SALE granted herein. aM Trustee shall therealler causeBonower.s inlerest In the Property to be sold <br />and lhe proceecJsto be dlstnbuled, all in lhe manner prOVided In the Nebraska Trusl Deeds Act <br /> <br />(bl Eilher in pelSOn or b)' IIgenl, WIth or wlthoul bnnglng any aclion or proceeding. or by a rece1Ver appOinted by a court and wilhoul regard 10 the <br />adltQu&CYof ib security. enlerupon and talle possession of the Property. or any part thereof. In lis own name or to the name oUhe Trustee. and do an)' ectswhich <br />it deeml necessary or desIrable to preserve the value, mllrketablllly or rentability 01 the Properly. Of part thereol or interest therein, increase the income <br />therelrom or protect the securily hereof and, ",Ilh or wllhoul IlIklOg possession 01 the Properly. sue for or otherwise coUect the renls, issues and prolltsthereol, <br />including Ihose paSI due and unpaid, anc1apply the same. less costs and expenses of operAtion and collecllon Including attorneys' tees. upon any iodl!'bl8dnelS <br />secured hereby. all in such order as Lender may c1etermme, The enteflng upon and taking possession 01 the Property. Ihe collection of such rents. issues and <br />proritaand the application 1hereof as aforesaid. shall not cure or waIve any defaull or nollce of default hereunder orinvalidate any act done In response to such <br />c1efault or pursuant to such nolice of default and, nol."thslandlng Ihe continuance In PO'5SeS~lon of the Property or the collection. receipt and application of <br />rents,lasUOlorprofib. Trustee or Lender shall be entllled 10 eaerclse every right prOVided for," any ollhe Loan tnstruments orby law upon occurence 01 any <br />evenl of defaul1, Including the IIghlto exercise the power 01 sale. and <br /> <br />(el Commence an action to foreclose thIS Deed 01 Trusl as a mortgage. .appomt a receiver, or SpeClllcally enforce any ollhe covenants hereof; <br /> <br />No remedy herein conferred upenor reserved to Trustee Of Lenc1er IS Intended 10 be excluSIl/e 01 Bny olher remedy herem or by law prOVided or permItted. but each shall be <br />cumulative, shall be In addition to every olherremedy gIven hereunder Of now or herealler ealstlng allaw or In eqUlly or by sta1ute. and may be eaercised concurrenlly. <br />independently orsucceasively <br /> <br />10. y,...... The Trustee may resign a1 anytIme "'Ithout cause. and Lender may at any time and Without causeappomt a successor or substllute Truslee, Trustee <br />shill not be liablefOf any IDSI or damage unless due to actIonable negligence or wllllul mlsconducl. and shall nol be reqUired 10 take any actIOn in connection wilh the <br />enforcement of thil Deed or Trus1 unless mdemmlled. In wntlng. 10r.II costs. compensatIOn or eapenses which may be assocIated tnerewlth In addltlon. Trustee may <br />beComeapurchner.,anysaleol IheProperly (judiCIa' or under the power 01 sale granled nereml postpone Ihe sale 01 all or any portion of the property, as prOVIded by law; <br />or sell the Property .. . whDie. or in separate parcell or lots <br /> <br />11. ,....~ upon request of Borrower. Lender may, ill lis optIOn. make addltlonat and future advances and readllances to Borrowsr. Such advances and <br />readvancet. wilh Intef'eJ1 thereon. shall be $Ocuredtly thiS Deed 01 Trust At no time ~hall thl!' principal amount of the IndebtedneS! secured by this ~ of Trusl, not In- <br /> <br />cluding.&U~advancedloprolect thesecufllyo! lhls Deed 01 Trus1. exceed tl1eong'nal pnnc.pal amounl slated herem. or S 17 r 500 on . whlcheV8ris <br />greater. <br /> <br />12. ........... ProwfIiona, <br /> <br />I <br />00 <br />IX) <br /> <br /> <br />lal ~ NoI ~ EIltl!'nslon 01 tn!!' lime lor paymen1 or modlhcatlon of amorllzallon of the sums secured bV tl11S Deed at Trust granted by <br />L.ender to any 5Ucceltor in intere51 of Borrower snail nol operate to release. m any manner. the 11ablllty 01 tne onglOlll Borrower and Borrower's successors In <br />in1erest. Lendershall not be requlfed to commence procltfldlngs against SuCh successor or reluse loe..tend 11me lor payment or otherwise modify amortization <br />ollhe sums secured by 1hia Deed 01 Trust by reuon at IlTlY demands made by the ongmal Borrower and BDTTOwer's successors 10 mtelest <br /> <br />(bl ~Powen. WlthoulafleC1mg 111e h.bllll~ 01 any olher person liable lor the payment of any obligation herem mentioned, and wlthout aflectmg <br />1he lienorchargeotthis DeecI of Trust upon anv portion ollhe Proper1y nOllhen or theretofore released as 5ecunly for!hefullamount or all unpaId obligations. <br />Lendet"may. from time to time and without nollce (II relenEl "-"1Y perlon so hable. III) eJl1end lhe mlltunly or alter any ollhe terms 01 any such obligations.liijl <br />grantotheflndulgences, {ivl releale or reconlley, or causeto be released orrecomrf!Yed at any tIme at Lender's optlanu,ny parcel. porllan or all 01 the Property, <br />(1l'llIIke or release any D1her or addlllonal securllvtor any obligation herem menlloned. or {VI} make compoSlhons or ather arrangements With debtors in relation <br />tho""". <br /> <br />Icl ~ br L8ndItr NDla ..tnt. Any 10rbearance by Lender In eaerclSlng anv TIght or remedy hereunder. or altorded by applicable <br />la.,shall notbea ..-aiwerol orprecludetheeaerCl&e 01 any such flgnt or remedy The procurl!'ment of Insurtmce OT the payment 01 or olher liens or Charges <br />by Lender shall no1 be a walvet" or L't'nder.s flghtto accelerate Ihe maturlly 01 the mdl!'btedness secured by lhls Deed at Trust. <br /> <br />(dl ~............. Bound: .Io1nt and s.-raI LlablIttr. c.pUonl. The cOl/enanls and agreements herein contamed shall bifid. and the flghts <br />heRJUndershan inure to, the respective successors and assIgns or LenoeT iIInd Borrower. sub/ec1to the prOVISions 01 paragraph 8 leI hereot All CO\1manls and <br />agreementsolBonowershall be jOint and seweral The r.:ap110ns and headings olthe paragraphs of this Deed 01 Trust are lor convenience only and art! not 10 be <br />used'o mtefpret or define the provI,lons hereof <br /> <br />(0) IllqUnttorNotlcn.. Thepartie. heret'ly ntQueltthltacopy alan'll nollce 01 default hereunder and a cop.,. 01 any notice of sale hereunder be mailm:lto <br />each partytothil Deed otTrust at theaddre51 setlorlh above m the manner pfelCflbed by applicable law, E..cept for any othernolice required undar applicable <br />t..., 10 be gfY8R In another manner. any notice provlded fot In lhls Deed 01 Trust snail be gIVen by malting such notice by certIfied mill addressed 10 the other <br />parttel, at lhe addres. set ;orth above <br /> <br />Any notice provided for in lhl, Deed 01 TrUlt shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower Of Lender When gIven in 1he manner c1esignated herem. <br /> <br />(II InapedIoft.Lendertnllymake or CIlUMI10bemade reuonableenttles upon and inllpecliansol theProper1)'. provldedlhlt Lendershall give Borrower <br />notice priorlo any lIuch inspeaion specifying ..asanabla cause therlllor related to Lende(s interest In the Property. <br /> <br />{Sit ~,.nce, Upon payment ot aUlum. MCUll!ld b't thlli Deed of Trus1. Lender shall reQuest Trustee to teConveythe Property and Shall surrender <br />thIS Deed of Trull and all notn eVldenc,"g IndeblednMssecured bV thll Deed 01 Trusl to Trustee, Trustee shall reconveylhe Property ",.lhoul .arranty end <br />withOut ChafgtlIO the pIIfSOrl or person. legally entitled thereto SUCh person or peT1ions shall pay all costS 01 recordatIon. II any <br /> <br />Ih} ..--- ~.s.curttrAg....-..L AI addltlonlisecullly lor the payment 01 the Note all tlnures,equlpment and other ptlfSon.a1 property used <br />incannectll~mwilhthefUl estateorimprovememllDCll1ed1hereOn, and nDlolherwlse declared or deemed tobe a partol the real estate secured hereby. &hall be <br />.ubjectto~ .....-urtty in1erelt intavor oItheLender undprtheNetlraw Unrlorm CommercIal Code ThIS in'JIrum..nt shall be construed uaSecunly Agreement <br />vndersaic1Code,anc1the Lendershllll heWl.a1l1he nght.and remechelot a Mcured party under uid Code in additlOn'o'he flgh1Sand ",,"edi~-created under <br />and accorded the Lender pursuant 10 this DMd or T fUll. <br /> <br />(I) ......... In the e-ent. that an.,. FD"'tSlon 01 this Deed of Trust conflict wI1h .applicable law or aredecllred invalid or otherwise unenforceable. such <br />confIK:i orrnvaHdityshall nD'lanectthe orther provtllon. of thl. Deed otTrust or tne Note which can be given ettec1Wl1nout the conlllctmg proVISion, and to1h15 <br />end1he prowiSiOM oIlhe Deed 01 TrUl1.nd lhe declared 10 be severable <br /> <br />~ hUellKU1ed thiS D..cI 01 Trua1IM dl1e wrJn8fl abOYe <br /> <br />/ruMLL i a;.-mJY1 t? A -M.O.M ./ <br />(~ J. Z mme arl'f"o"" <br />. (//J?7J[' L~rU,t;'7??~""'-- <br />( ay ond E. Zimmel'fllBnt' <br />